No judgement

By itstilliswhatitis

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So @franzixidfc contacted me and asked if I couldn't write a book on her idea and this is the result. I tried... More



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By itstilliswhatitis

The first week in school after he found out that Tommo was in fact his Louis he took every opportunity to try and talk to him. Louis either ignored him, flipped him the finger, or walked away. But he didn't give up.

He started his new job on Saturday and he enjoyed it. He had always liked baking. He went to hang out with his friends at Nialls afterward and Amelia picked him up later that night. He just had a lazy Sunday at home hanging out with the commune.

When Monday came he tried to talk to Louis again and cornered him in the bathroom.
"Why won't you speak to me?"

Louis sighed.
"We don't know each other anymore Haz. What's the point?"

He called him Haz. Harry saw that as progress.
"We can get to know each other again. We used to get along great." Harry said softly.

"For how long? A year until you go back to Ireland again? No thanks." Louis snorted and pushed himself past him.

So that was what it was all about? Harry remembered what Louis had told him in detention when he didn't know who he was, that he didn't want friends because they just left him. Was he talking about him? Impossible. They had been so young when he moved away. It couldn't have affected him so much that he refused to get new friends after that. He really hoped that he wasn't the cause of it, that was just horrible! He had to get to the bottom with this.

His attempt to talk to Louis during the rest of the school week was a bust. Then he got an idea. If Louis had spent a Saturday in their old treehouse maybe that was something he did every Saturday. Oh God, he really hoped not. The thought of Louis getting high every Saturday by himself broke his heart. He didn't even know why it felt so important to him to befriend Louis again. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't want to see him lonely anymore or that he had missed his old childhood friend? He just knew that he had to keep on trying.

He packed a picnic basket and rode into town with Amelia in the morning when she headed to work. She had been on another date with Troy and told him everything about it.

It wasn't more than nine o'clock in the morning but he would make sure that he didn't miss Louis whenever he went to the treehouse, if he went there. Sure, he could have gone straight to his house and demand that he talked to him but he didn't even know if he still lived at the same place and he could just slam the door in his face.

He walked to the treehouse and looked around but it was deserted so he climbed the ladder and made himself comfortable. He had brought a book with him to pass time. He had to wait for two hours but then he heard someone climbing up the ladder and he embraced himself.

Louis pulled a face as soon as he reached the treehouse and saw who was waiting for him inside.
"Seriously Harry. Go home!"

"Nope. This is my treehouse too." Harry smiled.

Louis rolled his eyes but walked over to the mattress and sat down next to Harry. He took out a bag of weed from his front pocket in his leather jacket and started to roll a joint. 
"Don't smoke that." Harry said quietly.

"It makes me feel good. Don't be such a church boy." Louis muttered and lit it.

He took a drag and exhaled the smoke.
"Give me that." Harry said.

Louis looked surprised.
"Have you smoked before?"

"No, but I'm no fucking church boy. The church doesn't accept me anyway." Harry muttered.

Louis wised up and gazed at Harry curiously but he didn't comment on it and he didn't give him the joint. He took another drag instead.
"You don't have to prove anything Harry. Just go."

"I'm not trying to prove anything. I just want to find out what's so special about it that you do it every weekend. I'm assuming you do?" Harry questioned.

Louis just shrugged his shoulders in response. He hesitated briefly but handed Harry the joint nevertheless. 

Harry brought the joint to his lips and took a drag. He started to cough right away. Louis giggled a little and Harry tried again and it went better this time. He inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

They smoked the joint in silence, just passing it between them until it was nothing left and Louis put it out in the ashtray before he laid down. Harry followed his example.

Nothing happened at first. They just laid there without talking and he didn't understand what the fuzz was about. He was just about to turn to Louis to tell him that it didn't work when the drug kicked in. He felt a rush but at the same time, he felt really relaxed. He started to giggle.

Louis turned his head to look at him.
"Good?" He smiled.

"Yeah." Harry answered and turned his head as well to face Louis. He couldn't stop giggling.
"You know I got a real shock when I realized it was you?" Louis said.

"Me too, I mean, when I understood that it was you." Harry rambled and giggled again.

"I can't believe you look like that all grown up." Louis said. He was really chatty all of a sudden.

"Like what?" Harry giggled.

"You're like really tall and I mean, I always thought you were cute when we were kids but come on, look at you now, you're beautiful." Louis said.

Harry blushed and giggled again.
"Thank you. So are you by the way."

"Yeah, right." Louis laughed.

"I'm serious! You're gorgeous Louis, and all small and cute." Harry smiled.

"I'm big! I'm 5.9!" Louis huffed but smiled anyway.

"Really?" Harry questioned.

"No, but I'm not telling you how tall I am, or short, whatever." Louis answered with a laugh.

"I think it's adorable." Harry replied.

"Do you now?" Louis said, sounding amused.

Harry nodded his head and giggled. They locked eyes and Harry held his breath. Louis's eyes flickered down to Harry's lips before they came up to meet his again. Harry looked down at Louis's lips briefly before he looked up again.

Louis leaned in closer and brushed his lips with Harrys.
"What are you doing?" Harry gasped.

"I don't know. Sorry." Louis immediately answered and laid back down with a sigh.

There was an awkward silence between them and Harry tried to get his beating heart to go back to normal.
"I really missed you, Lou."

Louis looked at him again.
"I missed you too."

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