WANNA BANG // Taennie

By smutmaker2000

88.6K 1K 353

This Novel will feature Taehyung and Jennie in a 10 story adventure. WARNING: SMUT AND WHOLE OTHER BUNCH OF... More

Story 1: I Asked Out The Babysitter
Story 2: Breakup Backfires (SMUT)
Story 3: Desire (SMUT)
Story 4: Tight
The Dare
Story 6: Why
Story 7: Shower Handle (SMUT)
Story 8: Take Care Of Him
Story 9: Wanna Bang (SMUT)

Story 5: Prank Lovers

5.4K 81 3
By smutmaker2000


It was my free period at my school, and had 1 hour to spare. I headed down to my locker and put my stuff inside it. After that, I went to my usual hangout spot where my friends meet up.

"Hey, Suga," I said.

"Oh, what's up Taehyung," Suga replied.

We greeted each other with our usual handshake.

"Taehyung, I have a dare," Suga said.

"Oh really, what is it," I asked.

"I dare you to spill a bucket of water over Jennie," he said.

"Bet, that girl is annoying as fuck anyway," I replied.

Suga and I went into one of the janitor's office and grabbed a bucket. We then went to the back of the school where the hose was and filler it up with water. Now, we were ready for the show.


"Oh my god, I hate Mr. Richardson, he gave us 2 homework assignments today," I said.

"I know, I hate his guts," Lisa replied.

I was sitting with my friends Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo during lunch. We were just being girls and gossiping over stuff we hate and like.

"Oh girls, I need to tell you something," Rosé said.

"Oh, what is it," I asked.

"So there's this boy in my 3rd period, and I think he likes me," Rosé squealed.

"Oh, who is it," Jisoo asked.

"His name is J~


All of a sudden, all my clothes were wet, my hair was moist. I turn around and see him, that idiot face himself, Taehyung.

"Oh, why so wet Jennie," He smirked.

I looked behind him and see his friend just laughing in the distance.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!" I yelled at him.

I got up fro my seat and tackled him to the ground. I got on top of him and punched his face, making him have a bloody nose. As I was about to give him another punch, he pushed me off him and bashed me into the wall; I ended up getting a scar on my elbow from that. Every student was gathered into a circle, yelling, "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT." Just then, the teachers finally came separated us two.

"WHO STARTED THIS," the teacher asked us.

Taehyung and I just looked at each other and pointed to one another.

"PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE, BOTH OF YOU," the teacher yelled.

The teacher escorted to the office. Taehyung and I were just giving each other dirty looks while heading there. Finally, we reached the office, and the teacher told us to wait until the principal finished his lunch. As we were sitting down on the chairs, I could feel the water dripping off onto the carpet. I look to my right and see Taehyung holding a cloth next to his nose. After a while, the principal came in, and Taehyung and I went into his office.

"So, who started the fight," the principal asked.

"He did," "She did."

"Okay, silence, both of you. Jennie, you start," the principal asked.

"Okay, Taehyung started all of this because he poured water all over my body," I said.

"That's not true; she punched me first. That's why I splashed her with water," Taehyung remarked.

"Well, either way, you both are getting detention," the principal said.

The principal dismissed from his office. I went to the locker room and changed into my PE clothes because I had no other spare clothes to wear. After that, I went to my next class.


The day went on, and after school ended, I went to the detection room. That's when I met up with Jennie.

"Ahh, Taehyung, you have finally arrived; there is your seat. Next to Jennie," the detention teacher said.

"Teacher, can I have a different seat," I asked.

"No, you can't. Now sit down," the teacher said.

I made my way next to Jennie, who was doing homework like a nerd.

"This isn't over, jerk," Jennie mumbled.


And throughout Freshmen to Junior year, Jennie and Taehyung have been pranking each other non-stop. Oh, readers, let me tell you about this one prank Jennie pulled. Jennie put laxatives in Taehyung's drink during homecoming, Taehyung was literally in the bathroom the entire time. But Taehyung had some good antics of his own. Taehyung made it look like Jennie's boyfriend at the time was cheating on him. Once Jennie learned it was a prank, she tried to get back with him, but the guy said no. Now that I think of it, that prank might've been too far, but that was back in Junior year. Now it's their senior year in high school. Jennie and Taehyung have grown tired of pulling pranks on each other.


I don't know why but my hatred for Taehyung just left. I'm feeling something different about him. I think I'm falling in love with him. Anyways, it was our annual school festival, and this is where usually the pranks would happen.

"So Jennie, what are you going to do to Taehyung this year," Jisoo asked.

"Yeah, I'm excited about what you are planning," Rosé said.

"Yeah, Jennie, what are you doing this year," Lisa asked.

My friends were overwhelming me with questions, and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

"I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING THIS YEAR, OKAY!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at them and ran off.

I went to walk by myself and let some steam off. I was heading towards the school where the benches were, and there I saw Taehyung. I observed him, and he was just sitting there with his head down.


All of my friends asked what I was planning on doing to Jennie tonight, and I told them that I would not do anything to her. Then they made fun of me saying, "do you like her or something." You know what, maybe I do like her. I'm in love with Jennie; I don't know why, but I am. Anyways, I just needed to let off some steam when I heard someone behind me. I look behind me and see Jennie standing there.

"Oh shoot, Jennie, I didn't see you there," I chuckled.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here as well," she replied.

Jennie walked up to me and sat next to me on the bench.

"Hey, if you are planning on doing something to me tonight, just do it. I'm not going to do anything back to you," I said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you tonight," Jennie responded.

"Okay, that's good," I replied.

It was really awkward between us, but I liked her company.

"Hey, why are we not doing pranks this year," she asked.

"I don't know, I guess I don't hate you as much," I replied.

Jennie ended up giggling, which I found very.


"What was that," she said.

"Oh nothing," I quickly responded.

We ended up being silent again. Until she spoke up.

"Hey Taehyung, I have something to confess," she said.

"What is it," I asked.

"I don't know why, but I~I," Jennie stuttered.

I was getting really anxious about what she was going to say.

"I love you, I don't know why but I just love y~

Stop saying stuff, Jennie. I love you too. I stopped her mid-sentence with a full and passionate kiss. She kissed me back, and we ended up locking lips for a good 10 minutes.

"I love you too, Jennie," I replied.


"DAD!!!!!! Taennie pranked me again," Jenhyung said.

"What did your sister do to you," I asked.

"She put my teddy bear in the bathtub; now its all wet," Taennie complained.

"Well, you shouldn't have pranked me last night when you flushed my baby doll down the toilet," Jenhyung said.

"What is going on here."

Just in time, Jennie is here to save the day.

"Mom, Jenhyung put my teddy bear in the bathtub," Taennie complained.

"Guys, when are you going to stop pranking each other," Jennie said.

"Never, we will prank each other till we die," Jenhyung said.

Jennie then looked at me, and I gave her a smile.

"Kids, let me tell you a story," I said.

"Ooh, what is it dad," Jenhyung asked.

"It's how I met your mother."

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