Dear Aphrodite, I'm Screwed

By weathervane

29.3K 1.2K 692

Being named after Aphrodite should have been a blessing. But knowing Dite's luck, it might have been a curse... More

Dear Aphrodite, I'm Screwed - please read!
chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 05
chapter 06 - part 1
chapter 06 - part 2

chapter 04

1.7K 152 60
By weathervane

Although it wasn't ideal, most parties took place in the dorms. Since it was a boarding school and all, there wasn't really anywhere else to go, so the general rule was that we would be loud but not loud enough to get caught.

I stared at the looming door in front of us. The thumps of music were vague from the other side and Carter tossed me an encouraging look. "You ready?"

I gave a firm nod. 

This night was going to be fun, I told myself. I was going to make it fun. 

He pushed the door open and the air turned hot.

 "We brought vodka!" Carter shouted, gesturing towards my backpack he wore. He'd forgotten to bring one over and we didn't want to get caught with a bottle outside, so I'd let him borrow a white backpack with pink flowers splattered all over. 

A few people turned in our direction and held up their beers. "Hell yeah!"

As we made our way through the small crowd, some would come up and say hi with bright red beams on their faces. I would give a goofy grin back, mostly because I was already a little tipsy, but Carter would swing his arm around my shoulder and keep the conversations going. 

Once we found a spot in the kitchen, Carter leaned towards my ear. "You probably know everyone in here, huh, Miss Maker?"

"Hey," I laughed before hitting him on the chest. "Don't make me sound weird."

He threw me a grin before taking out the handle. "So? Third shot?" 

Before I said yes, the familiarity of a song struck my ears. I couldn't remember the name, but I could remember how much Jase had loved playing it at parties. He'd always mix the strongest alcohols into a cup and chase it with a beer while screaming the rap part from the top of his lungs. The worst part? He'd pass out and I would get stuck staying with him in a stranger's dorm. He'd never considered my feelings, and I could never drink because I was too busy taking care--


Carter's voice brought me back and I blinked at him.

With a crooked smile, he pushed the bottle away. "You don't have to take one if you don't want."

"No!" I said frantically. "I'm going to! Cleansing ritual!"

My hands wrapped around the handle's neck as I brought it up. I don't know how long I kept it at my lips, but it didn't taste as bad anymore. After a few more seconds, I heard Carter murmur in awe. 

"Oh shit."

He was about to take it from me before I slammed it on the counter. My vision swayed a little as I took a step, but Carter was there to steady me. As he looked down at me, his face seemed fuzzy, and maybe a little blurry, but soft. He didn't notice as I reached out to touch his cheek and his hand suddenly wrapped around mine.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, his eyes shining. 

So we did. We danced for a long time, mostly in groups to ridiculous throwback songs, and I felt lighter than I'd felt in a long time. The intrusive thoughts of Jase had all disappeared and the present moment consumed me in a heated flare of fun. People I'd never spoken to made me laugh so hard my cheeks began to hurt. 

I let my head dangle as I swayed. Fairy lights hung from the walls, floating like orbs as I stared up at them in a daze.

"Ok, Dite," Carter said, his hand pressing onto my lower back. "It's time for you to get some fresh air."

I nodded along as he guided me to the patio on the other side of the room. Cold air prickled against my face before Carter reached over my shoulder to close the door behind me. My eyes skimmed over Carter's collarbone before tracing his shoulders and arms as he backed away. 

It was then that I realized he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

"Wait a second!" I gasped. Carter whipped in my direction as I gestured to the goosebumps that'd freckled his arm. "Aren't you cold?"

The corners of his lips upturned as he let out a deep laugh. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" I declared. "Come here!"

Then I was catapulting myself towards him in a strong determination to keep him warm.

"Whoa," he breathed, steadying himself and his grip on me as my arms wrapped tight around his back. I didn't know how effective my method was, but I wasn't thinking too hard right now. "I'm really alright, mi reina." 

I didn't reply. The breeze tickled my nose and distracted me as I let my cheek dig further against his chest. In the stillness of it all, my thoughts started to slow and my eyelids began to sink. Carter didn't say anything either as I felt more of my weight collapse into him.

Finally, I thought of what I wanted to say.

"Thank you," I whispered.


"I was really sad," I mumbled. "Because fuck Jase! But then you brought me here, and I'm really happy. You made me really happy."

I tightened my arms around him as if he had transformed into my favorite teddy bear.

An airy chuckle came from above as he steadied himself against the rail. "Good. I like making you happy."

His response brought fire to my cheeks and I tried to shake it away. 

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked.

"Am I?" He asked right back.

I threw my head back and gave him an over-the-top frown. "Carter!" I shouted. "Why don't you ever accept my proposals for you? As the maker!"

Carter's eyes locked with mine as he gazed down. They looked darker in the shade of the patio, and the night's stars illuminated a crown behind his tousled hair. Then he glanced away and I couldn't believe how his tanned skin shone under the moonlight. 

"I've just never been interested."

"Are you secretly a playboy?" I asked suspiciously. 

Carter let out a laugh. It was loud and genuine and nice. "Alright, Dite. I think it's about time we went home."

I wanted to stay and talk some more, but I knew he was right. My limbs were heavy and I was ready to topple over into a bed. He must have seen how my nod drifted as he sent a smile my way and laced his fingers with mine. "Let's get your backpack."

♥ ♥ ♥

"Dite," a familiar voice said. It sounded far off as it echoed around me, but my eyelids felt too heavy to open. "Dite, where are your keys? Seidon isn't opening the door."

Seidon? Who's Seidon? 

"Mmm," I felt myself manage. My arms tightened around shoulders as my legs swung in the air. 

"Hey, wake up," the voice said again.

I didn't feel like it.

There was the sound of a sigh as my head drooped. 

"Being a boyfriend is hard."

♥ ♥ ♥

Flashes of light glided above my eyelids before they fluttered open. 

A throbbing pain pounded against my head as I groaned and rolled over to the side. I felt heavy and annoyed and almost closed my eyes again before I realized something.

I didn't know where I was. 

My eyes were wide as I sat up frantically, my stomach protesting as I did, and I commenced a quick scan of the room. It was simple, with not much decoration aside from the large poster of Michael Phelps and some goggles hanging from a closet handle. My gaze trailed along the floor until I noticed a flop of messy curled hair peeking from the top of a thin blanket. 

I must've been in Carter's room. 

The memory of last night was hazy, but the thumping in my head and the water cup on the side table next to me indicated that I might have gone a little too hard. My hands clasped the cup as I took sips from the brim, my eyes still on Carter. 

He shouldn't have been sleeping on the floor in his own room. 

Pushing the nauseous feeling down, I shifted the covers off and tip-toed towards his spot. "Carter," I whispered. I crouched down and shook his shoulders gently. "Carter, wake up."

He didn't move.

"Carter," I pleaded. 

A grumble escaped his lips, but that was enough sign for me. "Hey, you should take the bed instead. Let's trade."

His body suddenly shifted towards me. A slit of unfocused gold met mine for a moment before his eyelids came crashing down.


He pressed his finger against my lips. "Shhh."

My body froze in surprise as his arm dropped to the floor and his head lulled. He was asleep again, just like that, and I sighed. 

I wondered if I'd put him through something similar to this.

My eyes squinted as I focused on him. Would he be too heavy to lift up? Maybe I could just bring him to his bed. 

Then I realized I could barely move our couch and batted away that idea. 

I hopped up from the ground and pulled off the comforters from his bed. With my best effort, I sprawled them out on the floor next to him and added the two pillows. 

Now the hard part. 

My hands wrapped around his ankle as I dragged him onto my newly made mattress. He didn't protest, and I took that as a sign to pull his wrist, too. Once he was mostly on the blankets, I stretched them beneath him and let the thin blanket he'd been using rest on his body.

The hangover I'd felt when I woke up was gone and I looked over my work proudly.

It wasn't his bed, but it was something.

My phone began vibrating in my pocket and I knew Seidon was getting ready to murder me. 

I crouched down next to Carter. His sleeping face was serene, and his evilness was almost completely gone as dark lashes fell above his cheeks. His freckles were easier to see when he was still. 

There were sixteen. 

"I'll see you later, Carter," I whispered. 

Then I was out the door listening to a very angry brother give a very angry lecture. 

♥ ♥ ♥

♥ ♥ ♥

hey guys!! hope you're staying safe! sorry for uploading this so late omg 

just a reminder that my DM's are always open for any romance problems! but i get there's not much happening because of quarantine sob

i really appreciate all you guys for reading this story <3 and a special thanks for those of you who comment/like - i LOVE reading your comments !!

i love you all hehehe


♥ ♥ ♥

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