More Falsettos Oneshots

By Mahhart96

992 13 18

As I said before, I couldn't log into my old account and there was a single Falsettos oneshot book there, now... More

1. the beach
2. swings
3. clouds
4. mice suck
not a oneshot
5. a bigger box
announcement lmao

6. all-nighter

122 2 1
By Mahhart96

guess what i wrote something

Marvin, Whizzer, Trina, Mendel, Charlotte and Cordelia were all gathered in the big apartement (Trina and Mendel's), hanging out, talking, watching movies and stuff. Jason was watching some show in his room, surprisingly quietly. 

"And then what happened?" Marvin asked Charlotte, who was telling the story of how she got fired from Burger King a long time ago. 

"My boss walks in and asked, 'How's it going?' And then, as if on cue, the paper towels start burning. Then one thing led to another, and his shirt caught fire, too. To be honest, he deserved it, that controlling jackass," she said, smiling.

"Charlotte, isn't he... dead?" Cordelia pointed out. 

Charlotte's smile quickly fell. "He is?"

"Okay, who wants to play a game?" Trina said, trying to change the subject. Suddenly, the lights went out, and after a while of everyone being confused, Jason walked in with his flashlight.

"I think the power is out," he said, and shone the light at Cordelia who was jumping in excitement. Everyone was confused, except for Charlotte. 

"Yes, you can get the candles," she said with a sigh. "She's been carrying her scented candles around ever since we found them at the mall," she said to the rest with a smile as her girlfriend took some out of her bag and lit them, using the lighter Whizzer gave her. 

"Well, I'm off to the balcony," he said and stood up to go. 

"Do you have to do that every time there's a blackout?" Marvin asked him with a kind of confused smile. 

Whizzer stopped to glare at him. "Yes, the view of the city in the dark is beautiful." he said. "You can join me if you want."

"Fine," Marvin said, getting up and after Whizzer. 

~20 minutes later~

"Does anyone want to check on them?" Cordelia asked, taking a cookie. "They've been there for quite a long time."

"I'll go see," Mendel said, getting up to check on Marvin and Whizzer. "Hey guys, are you go- Nope, they're making out," he said, closing the door and returning.

"Okay..." Charlotte said.

"It's very boring right now, can we order a pizza?" Jason asked.

"You think the pizza place is open right now? They say the whole city is blacked out," his mother answered him. "And we would have made it ourselves, but the oven isn't working. Because there's a blackout."

"That's sad," Jason said, sitting down on the couch. "I'm sad."

Suddenly, there was a loud rumble, and it started raining. 

"Look, it's raining now," Trina pointed out. Then there was a loud knock. 

"I'll get it," Mendel said and walked up to the door. "There's no one here."

"Strange," Cordelia said. The knock repeated.

"Dammit, guys, it's Whizzer!" Jason said, pointing to the balcony door. Whizzer stood there, with his hands desparately pressed against the glass. Mendel let him in. 

"You... you jerk, you locked me out! And it started raining and it..." Whizzer couldn't continue, because he began to laugh for no reason. 

"Yeah... Is Marvin going to be okay?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh, yeah, don't worry about him. He likes the rain."

"Oh, right."

Whizzer sat down on the couch next to Jason. "What time is it?" he asked. 

"It, uh... It's almost midnight," Trina said. "You know, with the blackout and everything, you guys could stay overnight?"

"No!" everyone said at the same time, except for Marvin, who was still outside. 

"Trina, we just have to wait until it's all over, then we will all go to our places," Whizzer said to her. "We can stay up all night if you want, though."

"I've never done it before..."

Everyone, including Jason, looked at her. 

"Are you saying you haven't pulled a single all-nighter in your entire life?" Mendel asked her.

"You are missing out."


"Okay, teach me, then. Whizzer?" she asked him.

"Hell no, I'm tired," he said, then curled up on the couch with his back to everyone. "I'll probably be up in 15 minutes."

Trina crossed her arms. "Whizzer... please."

"It's hopeless. Once he's gone to sleep, a gunshot can't wake him up," Marvin said, walking into the room and sitting down next to Whizzer. 

"Well, what did you guys do on all-nighters?"

"I read," Cordelia said.

"I worked," Charlotte said.

"I-" Jason started.

"Wait, Jason, you've done it, too?" Trina asked. "When?"

"A couple years ago, when you and dad fought before you... well, before you got a divorce."

Marvin looked at her. "I'm sorry I'm responsible for Jason's all-nighter," he said, gently ruffling Whizzer's hair. 

"No, it's- it's over now, we're friends, it's in the past, forget it," Trina said, looking at the floor. 

"Okay, who wants to play Monopoly?" Mendel asked, changing the subject. Hopefully, everyone will be happy now.

~Time SkIp~

"The HECK you mean you're taking it?" Marvin asked Cordelia. Yes, now they were into the game. (i've never played it before lmao ofc i don't know the rules we'll skip to the big fight) 

They all started yelling at each other, until Whizzer finally woke up. He sat up on the couch and smiled. "This should be fun."

Everyone went silent at once. "Heyy, look who's up," Charlotte said.

"I'll go see if anyone's out so I can yell at them for no reason," he said, stepping onto the balcony. 

"Why would you do that?"

"Because," he answered, then turned around. "Oh, here's someone. Hey, dunce! You know those colors don't go together!"

"I'm not listening to that," Mendel said and locked him outside again. Then, finally, the lights went back on, and everyone cheered. Whizzer had to bang on the door again, and Mendel let him back in.

"So are we still doing it?" Trina asked. "Now that the power is back..."

"Yes, but now we can watch movies, so it'll be better!" Whizzer replied excitedly.

"I'll go get the DVDs," Mendel said and disappeared into the other room. He returned pretty soon. "So, what do you want to watch?"

There was a small fight again, but soon everyone agreed that they were going to watch E.T.

"I've never seen it before," Whizzer said.

"Well, then, get ready," Jason told him, putting the DVD into the slot and turning on the TV. Then he sat down on the couch between Whizzer and Trina as the movie began.

~some time later~

"What- how?!" Whizzer asked when E.T. turned out to be fine. "He was almost dead- how did he-"

"Shh," Cordelia told him, and they continued to watch. He pulled the blanket up and snuggled closer to Marvin. This was the best family any of them could ask for.

A/N w o w that took a long time ngl. also, you already know how much i suck at endings. whether it's a oneshot or an essay for school i can never end it well. but uh anyway thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and how the hell does this have 150+ reads? thanks so much (: now bye and have a lovely day

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