The Scarlet Sweater

By dureckl

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A tale of love, life, and unintentional, unadulterated hilarity! More

Prologue: Good 'Ol Goodwill
1. Our Story Begins
2. The Plagiarizing
3. The Deceit and the Discovery
4. The Confrontation
5. Mission Implausible
6. Daniel Stohlmannesdale
7. An Audience with Nic Snodingworth
8. The Tutor and His Pupil
9. Wolcottingham's Ruling
11. A Real Girl?
12. Hestersee and the Tutor
13. End of the Curse
14. An Endless Light
15. Trainwreck
Epilogue: The Revelation of the Scarlet Sweater

10. Sunrise

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By dureckl

Lust had fallen upon Daniel and Jeni, and both were very guilty of their feelings for each other. Jeni was Nic’s girl (even though they were exes, but love knows no bounds).

Daniel had no one. He had not one person in the world to make him whole and happy.

Neither had seen Nic around the corner, but Nic was looking forward to their midnight study session. He waited anxiously for Daniel to arrive, pacing back and forth, shaking his hands, cold sweat trickling down his forehead. He wasn’t planning on confronting Daniel, just giving him a cold shoulder. The doorbell rang, and Nic rushed to open it. It wasn’t Daniel, just a mailperson.

“What do you want?” Nic asked.

“I just wanted to tell you that Mr. Stohlmannesdale couldn’t make it to your midnight vigil,” the mailperson said.

“Okay. Thanks for telling me. But I have one question.”


“What exactly is your gender?”

“I am a mailperson, I don’t necessarily have a gender. Sex is not a determining factor when looking for labor. I—”

Nic slammed the door in the mailperson’s face. So Daniel was skipping out, eh? That just ruffled his feathers (He wasn’t a hen, but the metaphor suited the moment)!

What was the reason of Daniel’s absence? Could it be that he knew that Nic had seen he and Jeni embrace earlier that day? There was no way this was possible; both involved had been too busy staring lovingly into each others’ eyes.

I wonder what he’s up to, Nic thought.

Little did he know, Daniel was at school.

For some reason (and for dramatic effect) students gravitated toward the school when they weren’t required to be there. The halls were quiet, the doors locked, and his footsteps echoed along the concrete walls. His shoes slapped along the tile, creating a frightening picture and an alluring creation for the senses.

Daniel only had one destination in mind: the perch where Jeni Hestersee had stood three months anon. Her public shame was too much to bear for himself. He had to atone for his sins against Jeni. His reputation (albeit, destroyed), was too important and couldn’t be soiled by public ridicule.

He climbed upon the tabletop and took in the dark lunch room as though it were filled with mocking students. He closed his eyes and blocked out the imaginary noises.

By complete coincidence, Jeni Hestersee was also in the school, having little Juliearl toddle along behind her. She had forgotten her laptop in her locker and was heading to the freshmen hallway to retrieve it. The only (dramatic) way to the hallway was through the lunch room. She picked up Juliearl and hit a button on the back of her head. Her eyes illuminated, casting a ghostly yellow light to wash over the dull tile.

Daniel, eyes still closed, sensed another in the space. He opened his eyes (one at a time, much like an owl) to see Jeni.

Jeni had not expected to see Daniel here of all places. She was shocked that he (under the cover of darkness) had come to the location of her public shame. She was more than a little touched by the fact that he felt the need to suffer upon the table (even if his shame wasn’t public). Upon seeing Jeni, Daniel fell from the table with a loud “Umpf.” He didn’t get up which caused Jeni to rush to his aid.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” Jeni nearly screamed - her voice filled with concern for her dear jock.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Daniel tried to pull himself up with the table, but it collapsed under his weight (it’s not that he’s fat… the tables in the lunch room are just… flimsy). He moaned, it was quite clear that he was not fine - the weights that had fallen on him earlier that year caused a lot of damage to his spinal cord. Jeni rushed to his aid, ditching Juliearl by the kitchen.

“You aren’t okay. Let me help you.”

“No really. I’m perfectly fine.” Daniel attempted to get up again… he fell, but this time Jeni caught him. She struggled to lift him to his feet.

“Let’s sit you down.”

They made their way over to some lunch chairs where Daniel and Jeni sat down to talk. Daniel explained that he was not doing well, losing football had really taken a lot out of him and he had injured himself “in a game… after being tackled.” He told Jeni that he wanted all three of them to stand on one of the lunch tables together… as a family. He wanted to accept the shame. To his displeasure, Jeni told him that he shouldn’t be standing on any tables.

Gently she helped him up out of his chair and called to Juliearl to follow.

“Where…” he winced, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

They made their way through the school to the skybox (which always seemed to be unlocked for some reason) where Jeni proceeded to open the window. She helped Daniel out onto the roof then handed Juliearl up to him. Upon climbing through herself, Jeni led the two of them up where they made their way toward the elementary end of the building. Jeni helped Daniel down to a sitting position (with his legs draped over the edge of the building) and sat Juliearl down next to him. Sitting on the other side of her (robot, demon) daughter, Jeni reached over and held Daniel’s hand as they watched the sun rise.

They sat there, together, for hours just enjoying each other’s company. At about nine, Jeni assisted Daniel and their daughter on the climb down. She walked the boy she loved to his car, parked in the high school parking lot and watched as he drove away. She reached down and grabbed Juliearl’s hand, leading her home.

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