Blood lust or love [Karma Aka...

By Gothgirl1994

382 1 4

Karma gets intrigued by the transfer student that came from the UK, every day she finds a new way to kill the... More



53 1 0
By Gothgirl1994

Amatae was working on two different things at once-a liquidated form of of the toxin that was able to hurt him and a clear netting that would paralyze him so she could shoot the bastard. While she was working she heard the door to the science lab open and close before she heard foot steps getting closer to her. "May I help you Karma?" She asked not looking behind her

"How did you know?"

"You've been staring at me since I came here, I'm not stupid ya'know. It's pretty obvious to me that you find me of interest to you somehow." She said nonchalantly

He didn't speak anymore as he went up to where she was. When he leaned over the table where she was sitting, he saw what she was doing and rose an eyebrow at the young brunette female. "Just what are you planning to do?"

"I have two things I wish to try this afternoon. I just hope one of them works, I've been keeping quiet as I've heard about the attempts you've all placed on the teacher. Where I used to go to school was all against violence of any kind-especially if it came from those who had a bad record of having a temper."

"You're speaking about yourself." Karma stated

"Mhm, I am. It gets me that I was yelled at for placing two of the most stuck up brats in my class in their place while they get treated like victims when it was because of their words that made me snap." She said shaking her head

"If you don't mind me asking-why did you end up being placed here?"

"Two of the popular girls in my class were getting pissy about me talking to my best friend-who happened to be male. They didn't think that males and females should be 'just friends'. That males are just tools to get off on-I told them they were wrong...then they made me snap by calling me a whore. Since not only did I stick up for my best friend, but my...well ex boyfriend as well." She said sadly "I didn't like it that they were calling me out like that so I knocked both girls out and threw them into the garbage bin outside where they belonged before I began to shove them deeper into the smelly bags of trash with a shovel and rake."

Karma couldn't help but snicker a bit. "You're really evil to have done that. I would have join in on that, to see people like that get what they deserve."

Amatae looked to Karma with a small smile. "Really, you think so?"

"Yeah, of course." Karma said before he smiled at her. "How about this, we put our heads together to do whatever you have planned. How does that sound?"

She thought to herself for a bit before she turned herself to looked to Karma. "Alright, I'll take you up on that offer Karma. Thanks. I could use the help since I'm not that tall I probably need help anyways."

"Cool, so what exactly are you doing?" Karma asked curiously

Amatae smiled before she explained what she was going to do to Karma, while the two of them were talking outside of the room a few of the others could hear them talking to one another. No one had the guts to go near them, especially after seeing what Amatae was able to do without even trying. She was too much like Karma it was scary. They all scurried away when the two of them came out of the science room.

The two went to the classroom where they set up a trap to use on their teacher as they left out quickly before Amatae made an English dessert;Sponge cake-with it she had poisoned it. She left it on his desk before she sat down at her desk, when he came back he saw the sponge cake and his mouth began to water.

"Who left this here?" He asked looking to his students.

Amatae rose her hand with a smile. "I did sir. I heard from Karma that you enjoy sweets. so I thought why not make you one of my favorite sweets from back home." She said sincerely

"I'm touched that you'd make such a delicious dish for me Amatae. What I've been told about you and what I've seen are two different things."

Her smile faded before she leaned back against her chair as she crossed her arms. "That's not surprising-especially since no one at my previous school had an ounce of care for me."

The entire class was quiet as they heard the ice cold tone that Amatae had. Amatae closed her eyes before she sighed out. "Either eat it now or later it doesn't matter to me. But that is my thank you for treating me well so far, most teachers would have sent me out of the room and make me run the perimeter of the campus just for doing anything against the school's code."

After she got done talking she opened her eyes and looked at Koro Sensei "I'm very happy and glad that at least you're different."

Hearing her words Koro Sensei had teared up before he thanked her for the dessert and ate it before he couldn't move. She chuckled as both her and Karma got up to shoot him.

"sorry teach but I'm never going to give up the chance to show what I can truly do. Whether you're a good teacher or not, this is just how things are." Amatae said between the shots she fired back to back with Karma

She was very short compared to him. The top of her head only barely managed to meet up with his shoulder-when things calmed down since the others tagged in as well Amatae rushed to spring her trap web to capture their teacher only for him to use it to make a large rope which made her left eye twitched.

"Well played Amatae, but you didn't use enough to kill me or delay my movements long enough. But that's okay-that's what you're here to learn. A good attempt keep up the good work." He said as he patted the top of her head softly.

She sulked as she whacked his tentacle off of her head, she went back to her seat as she ignored the lessons. She was too busy thinking of ways to kill her teacher. After school that day everyone went their own way, Amatae was leaving the school when she heard her phone go off. She rolled her eyes before she answered her phone.

"What is it Arthur?" She said unamused

"You seriously did leave didn't you?"

She scoffed as she walked down the hill. "I had no option in the matter, my father thought that it'd be good for me to be here so I can learn to be a lady. Honestly he's nuts to think that I'd go back there when being here gives me the freedom that Gakuen high never gave me! I've already made a friend that might end up replacing you and that fried food eating asshole you forced me to befriend."

"It's not my bloody fault that you knocked out and began to hurt Elizabeth and Natalia! They should have just suspended you for a few weeks then let you come back. Not place you so damn far away!"

"Oh so now you're siding with the two who called me a whore now? I see how it is. I'm glad you told me to chose between staying there and being with you or leaving and saying goodbye to you. I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for your bull crap. The next person I end up with I'll be sure to pick someone who doesn't make me want to revolt like you do! Delete my number and never call me again-tell that bastard Alfred to do the same." She said as she got to the bottom of the hill.

She then hung up the call before she placed her phone in her bag, when she went past the main building she heard guys wolf whistle at her so she turned to see that it was just two guys from the main campus trying to get her attention. She flipped them off as she pulled her eye lid down sticking her tongue out. She then turned back around and continued walking on casually until she heard laughter from behind her. She looked behind her to see that it was just Karma.

Amatae smiled a bit before she stopped at the gate so she could walk with Karma. She found herself becoming more and more interested with the red haired male. When he caught up to her he patted the top of her head as he smiled at her.

"I saw what you did back there, you really don't like guys who flirt with you do you?" He asked curiously

"Depends on how the guy flirts and if I know the guy. If it's some sleazy guy like those two morons-tch, not a damn chance. But say if one of the guys in our class be it you or one of the others tries. Maybe I'd allow it depending on what is said and the body language that's put forth." Amatae said as she looked up to him.

He smiled at her and placed his hand in his pocket while he had his bag in his hand over his shoulder. "So say if I'd use a chessy pick up line would it work on you?"

She laughed and smiled at him. "Seriously? Is that usually how you'd usually pick up chicks Karma?"

"Nah, I rather try a more blunt and obvious approach." He said with a grin

"Now that sounds more like you. I don't see you as the type to use pick up lines you're not Okajima. Who I'd peg to use pick up lines that never seem to work."

Karma and Amatae stopped at a corner where Karma laughed as he held his side. "Now that's funny as hell! I'm starting to really like the fact that you were placed in E class Amatae. You probably wouldn't have lasted a day in the main building."

"From what I've heard and seen-I would have ended up there one way or another. I don't like it when people talk down others that struggle academically." She said with a sigh

"Oh? Is that so?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her

"Mhm, Back in my old school I was the top student. It always pissed off the student body president-who happened to be my shit ex. But that's old news, I can't wait to see how things end up here." She said with a smile

"'re saying that up in that devilish mind of yours you actually fairly intelligent?" Karma asked

She grinned a little before she smirked. "What does it scare you Karma?" She asked as she stepped closer to him as she placed her bag down on the ground by their feet.

Her chest brushed up against his as he looked down to her, he stared at her for a few seconds-almost getting lost in her red eyes before he moved his hand that was in his pocket up to her chin where he grabbed the sides of her jaw bringing his face closer to hers as his eyes showed just how excited he was to have another challenger in his life. "No-not in the slightest, in fact I'm enjoying getting to know you. It makes things all the more interesting. Tell me is this year the only year you're going to be here Amatae?"

"Nope, I'm going to be here till I graduate high school then my father will be forcing me back to the UK where I'm supposed to take over his stupid family business."

He smirked as he let go of her face. "Let's hope you pick the right high school to go to." He said before he said his goodbye to her.

She blinked her red eyes a few times before she looked at path that Karma took only to see the back side of him. She couldn't help but stare at his rear as she stood there with her arms crossed. "Hm, I wonder..." She muttered to herself with a grin on her face.

When she got home she heard her phone go off once more and she saw that it was her father. She answered it knowing he'd be persistent otherwise. "Hello father."

"Hello Amatae, how was your first day?"

"It went better than expected-I even gained a friend today too." She said with a small smile as she thought about Karma

"That's good, have you been behaving yourself?"

"Of course-I know what'll happen to me if I don't. I won't disgrace the family name father I promise." She said as her smile faded off of her face.

"You better not. Now I'll talk to you tomorrow. Be sure to eat and rest well, also do your homework like you're supposed to."

"Yes sir. Of course."

"Goodbye Amatae."

"Goodbye Father."

Once her father hung up she sighed. "Love you too."

She closed her eyes and tried to regain herself before she opened her eyes and she did her homework. Afterwards she made herself dinner and did the dishes before she went to bed setting the alarm early.

When it came to the midterms they couldn't study for them, it was then that Amatae's intelligences were shown. Even though she couldn't study for them because of the other's fuck up, it was all review for her. She was able to get into the top five with ease while the others were in the teens or lower. Karma was more than pissed off when he saw the fact that his place went down from its usual spot.

He glanced to Amatae who was more than smug as she leaned against her desk during break as she looked to him. "So, you really do have to study to keep up that image you place out." She teased as she leaned over to poke his cheek.

He instantly grabbed her wrist and placed her chest first against his desk with her arm behind her back as he bent down to her ear. "I wouldn't get cock so soon if I were you." He whispered to her

She smirked as she looked up at him. "Oh, did I hit a nerve Karma?" She said with a chuckle "I didn't think you had a nerve to hit."

His grasp on her wrist tighten as he pushed her head into his desk. "Shut up you bratty woman!"

She only laughed into the desk. "C'mon is that the best you got!? I got worst from girls back in England!"

He backed away from her as he looked to her in utter shock. "What the hell are you a Masochist?!" He asked

She got up and she fixed her clothes before she placed her hands behind her back while she looked to Karma. "Yes, and a Sadist, now that we got that covered when are you going to own up to the truth? Or must I be openly blunt to you Karma?" She asked curiously while she tilted her head to the side a bit

Karma only left out and held his test papers with him. He could hear Amatae talking with Nakamura and Isogai about what had happened. "Hey are you alright Amatae?" Isogai asked

"Oh you mean about the whole Karma placing me against his desk? Yeah just peachy. I've been thrown into worse." She said sheepishly

Karma's eyes widen hearing those words, what was worse than being thrown into a desk?! "What could be worse than that?" Nakamura asked

"Let's see, I've been shoved into a metal locker that's about seven foot two by four inches wide twice, I've been thrown into a metal rack of basket balls, oh! and I've been pushed off of the school building into snow. Mind you the school building is like three stories high."

Karma felt seriously bad now-he didn't understand why she let him hurt her. What purpose was there to her letting him harm her like that?

"Ouch, did you break a bone or anything?" Nakamura asked symathetically

"Yeah a few. I had to get an arm cast for my right arm for a year then a leg cast for another...Last year was the worst though-I was in a full body cast for most of the year. My entire second year of middle school was all verbal since I couldn't move or do anything else."

Karma left after hearing that-how she was still alive after the amount of pain she had gone through was a miracle. But he knew that he had to make it up to her somehow. For now he'd try to figure out how to deal with the shit grades he got. With Amatae she had now more than just Isogai and Nakamura around her, people were wondering a lot more about her and asked her a lot of questions just to get the answers that they wanted to know.

At the end of the day though Amatae saw that Karma was waiting for her outside of the building and she rose an eyebrow at him. "What's up Karma?"

"I'm sorry for what I had done to you, I shouldn't have placed my frustration on you. It was wrong and...And I really wish to make it up to you." He said as he rubbed the back of his head nervously

She felt confused and rose an eyebrow at him. "Erm...well okay. How do tend to do that? It was just a weak throw on a desk."

"How can you say that?! I could have hurt you really badly! I...Crap...I don't want you to get hurt anymore Amatae." He said getting flustered as he averted his eyes from her

Amatae saw how flustered he got while talking with her and smirked before she walked up to him. "Do you like me Karma Akabane?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him

He said nothing as he saw just how close she was to him. She giggled and smiled at him. "I've only been here for a mere two months-are you sure that you wanna do something like date an English woman like myself? No doubt it'll end just as quick as it'll start. I might not go to the same high school as you."

"What high school are you aiming for anyways?" Karma asked now looking to her.

"My father wishes for me to stay in Kunugigaoka, so that's what I'm doing. I can't go against it otherwise I'll just be treated more like a roach to him. But like you have any idea of what I'm saying-you probably don't even know what it's like to have a parent that hates you so much that they never say what you want to hear out of them." She said as she walked around him only to feel him wrap his hand around her wrist.

She looked up at him to see the sympathetic look in his eyes. "Amatae, I may not know exactly what you're going through. But I know about something very similar to it. My parents left me here on my own while they went away on trips and crap. I live alone-the only type of communication I get is when I'm here."

Amatae closed her ruby eyes before she sighed out. She then looked up at him. "Fine...alright you got me. What do you want to do to make it up to me for earlier?" She asked

He gave her a small smile before he pulled her into him. "I want to go on a friendly date with you." He said looking down at her

Her eyes widen as she looked up at him. "I...well okay. I see no reason why not. Far warned my father may call me while we're out."

"Fair enough."

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