Alpha Female's Mate

By chellelove10

115K 3.8K 568

I have seen and heard a lot of weird things in my life. Things that will make you wonder what the heck is goi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not an update
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Final Epilogue
Final Author's Note
SEQUEL IS OUT!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 14

2.4K 77 12
By chellelove10

Artemis Pov

Standing in front the window of the guest room, the sunsets behind the vast forest stretching across acres and acres of land. Below me I watch as Alex's pack members set up, children smiling and chasing each. I watch in silence at one particular child sitting on the tree just watching the kids have fun. He stares at them in longing and I tilt my head in curiosity when he puts his hand in his pocket bringing out what seems to be a caterpillar, frowning at him when he starts muttering things under his breath whilst staring at the it. Opening the window so I can hear him, the cold wind blows against my face sending some of my hair flying in my mouth. Scowling at myself, I spit the hair out pushing the rest behind my shoulder.

I hate that so much.

Ignoring it, I look at the boy again using my werewolf hearing to listen to his conversation.

"I 'm sad." He whispers sadly staring at the children for a minute and bringing his gaze back to the caterpillar. "No one wants to play with me because they said I'm different. They call me names like freak and weirdo but my mommy said different is good."

I furrow my brows at his words but still listen.

"I wish I was like the rest of them. I wish I could become a butterfly. Want to know why?" He questions his baby blue eyes staring at the caterpillar crawling in his palms. "Because then I'll be beautiful and everyone will like me."

My heart breaks at his words, climbing the window sill a knock on the door startles me before I can jump to him. The scent of rain and pine wood hits my nose and I know it's Nathan. Getting down, I look back at the tree only to realise he's gone but I'll find him. The knock comes again this time louder and I sigh in frustration running my fingers through my hair to tame the curls a bit.

"Come in." I murmur and the door opens. Raising my brow at the door as I watch Nathan poking his head in before opening it fully to allow himself in. Wearing a dark wash jeans and a white buttoned up shirt he offers me a small smile.

"I wanted to let you know that the Alpha request your presence. He wants to officially thank you for what you did and also have dinner with the pack members." He says looking everywhere but my face and I smile at how awkwardly he stands there fidgeting with his fingers.

"You can ask you know." I muse and his eyes snap to mine quickly, widening before he looks back down. He clenches his jaw before looking at me again.

"How come you have violet eyes?" I smile at him walking towards the night bag I packed in case of emergencies, pulling out a mom jeans and a black hoodie. He watches me in silence as I go to the bathroom and without glancing at him, I shut the door.

Okay so what lies are we gonna come up with?

I roll my eyes at Red. I'm not gonna lie to him.

What!! You can't possibly tell him the truth? 

I shrug not bothering to give her an answer. Taking of my clothes  I step in the shower allowing the water to soothe my aching muscles. Showers really help you know, they help clear your mind from every unwanted thoughts and just then my mind wanders towards the little boy I saw and I frown, why would he think that way?

My skin starts to prune and I sigh turning the shower off and step out. Standing in front of the mirror, a towel wrapped around me, I raise my hand wiping the fog from the mirror.

Violet eyes stare at me, tiny freckles dotted on my face, black hair wet from the shower sticks to my face and I tilt my head to the side watching as the reflection does the same. Looking away, I put my underwear on, allowing my hair to air dry before wearing my clothes. Stepping out, I find Nathan still there staring out the window. I watch him in silence as he stares at the moon hidden behind the forest but still bright enough that it lights it up.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He murmurs and I hum in response standing beside him staring at the view. Feeling his stare on the side of my face , I face him but he quickly looks away neck heating up and I smile.

"I was born with these eyes." I say softly. He doesn't speak for awhile probably deep in thoughts anyway.

"And you're the Alpha of the most feared pack?" He questions again and I nod. "How?"

I turn to look at him, raising my eyebrow. "How am I the Alpha or How is a girl an alpha?"

He smiles sheepishly at me rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry didn't mean for it to come out that way." He mutters sincerity in his voice.

I turn back to the view, arms clasped behind my back. "I was born an Alpha." I can tell he's frowning because honestly it shouldn't be possible. The werewolf community think that females aren't meant to be alphas and if it happens that a girl is the first born, they wait till the parents have a male child and hand over the position to him. Before he can add anything I walk to the door turning to watch him.

"Are you coming?" He frowns staring at me before nodding his head. I smile opening the door and he leads me to the backyard, filled with his pack members celebrating. I smile when I see Ollie right beside the snack table and Damien being his brooding self, glaring at everyone. I watch as a group of girls pass by him giggling and pointing towards him but he pays no attention to them just staring.

"Having fun?" I whisper in Ollie's ear and he yelps in surprise.

"Shit, you scared me Artemis." He murmurs placing his hand on his chest breathing harshly and I laugh at him.

"You're a werewolf." I state bluntly and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Yes but when I see food I'm practically vulnerable." He says stuffing his mouth with a chicken wing, savoring the taste and groaning in pleasure."This is the stuff." I shake my head at him moving to stand by Damien and he bows his head.

"Alpha." He grunts and I nod.

"Having fun?" The blank look doesn't leave his face when he nods and I chuckle at him. I look at the crowd and a couple catch my attention, judging from the way the male glares at other males when they stare at the girl a bit longer and his arm wrapped around her possessively I can tell they are mates and this makes me sigh, gosh I miss Storm so much. I wonder what he's up to by now?

"Selena." I call out opening the mid link to her.

"Alpha." She responds

"How is everything?"

"Good. Esme was able to create for temporary barrier but she seems to be having a bit of trouble determining how the rogues use the oak tree. The only conclusion she came up with was that they might be using dark magic but she cannot sense any presence of one."

I clench my fist, anger swirling within me causing Damien to glance at me briefly. "Alright. Anyway I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon, we had a bit if trouble here but I think I'll have my answers soon enough."


"How is Storm?" From her emotions through the link I can tell she's amused.

"All I can say is he misses you a lot. He won't stop asking when you'll be getting back and even tried to make me bring him to you. Right now he is sulking."

I laugh loudly, catching the attention of those around me and I blush. "Tell him I missed him too and I'll be back tomorrow."

"I will." I cut the link of when I see Alpha Alex coming towards me, a smirk on his face as he checks me out. The crowd parts for his large frame, dressed in black jeans and a black sweatshirt, hair pushed back as those dark eyes stare at me.

He stands in front of me running his eyes over my frame before bringing his gaze back to me. "You look beautiful."

I stare at him flatly, rolling my eyes at him. "Flattery will get you know where Alpha Alex." I state bluntly and he chuckles stuffing his hand in his pocket.

"You're tough aren't you?"

I feign shock gasping at him. "Oh really! I never knew! Must have slipped my mind after I broke your arm and nose."

"I've not forgotten about that." He says narrowing his eyes at me and I smirk. Nathan moves to stand by him whispering something in his ear, Alex glances briefly in my direction before nodding his head.

He turns to me a cheeky smile on his face. "Well it's time." I scrunch my face in confusion.

"Time for what?" I say softly but he smirks grabbing my hand and I pull it back immediately, Red growling in my head.

"Is everything okay?" He says frowning and I step closer to him staring straight in his dark eyes.

"I'm gonna say this once so you better listen, Don't touch me without permission." I reply calmly and he gulps nodding his head. I follow him to the little stage set up, Damien and Ollie already standing there with Nathan by their side. Moving to stand beside Ollie, he leans in whispering in my ear.

"You've got to try their tacos Artemis. It's like I went to Taco heaven." He murmurs quietly and I press my lips together stifling the laugh that wants to escape me.

"Goodevening." Alex begins, his voice grabbing the attention of everyone present. "Today as you all know we were under attack and honestly we wouldn't have been where we are if not for the alpha of midnight fall pack." At the mention of our pack, whispers and murmurs break out, their eyes glancing in our direction, some growling at us and others hiding their children behind them.

"Oh my goodness they are going to kill us."

"I thought they didn't have an alpha."

"I bet it's the blonde cute one." Ollie smirks and I know he heard that.

"That's impossible."

"Have you seen the girl beside them,she looks like a pup."  Red growls in my head and I purse my lips when Ollie muffles his laugh with a cough.

I am not a pup. Red snaps and I nod my head in agreement.

"Can they get this over with I'm hungry, heard the tacos are to die for." A voice in the crowd grumbles clearly irritated.

"Told ya." Ollie says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Enough!" Alex booms silencing every single one of them. "I know you are scared because of their history but I can assure you they mean us no harm. They helped us and I think we owe them to be civilized so thank you and enjoy the dinner party." He ends and every one cheers loudly.

Alex walks to me a smile on his face. "Thank you Alpha Artemis." he says sincerely and I smile at him.

"You're welcome." I reply and he smiles one last time before leaving. I turn to see only Damien by my side and I frown looking around for Ollie but my eyes land on him, the little boy I saw. He is sitting alone again just staring at his fingers, I walk towards him, Damien right behind me.

"Hello." I whisper softly and he raises his head quickly gasping in shock.

"Your eyes.." He whispers trailing of and I smile at him pointing to the chair beside him.

"Do you mind?" I ask and he shakes his head quickly, brown curls bouncing. I smile at how adorable he looks. He turns in his seat grinning at me but it slowly falls of when his eyes shift to Damien no doubt intimidated by his size.

"Is he your friend?" He says in a shaky voice. Damien looks at him blankly and I smile nodding my head. "He looks like he can eat me up." He mutters and I laugh when Damien frowns.

"Don't worry he won't eat you up." I reply.

"Are you sure?" He whispers still staring at him a cautiously and it doesn't help when Damien continues to stare at him intensely.

"Very sure." he nods reluctantly and looks ahead. "Anyway why are you sitting here alone?" I question and he shrugs.

"No one wants to sit beside me."


He sighs twisting his fingers together. "Because they said I don't belong here, that I'm different from them because I shifted early into my wolf." I frown when he says that. We don't shift into our wolves until the age of 16 he looks 9.

"What's your name and how old are you?" I ask softly and those baby blue eyes stare at me.

"I'm Riley and I'm nine years. What's yours?" he asks back

"Artemis." I smile.

"Your name is pretty just like you." He mutters shyly blushing and I smile at how cute he his. Definitely going to be a ladies killer.

"Thank you Riley, I think you're handsome too." I grin watching as his cheeks heat up even more. "Wanna see something cool?" He perks up immediately nodding his head and I close my eyes taking deep breaths before opening them again.

"Your eyes are green?" He whispers cupping my cheeks. "But they were violet."

"Yes they were but I can change them to green even though I was born with violet eyes." I tell him stroking his hair gently.

He frowns at me. "But that makes you different." I nod my head.

"Yes I'm different but it also makes me stand out from the rest. It makes me unique Riley." He furrows his brow a concentrated look on his face as he stares at the ground. 

"Does that mean I'm unique as well?" He questions after some time.

"Yes you're unique and it's good. It doesn't matter if you don't fit in with the others just be you okay." He looks at me tears in his eyes and I quickly pull him into a hug squeezing him tightly as he wraps his tiny arms around my neck.

"Thank you A." Murmuring in my hair and I pull back in surprise raising my eyebrows at him.


He smiles cheekily at me pushing his curls from his face . "Yeah A for Artemis."

"Well how about I call you Ri short for Riley?" He nods pleased with the nickname, baby blue eyes light up with happiness. Deciding to not leave his side, I ask Damien to get me some of the tacos Ollie was talking about. He comes back later with two plates, one has five tacos on it and the other has a chicken salad.

He hands it to me and I murmur a small thanks lifting the taco to my mouth only to freeze when Riley stares at me in shock.

"Can you eat all this?" He asks looking between I and the plate and I nod my head at him."But you're so small." He adds on slowly taking my figure in disbelief clear on his face.

I scowl at him, seriously what is with people calling me small. I get it, I'm 5'1 and a half with a tiny figure but I'm not small.

"I'm not small." I mutter begrudgingly shoving the taco into his mouth to prevent him from talking and taking a bite from my own.

 I look on watching everyone, eyes scanning the crowd for a particular blonde Beta but rather my gaze lands on Alpha Alex. Surrounded by his pack mostly girls, around the fire, the shadow of the flame casting on soft glow on his features making him look even darker than he already is and as if sensing my gaze he slowly looks up from under his brow a smirk forming on his lips and he raises his hand, wiggling his fingers at me. Rolling my eyes at him, his body shakes in silent laughter and looks away when someone taps his shoulder.

"Do you like my alpha?" A small voice says grabbing my attention, staring into his innocent eyes filled with curiosity. I shake my head and he frowns. "Why?"

"I have a mate." That I miss so much. The frown doesn't leave his face when I say that.

"Where is he?" My heart clenches at the thought of Storm and I being apart, sighing I send him a small smile.

"He's back at my pack waiting for me, I'll let you meet him one day." His face brightens up when I say that, a giddy smile on his lips.


"Yes really but in the mean time I'd like you to meet another friend of mine. You'll get along just fine." I tell him. "Considering he acts like a kid." murmuring the last part under my breath. He perks up in excitement at the thought of meeting another person, getting up from his chair he grabs my hands pulling me up and I chuckle at him.

"Come on A let's go meet your friend." He says. Damien follows as well as we maneuver around the drunk bodies in search for Ollie and knowing him if there's food, you'll find him there and what do you know he's right beside the what looks to be a table filled with cakes. Standing behind him, I tap his shoulder and he turns abruptly cheeks filled with food, pursing my lips at him when he smiles, well tries to smile anyway.

A giggle is heard and I look down to see Riley staring at Ollie in amusement. "You look like a chipmunk." I snort, Ollie's jaw drops spilling some of the cake out and I step back in disgust.

He swallows, wiping his mouth with a tissue and placing his hands on his waist as he narrows his eyes at Riley. "Oh please, have you see this face?" He sasses pointing to his face. "Because they can't pull this face of." He winks at him, bringing his gaze to mine.

"Whose kid did you steal?"

A scowl appears on my face."I did not steal anyone's kid, he's my friend." Smiling when Riley nods his head in agreement.

"It's true by the way my name is Riley." He introduces, Ollie crouches to his level grinning at him.

"Well Riley, I'm Ollie. Wanna be my friend?"

His eyes widen, turning to look at me and I nod my head. He jumps in excitement surprising all of us when he hugs Ollie. "Yes! I'll be your friend." Ollie pulls back giving him a fist bump, ruffling his hair and stands up.

I was wrong to have introduced Ollie to Riley, it was simply a poor mistake on my part. After they got to know each other well let's just say Riley might have learnt a thing or two from him.

"Do you think it was a good idea to introduce them?" I question, looking at the relationship forming between those two.

"Riley is a kid, Ollie is a kid." Damien answers. Currently they are having a silly face competition  trying to see who can make the girls surrounding them laugh the most.

"Alpha Artemis." A voice calls from behind, turning I see Nathan with a grim look on his face.

Frowning, I watch him in concern. "What's wrong?"

He sighs pushing his hair back. "We went down to the prisons to question the rogue but he's not waking up and he hasn't shifted."

I nod my head knowing where this is going,  turning around I call Ollie beckoning him to come. He stops in front of me, gently placing Riley down since he was carrying him. "I was winning the game Artemis.

Riley scoffs at him, "No you weren't."

He turns to look at him feigning anger. "Yes I was."

"No you weren't."

"Yes." Ollie insists glaring at Riley and he glares back at him.





"Yes." Ollie smirks. "Wait! I meant no, you tricked me."Riley says giving him an accusing look and he shrugs turning to look at us, freezing on the spot when he notices that we are all staring at them

"What?" He asks an innocent look on his face. I chuckle at them bringing my gaze to Riley smiling at him.

"I have to go Riley." The smile on his face drops and I cup his cheeks. "I have to do something and for that I need to take Ollie with me but my friend Damien will stay with you okay."

"Al-" I give him a warning look and he sighs nodding his head before staring at Riley weirdly.

"Why can't Ollie stay with me and you take him rather?" he protest grabbing Ollie's hand.

"Yeah why can't Ollie stay." I glare at Ollie when he says that and he presses his lips together raising his hand in surrender.

"He can't because I need him." I reply and he sighs nodding his head.

"Fine." I grin ruffling his hair, he hugs Ollie and I, moving to stand beside Damien grabbing his arm. In my whole life I have never seen Damien look so scared, he flinched staring at Riley in shock, sending me a pleading look but I smile grabbing Ollie's arm and pulling him away.

We walk in complete silence, further from the pack house. Stopping in front of another building made of brick walls, two guards stand at the gate bowing their heads when we pass by.

The first thing that greets us is the stench of fear and death and I have to hold in the food that wants to come out. The dark hallway illuminated by a dim light, the groans and moans of those held captive fills up the silence a. It is quiet until.....

"Can you hold my hand?" Ollie says in a scared voice shifting closer to me. Nathan stops to stare at him weirdly and I shake my head at him.

"It's best to ignore him." I reply and he nods not sure whether to take him seriously considering that he is the beta of a dangerous pack.

He scoffs when I say that, huffing at me before walking to stand beside Nathan who subtly moves away from him. He suddenly makes a turn stopping in front of a cell and I see Alpha Alex there, arms folded in front him wearing gloves on his hands.

He turns when he hears our footsteps, opening the cell and closing it behind him. Stuffing my hands in the front pocket of my hoodie I regard him with a cool look.

"He's not waking up." He says pointing towards the unconscious wolf.

"I know." Walking past him I move to open the cell but fingers grab my wrist stopping me and I raise my brow at him giving a pointed look to his hand on my wrists. His eyes widen, letting go as he takes a step back.

"The gates are laced with silver and wolfsbane, you should wear one of these." Catching the gloves he throws at me, I look at it wondering if it will be worth it since I'm immune to them but they don't have to know that anyway. I put one on, handing the other to Ollie who takes it.

Stepping in I take slow steps towards the wolf, bending down and running my fingers through it's fur before placing my index finger on the space connecting his head to his neck lightly applying pressure. The wolf jerks awake, shifting in the process and I step back turning to look at Nathan and Alex, jaw dropped as they stare at the scene in surprise.

Alex looks at me cautiously. "How did you..." he trails off and I shrug.

"Who are you people and what am I doing here?" A deep voice snaps grabbing our attention.

Alex steps forward narrowing his eyes at him. "I should be asking you that. Who are you and why have you being attacking my pack?"

"Attacking your- what the fuck are you on!?" He spits out and Alex growls moving towards him. I nod at Ollie and he steps forward blocking his way.

"Step aside." He grits out in anger and Ollie smiles.

"No can do buddy." He says and that seems to anger Alex even more.

"I will not repeat myself again pup." The playful smile on Ollie's face disappears. I look at the person on the floor practically butt naked as he watches them. Frightened and confused hazel eyes look around, fear rolling of him in waves.

"What's your name?" I say softly my voice echoing around the cell. His eyes look up to meet mine and he gasps.

"Your eyes... They are violet." He murmurs in a trance staring at me in complete shock.

Well done captain obvious. Red says.

Now you show up.

She doesn't answer me, closing my eyes taking deep breaths, I focus my attention back to the rogue knowing that the others are watching me as I approach him. He moves back trying to put enough distance between us and I raise my hands in surrender.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just need to know a few things okay." I tell him softly, he stares at me for a minute before nodding his head.

I smile at him. "What's your name?"

"Jason." He murmurs avoiding my gaze.

"Right Jason, I can smell you aren't a rogue-

"Rogue?" He frowns at me. "I have a pack I belong too I'm not a rogue."

"What!" Alex snaps taking another step and Ollie stops him from moving further. He glares at him slapping his arm away from him. "Why the fuck did you attack my pack?" He snaps

Jason stares at him in confusion. " Look dude, I don't know who the hell you are but stop accusing me of attacking your pack." The answer seems to anger Alex more because before anyone can stop him, he pushes Ollie aside grabbing Jason by the neck and pushing his back against the wall.

Jason brings his arm trying to pry the fingers wrapped tightly around his throat away but Alex squeezes tightly a menacing glare on his face. "I'm going to ask this one more time." His voice deathly calm, a contrast to the look on his face. "Why did you attack my pack?"

"I-i didn't attack your pack." Jason wheezes out gasping for air. Alex's eyes become black signaling his wolf is at front. Ollie move towards but I stop him in his tracks, Ollie might be a strong beta but an angry alpha is deadly.

"Alex let him go." He doesn't respond still squeezing and smirking in satisfaction when Jason's face becomes red.

"Alex let him go!" Using my alpha voice on him, I watch as he struggles to disobey until he finally releases him stepping back and punching a hole through the wall right beside Jason's head. Jason drops to the ground grasping for air, rubbing his throat as he glares at Alex.

"Are you out of your mind?" He spits out coughing when it becomes difficult for him to speak. Ollie rushes to his side standing protectively in front of him when Alex takes another step towards him.

"Let me ask the questions Alpha Alex." Ollie states fiercely not backing down when he narrows his eyes at me. Jason's eyes widen in shock when he realizes he just pissed of an Alpha.

"Let him do it. You're in no position to interrogate him if your wolf is bent on killing him." I add to it and he growls lowly glaring one last time at Ollie before. I nod at Ollie and he nods back turning to smile at Jason.

"Hi!" Jason frowns at the overly friendly tone. He stares at him cautiously before muttering a small hi in return.

"Sorry about Alpha Alex, but I'm Ollie beta of midnight fall pack and I really need you to corporate with me okay." His eyes widen when he hears the name of our pack, quivering in fear and nodding his head quickly.

"Great." Ollie beams rubbing his palms together. "Why did you attack this pack?"

"I swear I didn't attack this pack." He says a pleading look on his face. I frown at him staring at the ground deep in thought about what he just said.

"Really?" Ollie muses moving in circles around him and Jason nods his head.

"Yes, look the only thing I can say is that I was hunting and then I woke up here with you guys. I promise I didn't attack your pack." He says a pleading look on his face as he tries to make us believe him. Ollie stops a confused look on his face, looking up to stare at me.

"He's telling the truth." I nod my head knowing that. He moves to stand in front of him, bending down to stare into his eyes. He searches his eyes for a minute before sighing. "Well he's definitely not high too."

"You're trying to tell me that he has no idea that he attacked my pack?" Alex questions. I nod my head at him staring at Jason who looks confused. "Unbelievable." He mutters under his breath.

"What pack are you from?" Ollie questions.

"Black moons pack." He replies. I've heard about that pack before. They are quite peaceful don't really like to fight but mess with them and well let's just say it will end badly for you.

"Ollie call their Alpha-

"I doubt their Alpha will want to speak with us." He cuts me off rubbing his neck nervously.

I furrow my brows at him. "Why?"

"Well remember when Selena told you that their Alpha requested a meeting with you?" I stare at him blankly wondering where he's going with this. He gives me a flat look dropping his hand by his side. "Alpha Dickens?"

My eyes widen in realisation, pressing my lips together I turn to look at Alex. He raises his eyebrow at him, giving him an innocent look I point my thumb towards Jason. "Call his Alpha and tell him that you found his pack member, Ollie will give you his number."

"I'm not going to do that." He states bluntly leaving no room for argument.

"I'm not asking." I retort and he opens his mouth to argue when the sound of a phone ringing stops him, pulling my phone from my back pocket I check the ID only for it to show as unknown.

Furrowing my brows I slide my finger across it bringing it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Artemis." A raspy voice murmurs through the line, the tension in my body releases, heart melts and I suck in deep breaths.

"Storm." I whisper breathless, my heart pounding just at the sound of his voice and my wolf purrs in my mind rolling on her back with her legs up in the air and tongue sticking out. Ignoring the question look on Alex and Nathan's face I step out of the cell, passing by the guards at the entrance and moving further away from them.

"I've missed you." He whispers

"I missed you too. I'm so sorry I didn't come back but I promise I'll be back tomorrow." I tell him solemnly.

"I know Selena mentioned that something came up but are you okay?" his tone filled with concern and I smile.

"I'm fine Storm." I mutter. He sighs again and I can picture him running his fingers through his messy hair, messing it up even more.

"Good, I realized that I didn't have your number so I borrowed it from Selena. Funny how I didn't even take it the first time I met you." He chuckles, the sound heating my body up.

"I know." I tell him grinning so wide that my face hurts but I don't mind.

"It's getting late you should get some rest and oh when you get back rest assured that I'm going to finish what I started the other night."

My breath hitches in my throat, cheeks heating up and not even the cool air can calm my blushing cheeks. "Storm you shouldn't say that." I scold him.

"Are you blushing Artemis?" He says and I can definitely tell that he's amused right now.

"Go away." I mutter at him and he laughs.

"Bye Artemis."

"Bye Storm." I reply hanging up. I fan myself trying to cool down but it's not helping especially since Red keeps on showing me images after images of what will happen next.

Red stop it.

I'm not but here's an idea. Why don't I shift and we head back to him because I'm sure I can make it back before the sun rises and  we can ditch the losers here. 

I purse my lips at her. No just no.

Then have fun with the pictures. My jaw drops at the one she shows me, face heating up even more and I clutch my phone to my chest turning around only to freeze on the spot when I find Ollie, Alex and Nathan standing behind me.

"Um how long have you being standing there?" I question tucking my hair behind my ear.

"We just got here." Alex mutters staring at me with a weird face and I sigh in relief. Looking up I see Ollie smirking at me and I narrow my eyes when he starts fanning himself.

"You look a bit flustered Artemis, is everything okay?" He taunts.

"None of your business." I snap back defensively.

His lips tug up in a slow smirk, wiggling his eyebrow at me and doing hip thrusts in the process. I hiccup covering my mouth in shock and Ollie burst out laughing.

"Are you two okay?" Nathan ask staring between the two of us cautiously.

"Oh everything is fine, isn't that right?" He says mischief swirling within those devious eyes of his.

"Yes." I say through clenched teeth, glaring at the smug look on Ollie's face. Nathan and Alex frown at us dropping the subject . When Ollie gets closer I smack his head hard.

"What the hell!" He whisper yells still smirking at me.

"You're an asshole." I snap and he shrugs, the smug look still on his stupid face. Huffing at him, I catch up to Alex and Nathan, walking in line with Alex. He glances briefly at me, jaw tightening before he sighs pushing his hair from his face.

"I'm sorry." He murmurs stuffing his hands in his pocket. Ignoring him, I grab Ollie's wrist and he yelps in surprise, removing the hair tie from his wrist, I tie my hair up in a messy bun.

"Sure why don't you take it." He mutters sarcastically and I glare at him.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me?" Alex exclaims staring at me incredulously and I raise my eyebrow at him. He purse his lips giving me a flat look. "I'm sorry for losing my temper."

I stop suddenly, turning to look at him and he gasps. My eyes are glowing vibrant violet so I can understand his shock, it usually happens when I'm out in the night. "Honestly Alex I don't care because right now I just wanna get some sleep, wake up and go back to my pack."

"Why you have someone waiting for you?" He says a teasing smirk on his face.

"Yes, my mate." I state bluntly and he freezes staring at me in surprise.


"I'm not inclined to repeat myself." I say softly. The sound of our steps the only noise around well if you consider Alpha Alex breathing loudly then yes that's the only noise made in the quiet forest.

"You didn't tell me you had a mate?" He mutters rubbing his neck, a weird look on his face.

"You didn't ask." I reply. The pack house comes to view and I sigh in relief. Getting closer to the door I see Damien standing there a passive look on his face but I don't misses the small sigh of relief that escapes him.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I say softly when we get closer to him.

"I was waiting for you Alpha also a woman came for the child you left with me." He grunts out shuddering a little when he talks about Riley.

I press my lips together to keep myself from laughing at the pained look on his face. He narrows his eyes slightly at me and I clear my throat, standing up straight. "Thank you and Damien we'll be leaving after breakfast tomorrow okay."

He nods his head, bowing and leaving me with Alex. Turning to him I give him a small smile. "Goodnight Alpha Alex, I'll see you tomorrow." He continues to stare at me for minute before nodding his head.

"Later Alex." Ollie says patting his back and quickly rushing inside snickering when Alex growls. Laying on bed that night, my thoughts drifts to Storm, a blush making way on my face when I remember what he said but that smile soon fades replaced with a frown. I know he is the one behind the attacks.

And you told jerk face that we have a mate. Red snaps growling in my head.

I will protect him, no matter what. I finalise and she snarls at me before retreating to the back of my mind. And I will protect Storm with everything I have.

There's something on my face. That's the first thing that I notice when I feel myself drifting back to conscious. Squeezing my eyes shut I cuddle my pillow even tighter hoping that whatever that is there will go away. My nose twitches again when there's a slight tickle on it.

"Go away Ollie." I groan swatting away the air and throwing the covers over my head. I sigh in relief going back to sleep but then there's another feather-like touch on my feet. Without even thinking I kick whoever it is in the gut, hearing the person groan and smiling sleepily in satisfaction.

Removing the covers from my head, I sit up slowly still with the smile on my face, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up. I open one eye to see Riley standing at the corner, palms covering his mouth as he gapes at the ground in shock. Crawling over to the foot of the bed I peek over to see Ollie cupping his crotch.

"Fucking hell Artemis." He wheezes out in pain, groaning when he tries to move.

"Good morning Ollie." I greet him in a cherry voice. His face twists into a scowl opening his eyes to glare at me.

"There's nothing good about this morning." He snaps rolling over to his side.

"What's wrong Ollie?" I ask in the most innocent voice, pouting when he narrows his eyes at me.

"That's my baby tool." He groans out, still cupping it and I shrug.

"Oops my bad, I was aiming for your gut." I retort with a smirk. He gives me the middle finger, dropping back on the ground. I turn to Riley, playfully narrowing my eyes at him and he squeals in surprise stepping back when I appear in front of him. I lift him up running towards the bed and gently throwing him on it, bringing my fingers to his side as I tickle him.

"Stop!" He giggles, wiggling his body around as laughter erupts from him.

A laugh escapes me when he tries to tickle me but I'm faster. "Would you disturb me when I'm sleeping?" I ask still tickling him and he shakes his head. I cup my ear bringing it closer to him, my other finger still at his side. "I can't hear you!"

"I won't disturb you." He says in between laughs and I stop, straddling his little body smiling down at him allowing him to catch his breath. He opens those baby blue eyes, filled with excitement and the door suddenly opens banging against the wall and Damien walks in eyes alert.

He freezes on the spot, staring at the scene in front of him and Riley wiggles his body from underneath me, jumping from the bed and hugging Damien's legs. "Uncle Damien!"  he says excitedly and Damien makes a weird sound at the back of his throat.

I stare in amusement as he tries to pry Riley from his leg but the kid stays there still squeezing tighter. "Hello Damien." I say softly a smile on my face, tucking a strand of my hair back into the messy bun.

"Good morning Alpha." He grunts through clenched teeth a constipated look on his face when Riley beams at him.

"Help." A voice whispers and I look over my bed to see Ollie still on the floor. Rolling my eyes at him I offer him my hand and he grabs it pulling himself up, a whine escaping his lips when he stands up but sighs.

"Damien get the car ready, we'll have breakfast and then be on our way." I tell him walking towards the the bathroom.

"Yes Alpha." He says, looking at Ollie then Riley.

"Come on Riley let's go meet your mom." Ollie says and he let's go of Damien grabbing Ollie's hand and pulling him out of the room. Damien sighs in relief, bowing at me and also following them out. I shake my head at them, sliently laughing.

Washing my face and brushing my teeth,  I walk towards the dresser taking the hair brush from my bag, muttering curses under my breath when it gets tangled in the knots in my hair.

You need a hair cut. Red says licking her paw and crossing it over the other.

I guess so.

After untangling all the knots I stare at the hair almost reaching my butt and I frown. Grabbing it I put it up in a ponytail, leaving some of the strands in front of my face. Putting on my sneakers, I pack everything into the bag, opening the door and following the sound of Alex's pack members. Climbing down from the stairs, I turn right, stopping in my tracks when every pair of eyes stares at me. I see Nathan and Alex at the head of the table, Damien sitting to Alex's right, Ollie sitting beside Damien with Riley on his lap.

"Alpha Artemis." Nathan mutters rising to his feet and everyone gapes at me in shock. I narrow my eyes at the smug look on Alex face when Nathan addresses me by my title. I wanted to leave this place in peace but nope he just had to ruin it.

Closing my eyes in frustration, I sigh squaring my shoulders and nodding at Nathan. I take slowly steps towards Alex, face blank when I smell the fear, shock and surprise coming in waves from them but what stands out is the awe of a female alpha in their presence.

Let's see how fast they can bow. Red says excitedly and before I can stop her, I watch as my presences starts to dominate every single one, bowing their heads as fast as possible as they stay glued to their seat, tilting the neck towards me. Alex clenches his jaw, breathing harshly as he tries to resist and before he relents, I take back control.

My dominance disappears and everyone sighs in relief but still keeping their eyes down. I sit beside Nathan murmuring a quick apology to them when Alex glares at me.

"What was that?" Ollie's voice drifts through the mind link. I raise my head to him seeing the unimpressed look on his face.

"Red." I grumble stuffing my mouth with the toast and he snorts at me.

"Of course." He says under his breath snickering at me. Riley stares at me in amazement.

"You're the Alpha?" He whispers pointing towards me, grinning I nod my head. "That's so awesome." He says in awe still staring at me.  Eating in silence except from the small talk coming from Alex and Nathan and the giggles coming from Riley and Ollie, I furrow my brows when I feel a lot of eyes on me.

"Is there a problem?" I ask no one in particular without raising my head and someone scoffs in the background.

No one speaks up after that and I sigh in relief going back to eating the scrambled eggs.

"Selena?" I call out to her opening the mind link.

"Yes Alpha Artemis." She replies back immediately.

"Has Storm eaten?" I ask her, putting another toast in my mouth and grabbing the orange juice Damien poured for me. I send him a grateful nod and he nods back.

"How are you doing Selena? Why I'm great, Artemis thanks for asking." She says sarcastically.

Pressing my lips together to keep myself from smiling. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever but he's still in bed but I'm heading there to wa-

"No!" I snap back, slamming my fist against the table. My sudden outburst alarms everyone and they all jump in shock. I smile sheepishly at them realizing I said it out loud.

"No."  I repeat firmly.

"I felt your aggressiveness so don't worry."  She retorts, the link showing how amused she's is feeling and I purse my lips at her.

"Whatever, I'll be home soon."  I tell her cutting of the link and focusing my attention back to the food.

"How did you become an Alpha?" A feminine voice speaks up suddenly, grabbing my attention. Swallowing the food in my mouth I watch her from under my eyebrow at the far end of the table. Violet eyes meet hazel eyes filled with curiosity.

"Hazel!" Alex says in a warning voice, clenching the fork he is holding as he levels her with a hard glare on his face.

She takes her eyes off me, smiling innocently at Alpha Alex. "It's just a harmless question Alpha." Bringing her gaze back to mine she tilts her head at me observing me with keen eyes.

I bet she's sleeping with Alex. Red says coming forward to stare at her.

How would you know?
I fire back and she rolls her eyes at me.

Didn't you see the tiny smirk she gave when she spoke to him or how there was a slight purring when she mentioned his name, gosh how are you even the Alpha? You know what answer her question I'm quite curious too because you're dumb.

I purse my lips at my wolf, frowning at that blunt insult.

You seem to forget we are the same Red.

Shut up. She retreats back and I raise my head to see all eyes on me. "I'm sorry did you say something?" I ask her noticing that she has being staring at me for awhile an impatient look on her face.

She scoffs at me. " I asked how you became an alpha because if you must know, it's not being heard of a female to be an alpha of pack."

I pick up the glass of orange juice taking another sip, eyes searching hers over the rim. Placing the glass back down, I lean forward in my seat intertwining my fingers together. "None of your business." I tell her, a blank look on my face.

The smirk on her face slowly drops, eyes narrowing into slits. Leaning back into my seat, I raise my brow at her silently daring her to speak up. Her jaw tightens as she clenches her fist, opening her mouth to speak up, I look away bringing my gaze to Damien.

"Get the car." He nods pushing his seat back and leaving the room.

"You're leaving." Riley says sadly fiddling with his thumbs. Pushing my chair back,  I walk over to Ollie's side kneeling in front of him. I ruffle his brown curls, smiling sadly at him.

"I have to but I'll ask if you can visit okay." His eyes lit up, a smile brightening up his face as he wraps his arms tightly around my neck.

"Really! Thank you A, oh wait till I tell my mom." He says excitedly bouncing on Ollie.

Ruffling his hair one last time, I look up to see every pair of eyes on me including Hazel. I give them a small smile and turn to look at Alex staring at me in what I can assume is awe but whatever.

"Alpha Alex." I address him and he sits up straight trying to look intimidating. "Grant permission for Riley and his mom anytime they want to visit my pack."

He crosses his arms in front of him, tilting his head to the side. "What if I refuse?"

I stare into his eyes grinning at him, " I wasn't asking but feel free to try it and see what happens."

He drops his arms by his side, clearing his throat. "I will." He states and I smile nodding my head and leaving the room with Ollie and Riley following me. Stepping out from the pack house, I see Damien and a woman waiting in front if the car.

"Mom!" Riley yells letting go of my hand and running up to his mom. She beams at him, opening her arms and catching him in a hug.

Ollie sighs staring at Riley and his mom. "I miss my mom, I wish I could hug her one last time." Riley whispers something in his mother's ears, her eyes widening glancing in my direction before looking back down.

"Your mom is staying at the pack house." I say bluntly moving towards the car.

He scoffs at me. "That woman is not my mom. She always has a problem with me anytime I go there and I don't even do anything wrong." He rants and I roll my eyes ignoring his dramatic self.

Stopping in front of Riley, his mother keeps her head down staring at her feet as she pulls Riley closer to her.

I watch in curiosity as her tiny frame shivers, stepping back from me. I frown watching her in curiosity. Her brown hair held in a low ponytail,  face looking a bit pale,wearing a baby blue dress that stops right below her knee.

"Hello." I say softly trying not to scare the timid woman in front of me.

"I'm sorry Alpha about my son, I hope he wasn't of any trouble to you?" She mutters her voice just as soft, she looks up eyes widening and looks back down, her fingers shaking slightly.

Furrowing my brows at her I shake my head. "He was no problem, I actually loved his company even if it was just for a short while. Besides I've told your Alpha to let you visit my pack anytime you want."

She quickly looks up, staring at me in surprise and I smile nodding my head at her,"Thank you." She says a gentle smile on her face.

"Seriously Dorothy don't forget to visit okay and then you can make me those cookies Riley was talking about." Ollie pitches in an excited look on his face at the thought of eating again.

She laughs when Ollie says that her whole face looking alive than dead.

"Alpha Artemis." A husky voice calls, turning I see Alex standing there with Nathan by his side and Hazel on the other glaring right at me. He walks closer to us a smile on his face stopping right in front of me.

Hazel glares at Dorothy and I stand in front of them blocking her view. She takes a step back narrowing her eyes at me and I raise my brow at her.

Huffing, she throws her ginger hair behind her shoulder stepping a bit closer to Alex smirking at me when I watch her actions.

Does she think I'm interested?

Ollie snickers at her and I snort rolling my eyes at her.

"I wanted to see you before you go." Alex says and I nod my head at him.

"Well you have. Thanks for your help." I reply.

He chuckles at me eyes staring deep into my own."I should be thanking you rather."

I nod my head, opening the car door but before I climb in I turn to face him. "Take care of them." I point to Riley and his mom. "If anything happens to them I'll hold you responsible."

He raises his brow at me, "It's kind of my duty to take care of my pack."

Grinning at him, I sit in the car closing the door and rolling the windows down. "Then you should do your duty well." He scrunches his face in confusion and I smile one last time at them before getting in.

"Time to go home." I mumble to myself staring out the window as Damien drives away.


Almost 1k words. I hope you enjoy this chapter, Leave a comment and vote. Also share story if you want.

Peace out ;)

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