No judgement

By itstilliswhatitis

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So @franzixidfc contacted me and asked if I couldn't write a book on her idea and this is the result. I tried... More



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By itstilliswhatitis

They had hung out every day after school for three weeks and Louis had defrosted. He was slowly turning back into that carefree boy Harry once knew and Harry was absolutely mesmerized about everything that was Louis Tomlinson.

His heart skipped a beat whenever he laid eyes on him. He was falling fast and hard for his childhood friend and that worried him. He was afraid to get his heart broken.

On Saturday he went into town to meet Louis in their old treehouse. Louis was already there, rolling a joint. Harry walked over to him and snapped it out of his hand.
"No more weed. It's not good for you Lou and you don't need it to feel good anymore."

"Is that so?" Louis smirked with a raised eyebrow but he didn't try to roll a new one.

"Yes." Harry smiled and sat down next to him.

"Sounding confident there Styles." Louis chuckled.

"I'm really not." Harry sighed.

"Why not? You're great Haz." Louis smiled.

"I'm weird." Harry muttered.

"You're not weird love. Why do you say that?" Louis questioned. He had leaned in closer.

"The kids in my old school always teased me about my clothes and stuff. That's why I moved back here. To get away from that." Harry admitted and bit his lower lips.

Louis reached out a hand and gently pulled his lip free before he caressed his cheek briefly.
"Then they were dickheads. You're perfect and you have every right to express yourself in any way you want. I like how you dress. It's you. Wear what you want. Wear a dress for all that I care. Weren't you the one who insisted on a wedding dress when we would get married as adults?" He winked.

"I was eight!" Harry chuckled.

They had somehow ended up even closer. Harry stared into Louis's beautiful blue eyes and his breath hissed. Louis's eyes flickered down to his lips briefly before he looked at him again. Harry came closer. His heart was beating like crazy. Louis finally closed the distance between them and gently pressed his lips against Harrys before he pulled back to gaze into his eyes again to make sure that Harry was okay with it. He looked scared.

Harry smiled and cradled his cheek before he took the initiative and kissed him. Louis gasped and they started to move their lips together. Louis licked Harry's lower lip after a while to ask for access and Harry immediately opened his mouth. They deepened the kiss and all the hair on Harry's arms stood up.

He pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck. Louis pushed him down to his back and laid on top of him and took possession of his mouth. They both moaned softly. When they finally had to come up for air Louis looked at him with blown pupils.
"Wow." He panted out in awe.

"Second that." Harry breathed out.

Louis smiled and pecked his lips one last time before he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He glanced at Harry who was still laying down with a blissful smile on his lips. His stomach was filled with butterflies. That was his first real kiss and it had been absolutely perfect.
"Are you still alive?" Louis smirked.

"I think so. That was one hell of a kiss. I have nothing to compare it with but still." Harry giggled.

"Your first kiss? Shit!" Louis answered looking surprised.

Harry sat up and met his eyes.
"I assume I'm not your first kiss then?"

"No, and yes. I kissed a handful of girls but I never liked it. You're the first boy I ever kissed and it was absolutely amazing Haz." Louis answered with a shy smile.

"Good." Harry giggled with blushed cheeks.

"I like you Hazza." Louis almost whispered and looked down at his hands.

Harry felt like running a victory lap or cheer really loud.
"I like you too." He replied instead.

Louis looked up with a breathtaking smile, then he wrinkled his eyebrows.
"You get that I'm gay right?"

Harry laughed softly.
"That kiss might have been a clue that you're not straight." His features soften. "Me too."

"Wanna give it another try?" Louis asked with sparkling eyes.

Harry crashed their lips together and they spent the rest of the day making out in their treehouse. When Amelia picked him up later he had swollen lips and his hair was a mess and he was smiling like a fool. She gave him an amused look. 
"You look like you had fun." She smirked and Harry chuckled in response.

Steve and Alex were outside when they got back at the farm and Amelia opened the door and shouted.
"Guys! Harry needs the talk."

Harry blushed instantly and Alex and Steven looked amused. Amelia turned to look at her nephew.
"I thought it would be better to talk about this with the ones who have the first-hand experience when it comes to the sex part but if you feel more comfortable with me I can have the talk. I know hypothetically what it means." She grinned.

Harry hid his face in his hands.
"I'm seventeen Amelia. I know about sex! God! This is embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed sweetie. It's a natural part of life. I just want you to be fully prepared the day you are ready to have sex. Come on, it won't be that bad. Do you want to talk to me or Alex and Steven?" Amelia said with a smile.

"Alex and Steven. No offense." Harry muttered.

"None taken." Amelia grinned.

Alex and Steven came to his room later that evening and they sat down to have the sex talk. It wasn't as bad as Harry had imagined it to be. He actually got some tips that he hadn't thought of and they were really sweet about it and finished off by saying that sex should mean something and that he should never agree to something he wasn't ready for or felt like doing.

All together, good talk. Harry felt really grateful for having all these amazing people in his life looking after him. He suddenly had a whole bunch of co-parents. He just loved living in the commune.

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