Rise in Sunshine (CountryHuma...

By LadyNarrative

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[Hiatus/Discontinued] After the cold war, the world was in peace and harmony. A school was created for the c... More

**The Russian's Night**
**De vuelta a Mi Amor**
**Christmas Special**

**The Sunshine**

918 46 100
By LadyNarrative




Did I come here too early?

Philip asked himself. He's standing on the sliding door of his room, you can see everything in the room from this angle, yet he didn't see a single country human.. He sighed, it doesn't matter now does it? Maybe his close friends would be early.. after all they have so much in common.

hmm.. I wonder if we have a sitting arrangement. He thought as he approached the front desk, to see no sitting arrangement insight nor is it on the white board or walls. looks like I'm sitting where ever I want.

He walked to the center seat, where he isn't far from the board nor was he too near. He took out his sketch pad, and started doodling. Why do I call it a sketch pad, when I only doodle on it? should I call it a doodle pad now? His thoughts started to waver as he continued to doodle, to be specific, he's doodling his feelings out, a doodle of being alone.. no.. it's being hopeless. Yeah, that's the right word for it. He was hopeless he have no reason to hope, since it was taken away-


The lead of his pencil snapped, must be from being to lost in his thoughts. He held it up on front of his face and looked at it suspiciously, as if the pencil made a horrible deed. The sliding door opened to reveal Indonesia and Malaysia, Philip put the pencil down and looked at them. Indonesia's flag/face was simple, two horizontal rectangle, above is red and below it is white. Some question's why didn't he took a little effort in making his flag, but some also says that his flag has it's own meaning to it.

Malaysia's flag/face in the meantime has it's own detail. He has a similar flag to America, you know the famous country? but the box on his right was a crescent moon and a star, instead of 50 stars, some would mistaken it for a sun. I don't know what others think about him, but I think America and him could team up for a twin prank.

"Good morning, Philip. You're early." Malaysia said.

"Good morning, Malay. I didn't check the time when I came here." Philip smiled nervously, he's poker face gone, like it never existed. He's called a sweet sunshine because he's always happy, and.. well.. sweet, but if you know him any better he's so empty inside.

"Oh, well then. Since we came here so early, wanna walk around for a bit? You know, do something besides waiting?" Indonesia suggested

"Sure!" Philip smiled brightly, he put his things back to his bag and went to his two friends.

"So, any specific places to go? I suggest the gym." Indo spoke.

"I suggest the art room." Malaysia said.

"What about you Philip? Any suggestions?" Indo asked as they Malaysia looked Philip. Philip looked up, his index fingers on his chin, thinking about some places with reasons.

"I suggest going to the garden, if there is one. I would like to see, if my national flower is there." Philip stated, by national to country humans it means their favorites. You know? Something like it's in our nation, instead of it's in our nature.

Malay and Indo looked at each other and back to Philip. "That's a good idea, Phil. I never thought of that." Malay said.

"I bet, the garden has all our national flowers, they can't call this equality if they don't put all individuals national flower."

"You have a point there, but let's go there to see our national flowers, shall we?"

"We shall" Indo and Philip said in unison as they continued to walk the empty halls.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After minutes of looking for the garden they finally found it, they saw the gym and the art room from afar, but they were more focused on the garden. The moment they entered the garden, they felt themselves bloom, instead of the flowers. The garden was filled with many kinds of flowers, it felt like they went into Garden of Eden. There's also a little lake and bridge. Damn, did the government did a good job or what?

Philip was the first one to walk forth, and started looking for his national flower. He ran around seeming desperate to find his flowers, he took turns left and right until... there it is with all it's glory, Sampaguita. It was surrounded by trees, but not being shaded, it made the flower the center of the attraction.

Even though Philip is only hallucinating, but seeing his beloved flower.. it was breathtaking. He slowly walked towards the flower, like as if he finally saw the person he has been waiting for, although he honestly wasn't waiting for anyone.

He kneeled on front of it and softly touched the flowers delicate petal.. he exhaled the air he didn't know he was holding in. Then he genuinely smiled... "I can't stay with you for long, but I will come here everyday to visit you." He said in the most caring way he could, some would say his weird for talking to a flower, but what he see isn't a flower. It is the spirit of his family standing at the flowers.

"Philip! Are you done?!" Indo called.

He stood up and walked back to his two friends, while gigling. "Heh, yeah."

"Where's your flower?" Malaysia asked holding his national flower, same as Indo.

"What do you mean?" Philip tilted his head in confusion.

"Your flower, didn't you pick one? You know, to have it with us the whole day?"

Philip jolted in realization. "Oh, that... you know what, Malay. I'd rather have my flower the whole year, instead of just a day. Picking it lasts a day, but watering it and letting it grow? You can have the flower for the whole year, even more than that." He walked passed Indo and Malay who lost their guard at his statement, they looked at each other, and then shrugged as they smiled.

They walked out the garden leaving there national flower on the lake, as it blended into the beauty of the garden.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The trio came back to the room, after mistaken the gym to be small, only to realize that the gym was devided into three room. They went in the room with bright smiles on their faces.

Philip looked at his seat, and sighed. There are some few students who got here, and he was glad no one occupied his seat. He sat down leaving Indo and Malay yapping, as they found themselves a seat. He took out his sketch- no, doodle book and started doodling again, after sharpening his pencil. He took out his phone and his headphone putting it to his non-existant ears, to listen to some music to make it more calming.

As time passed by, the room was slowly filled up with country humans students. The limit of students in each room is 25, and the remaining rooms are some large rooms for cooking lessons, art class, sewing class, ect. The country humans didn't really need to learn some of it, but they will never really know  when will they need these such activities.

Someone approached Philip, but he was too focused on shading his doodle that he didn't notice.

"Uhm, Excuse me."


The lead of the pencil broke.. again...


Philip suddenly jolted, acting surprised. "Y-yes?" He then asked, when he took his earphones off his non-existant ears.

"Oh, I was asking if this seat is occupied?" He smiled as he gestured to the vacant seat beside Philip.

"Uh.. No. The seat is unoccupied, so you can have it." Philip smiled with his sunshine smile that can deceive anyone.

"Thanks. My name is Australia by the way, what's yours?" The Country human named Australia sat down, when he introduced himself.

"I'm Philippines, you can call me Philip! Nice to meet you, Australia." Philip said with enthusiasm, by now Australia was confused. He was sure he saw Philip so down, but now... he's just confused, was he just emagining it?

"Do you recognize my land by any chance?" Australia asked, he knew he was near to Philippine's land, like a neighbor, but they never really met each other.

"Ahh, yes. I recognize your land, but I've never really went there." Philip smiled nervously, while he held his nape.

"That's alright, I hope we'll be in good relationship in the future." Australia smiled warmly, while Philip did the same.

"Likewise." Philip put his art materials back to his bag, exchanging it for his notebook and pen. It's almost starting classes anyways. When Russia entered the room, the room was filled with murmurs and whispers, sounding like a buzzing bee... Philip looked around like as if there's something in the air that he can't see.

"Say, Australia... do you hear something?" All eyes went to him as the room went silent, but Philip acting oblivious like he didn't know that. Australia looked tried to listen to understand what Philip was talking about.

"I don't hear anything."

"Well.. me neither. I think it already left." Philip looked at the windows and notice one is open. "Yeah, I'm sure of that."

Australia was confused, and him being curios he decided to ask. "What did you hear anyway?"

"I dunno, a buzzing bee, I think." By now Australia was about to blow up with euphoria, he knew that Philip has the talent of acting, but man he's so really good at it! He really do did damn fell for it, if he knew nothing less. By the time he couldn't hold it he literally, blew up with euphoria! He laughed like a damn lunatic, 'till he fell off his seat.

Philip instantly stood up, when Australia fell off his seat. "Australia! Are you alright? What did I say?!" He asked, not knowing what's so funny to make Australia laugh like this.

Australia slowly got to his composure, he used the table for support to get back to his seat. But of course, not without his giggles. "Damn, your so oblivious." Now Australia knows all of this Philip personalities is just an act, how did he confirm it? Because it's too perfect! The enthusiasm, Kindness, and Obliviousness, it all matched to the Philip they heard in rumors, Being the sunshine he is, is all. Nothing came out of place, it's too perfect!

"I'm not that oblivious." Philip mumbled as he pouted, while crossing his arms and looking away.

'Yeah, too perfect.' "Yeah, yeah, of course you 'aren't'." Australia made the quotation sign in the 'aren't' word. "So, Philip wanna have lunch together? You know, getting to know each other better?"

"Sure! Malay and Indo would like to meet a new friend!" Philip agreed with enthusiasm. Australia was smiling, not only in a grateful way, but with other deeper meanings also. Philip made a thick egg shell around him.. no, it was a cracked egg shell. But something unknown prevented anyone from cracking it open any further, like it was protecting the shells and what's inside from the outside world... And Australia just couldn't bring himself to not try crack that fragile shell, he wants to know what's inside it.

Everyone got focused on the two seatmate, they didn't notice Spain, America and Japan came in the room to hear they're friendly conversation, honestly they didn't know what's wrong with them to make everyone look at them, I mean they did hear Australia's loud laugh, but that was just a friendly action. America can't blame them though, seeing Philip pouting was cute.

The real shocking part is.. Russia is frozen in place, also staring at the two like the others. But him being Russia he still wore that poker face. When Australia and Philip talked normally, he finally moved and walked to the back seat, because he's tall like a mountain and all.

When one of the students noticed Russia passed by, they also noticed America and Spain standing at the door, then the girls started squealing by their presence. Spain the smooth, America the cool, Japan the cute. After that everything went to normal, from what meant normal, is nothing surprising happening. But to the four certain countries, they couldn't help but wanting to own Philippines. Not for his land, but for all he is, they want Philip to be theirs.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~little time skip~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They were answering a some questions on what they learn in their first lesson. Australia finished answering his, it wasn't hard, but who said it was easy! He looked at Philip who was acting like he was having a hard time answering. But when Australia peeked on which question hit him hard.. but his hands was moving non-stop, which is weird, because when a question hit you hard you stop and think of the answer. But Philip, he answered like he knew everything, but if you look at his expression at this moment... he looks like he doesn't have the slightest clue

By now, he started comparing his answer and Philips to which explanation is much better, he looked back and forth from Philips paper and his. Until he was caught assumed to be copying. But not sent to detention, it was an exception for their first day.

Australia scoffed.. 'Philip.. what happen to you to make you act like this...' He thought. 'I mean, your friendly facade is to perfect to be seen through, even if I am the master of seeing people through their masks, I didn't see through yours. I only got lucky to see through it, and it seems.. your too generous Philip. Taking off the mask for the benefits of others and not for themselves, is not as easy as taking off the mask that benefits themselves. A selfless soul is tougher than the selfish one, no matter what. The selfless soul have something that a selfish soul CAN NEVER have... and that is.......'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~time skip~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lunch time~

"Philip!" Indo called from his table in the cafeteria, Philip waved back, and then walked to the counter to buy something for his lunch.

He got himself some food, same goes to Australia. When they reached to the end to where they pay, Philip pays his, while Australia frantically touched all his pockets like as if he lost something.

"What's wrong, Australia?" Philip asked, when Australia looked at him nervously.

"I forgot my wallet." He said when he started sweating.

Philip knew very well where is his wallet, but he's not the one who hide it, no. Australia hid it himself, he put it in his hat, to where it is well hidden. But Philip also knew very well, that Australia is testing him. So he did, what a sunshine would do.

"That's alright! I can pay for you!" Philip said, then he paid the right amount for Australia's lunch.

"uhh.. Philip you don't have to." Australia nervously said, while sweating.

"It doesn't matter now, I already paid." Philip took his tray, then started walking away. "Now, come on. Malay and Indo are waiting!" He said with the sunshine smile of his.

Australia smiled back, and took his tray to follow. But when Philip looked away, Australia's smiled turned to concern. 'Why are you hiding yourself?' He thought, there was other ways to tell him that his wallet is in his hat, but he did it to the most naive way, but not the oblivious... He'll add that to his trait list.

"Hi, Indo, Malay. This is Australia, my seatmate." Philip introduce Australia to his two friends, with a smile, while Australia just waved. Indo slurps his smoothie loudly, while staring at Australia. Malay in the other hand was just.. staring.

'Is this how they greet a new friend?' Australia thought as he started sweating, He leaned to Philip. "Why are they staring at me like that?" He whispered. Philip looked at Malay and Indo, and they are indeed staring.

"Uhmm.. guys?" The two didn't move an inch, when they kept staring at Australia. "Guys, stop staring. You're making Australia uncomfortable." Philip stated-

"It's too long." Indo suddenly stated.

"what?" Philip confusedly asked.

"It's to long."

Philip didn't get what they were talking about. So, he looked at Australia who is keeping his smile bright, and back to his two friends. "He's not that tall, and he's not an -"

"No, no. He's name is too long." Indo stated.

"Yeah, can we call him Ausie?" Malay said.

"Or Austril."

"That's sounds like an Ostrich."

"Well, at least it's manly. Unlike your baby name." Indo crossed his arms and gave Malay a smug look, while Malay gasped hands on his chest, like he was offended.

"How dare you!"

"How daren't you!"

The two started having a 'friendly chat', while Australia was left thinking in what he did wrong.

"Why don't you just call him, Aus?" Philip asked, making his two friends froze. After a good 2 minutes they finally stood properly.

"yeah, yeah. I think it's good." Malay fully agreed.

"Yeah, it is magnifique!" Indo said, mimicking the french chef voice. With left hand up, and pressing all his fingers together.

Philip's original self internally questioned if Indo had abandoned his Country language, but decided to not say it. He didn't want anyone say he's not a sunshine does he, this is for his people.

"What to you think? Aus." Philip said making the nickname obvious.

"It's perfect!" Australia, or what we now know as Aus explained.

The group finally settled down, and Aus getting to know the masked Philip better as promised. The day went by simple.. Well, because it's there first day.

After class Philip walked towards his newest and first dorm. He say it's his first, because his people never created a school with dorms, and he didn't want his people away from their family for the whole school year. So, no student staying in the school apartment was created.

He went to the front desk of their dorm apartment, asked for his keys and room number with his Sunshine smile. He mostly wanted to use the stairs, there are just part of him not liking elevators. But today he's making an exception, he don't know how much longer he can keep his sunshine smile for the day, and he can't afford meeting an another person to use it.

He went out and walked to the hallways not meeting anyone to his relief, as soon as he found his dorm he opened the dorm and went in. He scanned his new dorm, and found his things in the living room. According to his perception, he's the first one to get here, so he's roommates are probably exploring the school or something. He quickly took his things and went to their shared room. There was two bunk beds, but he choose the one on the right on the bottom. He wanted to put some of his things under it and just sleep, gladly luck is in his side today for not interrupting him.

He's sunshine personality turned off like a robot, when he collapsed on his bed. He suffered a hard life when he was a teenager, he would never understand what got him so tired today.

His eyes slowly closed as hw started drifting into sleep, the main door opening was the last time he heard before he descended into his sleep.

To be Continued&gt>>>

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