Nature's Silhouette

Por Haxatix

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[An Arknights Fanfiction] Nature. The essence of life that literally any humans depeds to. Nature can be defi... Más

1. Snow Scar
2. 'Breeze' Wave
4. Nature's Surprise
5. Single Goodbye

3. A World Among the Stars

481 15 12
Por Haxatix

The sun brights clearly in the morning of this day. The snow is still remaining on the ground. I should’ve dug that up but I’m too lazy for that. I hope the sun will take the job.

I take a look at the wolves. who already prepared to take its leave. Only waiting for me to saying its goodbye. 

“You waiting for me? I thought you two already left.” I look at the black and gray wolves. The black wolf staring at me like I’ve done something wrong. I tried to remember what I did, but nothing comes up. The black wolf turns its head to the grey wolf who has been sitting patiently with its tongue sticking out. Oh, I forgot it still had the patching. 

“I see now. Sorry.” 

I approached the excited wolf. By now, I doubt this canine is a wolf anymore. I take the patch off on its eye, which it’s wound is dried up.

“Hm, it’s already dried up for only one day. Pretty interesting to me.” I muttered.

But that wound is going to leave a scar. Well, that doesn’t seem to bother the wolf. Because this wolf is still excited and keeps lulling its tongue out. I can’t resist this. I gave the kneading on the head. 

“You one, adorable big girl.” The wolf happily letting me knead its head. Being able to meet a wolf like this, is a phenomenon. Not to forget, it also has a friend, not a pack. 

Once I have done with the kneading, I change my view to our silent friend here. Who’s keep sitting observing me doing that. This wolf is totally non-social eh? I approached the wolf with a smile.

“Once again, thank you for accompanying me, make sure to keep on eye your friend. Yes?” I patted the wolf at its head, once I take my hand it nodded.

“Well, you can take off now, But wait…” I stopped for a moment.

“How about we take a photo together before you leave?” I said as I held my phone.

I never did this before in all my animal encounters, but maybe this one is a special case.

“Come on, here.” I Invited them to take a photo with me, the two of them are on my left side. I opened the camera app on my phone and used the front camera.

“1,2 and…3!” The sound of the snapping can be heard on my phone.


“Hmm, Joel should’ve done right now… he’s gonna send his viewers to me at the moment.

Got some time to prepare, it’s not a big deal. And then I hear a notification sound.

“Oh, it’s Joel. Thanks for hosting me…, I guess? You’ve already explained to them right?” taking a look at the chatbox, waiting for Joel to reply. And then he replied with a ‘yeah I did’.

“Alright then, thank you, Joel, Let me take it over here.”

“Welcome to my first ever that Joel forced me to. My name’s Hiko and I’m gonna be playing Rimworld with the same rules that Joel did.”

“Now wait a second while I prepare this setup.” I set the mods of the game that I’ve downloaded. Joel’s rule is basically all of these mods.

Set the stream program to show my screen, and done.

“Okay chat, do you want me to retell all Joel’s rule?” don’t forget to interact with your viewers, that what Joel always said. Many answers come from the viewers saying ‘yes’.

“Okay, so Joel told me to do this challenge after he loses on his try. He said that it’s too rigged? While he’s not doing anything or preparing for the worse.” I look to the chat and the viewers are spamming laughing emotes. And then the man himself said, “I did prepare some things’

“Well yeah, you did all basics kinds of stuff, but forcing people to eat a raw corpse, making people addicted to weeds, and punching wild animals randomly? Is that what you did for the worst?” I didn’t mean to roast him, but all he’s doing is all of that. The chat reaction is becoming wild, filled with laughing emotes, and saying “ROASTED”. And, he replied, “Just explain the rules and play the game already.”

“Alright alright, back to the explaining. There are no complicated rules, just put the game difficulty to the hardest one and set it to commitment mode so I can’t load and save anytime also, set the storyteller with Randy Random. The most random guy in the world. And by this, Joel and anyone who’s sadistic loves to see me suffering.” 

“But enough talking, let’s just jump to it.” And then, the character making.

“And here it is, The colonist. Joel told me to add his character in my game and copy the exact skills. And then I can add my own character. So wait a minute and let me do that.”

A few moments later, I have done it. “Alright, I’ve done it. So, Joel’s character is focusing on Shooting, Melee, and Social. So with that, I’ll just fill the cracks. I’m focusing on medical, cooking, crafting, and Intelligence. Also, I give it some shooting skills for self-defense. My character is good at plants but got no passion. I name it…, hmm, so what will I name it? Should I just name it myself? ‘cause apparently Joel did the same thing.” I ask the viewers, which is replies “Just name it yourself.” “Okay then, sure.” I named the character myself. 

Eihiko “Hiko” Raikou.

“Let’s start it. I call it… A new Progress.” And the game started.

The two colonists spawned at a mountainous area with trees in the area. There are also some soil tiles that are good for plantings crops.

“So…, here we are. We’ve spawned into mountainous terrain. With some quite decently trees in the area. Which is good for making furniture, but neither one of us is good at constructing. So, we gotta find some ruins that just needs some repairs. And fortunately enough, there’s a ruin over here. Let’s make it into our base and add our stockpile zone. And yeah, we sleep on the floor until one of us got some construction skills. Which is going to be me. Let me just rebuild this ruin into a habitable place for us.” by rebuilding, I mean fix all the wall and making a wooden wall at the missing place.

“And with this… all the basics done. Now we will get the food sources and researching. Set the plant zone, plant some rice, and done. Now to researching. Make the research table, make a stool in front of it, add some torches, and done. Assign me to do a research project and research battery first. While I’m researching, Joel go hunt some hares outside. Take the Kar98, and don’t forget to take the bullets too if you playing with Combat Extended Mod. And now, wait for me to finish this research project.” 

A few minutes later, in-game Joel has been hunting several hares, waiting to be butchered. My in-game character needs a little bit of time to finish its project. And there’s the pop-up telling me that it’s done.

“With the battery is finished, time to develop electricity. Make a wood-powered generator, make the batteries and connect it, and just need to set the cables. Don’t forget to make a room for your power generator. Its to make it neat to see and covered when it rains. Moving on to the next research project, smithing. Once when this is done, I can train my crafting skills, I could do make some clothes too though, but we still got no leather or clothing.” Then, a red pop-up came. It’s a raid.

“And the time has come, our first raid in this progress.” Jumped to the location where the raider is, the group of the raider are two peoples, one of them bring a pistol with good tier and the other one bringing a knife. They coming from our Northeast. And they also attacking immediately.

“Alright, let’s do this.” My character grabbed the revolver and the ammo. With the Combat Extended mod, usually, guns are the best in any situation. But sometimes, a brawler with good armor could work too in some situation, but not this situation.

“they’re attacking immediately with a gunner and a brawler, hide at these trees and aim at the brawler first.” It should be working. The brawler is approaching with the gunner behind him and starting to fire at my two colonists, but those shooting attempts are failed. When Joel starts shooting with his K98 to the brawler, it landed a headshot and making the brawler instantly incapacitated. Making me letting out a surprised sound. The chat is expressing excitement too.

“What the? Joel, you are some prodigy child at shooting.” With the raider becoming incapacitated, it makes the other raider fleeing in panic, I somehow want to take his clothes for trading so I made up my mind to down the other raider.

“Ah, they’re fleeing. But you can’t run from us, boy.” I order my in-game self to chase the other raider and shoot him when it enters my revolver range. Shoot attempt one, it hit the raider at the leg, but not downed yet. With the raider slowed, my in-game-self shot another attempt, hitting the raider at his pelvis. With that, he’s incapacitated.

“And with that, we got him.” I ordered the in-game Joel to strip the poor man, we need the clothes for selling.

“And the raid’s done too. It’s quite easy in the early game if you have some weapons. But in the Naked Brutality difficulty, you need to thought about using traps.” I gave a little tip for the viewers. “Fortunately enough, we got no injuries, so back to work. We gonna prepare some graveyards for the corpses too.” 

I just rely on time to make all of this go well.


“Alright, so let’s check on our stuff again. At the moment, we’ve passed 15 days in-game, which equals 1 month in-game. We’ve been building some security, that I usually called it, a kill box. So how this killbox works? You see, the only entrance that the raiders can go to is filled with these sandbags, that sandbags will slow them for walking towards our base. And then, they entered our box. Which is filled with many spike traps. There’s also an embrasure wall around it, so we can shoot them up too.” I explained. “And the mission should be coming at the moment…, I guess is right now.” Ding! A pop-up appears. “Look at that. Called it.” The chat must be filled with “Pogs” right now. “Well, without any moment let’s check it.”

The mission is called “Prove Thyself”.

“Your colony has received a message from a group called Rook Haven. They wanted you to send their companions to your colony In order to protect them from incoming raiders that have been targeting it. Rook Haven wants you to offer them protection at all costs. Rook Haven said they can’t give you more information fearing that the raiders will know it.” I read that loud enough for the viewers to hear it.

“This is the quest that Joel talks about right?” I asked the viewers, and they responded positively again.

“Oh, it is. Well, let’s do it.” I accepted the quest.

A drop pod lands after I accepted the quest. The 4 drop pods opened itself.

“Oh hey, look at this, They called these animals companions, that’s wholesome.” I pointed out.

“So what do we have here…, we got a wolf here, a black dire wolf to be exact. A… what is this? A fox? I’m not getting it quite clearly. Well, just call it a fox. A yellow fox. Next, we have a bison right here. And the last one…, wait, where is it? It was four right, Guys?” I asked the chat if I’m not imagining things.

“It was four right? Is it bugged or something? Well, that’s kinda sad. I was hoping to see it.” Not gonna lie, I was excited.

“Well, let’s just hope that it will be restored as we progress this. Alright, we need to make some beds for these friends. Make it here, and the game will call that room a barn.”

What will happen after this? Only time will tell.


“Aww, look at this. The fox nuzzled me. That’s cute. This playthrough has the animal mod. So we can get a mood buff from playing with these animals. Hopefully, this mood buff will remain when we get our first raid of the quest.” I’ve been kinda waiting for the raid to happen. Damn, I also have been streaming for 5 hours straight.

“it’s been 5 hours since I’ve started streaming. So what do you think about me, chat? I’m interesting? Hmm, what do you mean by that though? You’re wholesome to animals? Hmm, call it a habit. I kinda have some habit that I will get involved in the wildlife. You’re entertaining to watch. Aww. Thanks, guys, I’m flattered.” 

A red notification with that specific horn sound. It’s a raid.

“Sorry to cut the talk. But here it is. An incoming raid from the Reunion. They’re attacking immediately.” I clicked the ‘Jump to the location’ button. The raider's location is at the east of the base. which is good because these raiders will proceed to the easiest route to my base. And that route is going to my killbox.

White mask, all of them wearing the same robes, and most of them are machete-equipped. Some of them are equipped with molotov and they’re wearing black robes with a cap. Not gonna lie, they’re fashionable.

“Here we go. The machete guys are charging at the same speed as the jogger trait. While the molotov guys are in the backline. Letting the frontlines trigger the trap might be a good idea. And focusing to strike the backline first is a good choice too, but risky. We got no sniper rifles, only a hunting rifle, and an SMG.  All of them are rough to 15 units. 10 for the chargers and 5 for the ranged. I think… I’m just sending myself to strike the ranged. Because the chargers will charge any route that open to our base. When you encounter a ranged using a grenade or molotov, they tend to destroy your buildings, not focusing on your colonist. It could be your advantage and at the same time also disadvantage.” Got to explain the whole situation there. It can’t be helped. I’m drowned in the situation.

“My rifle is ready, I’m gonna hide below the killbox entrance and wait for them to attack. For safety, I’m just gonna leave Joel at the end of the trap hallway.” I installed like twenty traps in that killbox. It should be enough.

The chargers have made it to the killbox. One by one they got killed by the spike traps. We got them secured. And now the ranged guys. There are 5 of them. I should be killing these guys in one-shots, I don’t want to get my base destroyed yet. The molotov guys are making their actions, throwing molotov to the walls. Fortunately, I got stone walls now, the fire won't spread anymore. They literally just trying to burn a stone. Why though? Is it the game intentional?

My train of thought is halted by the sound of my rifle, my in-game self is shooting those guys. In fact, my in-game self is destroying them, it already killed 3 of the guys. Just 2 of them more. Another bullet has been shot, hitting the guy and knocking him down instantly. A shot to the heart made him knocked out. Just one more again. The rifle shot its bullet again. Hitting the guy’s head. It’s a headshot that made the guy instantly dead. Look at how my shooting skill is. I look at the killbox. Many of the chargers are stacking in there. Well, we did it. The raid is over. Oh yeah, the stream. I forgot.

“Yo, guys. I’m back. Did I give you all a silent treatment? I did? Well, just think that I’m doing some big brain thinking.” Joked a little right there. Hopes this will make the chat active again, and it works. The chat is filled with big-brained emotes and some pogs. 

“That’s the first raid that we’ve got in this mod pack. It’s quite easy for me, but do you guys notice it? The molotov guys keep attacking the wall with molotov. But my wall is made of stone and that also can be known like burning a stone. Is it intentional? Or is it just a bugged? Oh, Joel? This is the first wave you say? Wait. If this the first wave, then the reason why they attacked it-” the raid notification pops-up.

“-is to weaken the wall by the enemies to charge it. Let’s see what we’ve got first.” jump to the location. and yes, my prediction is right. The enemies that come now are a big guy equipped with a big hammer, and the other one is with a spiked bat too, and another big guy with an axe.

“My God, what the fu- no, just look at that. They got some deadlier weapons that can destroy us with one hit! And they must be tank as hell! This is what you lost at Joel? Makes sense, but you barely succeed at the first one, so while I got that first wave clean, let’s get the second clean too.” This is bad actually. If the enemies destroyed that weakened wall, they will easily get to the hallway to the barn, since they are not targeting me, they targeting the animals.

I take my other hand to my mouth. This is a little bit tricky. From the situation, we clearly outnumbered again but with a less number. All of them are 6 in total. But I doubt we can defeat them all. If the situation like this, what should I- oh yeah. I got that in the hallway. Did I really forget about what I intentionally do for things like this? Good grief.

I couldn’t help that I grinning behind my hand. We couldn’t win the battle, but we could win the war. I got this.

“Well, things couldn’t go better so, I’ll do it myself.”  I fix my posture and prepare for the worst.

They’re assaulting immediately, I don’t have time to fix my wall first. Fortunately, we suffer no injuries. We don’t have to treat ourselves first. 

So what I’m gonna do about this, I’m not gonna force myself to win this. From the situation, it’s already losing. I’m just doing what I should do. 

“The plan is to holding them off and also chipping them off simultaneously. How to do that? We need a good fighter. In this case, we have Joel. And also a good armor. And fortunately enough, I have made it in the thought of just in case. So I’m gonna set Joel to wear that first. And set his weapon with the best close-range weapon we got.” I order Joel to wear the armor and the weapon.

“With myself, I’ll go grab another SMG in the storage. And some short-range weapon too.” I ordered my self too.

“All set. Back to the place and wait. With this, I’m trying to stall them with the tactic called melee blocking. I predict that all of the enemies will be pushing towards the broken wall. Technically, it will make the enemies waiting to the entrance by Joel blocking it. Normally, if I got more manpower I would set another colonist to shoot behind the tanker. But this time, I changed my mind. When Joel started tanking, I will try to chip them away with a grenade. This can be wrong, we only have 3 grenades and if I blunder the throwing it could be messing all the plan. But you know, whatever comes after this, I’ll take it all.”

“Let me get that grenade and we wait for them to assault.” It shouldn’t be that long for them to coming to the wall. Once I get my character grenades, the enemies are already in front of the wall. I gotta move.

“Well, this is it. It has begun.” Alright, let’s check the wall first.

They will be continuing the wall that the molotov guys damaged. The wall now is at 56%. Let me check how much they will damage the wall first. Looks like they have started its attack. Let’s see it. From 56 to 70. this kinda bad. I only could throw 1 nade. There’s my first mistake. I threw the grenade. It hits 5 of the enemies. I knew it this doesn’t go very well. I got to backup Joel as soon as possible. 

As my character came, the wall has been popped off. Joel automatically blocks the enemy passage, my character automatically support my shooting them behind Joel. Friendly fire rarely happens if you got these colonists firing like this. because of the passage is blocked by Joel, the enemies will be forced to fight one-on-one with Joel. If Joel is downed, it’s a game over. That’s it.

But let’s just see what happens.

Joel is fighting the enemy, dealing some damage to the hammer guy first. My character also simultaneously supporting Joel, shooting the hammer guy. But this guy is quite bulky. How about the other 5? oh man, this anxiety. 

Joel keeps attacking the hammer guy until he finally downed. It took longer than I expected. Joel's status is not really bad, only some bruises. All of the damage is negated by the armor that he wore. But I doubt he can withstand all of these enemies. Now, another big guy taking in. He got a big axe too, like a serial killer. There’s of them more like this. 

I wonder if this actually hits Joel. From the appearance, these guys look like they pack a punch. Then, when Joel holding the line, Joel got hit. I jinxed myself. Shit.

I looked up Joel's status. And it really packs a punch. Full health to half health, he got injured on his right arm. It will make him attack slower. My in-game character keeps doing his job, covering fire to chip the enemies. 

Joel is not gonna stand any longer. One more hit and he’s down. I think I only could down them just two with this. They’re way too strong for us. 

The last hit that made the big guy down comes from my gun. Joel really tries his best right here. The next enemy is a big guy again, but now he wears logging equipment. “Logger” are they nickname I suppose. The remaining of our enemies are all of these.

Joel is going down by this guy. Apparently, these guys aren’t joking. These guys really pack a punch. And here it is, Joel tries to block them out again but unfortunately, he got hit and got downed, leaving only me the active colonist.

“Yep. I fucked up.”

I’m not thinking out loud. It’s already messed up.

With Joel being downed and there’s only me, there’s no anything that I could do. Just keep stalling them ‘till I down. With just 2 attacks from the logger, I already down.

“Well, that’s it, guys. That’s my attempt at this challenge.” I talk to my viewers about our situation. 

“They’re really only targeting the animals huh? They absolutely ignoring me.” I stated.

“But that’s a mistake for them.” 


“You see chat and Joel, you guys aren’t forgetting what traits are right? well, Actually I am. I just remembered it a second while ago. Well anyway, the traits. Is an add-on to the character that grants bonuses to the character. Joel has a trait of Careful Shooter and Tough. You can see a while ago that Joel taking a bit longer to be downed because of the trait ‘Tough’.  And the ‘Careful Shooter’ that he has is actually visible, he takes a more of time to shoot but it will be more accurate, that’s why he tends to get a hella shot in the head.” I explained to the viewers and mostly to Joel.

“But what about me? Why do I so excited about it? Let’s take a look at my info okay? One of my traits is ‘Optimist’, it will give the character a mental mood buff by +6. and then the second one. ‘Unbreakable’. this is what I hyped about. This will make the character increased its recovery rate and manually withstand from being downed. But it only can be activated once. And plus you also got time for 2 minutes. Unless you got a plan, this trait is really useful. Oh yeah, by the way, this trait comes in the mod pack that Joel gave it to me. So if you want to equip this trait, make sure you ask Joel the mod pack. Or maybe when this stream ends, I put a link to it.” 

“Anyhow, back to the game. ‘Even if you got up, what will you do?’ well, behind this room, there a corridor, and that corridor’s floor is made of wood and full of wood decorations. Do any of you know why? I’ll give you another hint, there’s a chemfuel, or just call it gasoline, is placed over many shelves that placed over almost all of the corridor. Do you get it now?” 

“Yes. To blow this corridor up.”

“Once I get up, I need to shoot the nearest gasoline. The explosion will chain to another gasoline, making it the ultimate AoE attack. Without further ado, let just do it.”

I activated my trait skill, ‘Unbreakable’. I Instantly got up with an extremely low health point. So low that may be small damage can down him again. Back to the plan, blow up the gasoline. I targeted the nearest gasoline, also not to forget to keep a distance for the explosion radius. I also need to tend Joel first but let’s get the priority first. 

Alright. Here we go. Feast your eyes on this. My character shoots the gasoline. Once it contacted the bullet, its spark briefly for a few seconds, and then it explodes. The radius of the explosion is quite pretty big. Good thing that I mind the radius first.

The second event of this plan. Chain Reaction. The explosion of the first gasoline making the other gasoline in the corridor instantly explode too. With the chain reaction happening in the corridor, it hits our lovely home raiders. And my plan is working. That deals big explosion damage for them to instantly dead. And with that. The second wave is clear. It’s quite tough to do all of this, but at least we’re safe. For now.

“that’s cost my time to do all of that, and fortunately it's going well smoothly. Hey Joel, is it over yet? You guess it’s over? Hmm, I don’t know, you haven’t passed from this wave, right? Well, in that case, let’s-”  It’s not been even a minute passed. And another wave has begun. 

“-free those animals first because we know we’re not gonna win anything. Our situation is fucked up right now so it’s useless to fight back them. Besides, my time is long, I will down after I free those animals. so yeah, let’s free those animals, shall we?”

Just what even is this? This is ridiculous, to be honest, but I’m not gonna brag about it. 

Just free these animals and see what’s happened next. Am I giving up hope? No, I am not. Why? There’s a saying that goes, “You never know where the tennis ball lands after it tips over the net.” You never know what happens in the future. It could be good or bad. The meaning is, that I hoping over a miracle happening in this situation.

Back to the game, I watched my character opening the barn door for letting them go. And then my character instantly down, because the Unbreakable skill is expired. The game immediately pauses by itself after I got downed. Then, a pop-out message came out and saying,

You have done your best to do all of that, but in the end, You meet all your failures. Yet you take care of them without any problems. Do you really mean what your choices are?

It’s a yes or no question. Let me do some monologue to them first.

“Normally, if do this all alone I would choose ‘Yes’ without any hesitation. But now, I’m with people doing all of this. In conclusion, yes I take care of them with all of my care and my love. Even it’s only in-game AI. Besides, if that happens to me right now, I happily accept that. So, my answer is ‘Yes’. I clicked the option.

Well then, You aren’t lying after all. Because I’ve been watching over you. For now, let them take care of you. Oh yeah. And also, I’ll be in charge of taking care of taking care of you. 

So rest assured, Leader. We will take care of all of this now.

Wait, what? 

There’s no option left, there’s only ‘OK’ option to close it. As I clicked it, something has changed. The animals have changed, or should I say transformed into a human being. With its animal characteristic.

“Yo, dude. Is this the mod thing? It's just turned them into an anime girl. But damn this is cool. So, what did they have? But first, can I draft them though? Looks like I can draft and order them like another normal colonist. But let’s see what are they look like.”

Alright, first, we have this foxy girl. This foxy girl is like an idol to me with all of her looking. But I don’t see weapons anywhere, is she support? I have a feeling she is.

Next, we have the bison girl. Looks like she’s a tanker with her shield there. Could be good in any situation.

Then, The angel girl came to us at the last moment. She’s a ranged I see, bringing her Kriss Vectors.

The last one, The wolf girl. By her sword that she’s wielding to, I could tell that she’s a close-range person. 

But there’s something different than the other colonist, that this girl has special skills. Every one of them has a difference.

“They have skills huh? Before we test them, let them take care of me and Joel first. Looks like they automatically prioritizing to tending us. Got them to do that though. But you know what guys? I’m not gonna order them anything. I want to look at how they do by taking care of me.” let’s see what they do about ’taking care’ of me.

Right. They taking me and Joel to our beds, tending us also. But they don’t forget about the incoming enemies. They’re approaching the incoming enemies on the right side of the map. It’s the same enemies from the last time. The big guys who wield big weapons.

They take no time for approaching the enemies. With the bison girl on the frontline, she just charges into the fray, followed by the wolf beside her. The two have already made conflict with the enemies, the bison girl is tanking the hit and the wolf is fighting them at the other side.

Meanwhile, the support and the gunner are on the backline. The gunner just having one job, shooting the enemies. Meanwhile the support…, I don’t know, what is she doing? She’s kinda emitting some aura, near her allies…, Oh! She’s healing them! That’s neat.

“And now, let’s just get into the skills. Okay, first the tanker girl. She has this skill, ‘Magnetic Hammer’. Stuns Nearby enemies and dealing damage. Sounds cool. Let’s see.” I activated it. A green particle coming from her swing sweeps the enemies away and stuns them.

“Nice, That’s pretty Pog, Alright, next one.”

“Let’s try the backlaners. Mostly, they only have a buff skill to self. The angel got one. Meanwhile, the fox girl, as support has a skill that supports everyone. Well not everyone. Her skill is putting the enemy to sleep, but they can’t attack or be attacked. Quite good in groups I suppose. The angel got DPS buff, as you can see right here, ‘shoots 4 time in a row’. it’s making her like a shooting machine. And also the Combat Extended mod is not affecting them. So it’s good, I guess.”

“The last one, we got the wolf with her ‘Sword Rain’. It’s quite obvious, I think. It’s offering a high AoE range and also stunning them too. Let’s Just try it.” And yeah. It’s self-explanatory. She summons a wave of raining swords from the sky, stunning the enemies for a few seconds.

With all of these skills, they should have no problems with fighting them.

And yeah, in a few minutes they already defeat them all. And I not even realizing that the enemies we defeated are literally disintegrated into black crystals and gone. All the enemies that I defeat them by myself and Joel are gone too. I’m guessing this must be the mod thing, but why they set it like this? Leaves me with new questions.

All of the game aside, Streaming can really be fun huh? I might be stream again sometimes after this.


Damn, Hiko just really did all of that. The planning, The strats, and even he’s got lucky as he planned! That’s just satisfying.

It might be his first time streaming, but he has already done his best. Always reading chat, make some chit-chat, and try to entertain them.

He might get overboard explaining kinds of stuff and not reading the chat frequently, but I hope the viewers understand this.

Hmm? Someone typed in Hiko’s chat, “Isn’t this a mod like that game?’ I actually didn’t know about this first. 

Some guy messages me that I should recommend this mod to Hiko, They say I could try this mod but they said that I couldn’t ever beat it before Hiko does. It’s like the person that send me this knew that Hiko will beat this,

But meh, whatever. That guy must be having some luck on his day. Just forget it and keep myself updated.

So what happens this time… endless corruption cases, some useless facts, not interesting as always.

Wait, this one’s different. “Wild Bear Roaming in North Mount, Sightings Has Been Captured.” This is an unlucky one. Sucks to be living in the North Mount, It literally has a jungle with possibilities wild animals in there. But at least, this news isn’t always political.

Somehow, I have a bad feeling for Hiko right now…


Finally done with this chapter. Took me a long time to do this because of some problems and kinda want to end the Rimworld chapter just by one chapter.

Any appreciation and criticism will be gladly taken.

Thank you for reading.

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