An Indescribable Feeling

By DayDreamRomantic

1.7M 74.2K 14.4K

When a worldwide sickness means BTS have a time limit to find their final soulmate, they come up with a plan... More

An Introduction to The Plan
Back to the Beginning
What is Love?
Faith in Fate
Conflicting Emotions
Must be a Dream
Looks, Touches and Thoughts
We Need to Talk
Making an Effort
Communication is Key
Observations and Realisations
Understanding Each Other
No Filter
An Honest Conversation
Getting Closer
Jealousy and Intimidation
Make Yourself at Home
Random Gifts & Silliness
Time Limits
Uncomfortable Celebrations
The First Lesson of Independence
Right Moments
Promise Judgement
Just Hope
Joyful Knight
I just want to BE happier
Surprised Upset Grateful Awkwardness
Kindred Spirit
Patience is a Virtue
Light It Up
Love Isn't Easy
One Cliché at a Time
Unleashing the Monster
Nothing Matters More
A Happy Beginning
Starting Again, Together
A Time for Us
Building Up Confidence
Sweet Gentlemen & Infectious Clumsiness
Ignite Your Bones
Concern for you, And for me
Playful Possessiveness
Don't Wake Me Up
Run Bangtan!
Running Back To You
Make A Wish
Nothing But You
Dreams verses Reality
Leaps and Bounds
Waiting For You
Leaving You In Awe
Feeling at Home
Let It Roll
Very Loyal Idols Verify Events
Torture by Teasing
Catching Up With Jealousy
Meaningful Conversations
A Lesson in Revenge
Let's Dance
How to Land
Realising the Repercussions
Showing Progress
It's a promise
Loud and Proud
Questions, Answers, and Surprises
Birthday Wishes
Wang Yibo
Traces of Doubt
Too Much and Not Enough
Unforgivable Lies
Asking for Forgiveness
Proving You Wrong
Unfinished Business
Making a New Plan
Love The Way You Rap
What Happens Next
New Beginnings
The First Test
Look at Me
Jokes and Drama
A Pirates Life For Me
The Power of Fans
Loneliness and Sacrifices
The Final Step
Restart and Recharge
Beautiful Destiny
Rock, Paper, Smile
Teamwork makes the Dream work
The Right Reaction
RE: Evaluation
Just Wanna Have Fun
Another Day Free
Starting off with a Bang
Favours from Friends
Meeting the Fans
I'm the Charmer
Not One Hundred Percent
A few of my favourite things
I Spy a Criminal Undercover
We Are Bulletproof
While We Wait
I can be your lamp
Getting Everything Wrong
Trending Again
Show Me That
Interviews with Anna - Episode 1: SKZ
You're My Proof
It's a date
GOT a Premiere
A Lotte Change
Our Best Is Yet To Come
I say MORE
Beginning of the End
Come Back To Reality
Author's Note

Princess Deserves Pancakes

22.5K 796 151
By DayDreamRomantic

By the time Anna had collected her toiletries and a change of clothes, the bubbles had died down enough that she could actually get into the bath. But first, she needed to choose what music to listen to. Would it be weird if I listened to BTS, or would it be weirder if I didn't? Anna sighed; at this rate, the water would be cold by the time she had decided. So, she put on her 'BTS favourites' playlist.


Meanwhile, her soulmates were discussing the plan for the day while watching Jin and Yoongi cook breakfast.

"First, should we take Anna out or stay in?"

"Practically, we can't go out. It needs planning in advance, especially if all of us are going out together."

Hoseok nodded at Namjoon's words.

"Another day then. We could go out for dinner and book a private room somewhere."

"So today we are staying in?"

Jimin looked around at the others for confirmation.

"I think Anna will appreciate just being at home, all of us together."

"I agree with JK. Suddenly exposing her to lots of new things might overwhelm her too."

"Exactly Jin-hyung. I'm sure we all want to show Anna our favourite places, but we've got time. The next few weeks before the tour ends our schedule is fairly light and then after the final concert in Tokyo, we have some time off."

"Whoop whoop!"

"Yay, holiday!"

The maknae's cheered at Namjoon's mention of time off. Although they all couldn't wait for this tour, it had been exhausting and they were ready for a break, especially now they had their final soulmate to spend time with. Namjoon shook his head at his younger soulmates' antics, before continuing.

"I know we hadn't planned to do anything in particular, but now we could ask Anna if there's anything she would like to do or anywhere she wants to go."

"She told me she wanted to visit New Zealand and China and here of course."

Hobi perked up at the new information Jin had provided.

"New Zealand? Bon Voyage?"

"Yes, Anna said watching Bon Voyage made her want to go there."

Jungkook frowned in confusion.

"So why China?"

"She watches a lot of Chinese dramas."


"Do you think..."

"Think what Jimin?"

"Do you think she is a fan of any Chinese Idols?"

"Why would it matter? We can't expect her to only be a fan of us. ARMY may be devoted to us but many of them are fans of other groups as well."

"I know, but what if she likes them more?"

"Jimin-Hyung, what if Anna's ultimate bias is not one of us!"

"She did say she thought about learning Mandarin before she chose Korean."

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other in horror before they turned to Namjoon.


"But she chose Korean."

Hoseok tried to calm the younger boys down, but Jin was having too much fun.

"Only because she thought Mandarin was more difficult."

"Jin-Hyung, stop winding them up."

"Yah, I thought they were joking!"

"You two are being ridiculous. Are you forgetting that she is our soulmate?"

Yoongi's words put an end to the silly turn the conversation had taken. The room was quiet for a moment after his scolding.

"I wouldn't worry too much."

"Is this another one of your feelings, Tae?"

"No. Anna is currently listening to BTS, while she's in the bath."

All the boys went silent for a minute, trying to hear if what Taehyung had said was true, but they couldn't hear anything from the kitchen. Jimin stood up from the table.

"Yah, Jimin! Where are you going?"

"I'm just getting something from my room!"

Jimin went to his room and stood outside of the bathroom door. From there he could clearly hear Anna's music playing and she was playing BTS. Wait, why does it sound different? With furrowed eyebrows, he pressed his ear against the door and listened carefully. It sounded as if there was an extra part in the background. Jimin almost jumped out of his skin when someone spoke right behind him.

"Hyung, what are..."

Jimin quickly put one hand over Jungkook's mouth and put a finger to his lips, gesturing for him to be quiet. After removing his hand, he motioned for Jungkook to listen. At first, Jungkook was confused and slightly hesitant to listen at the door knowing Anna was having a bath on the other side. It didn't take him long to realise what his Hyung wanted him to hear. Anna's singing!

The two of them were so focused on Anna's singing that they didn't hear Yoongi join them.

"What the hell do you two think you are doing?"

Jungkook looked like a deer in headlights after being caught by Yoongi. Jimin hid slightly behind him and gave him a nudge to make him answer their angry Hyung.

"Listening to Noona's singing."

"Oh, well, I'm sure she'd be very happy to know you were listening in outside the door while she's taking a bath!"

The two younger boys practically ran back to the kitchen, but before Yoongi could take a step a sound caught his attention. That voice. It's perfect.


By the time Anna had finished her bath and dried her hair, she was feeling a lot better. Apart from being freshly clean, listening to BTS had always had a calming and comforting effect on her. She was quietly humming to herself as she made her way to the kitchen. Hobi had mentioned breakfast would be ready after her bath. As she entered the kitchen, all her soulmates were there already and suddenly all their attention was on her. Anna waved timidly at them.

"Anna! Come sit."

Jin, who had been setting things on the table, came over and guided Anna to the table.

"Did you enjoy your bath?"

She smiled at Namjoon as she sat down.

"Yes. It was a nice surprise. I can't remember the last time I had a relaxing bath. Thank you Hobi."

"You are welcome, princess."

Everyone was sitting down apart from Jin and Yoongi who were bringing plates of food from the kitchen.

"Breakfast is served!"

Jin placed a plate in front of Anna.


"You say pancakes your favourite."

"So, you made them for me?"

"Of course!"

It may have been a usual occurrence for them to do nice things for each other, but for Anna it was odd. No one had ever done something special for her just because they wanted to. No one had ever cooked for her, apart from her parents. No one has ever made me pancakes before...

"Thank you!"

Anna looked so happy. Her soulmates were surprised that just pancakes could make her this happy.

They were all rather quiet while they ate. Anna could only think of a hand full of times in her life that she had eaten with a large group like this. It was strange to her, especially thinking about how they were all eating together in their home. Our home? Anna glanced around the table. I can't believe I get to live with these guys and spend time with them, for the rest of our lives. This is so surreal.

Once everyone had finished eating, Yoongi cleared his throat and looked pointedly at Jimin and Jungkook. Ever since she had sat down, Anna had noticed that Jimin had been unusually quiet and Jungkook wouldn't even look at her.

"I'm sorry, Noona."

"Sorry, Anna."

Anna briefly glanced at Yoongi out of the corner of her eye.

"What? Why are you sorry?"

By this point, Jungkook had an obvious redness to his cheeks and ears and he couldn't look up at all. Anna's heart hurt a little at seeing him look so sorry for himself. She was also a little nervous at what they could have done that would make him act this way.

"We were listening to you sing while you were in the bath."

Anna took a minute trying to decipher Jimin's words. She understood listening and sing, but she wasn't sure about the last bit. Listening to me sing? Does that make sense? But when would they have...


They all waited with bated breath to see what Anna's reaction would be.

"I'm sorry you had to hear me butcher your songs with my Korean."


Jungkook looked up in shock. That was not the response he was expecting.

"No! Noona is good at singing in Korean! Noona sound amazing!"

Anna sat there smiling at Jungkook.

"Thank you. I was just trying to get Kookie to look at me."

Jungkook covered his ears with his hands. So cute!

"But no more secretly listening outside the bathroom please. Okay?"

Anna looked at Jimin and Jungkook were nodding vigorously in agreement.

"So, what is the plan next?"

"I'm going to the studio."

"Yoongi-Hyung, I thought we were spending the day together?"

"You can't help when inspiration strikes."

"But it's Anna's first day at home."

"And because of that I stayed for breakfast. I'll only be a few hours. I promise."

"Fine, say goodbye properly then. You might say a few hours, but you know once you get going time runs away from you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and gave Jin his goodbye kiss, but before he could leave, the others had got up and formed a line.

"You lot act as though we don't spend all our time together."

"Jin-Hyung is right. Once you're in the studio we don't know when we will see you again."

Anna almost laughed at their antics.

Taehyung pulled Anna up off her chair so that she was at the end of the line. When Yoongi got to her she was sure he could sense her nervousness. While she was sure she wouldn't receive a kiss like the others, she wondered if he would give her one on the cheek, or a hug, or perhaps nothing at all.

It was none of those things. Yoongi gave Anna a pat on the head. When she thought about it later, Anna remembered that a pat on the head was always a big deal in all the cute Asian dramas she watched. However, at the time she felt a little disappointed.

"I'm leaving the only other sensible one in charge. Okay, princess?"


Hearing the others' cries of indignation Anna tried to translate what Yoongi said as he left. All I caught from that was something about leaving. She turned to the others.

"What did he say?"

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