Watch Over You (Zarry) *Going...

By LIRRYlove123

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Zayn is dead. That's right. D-E-A-D. Dead. Liam is also dead. Being dead is boring. But when they get assigne... More

Watch Over You (Zarry)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter 6

425 16 2
By LIRRYlove123

I watch this unfold, but im only half listening. Everytime that blond lays a finger on Harry, I wanna kill him. I don't under stand why this is happening. Why does it bother me so much? Oh my God! Get your hands off of him you freaking leprechan! I can't even understand him half the time. How does Harry find his accent cute? Suddenly I'm pulled out of my trance. "And that's where our friendship began." Louis says. Niall finally takes his paws off of Harry. Good. Harry starts talking. "When he tapped me on the shoulder, I yanked my sleeve down, but I knew he had already seen it. We introduced ourselves, and he got me to spill about my arm. I told him that yes, I did cut, and that it was none of his buisness why. He took that answer. We exchanged numbers, and got really close. He would always get a random peice of information about my arm, or home life, everytime we hung out. He told me he was gay, and I told him I was to. We were best gay friends. That what he called it anyway." "Um, excuse me, 'were' best gay friends. No, we 'are' best gay friends" "Right, sorry Boobear, anyways. He eventually found out about home, and why I cut. He talked me into leaving fight club. He helped me stop cutting so much. He saved me. After about six months of friendship, he um, he asked me out." Louis and Harry start blushing. Niall just sits there. He places a possesive hand on Harry's knee. Get your hands off of him! "Well, I said yes. We dated for a while. It was nice. We eventually realized that what we had was more family love then romance, so we ended it on equal grounds. Nothing really changed between us, except we stopped kissing. We were still great friends. Everything was great. I hadn't cut for about three month's. Then it happend. I don't know why, but one day, I just couldn't resist anymore. I had a relapse. Lou helped, and still helps as much as he can." "Wait, still helps? Harry, do you still cut?" "Not for about two weeks." Niall's eyes water. So your boyfriend has been cutting, and you didn't even notice. Wow. Some boyfriend you are. "Can I see?" Niall asks. What a dumb question. Why would he want to show you. "Okay." He replys. He holds his arm out. Niall takes it and flips it over. I walk closer. Im horrified. The small glance I got befor made me really underestimate this. There are hundreds of cuts and scars lining his wrist. I hear Liam gasp beside me. Niall starts to cry. Harry hold him, and they stay like that for a long time. You can take your hands off of him now! Niall pulls out of the hug, and kisses Harry. They kiss for like five minutes. Louis say something! Make gagging sounds! Anything to make them stop! Get your tongue away from Harry's mouth! They finally stop. Thank God. "So umm..." Louis trails off. "Can we get off of depressing subjects now?" Harry asks. "Yeah." Niall says. Harry checks the time on his phone. "Oh sh*t! I have to go, or my step-dad will be there when I get back. If I go now I can sneak upstairs and lock my door before he gets home." "Okay Harry Bear. I love you." You're just gonna let him go back to that house!? "Love you too." He kisses Niall deeply. Grrrr. Get away from him! Why do I care? "No Harry, you are staying with me." Louis says. Thank you! "Lou, I can't." "Why not. Give me five good reasons." "Umm. Because if I don't come home, I'll get my a*s whipped ten times worse." Louis sighs. "Fine Harry, don't let him hurt you, okay. Your my best gay friend. I need you." Aww. Harry hugs Louis. "I need you too." He says in his ear. Niall looks jellous. Good for him. Harry leaves and we follow. He walks to his house, and into his room, where he locks the door. He reaches under the bed, and pulls out the knife. He opens his window, where he throws it outside. "Nothing but trouble anyways." He mumbles. I feel oddly proud of him. Liam looks shocked. We hear the door slam. We hear footsteps, and then the door trying to open. "I know you're in there." Harry's step-dad says. Harry stays silent. The door shakes more. "Open up f*g!" I hear Harry start to mutter under his breath. I get closer to hear. I realize he is mumbling random nonsence. Liam walks up beside me. Harry is trying to go somewhere else. "English class. You're in english class. A preposition is the start of a prepositional phrase. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. A verb is a-" He is cut off by banging. "Let me in you little bit*h." "A pronoun is a- sh*t what is a pronoun. Fu*k english, I'm in history. Wait I hate history. Nevermind. Somewhere else safe. Somewhere else safe." There is more banging. Harry is trying to tune it out. "I'm at the park with Lou. I'm at the park. I'm in 11th grade. Lou fixed me. Everything is fine. Everything is perfect. Ever-" "OPEN UP!" Liam looks at Harry like he is crazy. "He is trying to go somewhere else. It's calming him down. He's visiting memories." Liam nods and looks back at Harry. "I love you too Lou." He starts to scratch at his wrist. "Fight club. Im gonna kick his a*s. No! Leave fight club. Back to happy times." I look at Liam. "THAT'S IT, THIS DOOR IS COMING OFF!" "No it's not. He wont take the door off. Im not even home. Im getting my first kiss from Lou. Everything is perfect. Everything is fine." I look at Liam. "I wonder why he hasn't said anything about Niall." He shrugs. "Niall's cute accent. Your listening to him blab on about something. He looks to cute. You lean in. You kiss him, and everything is heavenly. Home life doesn't exist. No abbusive step-dads. No scars on your arm. Just you and Niall. Nothing bad can happen." The door bursts open. Harry just sits in the corner. "He isnt in my room. Everything is fine." But he is looking right at him. He is scratching at his wrist alot. I see blood on his sleeve. He must have broken open a cut or two. His step-dad walks up to him. "Why didn't you let me in?" "I was changing." "You expect me to believe that?" Harry doesn't have a chance to answer. The man throws his across the room. He stomps on his stomach, and punches him in the knee. He then just walks away, leaving a crying Harry on the floor. My heart breaks at the sight. Liam aproaches him, and is about to touch him. "Liam no!" "Right." He says, withdrawing his hand. Harry gets up. He grabs his back pack, and dumps everything out. He throws some clothes, and his phone charger in it. He goes to the bathroom, sighs, and grabs a box of razor blades. "I have a bad feeling I'll need this." He mutters before throwing it in. Liam looks like he wants to take it out. He then packs cut cleaning crap, and band aids. At least he's prepared to clean them. He then pulls the bag over his shoulder, and goes downstairs. He runs before the man can see him. He runs for a while, then stops to breath. "Where the he*l am I gonna go." He sounds so defeated. He sits on the curb. I have to help him. I walk away. "Where are you going?" Liam asks. "Stay here, I have to do something." He does as told. I become seen, and walk down the street. "Are you crazy!" Liam yells. I ignore him. I walk up and sit beside Harry. He looks at me. "Can I help you with something?" He asks. He is scratching at his wrist again. "Stop that." I say. He looks confused. "Stop what." He scratches harder. "That. Stop scratching your arm like that." "Why? Im just scratching my arm. It itches." Yeah right. "No, you are having an urge." He looks surprised. "An urge to what, scratch my itchy arm?" "No, an urge to cut your arm open." He looks like I just grew a second head. Did I go about this the right way. To late to change it now. "I don't cut myself. And who are you?" "Yes you do, I'm not stupid. And I'm Zayn." "How the he*l would you know if I cut myself? And even if I did, why do you care?" "Because I see the signs, and because I dont like it when people hurt themselves." "I don't hurt myself." "Then pull up your sleeve." He pulls up the sleeve of his good arm. "The other one." He pulls it up to reveal a bunch of bracelets. "Take the bracelets off." He takes the bracelets off, and puts his arm wrist down. "Flip your arm over." "No." "No? Why? Do you have something to hide. Maybe a couple scars?" He sighs and flips it over, revealing the many cuts. "Exactly. Im not stupid. What's your name?" I already know your name. "None of your buisness." I roll my eyes. "Just tell me your name." He thinks for a minute. "Edward." I look at Liam. "He isn't exactly lying. Remember when Niall was yelling at him? It's his middle name." I nod. "Alright Edward. Why don't you tell me your age." "What's it to you?" "Alright fine, no age. Got a girlfriend?" "I dont like girls." He says with a cold expression, as if daring me to make a f*g comment. "Got a boyfriend?" "Yes." "What's his name?" "James." I look at Liam. "Maybe that's Niall's middle name." He says. I nod. "Does James know you cut yourself?" "Yes." "How long has he known?" I know the answers to all of this already. "An hour or two." "How long have you been dating?" This I actully don't know. "About 7 months." "And you just figured out this is something you should tell him?" "I didn't plan on telling him untill he figured it out himself." "Anyone else know?" "Yes." "Who?" "William." That must be Louis's middle name. "How long has he known?" "About two years." "How long have you known William?" "About two years." "You told William right away, but it took you seven months to tell your boyfriend?" "William found out. And why are you questioning me?" "I don't know." "Well knock it off." "Why are you here?" "Cause." "That's not an answer." "I RAN AWAY OKAY? Da*n! Why do you care?!" "Why did you run away?" "Im not telling you. Its none of your buisness." "Do you have somewhere to go?" "Yes." "Where?" "Either with James or William." "Oh." "Can you stop asking me questions now Zayn?" "Yes." "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find James. Bye." "Bye H-Edward." He didn't seem to notice my mistake. Good. I look at Liam, and turn unseen. "Do you really think he is going to Niall's house?" "I hope." I don't, then Niall with have his little paws all over him. We follow Harry all the way to Niall's house. So James is Niall then. He knocks on the door. Harry starts scraching at his arm. Please stop. Niall opens the door, and notices the disstress in Harry's eyes. He pulls him in for a hug. "What happend Babe?" "I ran away." Niall pulls away to look at him. "Come in, get comfortable, you are staying here forever, well untill we move out together anyways." Harry gives a weak smile. Niall grabs his hand. Stop touching him. He takes Harry up to his room, and crouches down. He grabs something under his bed, and pulls. It's a pull-out bed. Harry smiles, and sets his bag on it. They sit on Niall's bed. "What happened sweet heart?" Harry explains about his step dad breaking down his door, and beating him. He doesn't go into detail. "Shirt off." Niall says. Harry rolls his eyes, and removes his shirt. His bracelet are still on. There is a new bruise above the old one on his stomach, but besides that it looks like nothing happend. "Harry." Is all Niall says, before kissing the bruise. He smiles and pulls Harry in for a hug. Harry hugs him back. They stay that way for what seemS like forever. Stop touching him, and stop kissing his stomach. Harry leans up and nibbles Niall's ear, making a moan escape Niall's lips. Harry then pulls away and puts his shirt on. "Tease." Niall mumbles, making Harry laugh. Good. You don't get anything more than teasing. Why do I keep thinking like that? Its his boyfriend. They can have sex and it shouldnt bother me. Weird. They lay on Niall's bed, and Harry starts spooning Niall. Stop. They fall asleep like that. Liam looks at me. "Do you like one of them or something, you always get thid pissed off look when they touch." "Of course not. Rule number four, do not get romantically involved with anyone." But now that I think about it, I think I might have a crush on one Harry Styles.

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