Don't Be Alone Doctor

By charlottepainter

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Hey everyone so as I finished series five of my made up version of how I would write doctor who I thought i h... More

Metting The Doctor
Daleks And sontarans
Torchwood And UNIT
If You Love Her Let Her Go
He Done It Again
Angels And Healing Water
When Spider Come to Play
A Romantic Day Gone Wrong
Love Spell
To The End My Friend

Family Secrets

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By charlottepainter

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lottie came up the step and said while wondering where they going next for their adventures

"doctor where we going for our next trip"

"anywhere you like lottie  it's your week of special trip so choose somewhere you like "s

Said the doctor while looking up at her with a smiled after a lot of adventure through time and space the doctor thought it would be nice for lottie  to choose where they go as she saved his life so many times so she deserves it. Lottie  smiled and was about to choose somewhere to go when her phone rang she picked it up and see who it was

"hello dad you ok what wrong oh OK I be there, doctor I need to see my  dad we going out for lunch my dad got a new job so I need to go is that OK"

"yeah sure least go I love to meet your family"

Said the doctor while walking up the step and he pulled the leaver and they headed to Cardiff to see her dad for their dinner. As they travel through time and space in Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain. People where walking along the path with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city a man with brown hair wearing shorts and top walk walking towards the center of the city near the waterfull Tower. He smiled and stood there looking at his watch waiting for lottie  to come. When the wind started to get up and the tardis landed near the tower the man could not believe what he was seeing a box that moves he thought I must be dreaming. But no he wasn't dreaming this time it was real, as the box landed the door opens and the doctor came out and looked around to see the man standing there

"um lottie  your dad's here"

"ah dad you ok sorry about that this is the doctor my boyfriend he dropped me off so I could come to your dinner "

Said lottie  while hugging her dad tight after her mum died her dad moved around a lot so it was hard to see him but it was glad when she did. The man smiles and shock the doctor hand thanking him for dropping off his daughter to their dinner

"thank you kind sir glad you here would you like to join us doctor"

"oh no I couldn't it your evening go ahead I see you later lottie  "

Said the doctor while kissing her on the cheek  the man noded and walked off with lottie  to the restaurant over the road. The doctor sigh and walked around and waited for lottie  to get back as he did that in the restaurant.

Lottie  and her dad where eating some food when Charlotte came towards them Mary looked up and smiled and she sat down smiling at her dad

" hey lottie  you ok where matt is he ok"

"yeah he fine he waiting outside this is my dad, dad Charlotte another friend of mine and married to the doctor it's complecating "

Said lottie while introducing them her dad smiled and kissed her hand gently and then looked up at her

" so what do you do Charlotte "

" I travel the world save people and planets so yeah that it really "

Said Charlotte while trying not to give to much away lottie  dad started to laugh at what she just said thinking it was a joke nor did he know what would happen next. As he smiled at Charlotte she wonder what he found funny and wonder if there was a joke involved. But she did not know that her dad did not know what she did or what lottie  did travelling with the doctor but she thought it was best keeping quiet just in case. So she stood up and bowed to them both and she walked off lottie  dad looked at lottie and said while wondering why she left

"she OK why she leaves"

"I think she had things to dad "

Said lottie  while watch Charlotte walk across the road, as she watch outside the doctor was lying on a bench sleeping when Charlotte tapped him and gigged a bit as she watched him get uo

" you sleeping on the job "

" Charlotte you here I'm so glad how are they getting on in there "

Said the doctor while brushing a hair out of Charlotte eye with a smile, she looked into his eyes and said while touching his face glad to see him again

" yeah she fine she nearly finished I think, so  dose her dad know about what you do "

"no I don't think so it best if he doesn't you know what I mean "

Said the doctor while tapping his nose she noded and they started to kiss waiting for them to get back. As they did that outside of the restaurant lottie  and her dad where going across the road to see the doctor when they saw him kissing Charlotte lottie  coughed and said while if they ready to go

"um Charlotte are you ready to go and stop my boyfriend "

"oh yeah sorry least go"

Said Charlotte while looking at her with a smile as she stopped kissing the doctor and they both stood up and walked to the tardis and waited for lottie. As they did that back where lottie  dad was lottie  was standing near the tardis ready to go in

"be safe"

"I will bye dad love you "

Said lottie  while hugging him and walked into the tardis and they travel through time and space to their next adventure. 
Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair asleep with a book on his head lottie  came up the step and said while taking the book of his head wondering what he reading

"doctor wake up its time for our next adventure you ok what you reading"

"oh sorry lottie  just tired OK so where do you want to go and about planets "

Said the doctor while putting the book down with a smile and walked to the console wondering where she wanted to go for their next adventure. She smiles and was about to say something when Charlotte came down the step and said while smiling at them both

" morning you two you ok"

"yeah we fine I'm just thinking about where we should go next, OK how about there"

Said lottie  while pointing onto the screen while smiling at the doctor and Charlotte the doctor noded and pulled the leaver and they headed to their next adventure

" alonsy "

Beamed the doctor as he pulled the leaver down Charlotte could not help herself but gigged lottie  smiled and they watched the tardis console go up and down as the tardis flew through space as they wonder where. Lottie was taking them a few miles away from the tardis a blue planet surrounded by stars stood in the sky it was full of people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A boy with brown hair wearing shorts and top walked towards the park ready to have fun when he heard a noise in the background. Everyone stood silent and wonder what that noise was and they all stopped what they where doing and started to walk to where the noise was coming from. As they walked to the edge of the town the wind started to get up and the tardis landed on the ground the door opens and the doctor walked out with Charlotte and lottod. He smiled at the amount of people that where standing there looking at them

"this is beautiful hello I'm the doctor this is Charlotte and lottod  we are kind travelers we are here in peace"

"hello I'm Kelly please to meet you sorry about this we don't usually see a blue box very much so we very scared "

Said Kelly while shaking there hands when she reached Charlotte she looked into her eyes and bows to her and everyone dose the same

" what going on doctor "

" we are pleased you are here my lady it's been to long "

Said Kelly while shaking Charlotte hand and smiled and walked to the boy who bowed to her Charlotte lifted his head up and smiled

" there no need for that now what your name "

" Harry miss "

Said Harry while touching her hair she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him her locket and walked off Kelly ran to her and said while wondering what she gave him

" what was that locket thing"

"it's a gesture of good will "

Said Charlotte while telling her what it was for, kelly smiled and everone followed her and Charlotte to the center of the town leaving the doctor and lottie  confused

" what was that all about"

"i have no idea come on least go and see come on "

Said the doctor while taking lottie  hand and they walked to the center of  the city when they got there Charlotte was playing with the children when Harry came up to her and held her hand

" Charlotte thank you for saving us that time "

" your very welcome Harry I hope when your older we see each again "

Said Charlotte while rubbing his hair, he smiled and played with the children Charlotte walked over to Kelly who was making some tea for the children she smiled and said while looking at Charlotte wonder if she had kids

" do you have kids Charlotte you so good with the children I just wondered if you where with Child "

" no I lost them all long time ago hey doctor do you want some tea "

Said Charlotte while looking at her with a sad face but when the doctor and lottie came down the path she smiled and wonder if he wanted a cup of tea. The doctor noded and him and lottie  walked over and they helped hand the tea out for the kids and they started to eat the doctor wonder how Charlotte save the planet and what happens

"so how did Charlotte save you planet what happens"

"well a long time ago dalek came to the planet and tried to destroy is but Charlotte came to the rescue and saves us all now her power source is our barrier to protect our planet from invaders. With out her thease children would not be alive today"

Said Kelly while telling the doctor of how Charlotte saved the town Charlotte smiled and looked at the doctor who  smiled Charlotte gigged and they carried on eating about a hour later and all the children went home after saying goodbye to Charlotte and thanking her for coming back. The doctor and lottie where standing near the tardis watching Charlotte say goodbye to Kelly

"so thank you for helping us don't worry your secret safe with me"

"thank you goodbye Kelly till next time "

Said Charlotte while walking off after she hugeded her and she walked off back to the tardis, the doctor smiled and opens the door while looking at the town

" it's a brilliant place I'm proud of you Charlotte always "

" thank you my love least go on our next adventure "

Said Charlotte while watching the doctor and lottie  go inside she sigh and said before going in the tardis

" secrets keep us safe "

She looked back at the town one more time and went in and the tardis disappeared like a ghost in the night and they headed to their next adventure through time and space but what was Charlotte secret and why dose the doctor not know well least find out. 

Back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor and lottie  where trying to find a book in the library lottie  loved going to the library to look for a new book to read

"ah this is nice going to the library to have a read"

"yeah it is amazing lottie shame Charlotte had to do some work but I get her a book so we can all read together "

Said the doctor while smiling at her while looking at all the book in the library wondering which one to pick. As they did that a few miles away from the tardis a blue planet surrounded by stars stood in space the hole planet was full of people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth, a few miles away from the box Charlotte was walking to the city when Harry ran to her and hugeded her as he was glad to see her

"mum you back you ok"

"I'm fine love how your dad "

Said Charlotte while holding her hand after the war with morgana a long time ago Charlotte and the master where together for a while and had a child but it was her darkest secret ever. As the doctor did not know but she thought that secret keep us safe and that why she never said anything was it the right decision well least see.

As Charlotte walked with Harry a few miles away from where she was walking, the master  was sitting on the sofa reading a book when the door opens and Charlotte and Harry came in the master smiled and ran to her glad to see her after all this time

"Charlotte you back I mist you my love"

"I mist you to the master how you been "

Said Charlotte while kissing him on the cheek while watching Harry go upstairs with a smile

" I'm glad he doing OK I'm sorry about all this"

"it's OK Charlotte I know it's best the doctor dose not know about us it's fine "

Said master  while hugging her glad that she was here with him Charlotte was about to say something when they heard a noise outside. Charlotte ran out and said while looking up in the sky to see a dalek ship above

"oh no we need to leave now everone in the tardis"

Everyone nodded and they ran as fast as they could to the tardis

"mum what going on"

"your mum very busy Harry she be here just run "

The master said while looking back to see Charlotte pointing her sonic at the dalek shop as she ran to the box as everyone went in Charlotte sonic the door and it closed and wized off

" mum "

Said Harry as he looked through the window to see his mum still on the planet he started to cry as the hole planet got destroyed by the dalek ship will Charlotte survive least find out. 

To be contained........ 


Previous the doctor and lottie  where in the library looking for a book to read. Charlotte on the other hand was on the planet the visited in the last story where she see Harry again but it's her son and master  and her where together this was going to be one secret she could not keep from the doctor. But when she visited them the dalek had arrived and destroy the planet leaving Charlotte there and the tardis wizing through space but is Charlotte still alive where Is the tardis going least find out. 

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor and lottie  where trying to find a book in the library, lottie  was looking around still at all the books as she could not believe this was in the tardis as it look small on the outside she was about to go down the next corridor when she noticed a silver book on the floor marked the name

" adventures of the blue horse"

She smiled and picked it up and ran to the doctor who was sitting on a seat looking up at all the book wondering if they will ever find a book to read when lottie  came running to him holding the book in her hand

"what did you find lottie  "

"adventure of the blue horse here least read it please "

Said lottie  while giving it to him he did not know what to do either read it or let it go and find a new book. But he was about to open it when there was a blast of energy knocking the tardis around, sparks fly as they both lying on the floor the doctor got up and wonder what was going on as this never happend before

"what was that are you ok lottie you hurt"

"no I'm fine doctor and I don't know come on least go have a look "

Said lottie  while holding his hand and they walked through the tardis to see what that noise was. As they did that in the tardis console room Harry and the others where lying on the floor of the tardis when the doctor came down to look at them all there he frowned and helped them up wondering what going on

"Harry what happens"

"my mum she was on the planet she saved us by putting us in the tardis doctor help us "

Said Harry while really shaken after what happend the doctor did not know about Charlotte and he fears he will find out one day and it could destroy him and Charlotte. So he had to play along to try to save her without telling the doctor about all of this which was easily said then done. As he pleaded the doctor doctor to help he noded and hugeded him as he would save anyone no matter what

" OK I help you least go OK first the planet who ever destroyed you planet would still be there so least go"

He  looked at lottie  who noded and pulled the leaver and they headed to the planet to see what happens but when they got there the dalek ship was in orbit and fleets of dalek where rebuilt the planet to their designs. The doctor looked at the ship and said while turning to Harry with a sad look on his face hoping that his mum was OK

" if I had to take a guess she in there come on least go"

The doctor slowly guided the tardis into the ship and landed it and him, Harry and lottie  came out and they walked around the ship to find his mum. As they walked round Harry really hoped Charlotte was OK and that the doctor would forgive her for what happend he hoped

"doctor will we find her"

"I hope so Harry the doctor will save her he will "

Said lottie  while holding onto his arm he smiled and they carried on walking but then they heard a noise in the background. So they walked towards it to find Charlotte tied up with straps on a chair like machine she smiled and thanked them for coming

" I'm glad you here matt I thought I would die in here Harry you ok "

" I'm OK I'm so glad your safe "

Said Harry while hugging her as the doctor got her out of the chair the doctor was a bit confused as he thought Harry mum would be here mabey she left before the planet was destroyed mabey she was changed this was not going to be a easy thing to tell him,

"um Harry you mum not here I'm sorry she could be dead or she could of escape but I find her and you be ok"

"doctor I found my mum she right here "

Said Harry while pointing up to Charlotte who sigh and lifted Harry up the doctor could not believe what he was hearing Charlotte had another child was he the dad this was some secret he thought

" what I don't understand I'm the farther right Charlotte "

" no master  is "

Said Charlotte while telling him honestly about what happend but the doctor was so shocked about this he turned his back and headed to the door lottie  walked to Charlotte and hugeded her

" I'm sorry Charlotte about this he cone round"

"I'm afraid he won't doctor please I love you i do it was a mistake but Harry my son and I love him so that punish him for what I did"

Said Charlotte while running after him telling him she really sorry about what happened. The doctor turned and looked at her with a angry look on his face as he could not believe this was happening

"you love me that a joke I'm going"

"I'm sorry "

Said Charlotte while getting her sonic put and lifting it the doctor turned round with shock thinking that she going to die when a light filed the room and everone feel to the floor, the doctor opens his eyes and ran to lottie  who was lying on the floor wondering if she OK

"you OK lottie  you hurt"

"no I'm fine doctor  least go home "

Said lottie  while smiling at him as Charlotte  taking Harry hand the doctor smiled back and they walked back to the tardis and they flew back to earth to drop everone home.

As they did that in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth, outside of the tardis Charlotte and Harry where hugging saying goodbye hofullly not for the last time

" you be safe  Harry amy look after him for me and see you soon"

"bye mum stay safe "

Said Harry while walking off with Amy to their new home Charlotte sigh and walked back in the tardis lottie  smiled and said while hugging her telling her it be OK and that Harry will find his mum

" don't worry Charlotte he find her don't worry come on least go "

She  beamed and kissed lottie  on the lips and ran over to the console and pulled the leaver and they headed to there next adventure through time and space. But will Charlotte see Harry again I hope so thanks for reading this story you all amazing thank you.

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