The Chronicles of Life. (Comp...

By DineoMenko

17.9K 255 10

Through the years, a group of friends realize the value of friendship as life's growing pains threaten to tak... More

28 Nov 2016 .x
Vickie slow down you're scaring her.
Like a damn charity case?
She's not my latest victim. She's my girlfriend.
Sponge bob? Really?
Revelations and Heartbreaks.
This was your big idea?
I love you
Christmas Eve
Me or her.
I cheated on you.
Christmas Day.
Letting go.
Until we meet again.
Back to School.
Never ever tell a woman to calm down!
What the fuck did you do to her?
Different people.
I wanna get the group back together.
Regrets and stuff.
Love me like before.
Yes man.
I'll die so you can live.
Fearless ones
Broken Pieces. Part 1
I can't lose you.
Yet another one.
Just won't get it.
A miracle.
When you're ready.
Soon enough.
Back and better.
Celebratory death.
To love you and leave you.
It's been too long my friend.
What needs to be done.
You can have her.

Broken Pieces. Part 2

258 5 0
By DineoMenko

Siya ignored the vibration on his lap for the umpteenth time that afternoon. He'd thought if he let the phone ring enough times, it would stop. But the person on the other line was very persistent because they just kept on calling.

"Answer it!" Ashley whisper/yelled, getting annoyed. It wasn't loud but the vibrating was irritating. Everyone in the room kept gazing at them, obviously because they were also getting irritated. It was probably just someone wanting directions she'd thought.

Siya quietly made his way out of the reception to answer the phone.

"Is that Mr King?" The person on the other line had questioned. "No, it's his phone though. How can I help?" Siya answered moving further away as music started playing back at the reception. "Can I kindly have a word with Mr King please? It's an emergency" The person on the other line insisted. "What kind of an emergency? Nathan can't come to the phone right now, but you can speak to me." Siya responded. He'd promised to handle anything and everything that happened that day so his friend won't have to.

He then hung up the phone after the person on the  line explained what was happening and hurried his way into the reception to call his wife. The couple were soon on their way to the hospital.

The vague guy on the phone had told Siya that his friend had been at the hospital for a month and she'd told them she didn't have any family. She'd also 'claimed' to not remember what happened to her.

Siya could guess what happened to her, but he'd hoped it wasn't the case. He had a feeling, they all did. There were talks about it. But they did nothing.

They hadn't seen the girl in months but they'd eventually figured she didn't want to be a part of the group anymore. Or maybe they thought that because they didn't want to think of the worst.

They'd all seen her at the funeral.

She was not ok.

So as the couple sped down the highway, they hoped it wasn't what they thought it was.

Siya had decided not to say anything to anyone else yet as he didn't want to freak them out unnecessarily.

He pulled up to the hospital and they ran inside, stilettos and all.

"We're here for Dineo Molefe," he'd said as soon as they reached the reception area and they were directed to where the girl was.

She was sleeping when they got there but the young doctor made sure to explain the best that he could. "We operated on her head six weeks ago when she came in. She's stable now and finally out of the coma," the doctor said and Ashley couldn't help but start tearing up.

"What happened to her?" She asked in between tears. "We think she might have been assaulted. She was hit in the head pretty bad with a very hard object. She barely made it." He answered and Ashley's tears got worse.

It was exactly what they thought it was.

"We think she might be hiding something. We're supposed to report foul incidents like this, but we're hoping you'll get her to talk instead," the doctor continued then left the couple alone with their sleeping friend.

"Do you think we should tell everyone?," Siya had asked his wife a while later as they sat in the room with their friend who was still sleeping. "Maybe let's wait for Nathan and Tay to go to their honeymoon, we'll tell everyone after. Nathan will find out when he comes back," Ashley answered. She didn't want to ruin the couple's matrimony.

Nathan would cancel everything if he knew what had transpired and they didn't want that. He was finally happy and marrying the love of his life. He would drop everything for Dineo. He'd certainly done it before.

Siya nodded agreeing with his wife.

So the couple stayed with their friend and ended up sleeping there. They'd hoped she would wake up so they could find out what happened but she never did. Not that day, or the days after that.

Her condition only got worse and she was soon returned to the ICU where she was breathing through machines.

The couple had eventually told the rest of the friends after the wedding like they'd planned and they'd reached out to the girl's mother too. She'd been devastated. They all were.

So the next few days the friends took turns visiting the girl

Dineo's fiancé was no where to be found and it was pretty clear that he had something to do with what happened to her. They'd reported the incident in hopes that the police would arrest him but the police simply said there was not enough proof.

They did although manage to get her unit under 24/7 surveillance. In case whoever assaulted her came back to finish the job.

Nathan carried Taylor bridal style as they made their way into the new house he'd bought for them. They had just come back from their honeymoon and couldn't be happier.

Nathan had proposed to his girlfriend in the most loving way. He'd made sure to have all their friends and family there on the day. It had been beyond beautiful.

The couple then thought why wait? Before deciding to get married a few months later.

"Babe!!", Taylor exclaimed as she took a look around their new home. No one knew her like her husband. He bought them her dream house. She couldn't be happier.

"I love it! I love you!", she said then went back to her husband to lead them to their new bedroom where they consummated their marriage over and over again.

Weeks passed.

It took him a while but Nathan eventually realized his friends had been acting really weird. They'd been avoiding him for starters.

He'd thought at first that they didn't want to ruin his honeymoon phase but it had been almost a month and they were still not answering his calls.

He'd been occupied with work and his new wife but he eventually sought to find out what was happening.

They were acting really strange.

Using find my friends, Nathan decided to follow his friends' location after he saw more than a few of them at the same place.

At a hospital.

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