Celestial Queen

By emmaboo_29

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Lucy who is hiding from her father and brother, try's to hide her identity by coming up with other names and... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10

Ch. 5

1 0 0
By emmaboo_29

Laying down on my bed, I petted Happy trying to clear my mind, but every time I think that Natsu is out of my mind it comes back. Frustrated I sat up from bed, 'Why can't I get Natsu out of my head!' As I went to get up and go to the kitchen I heard a sound coming from my window.

"Happy was that you?"

"No, but I heard it too."

As we both looked at the window it opened and someone came in. Scared and screaming I kicked whoever it was and they landed on the ground.


"Lucy stand back, I'll protect you!!!"

"Wait, hold on a second Happy!" Looking closer at who it was, the person looked at me and it was Natsu. Shocked and scared I went up to him to see if I hit him to hard.

"Are you okay!?"

"Why are you helping him!? He just busted through your window!?"

"I'm fine Luce, but you got a strong kick for a girl."

"Do you want another one."

"NO MA'AM!!!"

"Why did you come through my window in the first place!?"

"I was trying to check on you and also it's a lot of fun!!!"

"I'm so confused."

Grabbing Happy I sat down in front of Natsu and Happy grabbed onto my arm letting Natsu know that if he touches me he'll attach.

"It's okay Happy, this is Natsu. He's my childhood friend."

"That's him!?"

"Yes Happy see," As I reached down for my necklace, I open the heart with me and Natsu and showed it to Happy.

"See? There's nothing to worry."

"Okay, but I'm watching you."

"Don't mind Happy, he's just over protected when it comes to me."

"It's fine, I want to protect her too little buddy."

Turning my head away blushing a little, Happy got off my lap and went in front of Natsu. Looking back at the boys they stared at each other which creeped me out till out of nowhere they broke out.




"Ugh, I swear..." As I got up I went to go to the kitchen to make food but then was pulled back down and was grabbed. Scared and a little shocked Happy looked at me with shock as well, waiting for me to ask him for help, till I heard someone speaking to one of my ear.

"Why did you run away Luce? Were you jealous?!"


"Also Levy invited all the boys to the sleepover too, you are going right Luce?"

"I-I don't know....."

"Well if your not going neither am I."

Surprised I got out of his arms and look at him in the eye's. He was seriously not going to go hang out with his friends just because I wont go? With Happy grabbing onto my hand, I held onto the necklace.

"Why? Their your friends?"

"You mean more to me plus it wouldn't be fun without you!"

Surprised I looked away blushing at the comment then Happy tapped me. Looking at Happy to see what he wanted he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"You liiiiiiiike him~"


"But you came home crying and you told me-"

Covering his mouth all you can hear was muffling sounds. "HAPPY!!! What I tell you stays between us got that or no fish for a week!!!"

"Aye ma'am!!!"

As I gave him a fish to shut his face I got up and went back to the kitchen. Making dinner it was quit, too quit, I couldn't hear the boys talking to each other. After I finished cooking and put the food on the table I went over to go check on the boys and they were on my bed sleeping with each other. Smiling at the boys, I took a picture and went and sat on the bed. Rubbing Happy's head, I looked at Natsu and moved his hair out of the way.

"So cute!!!"

"You liiiiiiiike him!!!"

"Happy, you are on thin ice!!!"

"Is dinner done?"

"Yup! You can go eat."

"What about Natsu?"

"I'll wake him don't worry!'


After Happy left I looked at Natsu, 'Maybe it wont be to bad to go to the sleepover.' Grabbing my phone I texted Levy.

Lucy- Hey Levy-chan, this is Lucy

Levy- LU-LU!!! Have you thought about it?

Lucy- Yeah, and I have made up my mind

Levy- What is it?

Lucy- I'm coming to the sleepover.

Levy- YEAH!!! Here's Erza's address, **** ******** ****

Lucy- Thanks, is it also alright if I bring my cat Happy with me, I don't want to leave him alone.

Levy- I don't mind but I have to ask Erza brb

Lucy- Okay

"What are you doing?"


"Sorry, but what are you doing?"

"Oh um, talking to Levy, I'm going to the sleepover."

"YEAH!!!" As I laughed I got a text.

Levy- Erza said that she would love it if you brought your cat! Everybody can't wait to see him!!!

Lucy- Great, thanks Levy-chan!!!

Levy- No problem Lu-Lu just be here in 20 minutes

Lucy- Got it

"Come on, I made dinner plus we need to get ready for the sleepover."

"AYE SIR!!!"

"Great, now your acting like Happy, also tell Happy he's coming with us."


As Natsu ran off into the kitchen I went to the closet and freaked out, 'I don't know what to pack for a sleepover, I've never been to one.'

Lucy- Hey Levy-chan, can you help?

Levy- Yeah, what's up Lu-Lu

Lucy- I don't know what bring to a sleepover, I've never been to one...

Levy- REALLY!? Well then, we should make this one a very special one for you!!! Anyway, you just need cloths for tomorrow, toiletries, and pajamas. Anything extra is all up to you.


Levy- Hehehe, no problem Lu-Lu

As I got all the stuff in my bag, I went and packed a few things for Happy and put the bags by the door. As I was standing there thinking, I felt something on my head.

"So we going to a sleepover?"

"Yeah, and I'm bringing you with me Happy, I know how you feel when your not with me."

"Then why do you go to school?"

"I have to do that buddy, but this is my first sleepover, it'll be fun okay!!!"

"Okay, but only for you!"

"Thanks Happy!!!"

As I took him off my head I gave him a big hug and he hugged me tight.


As we walked to Erza's house, Lucy was holding Happy, and Happy was holding onto Lucy's chest and I got a little jealous. I want to be the one to hold Lucy, I don't know why I just do. Once we got to the house, Lucy knocked on the door and stepped back.

"Hello? Oh Lucy! Natsu! Your here, AND IS THAT YOUR CAT!?"

"Hi Levy-chan, this is Happy-"




"Uh, yes?"


"Erza, is Levy-chan okay?"

"She's fine."


"Hey!!! Are you going to let us in or not?!"


After that Levy and Erza moved aside and let us in. Lucy with Happy nervously stood there, I then grabbed her hand brought her inside. Once inside her eye's lit up, Happy then flew next to Lucy and was also amazed. Looking around Erza's huge house, they decorated it with flowers and got snacks and a couple of movies in the living room. In the living room were Levy, Mira, Erza, Wendy, Gray, and surprising Jellal too.

"Hey Jellal, thought you weren't coming till tomorrow?!"

"Nah, I was just trying to get out of class to take a break."

Once he saw Lucy, Lucy caught on and looked away. Happy then fell down to the floor and hid behind Lucy. Getting her attention I mouthed that it's okay and she slowly walked towards the living room with Happy behind her. Everybody then noticed Happy and rushed over to Lucy.


Happy then squeezed onto Lucy's boot and Lucy picked him up and held him. "No, I don't think that's a good idea, he gets nervous with a lot of people. So I think it would be best if you'd give him a little bit of space."

""Okay sorry""

"It's okay."

As she walked to the couch she held Happy and curled up. Confused what she's doing, she then held Happy in a cradling way and hummed a sweet song and we then all sat down and listened to her. Her voice was so sweet and calming, even without her moving her lips. She then was brushing Happy's head and he started to calm down. Once she was done she looked at Happy who was now calm and holding onto Lucy's hand.


"Yes Happy?"

"Where did you hear that song from?"

"You ask me this every time."

"I know."

""We want to know too!""

As Lucy jumped, she was blushing hard. "Y-You guys heard me???"

"Yeah Lu-Lu, it was beautiful!!! Where did you hear that?"

"Oh um, I-" As I saw her clench onto her necklace I figured out it was her mom, so I got up and hugged her.

"I understand, you don't have to say if you don't want to."

"Thanks Natsu...."

"Oh Erza I totally forgot to say that my sister was coming, she said she was going to be a little late cause she had to help Elfmen."

"Oh okay, but she knows the rule."

"Of course."

"Who's your sister?"

"Oh, you'll see, she'll be here in a little bit."

As Mira smiled at Lucy, she then smiled and looked back at Happy. I then looked at Happy and rubbed his head and smiled at him.

"Your doing great little buddy!!!"



"Hey, remember, if you need me just let me know."

"Aye sir!"

Happy then got up and looked at everyone. "Hi, I am Happy!!! And I'm Lucy's best friend and guardian!!!"

"Excuse me, I'm Lu-Lu's best friend."

"Oh no,"

With a scared look on Lucy's face, Happy flew over to Levy and just stared at her, he then smiled and shaked her hand.

"She's good!!!"

"While thank you Happy!"

"But I was with her first got that!"

"O-Okay.... scary cat!"

"Did not see that coming...."

"Neither did I to be honest"

While me and Lucy watch Happy and Levy argue we heard a knock on the door and Mira got up to get it. Not as soon as the door was open we heard a girl screaming my name and Lucy jolted up and everyone looked at the door.


"Oh great..."

As Lisanna grabs my neck, I feel on the ground. Everybody then looked at us and then looked at Lucy, I didn't know why until Happy went over to the kitchen and grabbed a rag. Once I got Lisanna off me I saw that Lucy was squeezing her bruise to the point she was crying and bleeding. 

"Luce, what are you doing!?"

"Please move!!! It's okay Lucy breath please, go to your happy place." As Happy was trying to wipe the blood plus keep Lucy calm she started to have trouble breathing so he gave me the rag and looked at me with tears in his eye's.

"Please wipe the blood carefully while I calm her down, I know what's happening to her."

Nodding my head I grabbed Lucy's hand and wiped the blood off and went to rub the blood off the arm before going to the actual spot. Happy then went over and stroked her side of her face.

"Lushie, you need to breath, think about your mom,-"

"Happy don't-"

"I got this! Think of what your mom would do for you when you were sad, how she made you fruits in secret."

To my surprise, Lucy started to breath again and started to cry. "Let it all out Lushie, it's going to be okay, I'm right here."

Wendy then came over and rapped Lucy's arm and then looked at Lucy. Worried we all looked at her but in the background Lisanna scoffed saying how that was gross. I then looked at her and she shrugged her shoulder's.


"Yes, big sister Mira?"

"Why did you say gross?"

"The blood, it's gross."

"Your not lying are you?"

"Of course not."


Not buying what Lisanna said I thanked Wendy and held onto Happy wishing I had my sweater on. But Happy read my mind cause he went over to the bag and grabbed it for me.

"Thank you Happy" I whispered, he smiled and after I put it on, putting the hood over my head I cuddled Happy again. A little bit later I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Erza so I looked up a little scared. She then looked at me and I looked away but took my hood off.

"Let's just have fun okay! This is your first time right? Well let's make it one that you would never forget!!!"

"Thanks Erza!!!"

Smiling, Happy got up and flew around everyone and once he past Mira about to go by Lisanna I grabbed his tail and pulled him towards me. I don't trust Lisanna so I didn't want Happy to go near her. The first thing we did was play a couple of board games and to my surprise I won all of them.

"Wow Luce, for someone who hasn't done this before your the best."

"Well, when your all by yourself you got to do something so I practice with Happy and he's good himself!!!"

"AYE SIR!!!"

As we laughed Lisanna glared at me and then tried to cuddle Natsu. Trying not to show that it hurts I got up and started to walk to my bag, pulling out my ball.

"If anybody needs me I'll be outside."

"What are you doing Lu-Lu?"

"Just going to practice."

As I opened the door, Happy flew straight by me and we both walked out of the house. As I got to the middle of the big yard I put my cleats on and warmed up. Happy then walked over in front of me and sat down.

"So what's the reason now Lushie?"

"Heh, you know how nice it is for you to know me that well."

"Well, what are best friends for!?"

"Your not my friend Happy."

"I'm not...."

"No," I grabbed Happy and hugged him, "Your my family! I love you Happy, I'm glad I found that day!!!"

"Me too Lushie!!!"

As  Happy was crying, I comforted him and then got up and started to kick and pass all around the yard. Happy was chanting me on while eating a fish that he hides behind his little bag that I made him. When I ran away from home I was 8, but at the age of 13 I was trying to find a place to hide from the ran. Once I found a small cave, I just sat there crying waiting for the rain to stop. I then heard another voice crying and turned around to find a small blue cat. Happy didn't have a name yet but I went over and grabbed him, he was shaking and cold. Cold myself I went over to my bag and grabbed the only blanket that I had and cover him in it. He was also hurt so I went to help him but he freaked out on me. Scared I backed off but then went back after he went back to crying not looking at me. Fixing him I rapped him tightly in the blanket and used my bag as a bed for him. Not wanting to bother him sense it seemed he didn't like people I went back to the entrance of the cave and slept there. Waking up to the sun rising I looked back at where the blue cat was and he was just looking at his fixed leg and cleaned wounds. He then looked at me and at the time I didn't have my hood on cause it was all wet and I didn't wear long sleeves so he saw all the scars, wounds, and fresh bruises and so I looked away. Happy than came to me with my blanket and gave it to me.

"Th-Thanks for helping me... and taking care of me."

"No problem, I didn't want you to be hurt so."

"How did you get all this?"

"I-It's nothing, *sniff*, don't worry about it..."

As I took my blanket and covered myself I went to get my bag ready and looked at Happy, I couldn't leave the poor thing here by himself so I picked him up and put him in the blanket with me.

"What are you doing?!"

"From now on your going to be with me okay? I'll protect you!! What's your name?"

"I-I don't have one..."

"Then your Happy, cause you make me happy when I look at you!!!"

With excitement in his eye's he smiled for the first time that I saw which made me laugh. "AYE SIR!!!"

"Oh, I'm Lucy by the way, and I can see a good thing here."

"Aye sir."

As I walked out of the cave, that's when our adventure together started. I never asked him what happened that day cause I didn't want to ask something like that of him. Even to this day I don't know and I'm fine with that. Suddenly someone yelled at me and because it scared me I accidently kicked my ball to hard and it went flying over the fence. Mad and a little upset that I just lost the only thing I have of my mom I looked over and saw Lisanna.

"Wow, good job, you just lost your ball, hope that wasn't important."

"I'll go get it Lushie, don't worry."

"Thank you Happy!!!"

As he flew away to go find my ball, I looked at Lisanna and she started to walk towards me. Putting my hood on I walked over to the fence and try to see if I could find my ball. Then Lisanna pulled my hood off and it threw me back, so I snapped.

"What the hell!? Why did you pull me!?"

"Everyone want's you inside so they can play another game."

"Okay thanks..." Looking back at the fence Lisanna then went to my ear.

"You wont get Natsu, he doesn't like you, so stop trying to get to my Natsu."

"He's not yours, and I've known him longer than you have so I don't need to listen to your words."

As I was still ignoring her, she saw my necklace and ripped it off my neck, with a jolt and angry face I started to raise my voice.

"Give that back Lisanna!"

"Why? What's so important about it?!"

As she smirked and opened both of the hearts, she then looked at me and I was starting to get really mad.

"Awww, how cute. You have your mommy and a picture of Natsu. I would take it but your in it and it's to small to cut so."

She then took the necklace and threw it over the fence.


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