I Promise. Niall Horan Fanfic.

Bởi showerofcuntsx3

16.4K 470 73

What happens when seemingly normal teenager Andrea Stark, a Senior in high school who planned on finishing sc... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Letter.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N: Information regarding Sequel.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 8

539 15 1
Bởi showerofcuntsx3

Later that night... 

I sat in bed unable to sleep. I glanced over at the clock on my nightstand. The time read 4:09 AM I've been laying awake in bed for hours. My inability to stop thinking is keeping me up.

I was thinking about Niall. I don't know what it is about him that drives me crazy, but I love it. His perfect blue eyes, his smile, his laugh. Just about everything.

Tonight I ended up sleeping in my room. Niall had gone up to bed as soon as we got home from dinner, while I stayed downstairs watching a movie with Liam. I felt uncomfortable just walking into his room so I figured it would be a great time to try out my bed.

I was wrong, this bed is horrible and this room is freezing.

After tossing and turning for another hour I finally gave up on sleep. I decided to go down and explore the kitchen a little. All this laying around was making me hungry.

I slowly got out of bed, making the least about of noise possible. I stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath I opened the door stepping outside.

The hardwood floors squeaked every now and then, but it was nothing too bad. I was extra careful on the stairs, making sure to hold onto the railing taking very small steps.

Once I finally made it to the kitchen I turned on the lights.

I looked around opening the cabinets and drawers. Scanning the counter top, opening the fridge and freezer.

All I found was junk. Nothing even remotely appetizing.

I decided on a few bars of fruits and nuts. They were actually pretty good.

I sat up on the counter with the box and a bottle of cold water.

I was happily munching away on my little bars of nutty heaven when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around to find Annette standing in the doorway.

We smiled at each other.

She walked over to the counter across from me and sat down.

"Can't sleep either?" She asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded, unable to speak. I took a sip of water before speaking. "Yea, I've been up for hours. Are you hungry?"

She nodded.

I smiled handing her the box of bars.

We happily sat in silence for a few minutes, while munching away at our snack.

She suddenly spoke catching my attention. "What are the odds."

I nodded taking another bite.

"How are you?" She asked seemingly genuine.

"Good, things are better now. What about you?"

She took another bite.

"I got my own place, and a new job. Everything is better now."

"I'm glad you're okay. It's great to see you again, you look so much better."

"What about you? Your mom."

I shrugged. "Ehh. It's different, I just wish it was better."

She nodded indicating she understood. "I was actually thinking about you the other day."

I cocked my head to the side. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yea, I actually bumped into one of the girls at the supermarket and we got to talking and your name came up."

"Ohh. Well, now isn't the best time to really talk about this. I know it's late but I don't wanna risk the boys hearing us, it's not something I'm proud of."

She nodded. "I understand completely."

We continued on talking for a while longer until a half asleep Liam walked in.

"Early risers I see." He joked.

We all laughed.

"We bumped into each other down here a while ago."

"I see, well I think Zayn is looking for you."

Annette nodded.

"Well I think I'll go wake Niall up." I said getting up, following Annette.

Liam nodded, walking over to the fridge.

We ran upstairs parting at boys' doors. I slowly crept into Niall's room careful not to make too much noise. I slowly walked up to the bed, Niall looked so peaceful. I almost felt bad about waking him up. Almost.

I jumped on the bed, straddling him at the hips.


His eyes shot open in shock.

I smiled. "Good morning."

He rubbed his eye in an attempt to wake up. He squinted his eyes trying to adjust to the morning light. "Good morning love."

I smiled back pecking his cheek.

He yawned. "But was in necessary to attack me?"

I laughed. "What are we doing today?"

He shrugged. "I don't know? What's today?"

I thought for a minute. "Monday."

He pouted. "You go back to school tomorrow."

I nodded.

I don't want to go back to school. I wanna stay with Niall and the boys and Kelly. I love being around all of them, it feels so natural.

"You okay?"

I looked down at him and nodded.

He reached out for my waist gently pushing me off of him. He slowly rolled out of bed, towards the bathroom.

"Let me shower and we'll go out. Okay?"

I noddded walking towards the door.


I heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Andrea?"

"In the bathroom."

I heard footsteps approaching. Seconds later Niall popped his head in the doorway wearing blue jeans and a white V-neck along with black Vans. "Ready?"

I nodded. "Just let me get some shoes."

I walked over to my bag grabbing a pair of nude pumps, checking myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a thin royal blue long sleeve tucked into a pair of khaki high waisted shorts with a thin black belt.


I nodded walking over to the dresser grabbing my glasses.

"What are we doing today?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure? You pick today."

"Alright, but food first. I'm starving."

He laughed walking towards the door.

"Should I call one of the boys or do you wanna go alone?"

I shrugged. "I don't know? I don't wanna risk being seen, but if we call the guys we draw more attention to ourselves."

"Well, I don't know then?"

I sigh walking over to the bed sitting on the edge.

He stood in the doorway looking back at me. "What's wrong love?"

"I hate having to hide, and worrying about being seen with you guys. I hate knowing that every time I go out with you I'm risking the little privacy I have left."

He ran his hand through his hair, worry write all over his face.

"I.. I know it's hard, I really do. It's not fair to you. I'm sure it's hard enough being you as it is." He was pacing back and forth in front of the dresser.

He sighed. "I'm sorry."

I gave him a weak smile. "It's not your fault. It's neither of our faults. This is just how things are. We can't change them."

He walked over to the bed siting next to me. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded indicating he continue.

"Where do we stand?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we've been spending a lot of time together and I don't know I just-"

I cut him off. "Where do you want us?"

He sighed. "I like you."

I smiled blushing a bit. "I like you too."

"But this." He said pointing back and forth between us. "Isn't going to be easy."

I laughed. "Wouldn't be any fun otherwise."

"Does this mean you're gonna go out in public with me?" He joked.

I nodded.

"And what's going to happen when people start asking questions and the rumors start?"

I shrugged. "As far as everyone is concerned we're just good friends hanging out. We can have friends can't we? Besides it's no ones business who we hang out with."

He smiled. "Good. Now let's go I'm starving."

We laughed walking towards the door.


Niall looked down at me with a worried expression.

"Are you sure about this?

I nodded with confidence "Yes. I want this this."

Niall scrunched up his nose. "Are you positive?"

I laughed. "Yes I'm definitely sure. I want it."

"Won't it hurt?" He asked looking down at the needle.

I laughed. "I'm sure it will. But I'm willing to take the the pain. It's only going to last for a little while."

He looked down at me in disbelief.

I smiled up at him handing him my phone. I figured I might upload the video, I've been neglecting my followers a bit.


Niall looked over at the guy and nodded.

He was a tall muscular red head with tattoo filled arms and an eyebrow piercing and snakebites. He wore a tight fitting muscular shirt with the sleeves cut off. He looked like he could brake me in half with one swift move, yet I was trusting this man.

He walked over to his work station grabbing a pair of black latex gloves and a metal tray with a small needle, a cork, a marker, an alcohol pad, and a tiny studded earring.

The man walked over to me, putting on his gloves. He set the tray down on a table close by. He looked down at me and I nodded, reassuring him I was going to go through with it. He took the alcohol pad braking the little seal. He rubbed it all around my nose.

"Where do you want it?" he asked in a deep voice, much deeper than I'd thought it'd be.

"Left." I said hovering my finger over the correct nostril.

He nodded placing a small purple dot on the center of the skin. He stepped back a bit looking down at my face.

He grabbed a mirror from the table and handed it to me.


I held up the mirror to my face examining the dot. I moved the mirror closer then further away. I looked over at Niall.

He nodded in approval, as did I.

"Perfect." I said handing him back the mirror.

He nodded. "Okay, just give me a second."

I looked over at Niall and smiled. He raised an eyebrow at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

The man grabbed a bottle of alcohol and a paper towel, rubbing the needle and stud clean.

He looked down at me and kindly smiled.

"Ready kid?"

I nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

I really wish they'd stop asking over and over again. I was sure of this.

He grabbed a metal clasp placing it in my nose. It was cold and wet, and smelled like alcohol. He pinched the skin tight and with his right hand grabbed the needle. He positioned it right on top of the purple dot, examining it several times to make sure the hole would be straight. After a few more looks he pressed down on the skin ripping a hole through my nostril.

I'm not going to lie it really did hurt, but I wouldn't dare admit it. My eyes began to water and I started blinking rapidly trying to rid myself of the tears.

Once the needle was almost all the way through he placed the cork on the sharp tip, careful not to prick himself. He slowly pulled it all the way through, inserting the stud as the needle exited the hole.

I scrunched my nose a few times trying to get the feeling back. It was uncomfortable, I'd have to get use to it.

"You like it?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you very much,"

I looked over at Niall and smiled. "Do you like it?"

He smiled, and whispered "I love it."

"You don't think it's too much?"

He laughed shaking his head. "You can hardly see it."

I laughed at how silly I sounded.

I waved at my phone and smiled. "Bye."

We walked over to the register and paid the man. Niall refused to let me pay saying it was I gift. After a minute of arguing I finally gave in and let him pay, he also added a generous tip.

We said our goodbyes and thanked the men on our way out.

We walked over to the parking lot. Finn was waiting for us. We decided on just taking Finn, we weren't drawing too much attention to ourselves but we had someone with us just in case things got out of hand.

He kindly opened the door for us before walking back to the wheel.

He looked back at us and smiled. "Where too kids?"

Niall and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"What's next love?"

I shrugged. "You pick the next one."

"Well I have no idea?"

I laughed. "What time is it?

I looked down at my watch. "It's 1:30"

"Shit. Take us back home. I agreed to do a Twitcam with the boys, they're going to kill me."

I laughed. "It's okay, I'm tired anyway."


I heard the boys shouting and laughing.

"Sounds like they already started."

Niall smiled, grabbing my hand. "Come on."

I walked over to the boys and smiled. They all waved at me before going back to the fans.

"Look who just walked in." shouted Zayn

Niall walked over to where the boys were standing.

"Hey guys." He said smiling.

Liam looked down at the laptop on the counter and read a tweet out loud.

"Erin wants to know where you were?"

"Well Erin, I was out running some errands."

Harry looked over at me and smiled. He mouth "Nice." Referring to my new piercing and giving me a thumbs up.

I quickly mouth back a "Thank you."

"Alexia wants to know who you're talking to Harry?"

My eyes widened almost instinctively. I rapidly shook my head before mouthing a stern "No."

All the boys laughed.

"Just a friend of ours."

Luckily the boys quickly changed the subject.

"Zayn, they want to know about that mysterious brunette you've been hanging out with."

A low chuckle escaped Zayns lips. "Just a friend. I do have friends you guys."

The boys continued on with the twitcam for at least another hour. They sang a few songs for the fans, giving them a sneak peak at a few of the songs from the new album. Niall played the guitar for them, everyone requesting song left and right.

They answered tons of questions, leaving the fans satisfied. They messed around for a wile giving the fan tons of footage to last them a few weeks.


"So that's it, fun's over huh?" asked Harry who was sprawled all over the small couch.

Kelly nodded. "Just for now. We go on holiday in a few weeks."

I nodded. "Yea guys. Just a few weeks. We're almost done with school anyway. Just a little while longer."

Louis looked over at us and pouted. "But we're going to be bored while you're off at school."

Liam slapped his chest. "Louis, they need to go to school. What's wrong with you mate?"

Louis opened his mouth and gasped in shock pretending to be hurt.

"Don't fight boys. It's not like we're going away. We'll still hand out."

"She right." I added nodding.

Kelly stood grabbing her bag.

Zayn began shouting "No! They're trying to escape!" "Run Louis, grab the keys." 

Louis ran over to where Zayn was standing grabbing the keys from his hand, making a run for it. I quickly ran after him in an attempt to retrieve my keys.

"LOUIS! Give me my keys!" I shouted running after him.

He glanced back at me making sure I wasn't too close. "Never!"

Lucky for me he tripped sending my keys flying across the room. I slip over grabbing them and shubbing them in my pocket.

I walked back over to Louis and patted his head. "Better luck next time."

I cautiously walked over to the living room careful not to alert the boys of my whereabouts.

After looking aound the corners I ran into the living room to find Kelly, Harry, Niall, and Liam sitting on the floor.

"Ready to go?"

Kelly nodded standing up.

Just then Louis and Zayn joined us in the living room.

Louis ran in yelling. "Group hug!"

We all huddled up into a big group hug. We stayed that way for a while.

Even though we would be seeing the boys again it felt like we were saying our final goodbyes. We all pulled away from the embrace, Harry walked over to the door opening it for us. He looked around before nodding.

"It appears to be clear."

We all laughed wallking outside, I pulled  my hood over my head and adjusted my glasses before stepping outside. I said my last goodbyes before digging into my pocket for my keys. I walked over to the driver side and got in.

I started the car waiting for kelly.

I could see her saying goodbye to Harry, they hugged and she pulled over her hood covering her face.

The boys then brought our bags out to the car for us, putting them in the trunk for us.

We waved goodbye before pulling out of the driveway and out the iron gates.


A/N: I'm so sorry I've been neglecting you guys, I promise I'll try and update more often from now on. I wouldn't leave this story unfinished no matter how crazy things get. This fanfic means a lot to me. Things have been crazy with school and all. I just wanted to thank everyone that's been reading so far, it means so much to me that people are actually reading it. Please vote & comment. Let me know what your thoughts on the story are so far.

Oh and from now on I'll try and add a video or gif or picture at the end as a little treat, I also went back and added a picture/gif to the previous chapters.

& if you actually read this, thank you very much.(:

More fun on the External Link.(;

&& the video on the side has nothing to do with the chapter, I just really like  the song. I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Link to outfits in comments.

- Showerofcuntsx3 xx

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