My Forever Boy

By KaeACarter

50.4K 1.8K 224

I feel my heart racing when I see his face. I lose all my words when he smiles at me. My best moments are alo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen ❀️
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen 🧑
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven πŸ’™
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Author's Note

Chapter Fourteen

1.7K 76 8
By KaeACarter

I am on the phone with Jason, before Aaron has to pick me up for our date in the Dells.

"Are you and Leslie going to chill tonight?" I ask him, curious to how he plans to spend his evening. He hasn't been spending that much one on one time with Leslie.

"Yes. She wants us to stay indoors and watch movies." He hesitates in answering my question.

I nod as though he could see me through the phone and sit on my bed. "But?" I say, because it sounded as though there was a but coming.

"No sex." He states.

I laugh softly, remembering the agreement him and I made.

"What are you up to tonight, Melly baby?"

"Not sure yet. I won't be doing too much." Not that my date with Aaron is a date, just don't think I'm willing to share that with him yet.

He sighs, "I'd rather be with you, if you don't mind?"

"I don't mind, but I think maybe you need to spend some time with Leslie. Just give me a call later tonight." I lie so easily.

"You're up to something, Melly. I can tell. What do you got planned? Are you going out with that guy who might be considering himself your boyfriend?"

I laugh at how Jason words his unspoken thoughts out loud. "I don't know. We will see how tonight goes."

"Mmm . . . then I guess I should tell you, no kisses."

I laugh, laying on my bed. "Deal." I stare at the ceiling, forgetting to get ready for my date. As far as I am concerned, I am on my date now.


"Yes, boo?"

"Don't get upset with me, but have you thought about maybe me taking your virginity?" He carefully asks me.

Every second. I close my eyes and imagine Jason between my legs, making love to me. I imagine him placing soft kisses all over my body. I bite my bottom lip, and realize that I have to get into the shower.

"I mean, we don't have to talk about it if you've never thought about it." He quickly adds, when I don't respond to his question.

I open my eyes. "No, I . . . I . . . I don't know. I guess I never thought you and I will ever . . . go that far. I always figured I will lose it to someone I'm I'm  going to be in a relationship with."

"That's me."

I sit up in the bed, when he says the last words. In no hesitation on his part whatsoever, but did he just say that me and him will end up together? My mind really can't process the conversation that's taking place on the phone at this moment. "I got to go, Jason. I have to get ready."

All this time I thought I was ready to have to the talk about being more than friends, but fear is overwhelming feeling. So many things will have to be settled.

"Get ready for what? I thought you said you were just going to pretty much do nothing. Well, whatever you do, no kisses." Jason interrupts my thoughts.

I nod, agreeing with him. "No sex."

I get off the phone wondering if I should cancel my date and just be with Jason. He wants to take my virginity. I want him to take it. I can't think of anyone else who I feel more comfortable around than Jason. I lay back on my bed thinking how Jason might feel, and his kisses. I close my eyes as I imagine him giving me sweet kisses all over my body. I open my eyes and take a deep breath.

"I have to get ready, before I decide not to go."


I get inside Aaron's car, feeling a bit annoyed that he doesn't get off his ass to open my door. I close the door trying not to let my mood ruin the night in front of us. He smiles at me sweetly as we pull off. My mind instantly thinks about Jason and how he always open the door for me.

I smile at Aaron, "You know . . . um . . . Jason always open my door for me. I mean, before he got his car. Our parents used to take turns bringing us to school, and he would open my door."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it mattered much." He flashes a lazy smile.

It does and you're losing points quickly! "It's fine."

"I'm glad that you finally decide to go out with me without your bodyguards. I mean, you're a difficult person to get alone."

I giggle a little, wishing that I did have one of my friends here with me. Preferably Jason. "Well, you seem like a nice guy." Aside from the fact that you don't know how to open a door for a lady.

"Are you ready to date, anyway?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I've never seen two people as close as you and your friend that aren't sleeping together." He glances at me. "Have you two ever . . . ---"

"No! Jason and I have never. I told you before that him and I are just friends."

"Does he know that?"

I hope not. I sigh in frustration, slightly irritated at him probing in my situation with Jason. Hell, I don't even know what situation is with him is yet. "I told you before that him and I have known each other for a very long time. We go all the way back to coloring and learning to spell our names."

I smile, remembering the first day that Jason and I met. I was too scared to go into the classroom, and Jason stayed in the hall talking to me. He had made me feel so comfortable. He took my hand, and we did that first day together. Since that day, the boy couldn't lose me. I didn't care how many girls walked in and out of his life, because at the end of the day, he'd still be my baby. My forever.

"You need to tell him to tone it down just a little though. I mean, because I do want to get to know you and he makes a guy a little nervous."

I smirk, knowing Aaron is telling the truth. Better come correct or go home, boo. "Well, that's Jason."

"And that other feisty friend of yours is no better."

"Kerri? Why are you complaining about my friends? They haven't done anything to you."

"I'm not. I just feel like they should let you breathe some."

"I don't want to breathe. I like when they suffocate me." I look at my phone with an urge to send a message to Jason.

Miss u 😘

Aww . . . hes boring u? Lol

I stifle my laugh and glance at Aaron. Funny how he assumes I'm with Aaron and bored. I go back to my phone.

U r not cute.

O, we kno I am. U good?

Yes. He hates u.

He better

Stop it. Hes nice.

He opened ur door?

Mmm . . . lacking gentlemen qualities.

Thats cuz hes not.

Stop, Jay bay.

Have fun. No kisses.

O, dont worry, but Im concern bout u.

Dont b. I kno how to behave

Do u?

O, yeah. Ima just attack u when I see u. Lmao. Jp. Actually Im not.

I laugh out loud at his silliness.

Talk wit u later Jay bay

Bet. Love u.

I stare at his last text, wondering what the hell I am doing. I can't get Jason out of my mind, but going out with a guy that I don't like that much.

Love u also, Jay

😉 I Know

Aaron glances at me, and I put my phone away. Jason always make me feel so giddy inside without trying. I glance at Aaron and sigh. Guess I will give him my attention for the rest of the night. No excuses, because Jason and Kerri are minding their own business with someone else, and I'm on a date.


Aaron pulls me into a spare bedroom, and I look around feeling uncomfortable the moment he closes the door. He tries to pull me close to him, and I put my hands on his chest making an attempt to push him away.

"Come on, Mel, don't do that." He pushes my hands away and puts his arms around me.

"I'm not feeling all this, Aaron."

He licks his lips seductively and tries to kiss me, and I turn my face away angrily. I can smell the alcohol on his breath right away.

"What's wrong with you, Aaron?" Anger sets in my voice.

"What's wrong with me is that I want you, and you've been playing hard to get from day one." He picks me up and throws me onto the bed, and I try to get up quickly, but he is already on top of me.

"Stop!" I scream as loudly as I could.

He starts kissing my neck as I try to push him off me.

"Oh, you know you want it."

I feel his hands trying to take my panties off, and I grab his hands, trying to pull my panties back up.

I look in his eyes, trying to plead with him. "Please, Aaron."

"Shut the fuck up."

I try to push him off me again with tears in my eyes. "I'm a virgin, Aaron. Stop!" I whimper a little at his weight being on my body.

Aaron tries to kiss my lips, and I bite him hard. He grabs his lips as blood comes out. He raise his hand to me, and I flinch crying.

"Rape! Rape! Help!" I decide to scream, until I lose my voice.

He gets off me in a hurry, and I pull my panties up and run out of the bedroom as fast as I could. I feel tears coming down my cheeks as I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door as I think about what a mess I had gotten myself into. I make sure that the door is locked making sure that he can't just come in to get me. I send a text to Kerri and my brother at the same time to see who will reply first.

Need ride home from Dells ASAP!!

I keep looking at my phone, waiting impatiently for one of them to come through. I roll my eyes when ten minutes pass by, and I am still waiting on a text reply.

I sit down on the toilet, thinking about the mess I got myself into. I look at Jason's name in my phone and sigh. I don't want to call him. I know he is with Leslie for a movie night. I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

"Jason's busy." I feel myself get angry at the sound of Leslie's voice.

"It's an emergency, Leslie. I'm stuck here in Wisconsin with no way home. My date is acting like a creep and ---"

"That's not Jason's problem."

She hangs up the phone on me and tears come to my eyes as I try to think about my other options. I quickly go through my phone again, realizing that I have to swallow my fears, and I will have to give my mom a call while she's at work. I know she's going to kill me, because she thinks that I am with Jason and Kerri right now. Just when I get ready to call my mom, my phone rings and Jason's face pops on my screen. I hurry and answer the phone.

"What's up, Melly? I just left Leslie's house. I'm sorry about that mess. I caught her on my phone when she was hanging up with you."

"Jason, I'm in Wisconsin with Aaron." I jump right into the details.

"What are you doing there?"

I shake my head and want to blame the whole mess on Kerri for pushing me to go out with him, but I know some of this is my fault, also. "A party. He got disrespectful, and I need a ride home. He . . . he tried to rape me."

"What the fuck? Really? Man, I'm going to kill ---"

"No, boo, I just need a ride home. Please."

"Text me the address. You know it's going to take me a little over three hours to get there, Mel?"


"Where are you now?"


I hear Jason sigh and then I hear him start his car up.

"I'll text when I get outside. Stay in there. If someone needs to go to the bathroom, they can piss on themself."

I hang up the phone knowing Jason is really upset. I can't figure out if it is because of me, or Aaron. Both. A thought comes from the back of my mind. I stand up, wash my face, and look at my watch. It is ten thirty-six. I shake my head at the type of person that Aaron turns out to be. I hurry up and send Jason the address and sit back down on the toilet listening to the music playing on the other side of the door.


When my phone vibrates, I look at it. It's Jason.

Im here.

K. Omw out.

Jason is just pulling up outside the house. It is a little after one in the morning, but he made real good timing. I walk out the bathroom and move quickly to the door. Aaron tries to grabs my arm, and I push him angrily.

"Where are you going?"

"Home! My ride is waiting for me."

"Man, let me through!" I turn to the voice as Jason pushes his way through the door angrily.

Aaron smirks, "Wow. You called your little boyfriend on me?"

I watch as Jason punches Aaron in the face angrily, and Aaron stumbles back.

Jason tosses me the car keys. "Wait in the car for me."

I just stand there, holding his keys with my mouth wide opened. I should have known that Jason wasn't going to take me being disrespected lightly. He's way too overprotective of me. Aaron recuperates quickly from Jason's first punch.

"You want to fight over this bitch?" Aaron gives him a look of disbelief.

Bitch? I narrow my eyes at Aaron. I take a step towards him to slap him in the face. Jason puts his arm in front of me, stopping me.

"I told you to wait in the car. I got this. Go."

I take one last look at Jason and look around the party as Aaron's cousins and friends crowd around us. "Not without you." I know Jason can handle his own, but I know he couldn't handle all of these people that we don't know.

Jason grabs my hand and turns me around to look at him. "Go sit in the car, before you and I have a problem."

Oh, shit. Okay, then. I give a small nod, holding the car keys tightly. Jason turns back to Aaron with a look on his face asking 'what you wanna do?' I walk quickly to the front door and turn around in time to see Aaron swinging at Jason. I turn away and walk out the front door.

I hurry to sit in the passenger sit of the car. I can't stop staring out the window waiting for Jason to come out the house. This whole thing is silly. I mean, I know what Aaron tried to do, but he stopped. I should have never told Jason why I needed a ride home. Now he's fighting my battle. What the hell type of mess did I put him in? I push open the door just as Jason is walking out the house angrily. He looks angrily at me as he walks to the driver's side.

I get back onto my side not meeting his gaze. I peek at him as he starts the car and blasts the music. I notice right away that his knuckles are bleeding. My eyes shift to his face and he has a cut on his lip. I go into my purse, grabbing a tissue. I dab his lips gently.

"Mel, stop. I'm good."

"You're hurt.

He shakes his head. "I'm pissed." He glances at me. "Not hurt."

He bangs his hands on the steering wheel, and I jump in my seat. It's been a long time since I have seen him this upset. He pulls over on the side of the road and takes the key out the ignition.

He looks at me angrily. "Man, Mel, don't ever do this shit again. Did anyone know where you were?"

I look down and debated rather or not to give Kerri name up. "Ker."

He shakes his head, and I can tell that he is going to yell at her, too. Tears start to come to my eyes.

He looks at me and pulls me close to him. "I'm sorry. I was just worried about you. I mean, you called me crying, telling me a dude is disrespecting you in the worst way. I just got angry."

"I'm sorry."

"Not at you, babe. I just wished you had told me this is where you would be tonight. I mean, dude brought you to a whole 'nother state and started acting crazy. This dude took you out of Chicago and brought you here, Mel. What if I didn't catch Leslie on my phone? Then what?" Jason shakes his head trying to gather his thoughts. "I could kill someone for looking at you the wrong way." He looks back at me. "Seriously. If it weren't for his people breaking us up, I would have put that nigga in the hospital tonight."

My phone vibrates, and he takes it from me. He looks at the screen and hands me back my phone. It is a text from Kerri.

Mel, just got text. Sorry. Bout to get keys from ma.

Im good. Jas came.

Sorry. Was sleep. U cool?

Better. Hate Aaron

Details after jas brings u home. Tell him I said hi

No, u on his shit list


Explain later. Lose no sleep. I am also on shit list

Lol. Glad I have a friend on list. Night.

Night. Thanks for tryin

Got u always

I look at Jason as he starts the car back up.

"Sorry about snatching your phone. I thought it was Aaron trying to harass you."

I lean back in my seat as he drives. He cuts his music on and looks at me as I power my phone off.

"How was your night with Leslie?"

He laughs at my question. "Well, it was going well, but then I caught her on the phone and called you back. She gave me an ultimatum to get you, or be with her. I'm here."


"It's fine. I told you that you're going to always be first, Melly baby."


Jason pulls up to my house a little after four in the morning. I look at him and think about how lucky I am to have him as my best friend.

"Thanks, Jas."

He nods, and we both sit there in silence.

"Don't do that again, Mel. I don't think you realized how scared I was when I spoke to you. And then I knew I couldn't get to you as quick as I needed to. Man, you're going to have me out here killing people over you."

I smile weakly and grab his hand. "No, because I'm done dating."

He looks in my eyes. I open the car door, smile at him, and wave. He opens his door and walks over to me.

"I'll walk you to your door."

He grabs my hand as we walk up my steps. I pull out my keys from my purse, and a nervous feeling comes over my body. I look at him briefly as he lets go of my hand and puts his arms around my waist. I close my eyes just as his lips touch mine. My keys falls to the ground as his tongue lingers in my mouth. I put my arms around his neck, while he has me pinned up against the front door. He breaks the kiss and hugs me tightly. We stand there holding each other. I rub his head and smile at him as he looks at my face.

"I'm okay, Jay baby. Thanks."

He nods and leans over to pick my keys up. He hands me my keys. I smile taking them from him. I open my front door feeling his eyes on me. I open the door and turn around to him still standing on the porch.

"Night, Melly baby."

"Night, Jay baby."

I walk in and stand by my door wanting to invite him in. He smiles at me and winks, and I wink back at him. With that, he is walking back to his car. I watch him get in his car and pull off. I close my front door and touch my lips. Only Jason has such a big affect on me.


I lay in bed looking at a picture of Jason. In this picture, we were at Great America at age thirteen. His parents had took us. He had a big smile on his face and was holding me. I smile thinking about how him and I had so much fun. This was before we got to high school and his parents gave him permission to date. Now, I can't fight the damn girls off his ass. I roll my eyes as my phone vibrates

What happened tonight wit ur boy toy?

He tried to rape me.

Wat he do? Call me ASAP!!

I'm good. I promise. I dont want to talk about it, k?

U sure u okay, Mel? I'm so sorry.

It's fine. I'm good. Jason was rite on time

As always. Jason beat his ass? U know that boy crazy bout his Mel.


He gon learn today (Kevin Hart's voice) LOL.

I smile at her text. Kerri is just too silly for words. Even in the most serious situations, this girl couldn't be serious.

We kissed again.

It's about time!! What do a girl have to do to get a kiss??


For real, u good?

Yes, Ker Ker.

Alright, Lady, C u tomo. Goin back to sleep. I'm not a vamp.

Heard that. Nite.

I put my phone next to me as my bedroom door creaks open. Charles peeks his head in, "Glad you home safely. What were you doing in the Dells?"

"Why didn't you reply to my text?"

"Dead battery. I had just cut my phone back on when Jason dropped you off."

"How convenient."

"Are you okay?"


"Alright then. Going back to bed. Goodnight, Mel."

"Night, Charles."

I watch him close my bedroom door. I grab my picture of me and Jason that I was looking at, before Kerri texted me. I smile to myself, remembering how at that tender age Jason drove me crazy.


I open my eyes to my alarm going off. I hit the snooze button, and turn on my side. I hear my phone ring and grab it with my eyes closed. I see that there's a text message from Kerri.


I smile and sit up in my bed. I reply back to her text.

Thanks Ker bear.

Can't wait to go to pool party.

Me too. Im a grown ass woman today!!


I roll my eyes putting my phone back on my dresser. My phone vibrates again, and I grab it. I see that it's a text from Jason.

Morning, Mel bay. Happy b-day

Thanks . . . boo.

Ready for party?

U know it. Thanks for getting ur parents to agree to have it at ur house.

No prob. C u round one.


Love u

Love u also, Jay bay

I stare at his text smiling to myself. Eighteen years old. Finally. The best part about my birthday is that I get to spend it with Jason. I can't think of anyone else who I would want to be with other than him.


I look at the time, and then stare at my reflection in the mirror. It's a little before one. I stare at my two piece yellow bikini. I sigh walking to my closet door to find some shorts to put on with a tank top.

"Wow . . . I've never saw that bikini. I didn't know you owned a bikini."

I turn around to my mom's voice. I give her a tiny smile as I slip a tank top on.

"Well, it is a pool party, mom."

"Yeah. I know." She pauses as I finish putting on some cut off jean shorts. "Baby, I know you're eight-teen, so I won't lecture you too much. I just want you to be careful in all your decisions."

"Geez . . . Mom, I'm just going to a pool party at Jason's house." I give her a look of annoyance.

"I know, Mel, but I was your age once, and I know how it feels to be a young girl curious about . . . - - -"

"Mom, I'm going to be with Jason and Kerri!"

"Okay." She stands at my doorway like she has something else to say. She smiles sweetly at me. "Oh, I need to give you this." She holds out a card.

I walk slowly up to her, and take the card from her. I open the card up, and look at the hundred dollar bill. I quickly read the words in the card my mom wrote.

I look at my mom. "Thanks, mommy. I love you."

She nods, "Love you, also. Well, I have to go to work. If you ever want to talk about whatever, just tell me."

I nod.

She smiles at me and gives me a tight hug. "You have fun with your friends, sweetheart. Maybe you can tell me all about it when I get home."

I nod and watch her walk out my room. I sigh and set the card on my dresser, just when my phone vibrates. I look at the text message and smile when I see that it's from Jason.


Omw out

I slip my flip flops on, and grab my bag. I pull the band out my hair and shake my hair out. I want to look good for Jason.

I walk out just as Jason is getting out the driver's seat. He opens my door for me. I smile at him sitting down in the passenger's seat. He closes the door and gets back on the driver's side. He looks me over and smiles. I glance out the window pretending like I don't see him staring at me.

"So is everyone at your house?"

He laughs, "Some people might be late, but my parents are still at the house. They promised me to try not to be too much of a burden."

"You locked them in the basement?"

"I wish." He looks at me again as he starts the car. "You got that bikini on underneath that, Mel?"

I laugh at his curiosity. "Maybe."

"Mel, you're killing me." He starts the car giving me a naughty grin.


I walk into Jason's backyard smiling at how the party is in full swing. Jason sure does know how to throw a party. My eyes travel around his backyard looking for Kerri. I feel Jason's lips on my ear and blush.

"I'll be back. I'll get you a bottle of water."

I nod my head watching him walk away. I spot Kerri coming through the sliding doors with Terrance and wave her over towards me. I watch her give Terrance a kiss on the cheek, and make her way towards me. I hold my arms out to her for a hug.

"Babe, why are you wearing clothes?" She gives me a big hug and looks at my outfit. "Where's that lil' yellow number I bought you some time ago?"

"Under this."

She gives me a tiny smile. "Well, let's see."

"Ker . . ." She puts her hands on her hips. "Sometimes you are really impossible."

"And that's why you love me so much."

I pull my tank over my head. I put the tank in my bag, and unzip my shorts. "I'm not taking these shorts off."


I look at Kerri's one piece and watch as she dances to the music.

"Why are you not in a bikini?"

"Are you kidding me, Mel? Terrance would end up killing someone. We know I have a great body."

I roll my eyes at her conceited comment. I glance at the sliding door, and watch Jason walk out in his swimming trunks with no top. My mouth drops opened slightly and Kerri fans me with her hands. I push her hands away keeping my eyes on him. I watch a girl in a two piece walk over to him with a big smile on her face. Jason gives her a smile and shakes his head. His eyes meet mine, and he makes his way towards me.

"Well, boo, we will talk later. My gift is the biggest gift on the table, okay?"

I nod just as Jason is walking up to us. Kerri sticks her tongue out at Jason, and he pushes her. Jason hands me the bottle of water, and I take it keeping my eyes on him.

"I see all these girls trying to get your attention."

He laughs at me shaking his head. "Naw, not really. Besides, I have a date."

"Oh, do you?" I raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

He doesn't take his eyes off me. "Yes. I mean, she plays hard to get, but we both know."


I can't take my eyes off his chest. I swallow hard. Things never seem so intense in the past years of celebrating my birthday.

A song blasts from the speakers, and I watch as everyone around us starts dancing. Jason gives me a smile holding his hand out. I put my hand in his and let him lead me in a dance.


It's a little past six, and I'm standing in Jason's kitchen cleaning up some of the mess. I figured the least I could do is help him clean up the party mess. A lot of people left already. In fact, they were only a few people in his backyard.

I pick up some dirty napkins off the table and throw them in the trash when I hear a throat clear. I look up to find Jason in the doorway with his hands behind his back. He had put on a t-shirt. I smile sweetly at him and continue to clean up.

"What are you doing, Mel?"

"Cleaning. I mean, I appreciate you and your parents for throwing this party here at your house. I might as well clean up."


I throw the last of the garbage away and stand there looking at him. I look nervously at the table. I always feel so awkward when no one is around us. I glance at his face to find he's staring at me.

"Happy Birthday, Melly baby." He shows me a box that he is holding in his hands.

I stand still keeping my eyes on him. He walks slowly towards me. I can hear our song playing in the distance. I smile at him as he stands inches away from me.

"You're so cheesy, Jas."

"I know."

He opens the box and pulls out a ring. I stare at it speechless.

"I've been saving for this, since your last birthday. It's a promise ring."

"What are you promising me?" I can't take my eyes off the ring. I watch him take the ring out the box.


I still can't look in his eyes. I feel my eyes filling up with tears. Jason puts his hand under my chin, and I lift my face to him.


"Yeah, me and you forever, Mel. I promise." He holds the ring up showing me the engravement inside. "It says . . ." He swallows hard before continuing. "Always and forever." He slips the ring on my wedding finger.

"Wow. Big promise." I bite my bottom lip looking into his eyes.

"Don't doubt me, Mel. I know I can keep that promise."

"I don't."

I stand on my toes and kiss his lips gently. He puts his arms around my body. We dance slowly to our song playing. Jason murmurs to the words to the song as we sway from side to side.

"I love you, Jason."

"I love you more, Mel."

I dance slowly in his arms staring at his face. He gives me new feelings every day. Giving me this promise ring is just taking it to a whole new level of love. Every time I think Jason can't get any better, he proves me wrong. I love him so much.

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