Horlarchristy által

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The story is about a girl who fantasies over a guy until it landed her into trouble,the story unfolds a lot o... Több

Chapter 1-the meeting
Chapter 2- An obsessed plan
Chapter 3- The determined girl
Chapter 4- The Anonymous letter
Chapter 5- Teenagers' Challenges
Chapter 6- The unexpected surprise
Chapter 7 - A new Student
Chapter 8- The annual camping
Chapter 10- More Shock
Chapter 11- A very unhappy girl
Chapter 12-A plan to investigate
Chapter 13- Investigation
Chapter 14- Further investigation
Chapter 15 - Several shock
Chapter 16- The truth is out
Chapter 17- The Accident
Chapter 18- Justice
Chapter 20 [The last chapter]- A New Dawn

Chapter 19- The bereavement

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Horlarchristy által

    This is the fifth day Justin has been lying unconscious,ever since the day he had an accident,his bouyant eyes has been tightly shut with no one to look at my eyes, Although his fingers moved two days ago and the doctor told us he was becoming stable,that made me relieved and somewhat happy. Since the day he had been admitted,I have not gone home,my mom was the one bringing my foods and clothes.

    I only sleep two hours a day while I'll use the remaining hours to take care of him, I'll clean his unconscious body and talk to him encouraging him not to give up,the doctors also told me that it'll aid his waking up since his brain was not completely dead.

    Mrs Herrick and Kylie will always come to the hospital and go home for an hour,Mrs Herrick always wanted me to go home but I won't listen,I could hardly eat ever since his accident, I'll just stare at him and the sight of Justin always made my eyes brim with tears, he's no longer the tall,cute, sharp-eyed guy whose eyes are always blinking whenever he smiles,he has become a patient with life support system, breathing with the help of a ventilator and with a lot of tubes connected from the ventilator to his nostril,injected IV and his bandaged head ever since the medical operation.

   I was busy cleaning his body when Mrs Herrick opened the door,I didn't notice as I was busy wiping the dirt on Justin's head with a wet towel when Mrs Herrick tapped me 'Mandy!' she said in a low manner 'Good morning Mrs Herrick' I said trying to force a smile on my bleary eyes 'Morning Mandy, hope you had a nice night?' she asked knowing fully well that I have not been able to sleep well ever since Justin had been admitted 'It was fine' I lied as I quickly looked away 'I know you didn't sleep a wink so there's no point in lying,your eyes has already betrayed you, your acne is so terrible, Kylie also told me the nights she slept here, you didn't sleep at all, you were busy talking care of Justin throughout the night, please go home and rest' Mrs Herrick pleaded 'No!' I retorted ' I'm not going home,I'm going to stay here with Justin until he wakes up,I don't care how long' 'Please, listen to me' Mrs Herrick pleaded again 'Your parents might not be happy about it, they'll be- - -' 'My Mom knows that I won't come home until he wakes up,my Dad is a busy man, he'll soon be rounding up his medical research so he hasn't come home in two weeks' I said as I defended the fact that I'm not leaving and I shan't 'I never knew your love for him was this strong but you need to rest,you are not even the one that ran him over so why would you suffer this much and besides if you continue like this,you might collapse,what good will it be if Justin woke up and found you lying down unconscious too?' Mrs Herrick said with her eyeballs looking directly at me,I paused and stared at her back unable to talk 'Please,go home and rest,you can look after a patient if you're sick' Mrs Herrick said 'Okay Mrs Herrick,I'll go home for now,I'll come back in the evening' I said blithely ' I'll suggest you come back tomorrow,you must have rested by then' Mrs Herrick suggested 'No Mrs Herrick,I'll come back this evening,I want to take care of him tonight because I won't be able to sleep' I said with my determined mind 'Please,try and sleep,come back tomorrow' Mrs Herrick pleaded 'No!,how can I sleep comfortably when Justin is lying in this state,I'll come back this evening' I said with determination 'Seems you are bigoted and won't listen to me,do whatever you want then' Mrs Herrick said with her chin standing stiffly 'Okay Mrs Herrick,I'll come back in the evening' I said as I took my furcoat, bowed to her and left.

    When I got home,I met my Mom, Merissa and Lenny at home,my Mom hugged me as I cried in her arms, Merissa and Lenny held me too. My Mom forced me to eat and after eating,I went to my room, showered and went to my closet and as I was about to pick a cloth,I saw the clothes I wore the day Justin had an accident,I remembered how he was ran over in the video footage Jason showed me,I cried out when I remembered this,it was an indelible memory. My mom heard my tears and consoled me,she picked a clothes for me which I wore,she led me to my bed and patted me till I slept off on her thighs.

   Mrs Herrick was seen cleaning Justin's forehead when Kylie came in 'Good morning Mom' she said as she sat down 'Where's Mandy?' she asked again 'She's in her house,I sent her home' Mrs Herrick replied 'You do?!,how?, Cause I know she didn't want to leave Justin here' Kylie asked 'I had to force her,she's a stubborn type,even after I told her to come tomorrow,she insisted she would come again this evening' Mrs Herrick explained 'She's really persistent,even my brother loves her alot' Kylie said but Mrs Herrick didn't reply as she was busy cleaning Justin's face. All of a sudden, Justin moved his index finger, Kylie gasped and told her Mom 'Mam, Justin moved his finger now!' 'Really?!!' Mrs Herrick asked impatiently 'Yeah, you didn't notice because you were busy cleaning his face, look at him!' Kylie ordered and they looked carefully at his fingers and a minute later, Justin moved his index finger again, Kylie and Mrs Herrick gasped happily then Justin opened his eyes slowly,Mrs Herrick and Kylie jumped for joy 'Justin, can you hear me?' Mrs Herrick asked 'Kylie,go fetch the doctor' she ordered and Kylie sped off happily and within few minutes,she was back to the ward with the doctor and nurses. The doctor placed his stethoscope on Justin heart, Justin whose eyes was still blur kept staring at everyone as Mrs Herrick asked impatiently 'What's wrong with my son Doc?' 'He's becoming stable now but it's just that his heart is still weak which is affecting his breathing rate,he should use the ventilator for a while, it'll help him,he also need to rest,a little panic or shock is dangerous to his heart' the doctors advised,then Justin finally spoke in a low and weak voice 'Where's Mandy?' 'She's home,I sent her home to rest,she had been taking care of you since the day you were admitted' Mrs Herrick replied with a smile.

    The doctor and nurses left while Mrs Herrick and Kylie sat beside Justin who has been unable to get up,Mrs Herrick called her husband and informed him,Mr Herrick who was a top brass and quickly left his company for the hospital, Kylie also contacted Jason and Nick and they hurriedly dressed and went to the hospital. 

   A little while after,a nurse came in and said 'Mrs Herrick, your attention is needed in the  doctor's office' 'Okay' she said and faced Kylie 'Your Dad is on his way here,stay with Justin and keep him company till he comes' she said as she followed the nurse. After Mrs Herrick left, Kylie came closer to Justin 'Call Mandy' Justin ordered as he gave Kylie my contact, Kylie brought out her notepad and pen as she wrote my contact in it,she called my contact and my phone rang loudly,when I got up to pick my phone,I found out that my Mom had left my room 'Hello!, who's this?' I said as I was drowsed and managed to open an half eye 'It's me Kylie, Justin is awake' she said happily 'Whaatt?!!,is it true?,I asked as I widened my eyes 'Yes, it's been an hour since he woke,he kept calling your name, he's also the one that gave me your contact' she narrated 'Oh my God!' I exclaimed happily, Justin demanded the phone from Kylie and spoke 'Hi Bonnie' he said with his faint weak voice 'Justin!, you're really awake, how are you feeling?' I asked 'Not yet fine until I see you' he replied weakly 'Okay,I'm on my way' I replied happily. Kylie collected the phone from Justin and said 'Hurry up, we're waiting for you' 'Okay' I said as I hung up and dressed hurriedly. I screamed happily and alerted my family,I told them that Justin's awake and they were all happy.

   My phone rang again,it was Jason 'Hello Mandy, Justin is - - -' he said and I snapped 'Awake!!,I'm on my way' I said happily 'Nick and I are also on our way' he replied 'Okay,see you at the hospital' I said and hung up, I took my sweatshirt and ran happily out of the house. On my way,I saw a flower shop and I decided to get a congratulatory flower for Justin,I got one and took a cab to the hospital.

   Kylie was seen with Justin,she suddenly felt the urge to go to the loo so she excused herself 'Brother, I need to go to the loo' she said and stormed out leaving only Justin in the VIP ward.

     Mr James who had been stalking and watching Justin through a binocular since his ward was on the fourth floor saw that Justin was the only one in the room and decided to use the opportunity to silence him,he had become more vengeful ever since Mrs Brown and Mr Deniro's arrest and also because he was unable to get the money to emigrate,he disguised as a doctor and entered the hospital,when he got closer to Justin's ward,a nurse saw him and asked who he is,he lied to the nurse that it's time for Justin's injection,he brought out the arsenic he had inserted in the syringe with the aim of inserting Justin's IV with it,he showed it to the nurse and she allowed him so he went.

   When Justin heard someone approaching his ward,he thought it was me 'Let me pretend to be asleep,I'm too shy to face her' he muttered as he had his eyes tightly shut that he was unable to see anything as he pretended to be asleep. Mr James came in and thought Justin was asleep,he quickly brought out the syringe with arsenic with arsenic in it and as he was about to inject it, Justin opened his eyes hoping to find me but he was suprised as he saw Mr James,he quickly recognized him as the juggernaut though he didn't see him clearly the day he was ran over as it was sudden but he had seen his face several times in school as Anna's driver,as Mr James saw that Justin was awake,he quickly removed the cover of the syringe, Justin knew what he was up to so he quickly grabbed Mr James's hand they battled with the syringe for a while. Kylie came out of the loo and went to wash her hands ' I'm so happy my brother is awake now, no more loneliness' Kylie thought as she came out,a friend of hers sighted her and called her as she was walking hurriedly to go to her brother,she stopped with the hope of greeting her friend and leaving but she was delayed and got engrossed in the conversation for a while.

    Justin was too weak to stand so he hit Mr James's hand and the syringe fell. Mr James bent to pick it up, Justin also wanted to stop him from picking it and in the process of stopping him,he fell off the bed and the tube in his nostrils got disconnected from the ventilator, as it got disconnected, Justin began gasping for air. When Mr James saw that his ventilator had been disconnected,he tried to asphyxiate him as he held his neck so tight, Justin wanted to remove Mr James's hand but he was too weak.

    All of a sudden,Mr James heard footsteps coming towards Justin's ward and the sound of the footsteps kept thumping so he decided to escape, leaving Justin half-dead on the cold terrace. Mr James opened the door to flee but unfortunately, Jason and Nick were the ones coming, they saw Mr James,Mr James saw them too quickly ran away, Jason and Nick ran after him not waiting to check if Justin was safe or not.
   Kylie saw Jason and Nick running after someone so she quickly left her friend and ran to Justin's ward. When she got to his ward,she saw Justin lying on the floor gasping for air,she was trembling as she moved closer to him and her notepad and pen fell as she ran towards Justin 'What's wrong brother?' she asked almost crying, Justin didn't reply as he kept gasping for air.

    Kylie quickly ran out and called the doctors and nurses for help. Justin knew he might not survive till I come so he decided to write his last words for me,he managed to crawl to the notepad and pen Kylie fell when she came in and wrote his last words. When Kylie got upstairs,she barged in the doctor's office and saw the doctor and her Mom still discussing 'Doctor, please help Justin,he has been disconnected from his ventilator' she said as she was shaking in sync, the doctors called the nurses and they all rushed to his ward,they saw Justin lying helplessly on the floor,they quickly helped him up on his bed. This time,his breathing had been so faint,they quickly connected his ventilator and filled his nostril with an ambu bag and pumped oxygen into it,that was when I arrived,I was still happy as I took the elevator to the 4th floor.

    When I got to his ward,I saw a lot of doctors and nurses with Mrs Herrick and Kylie crying out Justin's name,the smile quickly faded as I saw Justin on his deathbed,the flowers in my hand dropped and I tried to run to him but I was stopped by some nurses,when his breathing worsened 'His health is deteriorating, Get the defilbrator' the doctor ordered,he was given and be placed it on Justin's chest, the doctor said almost shouting '150 joules charges,clear shoot!!' but Justin didn't wake,the doctor shouted again '200 joules charges,clear shoot!!!',he still didn't wake as his eyes had been closed,I was already wailing and crying his name 'No!!!, Justin don't leave me, Justin please, we've been through so much together,you fought to wake up,no that you've woken up, don't leave me!!' I cried out.

   Justin heard his name and opened an half-eye and managed to turn his eyes to my direction but his vision was very blur,he tried to stretch his right hand to me,I tried to reach out his to his hand but he still cannot see me clearly for a darkness is falling before his eyes, coming down like the snow falling, through the darkness,he seemed to see a light and my face and everything faded and dropped away,he brought the hand he was stretching out to me down and with a hot tear rolling down his right eye,his ventilator stopped working as he moved his head slowly to the opposite side and the rest is silence, Justin had stopped breathing. Immediately the ventilator stopped,the doctors tried to revive him as Mrs Herrick, Kylie and I kept crying but all was abortive, Justin was dead. When the doctors knew he couldn't be revived again,they stopped and faced us 'The patient is dead' 'No!!!' I cried out, Kylie wailed and Mrs Herrick fainted from the shock and was rushed to another ward,I moved closer to his body and tried holding him,I could not believe my ears,I held his body and cold hands in disbelief with hot and sad tears coming down from my eyes then I stepped on a pen,when I looked down,I saw a notepad that has not been closed on the floor,as I bent to pick it up,I used my right hand to hold Justin while i picked it up with my left hand,I saw Justin's handwriting which I recognized and read the note:

      "To my Bonnie Mandy,
    I have never regretted
    meeting you, loving
    you was the best part
    of my life. If one of us
     must die while the
     other lives on, If that's
     fate, it's only right that
     I die and you live on. I
     was happy it was me
      not you......Live a
      happy life without

I threw the notepad away and cried my eyes out,'Brother,get up,you said we'll speak Scottish together now that you've learnt it,why are you lying coldly here?, please get up, don't let me die of loneliness' she said as she was wailing,that was when Mr Herrick arrived and saw Justin's corpse,he was shocked and couldn't believe,he held his cold hands and cried,I saw a phone in his hand showing a picture Justin took in his hospital uniform 'It was early this morning, we took the pictures together and I sent it to my Dad and you for confirmation,who knew he would be dead before nightfall,two hours after he woke up at that' Kylie explained crying,I just moved closer to his body and held 'Justin,get up will you?,I'm finally here,get up!!,you said you'll be fine once you see me,why are you getting cold instead?,what do you want me to do without you from now on' I said crying and talking to his cold body hoping to hear an answer but when I didn't hear it,I didn't see his cute eyes, smile and his warm hands didn't hold me,that was when I believed that the only one who could comfort me and wipe my tears is dead and gone.

   Few minutes after,two nurses came in with a white cloth,he covered Justin's corpse with it and as they were taking it away in a stretcher, Jason and Nick came in panting,they stopped the nurses and opened the cloth and saw Justin's corpse with his eyes tightly shut 'Why are taking his body away?, he's not dead yet' Jason said unable to believe his eyes 'Justin,get up!' Nick said with his shakened voice 'We have finally caught the juggernaut driver,we ran after him and caught him,we handed him over to the cops and saw that he was put behind bars so get up so that we can celebrate his arrest together' Nick said wailing as he held Justin's corpse,I was so touched at his words so I went to Nick 'Justin's gone, accept that fact' I said with tears streaming down my eyes 'No!!,he was fine a while ago, Jason and I spoke with him on the phone on our way here,why will I get here and see his cold corpse instead' he retorted 'Neveer!!' Jason replied with his eyes wet with tears 'He died of hyperventilation and asphyxiation,he fought till his last breath' a nurse said after coming in with the doctor's report, I cried so much when I heard this,Mr Herrick and Kylie went to Justin's corpse and cried too, Jason and Nick also tried to hold back their tears but they couldn't,I cried till I fainted from over crying.

    When I woke up,I was injected with IV,I removed him and went to Justin's ward hoping to find him then I suddenly remembered he's no longer in this world,I cried alot when I remembered this,Mr Herrick and Kylie came to me 'His body has been taken to the morgue' Mr Herrick said 'He kept calling out your name,you really meant a lot to him even till his last breath' Kylie said,I was speechless, tears kept streaming down my eyes ' I've gone to the cops, Justin's killer and the mastermind is going to court in three days time,I heard the woman's daughter that framed you is also going to be judged,I suggest you see them be judged so that you'll feel better' Mr Herrick said with a sad look 'My wife is awake,I suggest you go home now and rest,she still haven't believed that her son is dead',I don't want her to see your tears and contract it too' he pleaded,I obeyed and went home with Jason.

   When I got home,my mom saw my swollen eyes and before she could speak,I narrated how Justin died to her and she wept, Merissa and Lenny could not help crying when they saw us crying. I went to my room and saw my bedraggled room that I scattered when I was going to Justin,I decided to arrange it first and as I was arranging,I sighted all the gifts Justin bought for me from seven months ago till recently,I opened the box and the first thing I saw was Justin's picture,my face brimmed with tears,the next picture was the picture we took together,I looked at all the gifts too and I scattered the box and cried alot,I just couldn't believe he didn't spend any minute with me before after he woke up before leaving,my loud cry alerted my sad mom,she did you know what to do.

   A little while after,my dad came,my Mom narrated everything to him and and he came to my room,he saw me holding Justin's picture and crying,he helped me up and put me on my bed,he washed my face and gave me water,he calmed me and I fell asleep on his thighs.

    The next day,my tears woke me up,I took my phone so that I'll check the pictures Kylie claimed she sent to me,I saw the picture,it was a picture of Justin in his hospital uniform smiling broadly,when I swapped my phone to see the next picture,I saw a video Kylie sent too,I clicked it and watched,it was Justin speaking "Hey Bonnie,I'm finally awake,I heard you took care of me till you became I'll, Thank you,I know my waking up is all thanks to you but don't worry,I'll make it up to you,when I'm discharged from the hospital,we'll go to Princes St Garden,my favourite place and enjoy the picnic we could not go. Do quick,I can't wait to see you". I was crying as I was watching that one minute video,I could not even eat breakfast. In the afternoon, Anabelle came and consoled me,my eyes had been swollen from over crying,she stayed with me till nightfall and left when she put me to sleep, even in my dreams,I saw Justin and I swinging hands as we were smiling broadly at each other,the next two days was so aghast,I kept feeling Justin's presence whenever I go and whatever I do, Anabelle also came to cheer me up.

    The third day was the day Justin's killers would be put to Jason,we all went to court; my family, Justin's family, Jason,Nick and Anabelle and some of our classmates; Ricky and Tony while Mia, Jane and Julian also came walking in pairs and wearing the same clothes, Jodie,Liam and Mary Ann were seen too. After we were all settled,the judge issued a writ of habecus corpus and the criminals were brought in,Mrs Brown,Mr Deniro,Mr James and Anna were summoned. Anna has become more miserable and pathetic,she had mosquitoes bites and zit all over,I was neuralgic when I saw her. After they had been escorted by a bailiff,the prosecution began,evidences were brought before the judge and they were all cross examined and found guilty,Mrs Brown's lawyer defended her but he lost the case and the judge spoke 'Mr Deniro is to spend five years in jail',he faced Mrs Brown and said 'Lucy Brown is guilty of involving in illegal business transactions and for issuing a murder order which carries life sentence',Mrs Brown was speechless ' James Nintendo,you are guilty of being an aide to illegal business transactions and the murderer of Justin Herrick,after you asphyxiated him, you have not been rueful,such diabolic act is unpardonable,you are to die by electrocution',Mr James who has been thoroughly beaten and dealt with looked at the judge and kept mute,his sight was horrific 'And as for you,Anna Brown' the judge said as he faced Anna 'Your racism and chauvinism made you this way, you were also involved in the death of Justin Herrick- -' 'No!!!' Anna cried out 'I never asked her to kill him,she acted on her own' Anna said as she defended herself 'She didn't,all what she did was because of you!' the judge corrected and continued 'You are to be sent to a borstal till you reflect from your actions,you framed someone for being black,that crime alone is worse than murder',Anna buried her head in shame , the judges stood up and we all stood up too,as the criminals were about to be taken away,Anna went to her Mom 'You ruined my life!!, after you're taken away from here, let's never meet again, Miss Lucy!' she said smugly,Mrs Brown was shocked as she said 'Miss Lucy?!' 'Yeah, from today on,you are no longer my mother,I curse the day you gave birth to me,if there next life,I don't want us to meet again!' Anna said with tears in her eyes as she was taken away. I saw her and fell pity for her,she was ruined by her Mother,Mrs Brown and  Mr Deniro was taken to jail while Mr James was taken to another route.

    All my classmates became sad,the sight was so horrific,I was almost crying. I saw Mrs Herrick and Kylie crying as Mr Herrick tried to console them,I went to them and patted them 'Justin!,your killers have been put to justice ,I hope you rest in peace now' Mrs Herrick said as she cried, their tears contracted me and I cried too as we all left the court. When we got outside,I saw as Mr James was dragged into a car and taken away and I thought as I cried 'Justin, your killer has been put to justice,Anna and her mom has been punished too,the judgement day you have been waiting for is here but unfortunately,you are no longer in this world to witness it'.

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