Sin of Deceit ¦sᴅs-ʙɴʜᴀ¦

By wafflesncakes

41.5K 1.7K 280

Wisteria Liones. A girl with the socializing skills of a butterfly and the deception skills of a spider. Tru... More

christmas special!
valentines hc


1.3K 65 16
By wafflesncakes

"The stall is all set! I have to go get ready now, you guys better be watching me"
Eria smiled at her family before dashing off.

"It's like it was only yesterday when I found her crying over that kingdom"
Meliodas cooed, a dreamy gaze on his face.

"She's not a child anymore, captain"
Merlin spoke up as she placed down the stack of trays.

Their stall was beautifully decorated, sticking with their whole ' we're from another world' aesthetic, and it was nearest to the entrance of the stadium.

They even had a sign in the front of it which read:

"If this person is on duty (photo of Meliodas) do NOT buy our food. We will not be held responsible for any casualties that your ignorance may cause"

And surprisingly, people followed the sign. And yes, it was Ban's idea.

"I know that! Besides, she still acts like the 15 year old she was so what's the point" The short blond argued.

"Yeah but if anything, she's more mature than any normal 15 year old. We should know that by now" King commented, floating on his pillow as he went to the bleachers to go watch his fellow sin.


Eria opened the door to her class's waiting room, only to be engulfed in the tense atmosphere. Todoroki was having a small chat with Midoriya and as she closed the door, it made a soft click. It wasn't a loud one but it surely caught attention since everyone's eyes were on her now.

"Um.. What's up..?"

"You. I will not let myself lose to you either, Liones. I don't know what it is with you and your family and I will not question it either, but among everyone else in this class, you are the only one capable of beating me. I cannot allow that" Todoroki spoke in a sharp voice, sending her a glare. He then walked out of the room, fisting up his hands as he walked past her.

"...Sure.." She muttered, glancing at the boy.

'He was nicer just a week ago... wonder what that was about..'


"Look look- it's starting!" Diane exclaimed as she took her seat next to King.

Present Mic enthusiastically announced, the crowd suddenly going wild as the students walked out.

'There's a lot of people...' Eria thought to herself, looking around the arena for any of the sins.

"Now comes the introductory speech!" 
All eyes were now on a dark purple haired woman with quite a.. unique and revealing costume.

The crowd blushed pink, while some of the students looked away. A few comments on her costume were made here and there.

"Silence! For our student pledge, we have Bakugo Katsuki!"

"Well who the hell made him the first year rep?"
Eria grumbled as she crossed her arms in disagreement.

"Well he did place first in the entrance exams.." Sero mumbled.

"Only for the hero course exams" 
A girl from the neighbouring class hissed, rolling her eyes.

"That girl obviously hates us..." She heard one of her classmates whisper.

The 8th sin felt her eye twitch in annoyance. "Ne, I believe he is the only ass in 1-A, so if you could not generalise my whole class as shit it would be greatly appreciated." She firmly spoke, tilting her head in a creepy manner as she faced the girl from earlier. 

Whispers started going around Class 1-B and the other classes near them. The girl immediately shut herself up and looked away, a chill being sent up her spine.

"W-Wow... how'd you do that?" Kirishima asked.

"Do what?" The blue haired girl innocently questioned back, showing a small grin

"I just wanted to say..." Bakugo started 

"Im gonna win."

Almost immediately, boos were heard from the different classes and the whole scene Eria made a few minutes ago was forgotten. There were a lot of screams of debate, and even Iida who was chopping his hand into the air again, saying it was disrespectful of him to do that- which Bakugo ultimately ignored.

"It's not my fault you're all stepping stools to my victory" He argued as he walked down the mini stage.

"And without further ado, it's time for us to get started!"


"An obstacle race where anything goes? This should be quite fun"
Eria hummed.

"Now take your places, contestants!"
Midnight spoke, extending her arm as showmanship.

She began to walk to her spot, near the side of the entrance and listened to the timer slowly beep to one.


'They better be watching me'


'I swear if Captain misses this, I will punch him'



And on cue, all the students started to run towards the exit of the tunnel. Present Mic began his live commentary as the students begin to realize that the course had already started.

Eria felt herself getting pushed around, despite already knowing this was the situation she'd be in. She used up her strength and pushed herself upwards using the shoulders of the other students, stepping on their shoulders.

She then made her way near the front of the crowd by jumping on the heads of her other competitors, leaving a trail of pissed groans behind her. She noticed Izuku getting crushed so she decided to be nice and help out by pulling him up with her and dragging him along.

"Well what is this I see? Friendship on the battlefield? Looks like Liones of Class 1-A decided to lend a helping hand to Midoriya- also from 1-A!" Present Mic spoke, flashing the action onto the big screens.

"W-Wait a sec what're you doing-"

"As you are the world's future symbol of peace, I might as well help a bit right?"
She answered with a smile. A wisp of cold air passed her as she noticed the ground being frozen. She looked at the now frozen ground, slowing herself down.

"I'm gonna have to drop you off here, kay'?" She then hopped onto the ice, making sure Izuku lands safely before gliding over the ice to catch up. 

Mineta screamed in pain as he fell to the ground after being hit by one of the obstacles of the next stage;

The 0 point robots of the entrance exam

"If they put all this effort then they should've thought of something more difficult. Especially with dear old father watching"
Todoroki muttered to himself, not thinking anyone would hear. But oh was he wrong.

He felt a swift drift of wind pass by him but brushed it off as he placed his hand down and froze the robots. He then ran through the legs, speaking out a warning to the other contenders after hearing their mutters.

"Don't. I froze them while they were unbalanced- on purpose"

The ice then began to break, toppling the robot over and blocking the path of the students.

"AMAZING! AND WITH THAT INCREDIBLE MOVE, TODOROKI SHOTO IS NOW IN THE LE- wait.. IT SEEMS WE HAVE A DIFFERENT CONTESTANT IN THE FRONT OF THE GROUP!" Present Mic spoke, staring at the screen in front of him. The crowd went silent at the change before getting riled up again. 

'What the-'
The boy felt his eyes widen in surprise. He was sure no one else had gotten past that stage besides him but life just loved to throw him surprises. 


It was her- again.

'Presence distortion can really come in handy in these' Eria thought to herself, a smirk growing on her face. She looked back to see the bi-colored hair boy on her trail

She looked back in front of her, immediately halting herself to a stop. "Shit."


Todoroki and Bakugo had already passed her and the others were starting to catch up. It's not that she has no way across- its just that she has to make sure the way she does it doesn't reveal any more of her 'quirk'.

She takes a deep breath and jumped, landing perfectly on the rope with little to no mess-ups and continued this pattern for a bit. She had almost reached the end when something she hoped wouldn't happen, happened. 

Eria slipped.

A soft gasp escapes her lips as she grasped onto the rope, slowly swinging herself.

"What a save for Liones! That was quite a slip!"
Mic spoke through the speakers.

She started at a slow pace and got faster as she swung higher. When her legs reached the rope, she wrapped them around it and let go of her hands for a while to let them rest.

That move of her's certainly caught some eyes as a few of the contenders stopped for a bit to watch the girl just hang there- almost lifelessly.

She grabs hold of the rope once more and hoists herself up and sits on the rope, carefully moving to the side until she had finally gotten across. A small grin spreads on her face as she runs towards the next , and final obstacle.

She takes stops right in front of the minefield and squinted her eyes to look at the patches of darker soil before looking in front of her. Todoroki was already halfway through and Bakugo was flying on explosions not far behind with a few students already getting started.

'Agility and speed, the two things being tested in this obstacle-'

Eria smirks to herself

'-the two things Im most known for'

The sin started to walk, carefully avoiding the mines, gradually increasing her speed until she was running, still effectively avoiding the mines. She noticed Bakugo and Todoroki starting to fight ahead of her so she ran faster to catch up.


A loud noise was heard at the start of the minefield. Eria cautiously looked back, stopping in place, to see Izuku on his scrap piece of robot, flying to first place.

She ran faster, running in between the two of them before getting crushed by Izuku's foot as he clumsily landed. The trio in lead got shoved, causing them to land onto some landmines. 

"S-Sorry Eria-san!" He shouted as he ran further away from them, exiting the minefield and onto the run to the finish line.

"Im not letting you go that easily!" Eria quickly got up and ran, Todoroki and Bakugo following her closely behind. She runs faster, seeming almost as if on par with Iida.


"This has nothing to do with me. It's their will to win that keeps them going"
He spoke, seeming almost uninterested in his supposed commentary job.

"So Eraserhead admits he's a bad teacher!"

The statement earned the loud hero a whack to the head.

Izuku kept running, he was almost near the finish line and he knew Eria was on his tail but with a final push..


The crowd went wild, noticeably enjoying the sports festival so far.

"Congratulations, Izuku-kun!"
Eria smiled, as she crossed the finish line just after him.

"T-Thank you"

The two turned to the finish line and saw both Todoroki and Bakugo cross. "Congratulations you two!" Eria shouts before waving.


"Ehhh? She didn't try that hard huh"
Diane whined, lacking the thrill of watching her sister-like friend from hier place in the bleachers.

"I believe Eria is still prohibited to use her powers to its full extent, is she not?" Gowther spoke in his usual nonchalant manner.

"Hngg.. I know.." She pouted before returning her attention to the spider sin, who seemed to be talking to a pink skinned classmate of her's.

"Well whatever she does, she better win"
Ban snickered.

"Ban? If you're here.. t-then who's at the stall?!" Diane shrieked in panic.

"I just got here. I uh- closed it for a bit"
Ban answered, keeping his cool.

Long story short, he didn't. 

Meliodas was left in charge when he went to get some ale in the middle of the race and there is already one ignorant fattie being sent to the hospital this very moment. 

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