His Baby Boy (BDSM) (ManxMan)...

נכתב על ידי -carmin

6M 178K 136K

Jesse Morris was a shy 25 year old who worked down the street from Janvier Inc. Hal Janvier was a powerful m... עוד

His Baby Boy (BDSM) (ManxMan)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty eight
Thirty Nine
Bonus: The One With The Surprise
Bonus: The One with The Suspense


56.5K 1.8K 535
נכתב על ידי -carmin

It was last day at the convenience store.

It was my last day and The Darltons had closed its down and had taken myself, Agatha and Andrew to a restaurant not too far from the store.

"No words can explain how proud of you we are, Jesse." Stanley said, raising his glass of Chapman in the air. "You've been with us for three years and they have been wonderful. I have seen you grow and become this beautiful star, always smiling and always bright and now you're going to be an inspiration for others who need help, who get lost and need a little direction. We'll always love you and my husband and I will always bring you some packed food and sauces." Stanley smiled at me.

"To Jesse and his adorable face!" Agatha cheered, raising her glass. Everyone cheered and we clinked our glasses together. I took a sip of my lemonade, giggling at everyone. Charles Darltons reached over and placed his hand on mine. He gives my hand a little squeeze, smiling brightly at me.

I was gonna miss them all.

We had only gotten closer in the past year but they've become very important to me. We stayed at the restaurant for a few hours, smiling, talking and reminiscing about times at the store. I was texting Hal in between, sending him pictures of my food and some selfies of us all.

It was almost one o'clock when Hal walked into the very same restaurant. Since we were seated almost to the back, I could see Hal walk in and also see how everyone seemed to stop and turn to stare.

My boyfriend was looking as gorgeous as always. Today he had let me play dress up with him. He had on a burgundy colored suit with matching pants, white shirt underneath with shiny shoes and his watch, the dog tag necklace I had gotten him around his neck and tucked into his shirt, his dark hair was styled in a side patten.

He had one hand tucked into his pocket and he was smiling right at me. Hal walked over time where I was seated, I got up from my chair and wrapped my arms around him, smiling up at him.

"Lovely, I missed you." Hal said, pressing kiss to my forehead.

"I missed you more, H." I said to him, laughing softly when Hal made a face.

"I don't think so, kitten." Hal said and I feel my cheeks heat up. This time he pressed a kiss to my nose. I loved when he called me that. Every single time he calls me that, there was a swooping feeling in my stomach. I was about to argue when someone cleared their throat.



There were people here. Oh.

Hal took a seat and pulled me into his lap, saying hello to everyone on at the table. They were all staring at us. Not just the Darltons and my co workers but other people.

You would think that after months of seeing us together, they'd get used to Hal and I being all soft and sweet. Instead they act like it's the first time. I could actually feel Agatha trying her best not to squeal and clap while Andrew had a smile on his face, his eyes glued to the collar around my neck.

"Thank you for joining us. We thought you weren't going to make it." Stanley said to Hal.

"My apologies. The meeting ran late and I had a few choice words to say to some employees about wasting my time." Hal said and I hummed.

Hal slid his hand underneath my jumper and pressed his palm on my tummy, the other resting on my thigh.

"I can't relate to be honest. All our employees are wonderful." Charles said, looking at Agatha, Andrew and I.

"I'm gonna miss you all." I said with a pout.

Hal pressed himself closer, his nose buried in my hair. Agatha reached out and I held my free hands out to her, even Andrew joined and aw, my friends.

"Hey. Do you wanna eat or drink anything?" I asked Hal.

"No, darling. I had some snacks earlier and Jeff said he and Danny were going to bring over some food." Hal said, his voice quiet so I'd be the only one to hear him. We stayed at the restaurant for a couple more minutes before we bid everyone goodbye. I gave them all hugs and kisses to the cheek.

I had to turn in my notice because my work for the foundation Hal had created was getting more and more demanding and I wanted to focus on it and on Hal. I had thought of a name and the number of bedrooms and kitchens and how many story building it should be, the designs, bed sizes, bathroom sizes.

The Circle Foundation and the name of the buildings, of the shelters were The Halvier Circle. Everyone and anyone who needed help was welcome, anyone and everyone who didn't have a home was welcome there.

To be honest, it was one of the best things I've ever done in my life and I can't wait to see the final look. Hal had given Prez, the day off and had driven us home, my hand had been in his thigh throughout the drive while Stupid Love by Lady Gaga played on the radio.

"How do you feel?" Hal asked.

"A bit scared. I've had that job for years and I know I'm working in The Circle but the fear is still there." I told Hal. It was the first stable job I had ever had. It was through it I had gotten my own apartment and bought clothes for myself and food.

"I understand. The fear isn't going to last forever, it would take a while but it will go away." Hal said softly and I nodded. I believed that.

We got home in record time. Hal got out of the car, walked over to my door and helped me out too. He was always doing this and it hasn't changed. It's been nine months now and he still always ties my laces, open the doors for me, pick out my food and a lot more things and it's just... the best.

I made my way up the stairs while Hal went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I pulled off my clothes, placing them in the hamper, I also took off my collar, placing it on the box that was always sitting open at my dressing table.

I switched on the water, setting it so it's the right mix of hot and cold water. While I waited, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I had filled out kore over the months, I had changed my hair from the purple to a tangarine color that seemed to make my eyes glow even brighter.

I got into the shower, sighing happily under the spray of water. I was still underneath the shower when Hal walked into the bathroom, leaning against the counter facing me. Since the water wasn't hot enough to steam the glass doors, I was pretty sure Hal could see all of me.

He doesn't say a word, he stay there throughout the duration of my shower and holds out my large bathrobe for me, so I could easily slip into it. I spun around in his arms, smiling up at him.

"Thank you."

"Any time, darling." Hal said, leaning close enough and rubbed his nose against mine.

"Are you gonna shower now?" I asked him and Hal nods in response. He pulls me closer, hands tightening around my waist.

"Yeah. It would only take a while." Hal replied. Since he was going to have his bath, I decided to help him take off his clothes. It was not for personal reason. No. He had tossed his jacket off somewhere, so I unbuttoned his shirt, slipping my hand underneath his shirt, feeling his warm skin.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to bend you over the sink." Hal said, his gaze dark and full of intent and to be honest, I wouldn't complain if he did bend me over the sink and fuck me four times to sunday. Not right now though. We both needed to relax plus I had something planned for him later, something involving lace and thigh highs.

"I'll let you shower in peace." I said, my gaze dropping. I could see how his pants filled out, how hard my man had gotten. Just by looking at me. Just by me touching his skin. Mine.

I quickly made my way out of the bathroom, taking deep breaths and thinking of things that would prevent a hard on. Thinking about cactuses does the trick. I slipped out of the robe and into sleep shorts that stopped underneath my bum and one of Hal's T-shirts.

I grabbed my phone when it buzzed, smiling at the selfie I had gotten from Danny. His eyes were crossed and Jeff looked midway to an eye roll. I switched to my camera and raised the phone, finding the right lighting to take my selfie.

Danny and I text back and forth while Hal took his shower. Hal came out dripping, water rolling down his skin and fading into the white towel he had wrapped around his waist and I gulped.

"You're looking at me like that again." Hal said with a smirk. He planned this. Why didn't he just towel himself dry in there or put on his bathrobe?

"Can you blame me? Have you taken a look at yourself?" I asked Hal, licking my lips afterwards.

"We could something about this. It would take thirty minutes to an hour and we'll get sweaty again." Hal offered and who was I to say no that. I leaped off the bed and made my way over to Hal, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, the other pushed into his hair as he kissed me.

Hal slipped his hands underneath my shirt, pulling me closer as his tongue works it's way into my mouth. Kissing me stupid. Kissing me so hard I saw stars. I was about to climb him like a tree when the door bell went off.

We pulled apart and I held back a snicker when I saw Hal glare towards the direction of the door.

"It's our friends."

"They have the worst timing."

"You love them."

"I love you more." Hal responded, no hesitation. I giggled, my fingers playing with the tiny hairs at the back of his head. My man was pouting. He would swear up and down that he wasn't if anyone asked but he totally was pouting. I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, keeping it chaste because we do have guests.

"Let's just leave them outside."

"Then we'd be awful friends. We'll be that couple that left their friends out in the sun." I told Hal. I could hold back my smile or giggles.

Hal finally conceded. While he got dressed, I went to let Jeff and Danny in. They were carrying paper bags and I could smell the food. I could smell fries.

"Fries?" I asked Danny as I pulled him in for a hug.

"Curly fries."


We all got settled in the sitting room, an episode of friends up on Netflix. I cuddled up to Hal who took his time feeding me my fries, often dipping them into the tiny bowls of ketchup Danny had brought along.

Once all the food was eaten, I grabbed the empty paper bags and made my way into the kitchen. I dumped them in the bin and made my way over to the sink to wash my hands. I smiled when I felt Hal wrap his arms around my waist, his lips pressing kisses to my neck.

I turned around in his arms and smiled at him.

"You look lovely." Hal said, smiling sweetly at me.


"I wanted to tell you how much I love you." Hal said, pulling me closer to him. Fuck the wet hands. I placed them in his shoulder as I looked at him.

"How much?"

"More than Barney has friends. More than the entire population of the earth." Hal said and then let go of my hips to hold his arms wide. "More than this. More than the anything."

I tilted my head back as I laughed. He was such a silly bunny. "You are perfect."

"So are you, lovely."

We made our way back into the sitting room, Hal sitting and me cuddling up next to him. I was seated there, holding on to Hal, with my friends and there's nothing else. Everything was perfect.

When I was tossed out of the house I never thought I would have this. I thought I was going to be alone but here I was years later, curled up with the love of my life, the man who made me so happy and showed me there was more to life than loneliness and sadness. Friends, a job -The Circle Foundation- where I can help other who went through something like me, gay, straight, whatever.

I have so much that I'm grateful for and this man, my man, my boyfriend, my pouty cuddly bear. The love of my life.

I looked away from the tv, tilting my head up so I could look at Hal.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hi, lovely."

המשך קריאה

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