By JaneNola

957K 27.4K 26.1K

COMPLETED - It's puck at first sight for Jules Martin, when his gaze falls on Luna Larsson at his first Colle... More

1 πŸŒ™ Salted caramel and chocolate
2 πŸŒ™ Make a scene!
3 πŸŒ™ Carry me!
4 πŸŒ™ Yes or no?
5 πŸŒ™ Oh, fuck off!
6 πŸŒ™ Nothing but the jersey
7 πŸŒ™ Look. At. Me.
9 πŸŒ™ Bro-code
10 πŸŒ™ Skate it off
11 πŸŒ™ Not my boyfriend
12 πŸŒ™ Who is she?
13 πŸŒ™ First Letter
14 πŸŒ™ If you keep doing this
15 πŸŒ™ Favorite distraction
16 πŸŒ™ You're hurting me!
17 πŸŒ™ I can't help it.
18 πŸŒ™ It's his mistake
19 πŸŒ™ I want answers
20 πŸŒ™ Don't apologize
21 πŸŒ™ I'll be civil
22 πŸŒ™ Before...
23 πŸŒ™ A little something
24 πŸŒ™ Happy now
25 πŸŒ™ It's the _ for me
26 πŸŒ™ Walmart version
27 πŸŒ™ Who's a flirt now
28πŸŒ™ Make me blush
29πŸŒ™ Certainly not space
30πŸŒ™ You want some?
31πŸŒ™ Such a daddy
32πŸŒ™ Shithead personality
33 πŸŒ™ Stop, I love it
34 πŸŒ™ Special, n-not weird
35 πŸŒ™ Must be simping
36 πŸŒ™ Want her back
37 πŸŒ™ A piece of tape
38 πŸŒ™ Three musketeers
39 πŸŒ™ You just k-kissed...
40 πŸŒ™ How mad are you?
41πŸŒ™ Lu, You're...
42 πŸŒ™ Fucking irreplaceable
43 πŸŒ™ Hard to trust
44 πŸŒ™ You're Cruel
45 πŸŒ™ Kiss me or what?
46 πŸŒ™ The girl I love
47 πŸŒ™ I believe you
48 πŸŒ™ Just passionate
49 πŸŒ™ So kissable
50 πŸŒ™ Crazy wild
51 πŸŒ™ If we're lucky
52 πŸŒ™ So much worse
53 πŸŒ™ You're my anchor
54 πŸŒ™ Trop m-m-mignonne
55 πŸŒ™ Fine ignore me
56 πŸŒ™ Shame on you
57 πŸŒ™ Stupid Scorpios
58 πŸŒ™ Moondust
59 πŸŒ™ I'm suffering
60 πŸŒ™ Pretending
61 πŸŒ™ Dreams do come true
62 πŸŒ™ For Luna
63 πŸŒ™ The girl behind the glass
64 πŸŒ™ Lucky guess
65 πŸŒ™ We fell in love

8 πŸŒ™ Bad taste of hookups

16.4K 499 260
By JaneNola

Jules Martin

The sound of what I thought was a hurricane swirling through my room woke me up, making me lift my head from my pillow. My sleepy eyes instantly caught Mara, picking her clothes up from the floor in a hurry. Shit, Last night really happened... Sleeping with her instantly felt like a mistake when, the sole reason I did was to forget about that blonde with the cute nose and contagious smile. In a few hours she had managed to creep into every one of my thoughts, from wanting to hold her to the disappointed look on her face when she left to find Zander. That was the worst of them all, she had a boyfriend, clearly not mine to have, yet I wanted to know her so badly.

"What a-are y-you doing?" My words faltered, while my head fell back into the pillow with a groan.

"I'm late for class! You should have set an alarm." She huffed a little annoyed while putting on her top and it made me roll my eyes at myself and more specifically last light's events. I should have set an alarm? I don't even have class... I should have told her to leave before she started kissing me again and I couldn't stop. No, you know what, I should have said something when she was calling out Luna, although she didn't seem to need my help. It was definitely attractive to watch her stand up for herself, because an independent girl, that's fucking sexy. But why can't I shake the disappointment on her face when she left? Not even after sleeping with... Never mind I don't want to think about that...

I sighed deeply, because even though I regretted all of it, I wasn't going to be the asshole that doesn't bother enough to get up and open the door for his one-night stand. Not that it made it any better. I flipped a cap off my drawer and hid my messy bed hair with it, twisting it backwards, before putting on some sweats and a T-shirt. She walked past me and I could feel the awkwardness in the air, when I opened the door for her. Please, Just make this quick... Damn I sound like an ass.

"Last night was fun right?" She turned around with a smile on her face, her mascara smeared underneath her eyes, but she still managed to look nice and polished. However, what was fun for her wasn't really something I wanted to repeat.

I leaned against the door frame, my hands in my pockets, trying to find my words. "Sure." I sheepishly smiled at her, not wanting to tell her it wasn't the best. When Mara started kissing me, the distraction I needed, presented itself on a silver platter with her name on it and I brainlessly took it. I shouldn't have, I know better now. I should have told her to leave me, so Luna could have stayed, sleep it off because she was so drunk she couldn't think straight. I hope she doesn't wake up with any regrets.

"Sure, huh?" Mara smiled and pulled me away from the girl I had been thinking about too many times since I saw her at the game. It was like I saw her, and she was the only one real in that moment. "Sure enough to do it again some time?" She smirked up at me, her hands flat against my chest. Oh shit.

My eyes widened, not knowing what to say. "Uuhm..." I was speechless, while my mind told me to be truthful. "I, I d-don't think that a good i-i-idea" I cussed at myself for stuttering so badly, nervous to tell her. I looked at the expression on her face with a sigh, but she surprised when not a single muscles in her face weakened that smirk.

She leaned in to my ear, barely making it because of the height difference, but close enough though. "Say that again when you're horny after a game. You'll want more." She whispered and I mentally sighed the deepest of all sighs. I doubt it, but thanks. My head did the opposite of my thoughts as I found myself just nodding to satisfy her, hoping it was enough to leave me alone. "I really have to go now." She whispered again, trying to lure me in to her tempting lips, but I wasn't falling for that again. When she saw I wasn't in for a kiss she just turned around on her heel, my gaze following her out of the hallway, watching her blonde hair bounce behind her shoulders and it brought my mind back to a certain very unattainable girl. I need to stop thinking about her... Out of all the girls, the world decides to stand still for her... Fuck I need to get her out of my mi- The noise of a door slamming shut on the other side of the hallway pulled me away from her in my thoughts and made me follow the sound, until my gaze met... Her. Great.

At the sight of her leaving Zanders room, I felt annoyed and irritated maybe but that feeling was quickly replaced with worry as she leaned into the doorpost, cussing something under her breath. As soon as I saw her wipe away the tears on her cheeks, I knew her morning was filled with regret. Fuck... That didn't end well. All I wanted to do was ask her if she was okay, hug her, maybe also punch Zander in the face for making her cry, but I was glued to the floor, unable to do anything, not move or speak.

Oh, Luna... The stabbing pain in my chest was new to me at the sight of how vulnerable and hurt she looked, a whole different girl for the one I met yesterday.

Her gaze shifted to Mara heading downstairs and then back to me, judgement written all over her face and it caused a level of uneasiness that was hard to describe. It was as clear as the weather outside that she was disappointed and beyond irritated that I spent the night with her, her face an open book for me to read when she gave me a nasty once over followed by a scoff, my regret reaching a new high. I was completely astounded and motionless when she walked past me, her pace quick, her gaze avoiding me like the plague. All she did was wipe away another tear falling down her face and it made the anger shoot to my fingertips. Zander! Fucking asshole, what did you do!? She tried so hard to hold back the hurt on her face as she walked away and when she made her way downstairs, I just couldn't take it anymore. Crap, I can't let her leave like this. Standing there a minute longer, I would have banged my head against the door with frustration, so on my socks I swiftly trailed behind her, taking two stairs at a time. But what am I going to do? Talk to her? Not yet. Just a little longer... Until she sees I'm more than this stupid stutter.

I was overthinking all of my decisions while making my way down stairs, the corner of my eye instantly spotting her going through a pile of clothes. Jackets and sweaters were flying around like this was part of some nighties' comedy show and the soft noise of her grunts made me chuckle. I instantly pressed my lips together when she turned around, her face a perfect blizzard as she stared at me in anger. "So, you're laughing at me now huh?" She squinted her teary eyes at me, sniffing her nose, before turning back to the pile of clothes. "I don't see anything funny about being late to class! Zander is acting like a dick but apparently that's nothing new, and I need to find my hoodie or I'll freeze my freaking arms off. You think that's funny?" She raged, turning towards me once more. "Help me or leave me alone!" The anger laced throughout her voice didn't scare me, I loved the fact she ranted in front of me, how she expressed her thoughts out loud because she knew I wouldn't protest or talk back. I was her pillow to yell at, and quite frankly, I didn't mind. "So, what will it be Martin?!" She looked at me with one eyebrow raised and I just smiled while I started digging for her hoodie. Martin... She already has a habit of calling me by my last name when she's angry.

Side by side we were going through the pile until I found myself fishing up what she needed. Nudging my elbow against her arm, she seems offended at first, sending a huff my way, until she noticed the white fabric in my hands. My eyes looked for hers until our gazes met and it never seemed to get less intense, the tension making me part my lips, wanting to say something even though I decided not to, desperately wanting to ask her what happened. The way she looked hurt had me guessing and my mind was going in to overdrive to find the reason. She softly took her hoodie from my hand, seemingly less angry than before as her gaze didn't leave me. Dammit, just talk to her, you know she needs it, she needs someone to talk to, you can basically see it on her face. Just not yet!

"Thanks..." She whispered, relieved, yet the look on her face defeated as she lowered her gaze to her hoodie. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, not even when her hoodie slides past her face before taking her phone from the back pocket of her jeans. She glared at the time on her screen, exhaling deeply as if she was having difficulties to manage her emotions, her hand covering her forehead. "I'm so fucking late!" She huffed on the brink of tears, her frustration overwhelming and something told me that being late wasn't the only reason. She turned around, keeping me from seeing another set of tears falling from her eyes. "I don't even have time to go home and change!" She sobbed, the anger in her voice clear. "I mean look at me, I'm a mess." She suddenly turned around to snap at me. "I'm crying over that asshole up there..." She threw her hand up at the staircase. I knew it. "They're going to explain the assignment today, so I can't skip this class even though I'm going to have to go to it without my books and laptop, late as well! I have a monster of a headache and my hair... Look at it... It's a freaking birds nest... Today is a fucking joke!" She cried, clearly freaking out. "Why! Why am I even telling you this? I know you won't say anyt-"

In the middle of her sentence I took a step towards her to gently cup her cheeks. "Shh." I softly shushed her, my thumbs frantically trying to wipe away the tears on her face. Please, don't cry.

"Anything..." She whispered faintly to finish her monologue, her lips parted as she looked up at me. The way she was so close, they way she was letting me comfort her, stirred my stomach and put me on edge, my nerves rattling, yet that moment so tender and sweet. The tension between us was undeniable as her hand gently laced around my wrist, preventing me from letting go, or to keep me at a distance, maybe both, but all I knew was that her touch was doing things to me. Her other hand grabbed on to my T-shirt, her cheek leaning in to my touch as she slowly closed her eyes. Her breathing seemed to slow down as I wiped away the last tears covering her cheeks, admiring every perfect freckle on her nose. I was wandering over every inch of her face and to me she didn't even look close to a mess, but mesmerizingly beautiful. Her icy eyes softly opened as she took a deep and relaxed breath, bringing her back to reality and her hand let go of my shirt. "I... I have to go now." She barely whispered, looking completely off this planet and dazed as she tried to catch her breath once more. My hand felt cold when she took a step back, leaving me empty and longing when her fingers slid away from my wrist. Jules what are you doing... You're falling for a girl that will never feel the same.

I watched her walk away from me, her hands trying to flatten her messy hair when she passed her reflection in a mirror. She sighed and I didn't want her to go to class thinking she looked like a disaster, so I trailed behind her, holding the door closed when she tried to open it, my hand leaning against the door, caging her from behind. "Jules what are you doing! I'm late!" She raised her voice again but all I could do was smirk at her, her eyebrows raised as she questioned my intentions. "Come on, don't be annoyi-" I cut her off again when my fingers laced around a front piece of her hair, softly pushing it behind her ear. How can Zander be an ass to her when she's... Her. I even felt the glimmer in my eyes when my touch made her speechless and weak, her back involuntary falling into the door. The smirk on my face widened while I took my cap off my head, only to softly put it over her hair. That's one problem solved. She was at a loss of words, yet the twinkle in her eyes said it all when I pushed the locks coming out from under the cap behind her shoulder, my finger accidentally brushing the side of her neck.

Taking a step back, I glanced over her, my smile even brighter when she playfully rolled her eyes at me. "You're still an asshole with bad taste of hookups, you know." She mocked me, and I knew she wasn't talking about herself. Before I knew it she was out the door and a cold gust of October wind blew into the frat house. While I shivered, I watched her quicken her pace, her hand adjusting the cap with a frisky smile across her lips. I guess I just made her morning a little brighter. 

----------- 🌙 -----------

💛 Hi Loves! Hope you're liking this story so far.. I know it's going maybe a little slow but things are going to rumble pretty soon. Do you like Jules POV? Thoughts on him so far? Did he cross any Bro-code lines here? 

⭐️ Don't forget to hit the star if you liked it!

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