A Fragile Love

Oleh KatWriterSF

3.1K 243 42

Kiana is one of the most popular girls in college. She is loved, adored by all her friends. People thought sh... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Three

500 44 13
Oleh KatWriterSF

"Kiana, are you sure you feel well enough to go to class today? All of your professors are aware of your illness, so you won't get into trouble missing them," Cadence asked as she watched her friend apply lipstick to her lips.

"I feel great," Kiana said checking herself out in the mirror. Today she wore a blue jean mini skirt and a tank top.

"You don't look great, you look a little pale," Cadence pointed out as she stared at her in the mirror.

"I feel great, Cadence. You want to know why I feel great? It's because Jaden is going to spend the next few days with me."

"Is that why you're dressed like that? Are you trying to tempt him or something?" Cadence grabbed her by the shoulders so she could stare into her eyes. "Look at me," she said with a serious expression. "Jaden is a thug! You got no business with a guy like him. That guy is bad news. He has "Nigga For Life" tattooed on the side of his neck, that should tell you he's trouble! I don't know why you're so obsessed with him."

"He's just a little rough around the edges, but he's a sweetheart," Kiana told her and moved away so she could comb her hair.

"Kiana...I know he's your brother best friend and you've known him for a while, but how can you overlook the things he does? They're all bad. He participates in illegal side shows, races cars, he participates in illegal boxing tournaments, and I heard he held a gun to this guy's face when he caught him trying to steal his car. He's dangerous!"

"He isn't to me. He's a sweetheart and yeah he's a bad boy, but you know I kind of like it. Besides, he was defending his property when he pulled that gun out."

"What is he doing with a gun in the first place? And, he could have just called the cops like normal people do..."

"He's not a wimp," Kiana said.

Cadence through her hands in the air. There was no getting through to Kiana.

Someone knocked on the door.

Kiana grinned at Cadence and ran to open it.

Jaden stood there towering over her in the hallway. He wore jeans and a black graphic t-shirt that did nothing to hide his muscular arms and chests. His dark eyes roamed up and down Kiana's body. She waited for that heart stopping smile of his to show he was impressed, instead he frowned.

"What the hell are you wearing?"

Kiana looked down at her clothes. "What's wrong with them?"

"You never wear those type of clothes."

"I'm trying something different."


"Don't you like girls dressed like this?"

Jaden looked at her in surprise and took a step back. "I don't like YOU dressed like that. Wait...did...you do this to..." he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. "Kiana, please change into your normal clothes before I have to kill a nigga for staring at you."

He closed the door for her to make sure she did.

Cadence snickered when Kiana stomped to her closet. "What is his problem?!"

"You are apparently," Cadence said as she watched Kiana change out of her clothes. She threw on her skinny jeans and a white smock top and sandals.

Cadence grinned. "Can I have my mini skirt back now?"

Kiana gave it to her. "I don't know why it's okay for you to wear it, but not me."

"Jaden doesn't like me in that way," Cadence said.

"In what way?" Kiana asked. "If you're saying he has a crush on me then you're wrong, he sees me as his best friend's little sister and that's it, I was trying to make him see me another way."

"Did you forget what you told me he said to you yesterday?"

Kiana blushed. No she didn't. It had been on her mind all night. It was the reason why she was trying to get his attention. Maybe there was something there, but she wouldn't admit it to Cadence unless she was sure.

"You mean about being his light? He was just flirting like usual..." Kiana said. "Probably trying to make me feel better because I was sick."

"But...he just said he'd beat up guys for looking at you in that outfit," Cadence pointed out.

Kiana smiled to herself. That was pretty cool...

"So would my brother," she found herself saying.

"Girl...are you in denial...you know what, never mind. I don't want you with him anyway, so yeah, he doesn't like you at all. He's your brother's best friend," Cadence said using Kiana's naivety to her advantage.

Jaden stood outside feeling slightly awkward. Did they not know he could hear them talking about him in the hallway?

He had to admit that he was flattered that she'd try to dress a certain way to catch his attention. She had no clue she'd already caught it and held it for a very long time. Maybe it was for the best. He shouldn't get involved with Kiana...she was too sweet, too innocent for him. He'd probably fuck up and break her heart and that would kill him.

Kiana swung open the door and stared at him with a rebellious look on her face. He looked her up and down and then gave her the smile she wanted.

"Dang it...don't melt continue to be angry! This is a new you remember?" she told herself.

"Much better," he said with approval.

"You know I wasn't really wearing those clothes to impress you so don't get any ideas."

"Really now?" he smiled at his sweet little liar.

"Yes, really. If I really wanted to wear them, I would have and you wouldn't have stopped me. It's just that...I felt a draft in that skirt. My thighs were getting cold."

Jaden burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" she frowned up at him.

He grabbed her hand in his and led her down the hallway. "I'm glad you feel that way, because you should never change anything about yourself to impress a guy. If he can't accept you for who you are, then you don't need him in your life."

She looked at him in confusion. "Then why did you make me change my clothes?"

"I've known you for years and you've never worn those clothes in your life. Those clothes are not who you are."

"Well of course the clothes don't make the person..."

"I know you Kiana and that shit isn't you!"

"You know nothing, John Snow!" Kiana yelled at him and walked away angrily.

They passed by the twins who was walking down the hallway on their way to class. They snickered in amusement at Jaden's confusion.

"Game of Thrones, we love that show! "Quinn told him. "We watch it with her every Sunday."

"Shut up," he told them and ran to catch up with Kiana.

"Maybe Ian is right. Did you see what she was wearing?" Nolan asked.

"Uh oh, she's acting out, "Quinn said. "Winter is coming," he said in a serious voice.

"That's a good one, that's a good one!" Nolan yelled excitedly. They laughed out loud together causing people to stare at them as they passed by.

"Kiana," Jaden called after her. "Stop walking so fast before you tire yourself out!"

Too late.

He caught her before she fell. "Damn it, Kiana! You're not going to class today." He picked her up and walked back to her room.

"Yes, I am!" she said. "Jaden...stop! I'm fine. Let's just go. It's not like I'm walking there, you're driving me, remember?"

He looked at her skeptically.

"Seriously, I'm fine!"

He sighed and gave in.

A guy opened the door for them to walk out. "She okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks man," Jaden told him.

The students in the dormitory knew about Kiana's condition so it wasn't a shock to them to see people carrying her around. They gave her concern looks but left it to her friends to take care of her.

"What's gotten you so riled up this morning?" Jaden asked as he walked down the steps and to the car with her.

"You," Kiana thought. "I just want a little more control in my life," she told him.

Jaden frowned. "What do you mean?"

"A little more freedom to do what I want. I'm 21, Jaden, but people are still treating me like a child. If I continue to let them do it, it will never stop!"

Jaden thought of what Ian had told him. So, it was true...he didn't like it at all.

"Kiana...we don't mean to treat you that way. We just worry about you. You're frail..."

"I'm stronger than you think," Kiana glared at him causing him to smile.

"You're full of life on the inside, but on the outside. Boo, your body can barely keep up with you."

She blinked. Did he just call her "boo"?

Jaden realized his mistake and cleared his throat. He put her on her feet and opened the door of the car, then buckled her in and closed the door before walking to the other side.

Kiana stared at him as he got in. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Damn...now she was about to give him a hard time...What the fuck was wrong with him calling her that?

He started the car.

"So...am I your boo?" Kiana asked.

He thought for a moment, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel nervously as he drove. He couldn't lie to her, not Kiana.

"You are...sort of... I mean you're not my girlfriend or anything, but I care about you."

Kiana tried to hold back her excitement at hearing those words. She knew he cared, but how deep did it go? She glanced at her face in the rear view mirror. She'd tried to cover up the red rash of her skin with make-up, but now she was blushing, and it was coming through. Dang it!

"Do you think...you could ever see me as a girlfriend?" she asked hesitantly. Yeah, she was being bold. This was the new Kiana. The one that didn't hold anything back. She was a going to face him as a woman.

"No... hell, no," Jaden seemed a little too put off for her liking.

"Well you don't have to act like I'm disgusting!"

"You're not...I know how that sounded, I'm sorry, " he said giving her a quick glance as he drove. "I...Kiana...you're my best friend's little sister...Brayton would kill me."

"Ok and what if he didn't care..."

"You're...too good for me."

"I'm too good for you?"

"My choice of life wouldn't go well with yours," he tried to explain.

"Then choose another life that would," Kiana said simply.

He took a moment to look at her, his heart pounding. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? She liked to challenge him. She always did. Any other time he found it amusing, but not now.

"Are you serious? What are you saying? That you want to start dating? You actually want to be with me in that way?" He scoffed. "Stop playing, Kiana, that shit ain't funny."

"I guess I should tell you why I asked. I'm starting a bucket list this year and I'm going to try to do everything on it. You guys have been controlling my life and treating me like a child since my freshman year. And while I agree that studying comes first, before anything, that's all I ever do! I don't have a life unless you call studying and getting sick a life! I never go anywhere, never do anything the other students do. I want to live the full college experience which includes dating. I just thought I should at least ask how you feel about me before I start the dating part. I thought maybe there was something there. I didn't want to make you angry or hurt you in some way, but now that I know you don't want to date me, it shouldn't be a problem seeing other guys."

Jaden pulled up in front of her building. His hands gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white. He stared straight ahead not knowing what to say, what to do. She'd knocked the wind out of him with that speech.

Kiana got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride! I have three classes today and they're all in this building. They end at 12:00. Will I see you then?"

He nodded still staring ahead.

"Ok, see ya," Kiana said and walked away. Her heart was breaking. She'd put up a good front when he told her he wasn't interested in her that way. He wouldn't even look at her. At least, she'd gotten her answer. It hurt though...How could she have been so wrong? Cadence was right. He didn't have feelings for her.


Brayton and Ian stared at Jaden as he slammed his fist into the boxing bag as if he were trying to punch a hole into it. He probably would if they didn't stop him. They looked at each other and walked over to him. They were in the gym having their usual late morning workout.

"It's dead, dude. You've killed it. Congratulations," Brayton joked.

Jaden wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm and walked over to the weights. They followed him and watched him add on more weights than he usually worked with.

"Whoa, ok, what's going on with you," Ian said stopping him. "You're obviously furious about something or you wouldn't be in here trying to kill yourself."

"Then, can you do it for me?" Jaden asked looking at him.

Brayton and Ian looked at each other in concern.

"Let's take this outside," Brayton said.

They walked outside the gym and sat in a private spot where no one could hear or see them.

Brayton threw a towel over Jaden shoulders he'd snatched before they left.

Jaden just sat there on the bench leaned over, staring off into space. He looked dejected...

"You want to talk about it?" Brayton asked standing over him.

"You're going to beat the shit out of me," he told his best friend.

Ian chuckled and sat beside Jaden. "Got to be about Kiana."

Jaden looked at him in surprise.

"God, I knew this day was coming," Brayton said and ran his fingers through his afro nervously. "Ok, what did you do? Did you kiss her?"

"Wait...you both know how I feel about her?"

"How could we not?!" Brayton yelled at him. "You couldn't even hide it..."

"And I'm still alive..." Jaden said in wonder.

Ian burst out laughing.

"Just tell us what happened," Brayton said with a painful expression on his face.

"It's not what you think," Jaden tried to assure him. "Kiana asked me how I felt about her when I drove her to class."

"Brave girl. Where did she get this sudden backbone from?" Ian asked.

"She's changing...you were right...that story about your sister...Kiana is going through it," Jaden told him.

"I knew it," Ian said with a smug expression.

"No, she isn't!" Brayton yelled in denial.

"Yes, she is...that's what started it all..." Jaden told him. "She got this bucket list of all the things she wants to do. I guess confirming how I felt about her was one of them..."

"And what did you say?" Ian wanted to know.

"I told her I cared about her, but didn't want to date her..."

"Oh," Ian looked at Brayton.

"And now she wants to start dating other guys..." Jaden said. "I fucked up..."

"Yeah, you did," Brayton told him. "Should have been honest with her."

"I was! I told her you'd be mad if I did and I told her she was too good for me."

"None of that is true," Brayton said. "I made peace with your feelings for her a long time ago when I saw how you treated her. I was just waiting for you to admit it. Despite, your craziness, you're good to her. I know you would never do anything to hurt her."

"I don't want her to date other guys. I swear I'd have to kill each and every one of them if they tried to get close to her. I know it's not fair of me to tell her I don't want to be with her and not want her to date either. Just proves I'm too fucked up to be with her."

"Well, I think we all did a good job at holding the guys back," Brayton said proudly. "It wasn't easy though, but I think they know better to ask her out now."

"No, they don't. I caught a fraternity dude trying to talk to her the day she got sick. I had to chase his ass away," Jaden said.

"Fuck," Brayton said. "It's because of that sweet nature of hers. Draws guys to her like bees to honey."

"And she's beautiful," Ian pointed out. "Don't forget that."

"Yes, she's beautiful," Jaden said. "So, fucking beautiful and sweet and...I'll kill them all!"

"Dude, just date her," Brayton said shaking his head. "You have my permission. I'd rather it be you than some asshole we don't know anything about."

"Yeah, at least you can still keep her close right?" Ian told Brayton. "You're so overprotective you'd let your best friend date her so you can still have some control of her."

"Well, yeah that's part of it. Jaden knows everything about Kiana and he doesn't care she's sick. Why wouldn't I want him to be with her instead of starting over with some new guy who will probably hurt her or use her...I couldn't deal with that..."

"None of us could deal with that," Ian agreed.

"What if I hurt her in some way? I'm too afraid to be with her. I care about her so much, it would kill me to know I hurt her by doing something stupid. It's easy being friends with her, safe...taking it a step further...what do I do with a girl like, Kiana? She's a damn angel and I'm the devil. I can't change overnight..."

"No one said it be would easy, just take it one day at a time," Brayton told him. He looked over his best friend thoughtfully. "Yeah, knowing you, you'll probably make some mistakes and that's ok as long as you fight for her. And you are a fighter, Jaden. You've been fighting your entire life. You deserve Kiana. If there's anyone who deserves her it's you. Maybe she can help you deal with some of that darkness in your life or push it away completely. And I know for a fact, you'll protect her with your life no matter how many times you fuck up. But there's two things I'm not going to stand for which I know you won't do, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Don't ever cheat on her, if you change your mind about her, which I know you won't, be a man about it and break up with her properly. And don't ever hit her! I will murder you, best friend or not."

"Brayton, you know I'd never do any of those things to Kiana! Who the fuck you think you talking to?" Jaden stood up facing Brayton man to man, angry that Brayton felt the need to warn him about that crap.

"I'd... never... do... any... of... those... things," he said again just so he understood he was serious. "Not even change my mind!" His anger gradually disappeared. "She's the one...you know...always have been. I've just been too stupid and stubborn to admit it."

"I didn't mean to offend you, Jaden, but I still had to put it out there, I'm her brother." Brayton's face lit up. He turned to Ian with a huge grin. "You hear that? She's the one." Brayton slapped Jaden on the shoulder. "God damn, son!"

Ian laughed. "He's a proud father..."

Jaden smiled for the first time.

"Now that you got my permission, go be the man I know you to be and not this whiney emo fool. Get your woman before she starts making plans to date some asshole. And find out about that bucket list for us, I don't like the sound of that at all."

Jaden nodded. He hugged Brayton. "Thanks man, you know I love your sister. I'm going to treat her right. You won't regret it."

"Don't tell me that, tell her!" Brayton told him.

Jaden grinned. He looked at his watch. "I got to shower and go to class. I'm picking her up when her classes end. I'll talk to you later."

They watched him leave.

"Man, that was weird seeing him like that," Brayton said.

Ian chuckled.

"One down, three to go," Ian said giving Brayton a knowing look.

"What?" Brayton asked.


"Fuck," Brayton said.

"You'd like to, wouldn't you?" Ian teased.

"Shut up!"

Ian laughed.

"Who's the other two?" Brayton asked him changing the subject.

"The twins..."

"They like someone?"


"Oh come on!" Brayton laughed.

"Think about it," Ian said.

Brayton frowned. The twins hardly ever left Alanna's side when she wasn't running away from them. "Both of them?!"

"Yep," Ian said casually.

"How is that even possible? That's gross."

"Stranger things have happened..." Ian said. "You remember reading about those billionaire twins in San Francisco a long time ago? They were both with the same woman even though she could only marry one."

"Yeah so..."

"Guess who's related to them? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Brayton's mouth dropped open. "DAMN! Ok, so if you think you got us all figured out, what about you?"

"I'm working on it," Ian said.

"You got someone?"

"Yeah, she doesn't know it though, not yet."

"What you waiting on?"

"For her to come to her senses."

"Good luck with that."

"I have my ways," Ian grinned.

Brayton eyes narrowed. "Wait...is it...Charlotte?"

Ian grinned.

"You said she was just a booty call."

"Yeah, started off that way..." Ian said.

Brayton burst out laughing. "The booty won!"

Ian rolled his eyes at his implication and took out his phone. "Got to make some phone calls. Start up business and such. Talk to you later."

Brayton nodded knowing not to interfere when Ian went into business mode. Ian hadn't even graduated yet and was already starting his own business.

He walked back to the gym thinking about Cadence.

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