Adorably Two-Faced (yandere r...

By ScottyBeelieve

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*A re-written version of this story is up, Adorably Two-Faced (yandere various). More

chapter one - kitty onigiri
chapter two - rock-chan
chapter three - bun bun lunch
chapter four - train confession
chapter five - lifeline invaded
It's Finally Here!

chapter six - herbal tea

632 35 2
By ScottyBeelieve

character photo: Watanabe Fuyuko

Kimi took out her spare key, painted a light baby pink along with a cute little white bunny face outline, before unlocking the door. Kicking off her shoes and leaving them on the shoe rack by the front door before fully stepping inside.

Flicking the light and softly announcing she was home, exhaustion lacing her voice. Only to get no answer back. Assuming Papa most likely was still at work, and as for her mama... well she could never be sure what that woman was up to.

Part of her was grateful though. To be given a little time by herself. 

Making her way towards her bed, she allowed her body to flop onto the soft bedding with a content sigh. She could pass out right now. Though she should take a bath and change her clothes at the very least. 


'...' a small blush formed at the surprisingly loud sound that emerged from her stomach. 

And maybe eat something while she's at it.. 

The girl placed a gentle hand on top of her rumbling stomach. To think she didn't even get a bite of her lunch. 

It was truly a tragedy.


She slowly sat up from her oh so soft bed before jumping towards her school bag, dumping the few contents inside out. For the most part it was only stationery items that littered her floor. The item she was looking for nowhere in sight, just as she had assumed. Small hands yanked at long dark locks as Kimi let out a frustrated groan.

"My lunch box!"

Dropping into a crouch, the girl buried her head into her knees. Letting the silence of the house engulf her for a moment. Doing her best not to cry. This day had left the girl fragile as glass. If it wasn't this, something as small as not having her favorite candy at home would have ignited instant water works.

But this was way worse... 

If her lunch box didn't somehow magically show up in its usual place in her desk the next morning.. She'd have to go back to her once favorite spot behind the gymnasium. 

And if that blond girl was still there, who knows what she'd do to her. Obviously she was ready to beat her up before for no reason. Now that she shoved her... Not sure it was helpful or not but the girl didn't even notice she dropped the box along with its contents on the violent girl's shoes before running away. Though either way...

Kimi was about as good as dead. 


The young Ishikawa girl ended up passing out after a good ol' *not so* little cry session. Waking up with a sore neck and dark bags under her eyes. Indicating her sleep was anything but peaceful, it seemed even in her dreams the girl couldn't escape her up and coming doom. With a sigh, Kimil forced herself up and into the bathroom. Working fast with her usually morning routine.

She wanted to get up and ready before her mama. There would be no way the woman wouldn't notice her daughter's distressed state. And Kimi would do anything to keep the woman from worrying. 

Ishikawa Emiko didn't deserve to worry another day in her life..

Her mother was too kind.. 

Too soft hearted..

That's what all of this was really about in the first place. Though the girl would never tell her mother that. Knowing that would just do the exact opposite she had set out to do. 

She was able to sneak out, only pausing when her eyes caught sight of a little bag of peach candies on the counter. Each one in a different adorable shape. Hearts, stars, and cute little bunny faces just to name a few. All placed in a small plastic bag, and tied closed with a cute red ribbon. Something her mama must have worked on the night before when she returned home.

Small hands worked hard to quietly grab the bag before heading to the door. Slowly slipping on each shoe off the rack and on before slowly unlocking the door. In an attempt to make the click softer than usual, before exiting. As soon as it closed behind her the dark haired girl bolted.

Running down the block before making a harsh turn, making sure she was completely out of sight from her own home before slowing down. Knowing her mama would make no hesitation to chase her 'baby' down the block if she saw her. 

Speaking of...

A soft buzz came from the girl's skirt pockett. Reaching in to take out her average looking smartphone. One that originally had a new cute little case every few months or so. It was one of the things she loved most. Whenever she felt down, all she needed to do was look at whatever adorable design that had been on her phone. But sadly that wasn't an option now.

Looking at a screen-  Mama❤

Kimi cringed slightly, jeez that woman didn't miss a beat. Taking a second to catch her breath the girl decided to answer the call. Not knowing what extremes the woman would go to if she didn't. 

"MY BABYYY!" The volume of her mother's slightly electrical sounding voice made the small girl flinch, but made sure her own came out as natural as possible. 

"What is it mama?"

"Where did you go?! You're going to miss breakfast.. And then..." the girl could hear the beginning of sniffling. "My poor hungry baby!" the woman cried out.

A sweatdrop formed at the girl's temple at the dramatic woman's words. 'I don't usually eat because of you anyway...'

"Ah, I forgot to tell you.. I made plans to get breakfast with a friend from school." the girl reluctantly lied, a evident frown on her face. 


After a second the girl became worried. "Mama?"

"my.. My Baby HAS A FRIEND?!" 

The cheer that came from the small phone speaker was so loud, Kimi could have sworn the phone almost shook out of her tiny hand. Quickly holding onto it with both in hopes of preventing it from dropping onto the hard concrete below. 

"Tell me!  What's their name?? What grade?? Are they in the same class?? How did you meet? Is it a boy or a girl?? What do their parent's do?? Favorite color-

"Mama I gotta go now" the girl attempted to end the rabbling.

"Oh, goodness you must invite them over!! I'll make the cutest snacks-"

"Love you mama, goodbye!"

Quickly hanging up, the girl turned her phone off with a sigh. She felt bad, but knew deep down if she didn't hang up she would have been stuck on the phone until school started. Forced to answer question after question about a person that didn't exist...

Kimi couldn't help but to feel down. Lying to her mother about something that obviously made her so happy..

It killed her.

"I'm sorry, mama..." her voice was barely a whisper. 

Her heart clenched in her chest. Maybe she could try to make one friend this year.. 

For mama. 

The girl pushed past the thought with a small sigh. She didn't need to worry herself about that right now. Instead she'll stop by the cute bakery she had seen near her school and pick her mother up something yummy as an apology. Whether her mama knew it was an apology gift or not wasn't important.. 

It wasn't until the dark haired girl arrived at the train station did another thought finally formed in her punny little head. 

Matsuoka-senpi's onigiri.

The small girl couldn't help but to bring her free hand up to massage her temples, feeling a headache already beginning to form. 


Letting her hand fall back to her side as she shook the feeling away the best she could before noticing a familiar tall senpai not far in front of their stopped train. Her cool aura only calms the girl more.

'Matsuoka-senpai seems like a mature and understanding person.'

Yeah, Kimi had nothing to worry about.

~~~  a few moments earlier ~~~








"Just stop already." Matsuoka groaned to herself, a large but feminine hand placed over her drumming heart.

It's been this way since yesterday after school. Everytime the dark haired girl's train companion entered her mind, she became hyper aware of just how hard her heart was beating against her chest. And when she thought of how unhappy the girl seemed the other day... it felt like someone was squeezing her heart.

A strange mixture of anxiety yet comfort formed within her at the thought of being close to the other girl.

She couldn't wrap her mind around these strange feelings. 

'Am I sick?' Tamashini allowed her hand to fall back to her side with a small sigh as her train pulled up. 'Maybe I should just go home and rest for the day...'

As the train began to pull up, Matsuoka had a decision to make.

'Basketball club is gonna start holding practices soon, I can't afford to be sick... I should just go ho-'

A small tap on her shoulder broke the girl from her thoughts.

"Matsuoka-senpai, good morning. " the smaller girl held a small, friendly smile on her face. She felt tired and a little scared of what today could bring, but she wasn't about to drag her senpai into it.

Tamashini stood frozen for a moment as the girl's sweet voice met her ears, turning her head slightly to see her joyful face. 

People surrounded the two, occasionally bumping into one another as they attempted to push their way through the train doors to get a good seat. 

While the basketball prodigy stood in a daze, though it was hard to distinguish it from her normal gaze, her companion began to get antsy. If they didn't hurry someone would take their seats. Without thinking she reached for the taller girl's hand lightly pulling her towards the crowded train doors.

"We need to hurry Matsuoka-senpai!"

A light blush formed on the girl's cheeks. 



'And so it begins...' Kimi thought to herself as she stared at her classroom doors.

Everything felt relatively normal, well Matsuoka-senpai seemed a little off today and she seemed to run off the train quicker than usual. But maybe that was because she didn't get her daily onigiri...

No way, Tamashini seems way too mature for that.

The girl shook the strange thought from her head and entered the classroom with a meal 'morning', before taking a seat in her normal spot. 

Taking out a small novel she began to make herself look busy so (hopefully) no one would approach her. But while doing this, something caught the girl's attention. 

"Did you hear what happened the other day? Fuyuko went on another rampage, attacked a group of girls for no reason..." 

Sasaki Yumi, the same light haired girl that had invited Hirano to lunch the first day of school, and everyday since then. 

"Eh? Really? That's so scary!"

Hata Shizu, a small girl. Almost rivaling Kimi in stature. Short brown hair framed her hair round face, with two small side pigtails peaking out each side. Big bright honey orbs nervously staging down her Yumi as she spoke.

"Fuyuko? Who is that?"

Naito Chinami, a girl with a more nonchalant personality. Long dark hair almost always seemed to be pulled into a ponytail. Slight interest shown in usually bord pink eyes.

"What?? You really never heard of Fuyuko? Watanabe Fuyuko?" Hata-chan questioned. Only for Naito to lazily shake her head no, slowly losing interest in the conversation with each word.

"She's like the biggest troublemaker in Komorebi. You really have to watch out for her. Ya never know what that psycho will do." Yumi spoke in an amused voice, knowing it would spook her short haired friend. 

Said girl was quick to cut in. "Yumi-chan, you shouldn't say things like that..." the girl's voice quickly dropped to a whisper, she was obviously a lot meeker than the other two. 

"What if she found out..." 

Sasaki laughed slightly at the girl's nervous state. "Yeah right, from what I hear the girl was a loner. I mean who would actually tell her."

With that Kimi decided to cut out the chatter, instead focusing on her own thoughts.

'Could.. Could the girl I ran into be that Fuyuko girl they're talking about?'

A small chill went down her spine at the thought, if the blond was really as well known and scary as Sasaki made her seem.. Then she really dodged a bullet the other day. 


She be that lucky today?

The girl gulped hard, before physically shaking her head back and forth. Like the movement could somehow throw the thoughts from her slowly throbbing head. Worrying about things like that wouldn't help her any.

"Hey, Ishi-chan!" Jumping slightly, long dark hair whipped around the girls frame as she turned to look at the smiling male. Causing him to laugh lightly at the strong reaction. "Did I scare yo-"

After meeting each other's gaze, his smile immediately dropped, truly taking in her frightened face.

The male's words then began to run together, guilt laced in every word. "Are.. you okay? Did I really scare you that much? I'm really really sorry Ishi-chan, I won't do it again! I just-"

"It's fine Hirano-san.. I'm just a little on edge today.." 

Part of the girl grimaced at her own words. 'Why... why did I tell him that?'

"Oh.. Is there anything that I can do to help?"

His voice was so soft and comforting.. 

That for just a second, the girl thought about it. 

Bringing a big strong guy like Hirano Tadaaki to the gymnasium with her.. It would help bring her anxiety down quite a bit. Opening small pink lips to agree, causing the pinkett to hold his own breath for a moment. Heart swelling with excitement at the thought of getting an opportunity to hang out with his adorable classmate. 

He'd attempted to get closer to the infamous Ishikawa Kimi since school started. Inviting the girl to lunch, into conversations during breaks, to study together. To onlookers it was quite obvious the pink boy had at least a tiny crush on the adorable girl of 1-B. Though that wasn't very uncommon. Many had developed crushes on the girl as time passed. But his was different... 

Sure, Kimi was an incredibly cute girl. Something as simple as a smile from the girl could make someone believe they're in love. 

But something else caught Tadaaki's eye... 

Ishikawa Kimi...

Was a liar.

The girl was hiding something.

Hiding herself..

Just like him.

He could immediately sense it as soon as they met. The girl was nothing like how she perceived herself to be. How badly he wanted to tear down the flimsy wall the girl had built around her and take a peek inside.To know why she was hiding in the first place.

Because he was hiding too...

"I'm okay.. Thanks tho, Hirano-san." The male froze at the girl's words, deflating slightly.

After thinking about it, Kimi had decided the negative out weighed the good in this situation. If she did tell Tadaaki about yesterday and asked him to come with her, then what? The male would start to believe they were close.. And it would just be another person invading the only comforting space she had in this school. 

Tadaaki was disappointed, that was obvious, but the male knew better than to fight it. They weren't that close.. 

Not yet at least.

Because he wasn't planning to give up anytime soon.

"Alrighty, but if you do need anything just let me know." the kind smile he shot towards the girl was enough to almost make her smile back.. Almost.

"Right. Thank you again, Hirano-san."

The male only nodded before taking his usual seat behind her. Though he made no attempt to pry any further, observant blush orbs always found their way back to the girl.


As the clock ticked closer and closer towards lunch hour, Kimi could feel herself becoming more and more anxious. And as soon as the loud chime echoed through the class, the dark haired girl was already on her feet. Wanting nothing more than to get this lunch period over with. 

Yet something halted the girl in place... well more like someone

Yoshino Hibiki

The girl couldn't help but let out a small, tiered sigh. Already aware of what was to come. Yoshino couldn't help the single twitch of his blue orb at the reaction. But he was quick to hide it with a bright closed eyed smile.

"Kimi-chan! Let's have lunch together, okay!" 

The dark haired girl couldn't help but to be slightly caught off guard. Sure, the male inviting her to lunch had quickly become an almost daily occurrence. But this time it almost felt like more of a demand..

It was strange, but in all honesty everything about Yoshino-San's demeanor was kinda off to the girl. So she decided to brush it off and go with her usual answer. 

"Please don't call me that... and I can't today, sorry."

Kimi could only hope that the male would eventually catch on that she wanted to be left alone.

"Ah.... Then tomorrow??"

Though with how things were going it didn't seem too likely. 

Cyan eyes glanced at the clock once again, feeling more and more antsy as the conversation went on. Quickly deciding that she had to end this conversation as fast as possible and not give the male any room to retaliate. 

Stepping past the heterochromic eyed male and heading towards the classroom door at a fast pace. Barely pausing as she waved the boy off. 

"I'm sorry Yoshino-San, but I'm really in a rush.. let's talk later."

Annoyance. That's all Hibiki could feel at the moment. How long could it possibly take for that girl to take interest in him.. it was never this hard.

But then again..

Maybe that's what made all of this so interesting. 

A strong hand made its way onto Hibiki's shoulder, causing the male to wince slightly as he held back a scowl. 

"Man.. I really gotta give it to ya, you're real hard headed when it comes to the girl you like."

'God, not this dimwitted.' A forced smile made its way onto the slightly smaller males face. "Whatever are you talking about, Ano-chan?"

"Oh. Your crush on Ishikawa-San, and her rejecting you everyday."

Heterochromic eyes widened (along with blush pink ones from a certain eavesdropping male) at Ano's blunt response. 

'C-crush?! What the hell is this idiot blabbering about??'

A fake look of child-like confusion made its way onto the males face rather than one that would show Hibiki's true emotions. 

"Me? Having a crush on Kimi-chan?" Letting out a small joyful laugh as he gave his 'friend' a small smile. "What an active imagination you have, Ano-chan. I was just being friendly."

'Crush, yeah right. I'm just playing with the mutt until I get bored.'

"Eh? I thought it was pretty obvious tho..."

Hibiki's hands clenched slightly at his sides, quickly growing more irritated as he realized the louder male was gaining more and more attention. 

"That you really like Ki-"

"Excuse me, but maybe this is a conversation to have in private."

Unclenching his fist in surprise, Yoshino turned his head to glance at the pinkett speaking behind him. As blush orbs met heterochromic ones Tadaaki spoke once more.

"No need to be embarrassed." Smile.


"It's natural to develop feelings for someone cute. But maybe don't force your advances on her, it's hard to watch a fellow classmate uncomfortable."


'Forced advances..'

'Making her uncomfortable?' 

'He's making me sound like some kinda creep.'

Turing to face the pinkett fully, Yoshino recognized him. One of the other males that regularly asked the girl to join him for lunch. Talk about a hypocrite.

"You've got it wrong.. I was just trying to be friendly" Hibiki chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Kimi-chan-"

"And that, calling Ishi-chan that when she doesn't like it."

Hibiki's eyebrow twitched slightly. '... is this fucker trying to fight or something?'

For the first time, the sadistic male couldn't help but to allow a small frown to pass through that innocent and childish mask of his. Before he smiled again as it hit him.

'Ah.. I get it now...'

Hirano cocked his head slightly at the strange change of emotion. Something about it put the male on edge.

'This ashole thinks she's gonna fall for him.'

He was practically saying "hey dumbass, she's gonna end up with me so just give up. It's kinda pathetic..."

'I'll show him.' 

Hibiki flashed a deceiving smile. "I didn't realize. I'll apologize to Ishikawa-San right away if that's the case."

'Just you watch asshole' 

The pinkett nodded slightly at the idea, but something felt off.

'I'll make that stuck up bitch my dog.'


Kimi finally made it to the gymnasium. Though she couldn't control the nerves she felt or the hammering of her heart against her chest. Taking a few deep, calming breaths before finally glancing around the corner.

Cyan eyes laid on a familiar tuff of blond hair and irritated face. 

Watanabe Fuyuko.

The girl stood crouched in the same spot as the day before. A glare on her face aimed at the dented shed in front of her. For such a small stature, she almost resembled an angry gorilla. One that you would see in a zoo. It would pace back and forth with a scowl before running up to the glass, hitting it with all it's might. So hard you'd think it would shatter.

In this scenario Ishikawa Kimi would be the glass...

Shaking in place at the thought, the girl silently swallowed her fear. Before preparing to just leave. Maybe come back after school instead. Hopefully the blond would be gone by then.

Slowly back stepping, the dark haired girl made sure her eyes never left the others form. Though the sudden crunch of a twig was quick to give away her position. Flinching at the sound as her cyan eyes met familiar blue ones. The blond was quick to stand up, grabbing a plastic bag next to her as she did before speed walking towards the shaking girl. Causing the shorter of the two to clench her eyes in fear. Tensing up as her mind went wild with possible scenarios of what the delinquent girl could possibly do to her. None of them pleasant. 

A short silence washed over the two, though Kimi didn't dare to open her eyes.

That is until an irritated sigh left the blond. "Relax, I'm not gonna hit ya, stupid. Well.. unless you give me a reason to."

... well, that didn't really help put Ishikawa at ease...

Though she tried her best to do as the girl said. Opening her eyes and relaxing her mussels as much as she could. But the fear in her cyan orbs stayed present, as she was unable to meet the blonds gaze. Instead staring down at her own shoes. Looking like a child that just got in trouble. 

Fuyuko grunted, unhappy that the girl still seemed so frightened. But brushed it off. Instead proceeding with what she came there to do in the first place. 

Suddenly a plastic convenient store bag was placed within Kimi's view. The girl only stared for a moment before the blond grabbed her hand, making the other flich at the contact, before making her grab it herself.

"I... uh..." the blond stumbled on her words as the dark haired girl timidly opened the bag. 

Looking inside she saw her lunch box, cleaned. Along with a packaged bun and a bottle of some kinda drink. Eyes moving to observe the stuttering girl, she saw it was her gaze turned from her this time. 

Glancing back at the dark haired girl, a light blush quickly formed on her cheeks. "Don't get cocky! That's just because I... I made a mistake.. yesterday, I mean." 

With each short sentence the blond's voice got softer. 

Was this girl in front of her really...

 Watanabe Fuyuko? 

The same Watanabe Fuyukol that all of Komorebi High apparently feared.

"Look, I was on edge yesterday... so when you came up I just..." 

Watanabe clenched her fist slightly, remembering the group of girls that attempted to jump her the other day. A small gang that had formed and wanted to prove themselves by taking out the big dog of the school. 

"I was just pissed... Those fucking idiots. I still beat the shit out of em.. But still..."

It seemed like the girl was more angrily speaking to herself, still Kimi couldn't help but tense up slightly. Letting her own thoughts come out without thinking. 

"Why... why would you beat people up?"

The blond quickly jumped up fire burning in her blue orbs. "They fucking started it when-" the girl sudenly stoped, fist and teeth clenching in irritation. "Ya know what. Nevermind, it doesn't matter. You wouldn't understand" Fuyuko couldn't help but to internally kick herself.

'Why the hell am I trying to explain myself to this idiot. No one ever understands.'

Blue orbs narrowed slightly as her heart clenched at the thought. 

"You're right."

The delinquent girl quickly looked back up at the other, the harsh look not leaving her eyes.

"I don't get it at all.. how people can just hurt one another-"

Kimi was quickly cut off as the blond bunched the front material of the girls blazer into her tight fist, using it to pull the slightly shocked girl closer. 

"You tryin' to say that I'm the bad guy here or somethin'?"

"N.. No!! I'm not!! I promise!" Ishikawa gulped before attempting to gather her thoughts, one wrong move could mean a fist to the face. "It's just..."

She didn't really want to dive into why she was so affected by the blond girls threatening the other day, but the blue orbs glaring down at her currently made it hard for her to think of any other way out. 

"Fighting for no real reason..."

"No reason?" Fuyuko grinded her teeth together as her grip on the fabric tightened slightly."Stop talking like you know shit."

Then suddenly the girl's demeanor changed. As the blonde clenched her eyes shut and let out a shaky breath, an attempt to control her own anger.

Grip lossed slightly as her blue orbs once again opened to stair down the dark haired girl. Her glare softer than before, but still present nonetheless.  

".. whatever, think what ya want. It doesn't mean shit to me.."

With that she let the shorter girl go, letting her harshly drop before turning her back to her. Preparing to walk away most likely never to return to this area. Kimi could have just let her leave. Pretend like their meeting never happened and let the delinquent girl fade away from her memory. 

It would be easy... just don't speak.

Don't move.

Let her go. 

A tug on the blonds white button up halted her from moving. Though it was gentle it was enough to make the blue eyed girl stay in place. Making no movement to look back at the dark haired girl softly holding onto her. Only waiting silently, sure she could have easily continued to walk away if she wanted to. But part of Fuyuko was curious.. 

Why was a timid, weak girl like Ishikawa currently holding back the most feared girl in Komorebi High. 

Hell, Kimi wasn't even sure what she was doing. It was just.. 

Something about this girl infront of her... 

reminded her of herself.

She had a feeling the blond was also hiding her true self.

Kimi had the chance to become close with others. 

Hirano-san and Yoshino-san

Maybe even the girl from the train station, Matsuoka.

Yet, here she was with Watanabe Fuyuko.

A stranger. 

A delinquent. 

"I'm sorry. You're right, I don't know a thing about you or your reasoning... I shouldn't have made careless assumptions like that."

The blond's heart seemed to clench in her chest for a second. She had grown used to people misunderstanding her and looking at her as just an overly violent girl with no reasoning. Just a person who enjoyed hurting others and starting fights. 

And just for a moment...

Watanabe Fuyuko almost felt understood. Like a person finally saw past the wall she had to put up to continue the path she was on.

But another part of her...

The character she had created, hated that.

"You fucking messing with me now?!?" Watanabe spun around to face the girl, teeth grinding together and fist clenched. But didn't make a move to put her hands on her this time. 

"E-Eh?? NO! I.. I promise.." the girl trailed off slightly, unsure where to go next with this conversation... man, she really didn't think this through very well...

Fuyuko scuffed slightly while running a hand through her short shaggy hair. "Man, for a person as weak lookin as you, ya really know how to make a person wanna beat on ya."


The dark haired girl couldn't help but deflate slightly at the comment. Something the blond noticed immediately, making her feel a little guilty about not picking her words better. And the guilt... only successful in sending the girl hurling back into her pissed off state. 

Why should she feel bad?

She was just tellin' it how it is....

'God dammit!'

Fuyuko was quick to turn back around, hiding the small embarrassed blush forming on her cheeks. Planning to leave the secluded area behind the gym. The sudden movement made Ishikawa flinch slightly, before panic set in once again.

'Did I do something wrong...' cyan eyes saddened a bit, before quickly brightening once again as the blond quickly turned back around to address the said girl.

"Drink the tea before leaving. You're so tiny and weak looking, man it's pathetic." Her usual glare and mean words seemed strangely soft at that moment. "If you don't, I'll kick your ass for not listening."

.. or not..

Tiny hands worked fast to grab the bottled tea from the plastic bag still hanging from her hand. Twisting the cap and taking a big gulp, not caring about the flavor... well, until it hit her tongue.

"Ack!" coughing the girl almost spit out the liquid, before her eyes met judgmental blue ones causing her to reluctantly swallow the bitter drink. Once finishing, looking down at the bottle in hand to actually read the packaging this time. 

Chinese herbal tea.

The blond had gotten her a health drink as an apology... sure it apparently had great health benefits but the actual flavor... it was an acquired taste to say the least.

One that the young Ishikawa had yet to form. To accustomed to her mother's homemade sweets. 

While the younger girl was having a mental breakdown, the other couldn't help but grin at the reaction. It was kinda adorable. And with that thought Fuyuko suddenly noticed something. The girl in front of her was really....


That was enough to send the blond spiraling.

'What... What the fuck am I thinking?!?' shaky blue eyes took in the shorter girl, currently sniffing the tea with a look of dread. 'Thinking that pathetic idiot is cute??'

Red was quick to engulf the girl's face, as she shook slightly in place. Feeling like her own embarrassment would make her explode. She had to get out of her before she did something she'd regret. Like actually complement the girl, or break her face so she didn't continue to affect her like this. 

Either way, both options were equally awful in the blond's eyes.

She was quick to jog away without another word other than telling the girl to finish the herbal tea or else. If Kimi was gonna torture her mentally like this, she would just have to get back at her like this for now.

Disgusted eyes gazed at the tea.

Of course she could just dump it out, what was the chance the female delinquent would even know if she drank it or not...

A small sigh passed pink lips before bringing the bottle back to her mouth with a grimace. A hand plugging her own nose in an attempt to make the bitter drink go down easier. 

Kimi didn't have the guts to go against the girl.

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