Day 17

17 2 0

That's exactly what we did. We planned to escape this place. Of course, we would need to get Nick and KJ first. Then, we would start the escape.

Kayla and I woke up early. We went over the plan a couple of times, then went over Plan B. But, there is a certain way to do this plan. Just like a certain person said and I quote, "Make a plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan." 

We grabbed our stuff, or what we had left of our stuff. When we first got to O.R.S.T, all the soldiers took our stuff saying, "It might be contagious" or something. But, we aren't even on step 1 of the plan yet. We still need to get Nick and KJ back. We headed to the cafeteria, to find them.

Once we spotted them, we pulled them away from everyone else so the soldiers couldn't see us taking the light out from their arms. I took out KJ's green light while Kayla took out Nick's blue light. Instantly after we took them out, they came back to normal.

"What happened?" KJ asks.

I sighed then started explaining what happened. After explaining everything to them, we started step 2: Execute the plan. We made our way towards the exit gate. 

"Freeze! Don't move, you guys aren't leaving this place" Someone shouted from behind us.

"You're not leaving Chloe," Dr. White says.

I stop running and turn around.

"You didn't know my father, did you? You lied about everything!" I shouted.

"No, I mean I did lie about everything but, yes I did know your father. Your father worked as an MD at your cities hospital didn't he?" She asked walking closer.

"Let me guess." I say taking steps backward "You also worked as an MD and you thought you make the world  a better place by getting rid of a certain disease right?" 

"Not a certain disease, all diseases. Your father and I were going to create wonderful cures for the whole world. Until he didn't want to do it anymore. He gave up trying to cure people, said it was... impossible. But, I thought differently so I continued the work and it got me here. Then we got you." She explained.

I stopped walking, "What does you trying to cure people have to do with me?"

"Your special Chloe. More special than people think you are. When we got a sample of your blood we found something extraordinary about it."

"That's enough. I'm done talking to you. I'm not extraordinary or anything. I'm just a regular girl trying to save herself and her friends. Now if you excuse us, we'll be leaving now." I say and press the button to the exit gate. The gate slides open and we start running out.

While we're running out, soldiers try coming after us but, Dr. White stops them.

"Don't even bother going after her. She'll come back. Once she finds out who she left behind." 

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