The Last Human on Monster Isl...

By Weridperson33

32.5K 867 327

You wash up on an island full of monsters all shapes and sizes. They won't let you go without a fight. More

Chapter 1-Wake up
Chapter 2-New Friends
Chapter 3-Meeting Others?
Chapter 4-New Monsters Everywhere
Chapter 5-The Rogue And Spider
Chapter 6-Morning Aftermath
Chapter 7-Rogue Day
Chapter 8-Torn Shirt
Chapter 10-Joestar Ending

Chapter 9-Chaos

3.3K 78 32
By Weridperson33

(Y/N) brushes Avdol's and Polnareff's feathers they were very soft to touch. But she couldn't help but have a pit in her stomach no matter how much she tried to distract herself something feels off.

"(Y/N) are you alright you look ill," Avdol turns to her his eyes full of concern

"Do you need to lay down non cheri I can go get you some water"

"Thanks, but it's just....something feels off, like something bad is going to happen"

Okuyasu from behind walks to (Y/N) hugging her tightly making her jump, "We'll make sure nothing bad happens to you"

"Okuyasu you surprised me," she leans into his arms, "But it's not me I'm worried about it's you guys"

"Do not worry little feather we'll be fine don't stress yourself," Avdol gives her a gentle kiss on the head

(Y/N) blushes feeling Okuyasu's grip tighten

"No matter what happens will always be by your side," Polnareff kisses her cheek

Okuyasu pulls (Y/N) into his lap feeling very jealous and kisses her cheek too

"I um..I'm going to see what the others are doing thanks for comforting me!" (Y/N) quickly moves over to where Bruno and Abbacchio her face red

She walks into Abbacchio's spider boy laying her body on it hiding her face in it too.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?"

She lifts her head up enough so they can hear her, "trying to calm down my heart"

She nuzzles into Abbacchio not seeing his small blush as Bruno walks over to (Y/N)'s side rubbing her back.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Kinda? I heart feels confused and I'm worried something bad is going to happen," (Y/N) draws circles in Abbacchio's body

Bruno pets her head, "I understand being stuck in here knowing that the other creatures here know about you is concerning"

"I'm worried something might happen to you guys"

Abbacchio doesn't look at (Y/N) but her holds her hand gently, "We'll be fine stop worrying about us"

"Easier said than done I would kick anyone that hurt you guys!"

Bruno chuckles and ruffles (Y/N)'s hair, "We would kick someone for you too"

"I would kick Giorno for you any day even if you didn't ask," Abbacchio spoke so genuinely

"Thanks Abbacchio? But I don't want you to kick Giorno"

Mista walks over confused, "Wait why are we kicking Giorno?"

"We're not kicking Giorno!"

"But we get to lay on Abbacchio right?" Mista looks at (Y/N) on Abbacchio

"Hell no!"

"Guess I'm laying on (Y/N)," Mista shrugs and lays on her making her squeak

(Y/N) lets out a giggle when Caeser runs into the room panting.

"Everyone Dio and the others are here!"

Silence fills the room

"Rohan Koichi stay here with (Y/N) the rest of you come with me"

Rohan and Koichi lead (Y/N) deeper into the cave. (Y/N) holds onto the two of them tightly

"It's going to be ok (Y/N) nothing will happen to them," Koichi holds her hand tightly, "plus Rohan is here too"

"I'll just turn anyone who comes in into stone and if I turn Josuke that wouldn't be bad"

The rest of the group goes outside seeing the Joestars standing in front of Dio and the others.

"Dio I'll only ask you this once leave our territory and leave (Y/N) alone," Jonathan takes a step forward

"Don't be so harsh all we want to do is know where she is," Dio steps closer a smirk spreading on his face, "Either way Jonathan you and everything your group does is useless!"

Polnareff throws the first strike trying to punch Dio only to get a knee to the face. Speedwagon hisses pulling Polnareff away from Dio before Dio can strike him.

Kars flyies at Joseph and Caesar slicing their cheeks with his talons, but Joseph lands a punch to his gut.

Kira keeps his distance from Josuke and Okuyasu he tosses rocks into their legs making Okuyasu trip which leads to Okuyasu grabbing Josuke dragging him to the ground with him.

Diavolo and Giorno circle each other watching to see who'll move first as Mista tries to sneak from behind only for Diavolo to grab his neck tossing him at Giorno.

While they fight (Y/N) sits close to Rohan and Koichi her body starts feeling tired. She closes her eyes for a second and opens them to see she was in a dream? Was she sleeping? It doesn't feel like a proper dream, but (Y/N) couldn't stop her body from moving. Koichi's and Rohan's voice were nothing but background noises as Risotto and Ghiacchio sneak into the cave keeping Koichi and Rohan away from helping (Y/N)

The only thing she could hear was a familiar voice that same voice that caused all this trouble.

Melone's sickeningly smooth voice rings in her head, "Come to me cara"

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