The Survived

By ProducerK_10

566 63 44

The story of 4 best friends surviving the end of the world. They survive through great things that regular te... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Note: New Book
Note: Schedule
Day 19
Day 20
Day 25
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31- Part 1
Day 31 Part 2
Day 33

Day 8

27 2 0
By ProducerK_10

Its 6 am 

We waited patiently, for the zombies to kick the door open and kill us. But after 5 minutes we hear gunshots. Then the front door is kicked down and a bright light shines through the doorway. You can see the specks of dust flying in the room.

Then a man walks in. He's carrying a rifle and has a bulletproof vest on. His helmet has a tiny light on it that shows him the way into the house. 

"Were you the kids who sent the rescue signal?" The man asked.

No one answered for a while. We didn't know if we should. We don't know this man, he could be an imposter trying to take our house for himself. But he seemed pretty legit.

"Can you speak? Are you the kids who send the rescue signal?" He asked again.

"Yes, we are! Thank you for finding us. May I ask, who are you?" KJ answers impatiently.

"I'm one of the people who were sent here to find you. I am part of the rescue team called O.R.S.T. It stands for Operation Rescue the Survived Team. It's a work in progress but let's get you kids on the helicopters. We only got a couple of minutes before more zombies appear." The man says calmly.

"How do we know we can trust you guys? How do we know you're not going to kill us?" I ask suspiciously. 

"You don't know. All you need to do is take a leap of faith. Or a run. Then you'll find the answer. But you need to hurry, we don't have all day." He says swinging the strap of his gun to on his shoulder.

"What do we do Chloe?" Kayla asks.

I think about it for a moment. If we go, we could be saved. Finally rescued from this horror film. But, if we go, we won't know what lies ahead for us there are O.R.S.T. We already know how what the ending is if we stay here. So what should we choose?

"Let's hurry up and get on that helicopter," I say and grab my bag and head for the doorway.

The others cheer and grab their bags and follow us. We look outside to see a helicopter waiting in the street. Many more people are already on the helicopter and some outside it, waiting for us to get there before the zombies wake up.

Kayla, Nick, and KJ hurry before me towards the helicopter while I stay back to take one last look at it. So many memories were made here. I can't believe I'm finally leaving. I turn around and head for the helicopter. Not looking back ever again. I hop on and we slowly start to lift off from the ground. The wind blowing in my hair, the dust flying from all around. 

about 15 minutes later, we land. Somewhere I have never been before. There is no grass here. Just dirt. There are no houses here. Just one large building made of what seemed to be cement. The place was surrounded by a fence topped with barbed wire.

The whole place looked like it was built to be a prison. When we landed, the dirt kicked up into our faces. I covered my eyes from getting the dirt in them. 

A woman dressed just like the man from before came to get us from the helicopter. 

"Hur-" She couldn't finish her sentence before a zombie came from behind and attacker her. She dropped down and tried fighting on the zombie. More people came to save us. As they came, we saw what looked like a herd of zombies heading straight for us. The "Soldiers" turned around and protected us from the zombies. We hurried out of the helicopter and ran towards the "prison".

A huge door that looked like a garage door opened up and we headed inside. Some of the Soldiers were still outside fighting off the zombies. But, It doesn't look like they're going to be making it back. The door closed right behind us as soon as we got in.

"Aren't you going to wait for them? What if some of them are still out there? Alive?" I ask.

"Those soldiers were trained for times like these. They know that they might not make it back." A woman answers. But she seems a little hurt. Like she just lost someone

"Did you know one of them outside? One of the soldiers that "might not make it back"?" I say.

"He was my fiancé. But, we got to do our job, To protect those who can't protect themselves." She said calmly. "Now, lets us welcome the creator of O.R.S.T. Please welcome, Dr. White."

Everyone made way and clapped as a woman in a white suit came to greet us. 

"Thank you. No need to clap, I'm Dr. White. I have heard a lot about you four. Especially you, Chloe." She said and looked at me.

"How do you know my name? If you knew about us, why didn't you come to rescue us sooner?" I ask.

"I wanted to see each of your potentials. So it seems like I was right. I also might have known your father. He was a great soldier and amazing friend." She smiled.

I froze, "You know my father?"

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