Leather & Lace

By Freak-of-Madness

44.3K 1.4K 106

Twins riding throughout the US enjoying the freedom of being young adults and super rich. An MC in need of he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 42

546 24 2
By Freak-of-Madness

It made her proud that people seemed stunned that her man was going to ink her. It made her proud that he wanted her to sport his ink. It made her feel loved that he cared for her enough to want her to sport his ink. She was more than excited for this tattoo session. It was an intimate occasion between them. Even her sister didn't know what her tat was going to look like.

After lunch the twins bid everyone a temporary goodbye. Happy winked at his 'ol lady before she climbed into the Opie's truck with her sister. Jax asked when the Amaris was getting ride again and Happy told him a few more weeks. The bikers went back to working on vehicles while the twins made it home and got to putting up photos of their family. Several were set on shelving around the living room. It took a few hours before all the photos were hung and leveled.

All that was left was putting up their clothes. That task didn't take nearly as long as putting up the photos. Once she done, Amaris decided to take a nice, hot bubble bath to ease the stress of all the work they'd done that day. Hayley took a quick shower figuring her boyfriend would want to take a quick shower when he got home from the shop. There would be a lively party at the clubhouse that night and both girls wanted to go and hangout with their biker buddies.

Five pm couldn't come quick enough for Opie. He quickly clocked out, making Gemma laugh, and hopped on his bike to head to his girlfriend's house. Hayley was sitting on the couch watching a movie when he entered. He gave her a quick kiss before stating he was gonna take a shower and get cleaned up from work. A short while later, Happy entered the house. He greeted Hayley who just nodded and went back to her movie.

Happy noticed Amaris wasn't in the bedroom or bathroom and wondered where she was. Being covered in grease and oil, he wanted to clean up before going to find her. Amaris was sitting in the basement leaned over some storyboard posters working on her graphic novel. When Happy finally emerged back downstairs, he asked where his girlfriend was. Hayley told him she was in the basement working.

He opened the door to the basement as was surprised at how they'd split the room up. He walked up and rested his chin on her shoulder making her giggle. She put her pencil down and turned in her seat to look at him.

"Good evening." She told him with a smile.

"Evening." He replied, "How're you feeling?"

"Pretty good. I haven't had to take my pain killer today." She told him.

"That's good. Gemma's gonna bring food by the clubhouse before the party gets going." He said as he pulled her out of her chair.

"What are you doing?" She inquired as he picked her up off the ground.

"I can't hold my woman?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Well of course you can!" She exclaimed before he crashed his lips to hers.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles, and had already slid her arms around his neck to help him keep her off the ground. His kiss began to get hungry and she knew where this was headed. She pulled away taking a few deep breaths.

"As much as I want you, I think we should wait until my six week check up to make sure everything has healed up properly." She told him.

"I know. Can't blame a man for wanting you, can you?" He smirked, "You ready for that tattoo now?"

"I've been waiting since I got home earlier!" She smiled at him as he slid her down his body.

She followed him upstairs to their room where he had her lay down on the bed. They'd already discussed a design and he had drawn one out for her. She wanted it colored so he prepared for that as well. It took a couple hours to do her new crow but she didn't care. This was his mark and it meant the world to her. He wiped away excess ink before looking at it one more time. "I think it's done. What do you think?" She looked down and gasped.

(With a scroll going between the wings with Happy's name in the middle in the same bluish purple color)

"Happy it's... it's so..." Tears pricked her eyes, "It's just beautiful!"

He smiled as he put his supplies away, "Glad you like it, baby."

"Like it? I fucking love it!" She beamed making him smile back.

"Now everyone should know whose woman you are. If they know what's best for them, they'll leave you alone!" He smirked making her roll her eyes with a smile.

"Let's get to the party." She told him.

Hayley was just waiting on her sister who was quick to show off her new ink. Happy told her he'd see her there before kissing her forehead. The twins soon followed him to the clubhouse where the food was already laid out and crow eaters were starting to show up. Juice couldn't believe that Happy had actually inked a woman with his crow. He never thought he'd see the day that happened! As soon as he'd seen the twins, Chibs waved Amaris over.

She fixed herself a plate then had a seat at his table. He wanted to see her new ink so she pulled her tank top down slightly to show off her new crow. The Scot smiled and congratulated her. "I absolutely love it!" she told him proudly. He just smiled back. Lyla was hearing whispers of Happy crowing the black and pink-haired twin and couldn't believe it. They hadn't been around that long and she got a crow already?

She looked over to where Opie sat with the black and red-haired one and glared. Opie deserved better than some young punk. "Better watch it. I hear Hayley defends what's hers fiercely." Gemma told the seething blond before walking away. Lyla just stared after the SAMCRO Queen before darting her eyes back to the object of her lust and the bitch he was laughing with.

The blond had several drinks in her and her inhibitions were slowly fading. The whole night all she could do was stare at Opie who was always touching the other woman in some manner. Resting his arm on the back of her chair, resting his hand on her leg, holding her hand, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. It was sickening! She deserved to be with Opie not some new-to-town tramp!

The music was loud, the laughter filtered out into the lot, the liquor was flowing, and good times were being had. Lyla had had enough of seeing this woman with her man. HER man! She slammed the shot down and slid off her stool. "Uh oh, Ope. Here comes Lyla." Bobby warned the bearded biker.

"Hi Opie. Want some company?" She purred at him.

"Thanks, Lyla, but my girlfriend is all I need. Go check on some of the others." He politely stated as she looked at Hayley with distaste.

"Surely you'd want someone with more experience?" She asked.

"Hayley has all the experience she needs. Now go away, Lyla." Opie sighed.

Hayley had been sitting quietly letting this bitch try to lure her man. Things were fine until the blond rested her hand in the middle of her man's chest. Hayley stood up and forcibly removed it from Opie's body.

"Touch my man again, and I'll make you pay." Hayley quietly stated.

"Stay out of this, you skank." Lyla hissed.

"I'm the skank? At least I haven't fucked everything with a kutte on." Hayley countered making Lyla slap her hard across the face.

"How dare you!" Lyla gasped.

"How dare I what? Speak the truth? You so much as look at my 'ol man again and I'll break that not-so pretty face of yours. Got it? (Lyla huffed) Now beat it, you porn whore."

"Damn, baby, that was pretty hot." Opie laughed, "So I'm your 'ol man, huh?"

"It seems to be the language these whores understand." She shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind being your 'ol man if you didn't mind being my 'ol lady." He stared at her.

A/N: When is Opie going to ink Hayley? Soon? Never? In between? ;)

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