Keep you in the dark | Billie...

By billieisfit

198K 5.7K 6.3K

(story contains violence, use of drugs, alcohol, guns and mentions of sex. if this isn't for you then do not... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
Part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
shes out

part 23

4.5K 138 218
By billieisfit

(Billie's Pov)

I woke up feeling good for once, I was in Trig's arms, Nitro beside me god I missed this so much. After Trig had kissed me last night I kept smiling like a kid on christmas and spent the rest of the night snuggling watching films and stealing kisses from each other. Gigi was right, Trig does look at me differently I was just too pissed to realise it but I do now and it honestly melts my heart. But happy moments don't last forever.

"morning" Trig said in her raspy voice hugging me tighter

"morning" I smiled leaning over to kiss her which she smiled into

"Billie you in there" a voice interrupted us and was banging on the door

I groaned and jumped up to open the door to see Bullet on the other side

"you good?" i asked

"y-yeah i thought i should tell you um i know we took Shark from you but i- uh he got shot on a mission and sadly passed" he sighed

"o-okay t-thank you" i shut the door and felt everything around me start to spin my world was crashing against me I didn't even realise the tears falling down my cheeks everything just stopped.

I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and a head dug it's head into my neck instantly smelling Trig's scent, she slowly started rocking us before kissing my neck softly.

"i'm so sorry" she whispered into my ear "i'm sorry we took him from you and i'm sorry for what's happened"

I shifted around to face her and she brought her hands up to wipe my tears away "it's okay" i mumbled

"no.. no it's not he was your dog"

"i just wish i could've seen him again" i cried again and placed my head into her chest feeling her arms wrap around me "thank you" i whispered

"for what" she asked confused

"for letting me play with him last time and saying goodbye to him"

"there should never of been a last time though" she sighed

"i'm still thankful though"

"come" she took my hand and led me to the bed dragging me down with her and holding me close

Nitro joined us by placing his head on me sensing I was upset. He really is a special dog. His beady little eyes wouldn't look away from me making sure I would be okay.

"i want a tattoo" Trig blurted out without realising

"you what" i laughed

"i want a tattoo" she repeated

"what you gona get this time" i teased grabbing her hand to trace over the ink she already had on them

"a ukulele"

"you don't even play what the fuck" i laughed

"well it's not for me"

"fuck you mean? it's your body of course it's you"

"god your so fucking dumb" she teased "hmm i wonder who plays the ukulele-"

"shut the fuck up" i cut her off "you're getting one for me?"

"yeah" she grinned "i told you that you mean a lot to me"

"but what if-"

"i don't care about the what ifs right now you mean a lot to me and right now i want the tattoo if something happens in the future then it happens but you'll always be a part of my life so i'm getting it"

"and you say your not soft" i teased and she rolled her eyes "how you even going to get it?"

"oh Bullet does em"


(Trig's Pov)

"so you and Billie a thing again now?" Bullet asked while looking at the design I wanted

"i guess? i mean we aren't anything official"

"who would've thought Trig would fall for someone" He teased

"shut up i don't see you with anyone"

"harsh" he dramatically placed his hand on his chest as if he was hurt "i don't know if i'm ready for that shit i mean it's hard finding someone not like i can find someone and be like oh by the way i'm in a mafia and kill people"

"you do have a point" i laughed

"now you sure you want this" he placed the template on my skin

"yeah" i smiled

"it's good to see you happy tho Trig"

"thanks" i smiled again "what happened out there by the way.. with Shark"

"i didn't want to tell her the full story after I saw the pain in her eyes I couldn't" he sighed "we were in Billie's home area and were doing a big drug deal but then two guys showed up demanding for the drugs with guns at our head" he paused "i was training one of the young's and he freaked out started crying and shit making the situation worse then I yelled for Shark and shot one of them, but Shark didn't bite the other quick enough and instead got shot, he ran off to fuck knows where but i'm pretty sure he's dead now because he took multiple shots"

"wait so he could still be alive running about? BULLET cops could see him a see who's fucking dog he is and then guess what oh wait yeah it's Billie's"

"i know i know we're gona go out tomorrow with a bunch and split up we can't do it now because if we call for him and shit it's gona look suspicious"

"fuck this is bad" i sighed

The tattoo was small so it only took about an hour to finish off, i wanted it hidden so it really would be just Billie's tattoo because no one else is looking to the side of my boob or they will be dead.

"all done have a look" Bullet said

I jumped of the chair and looked at the mirror grinning at Billie's permanent mark on my body before wrapping it up

(just imagine the enjoy bit says billie)

I rushed out of the room to go find Billie which luckily was still in her room with Nitro

"let me see" she whined

"not yet baby- i mean shit" I realised I hadn't called her that since we last whatever that was

"say it again" she grinned


"whipped" she teased before smashing her lips against mine "please let me see" she pouted

"fuck fine" i took the wrapping off and smirked as I saw her jaw drop

"fuck that's hot" she smirked and pushed me onto the bed her eyes now full of lust

"woah woah woah baby i'm a top i don't let people touch me"

She shoved two fingers in me and I moaned quickly covering my mouth shocked at what I just did

"nuh uh i wana hear what I do to you" she choked me and I moaned again


haha you thought I was gona write a smut? pfft no not me i can't do it without feeling weird bro like that's billie... and i- no

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