Meeting You

By Chocolat13angel

409K 7.5K 825

"I'm happy, I was happy, "I love you", I was loved, Nothing can hurt me, I've been abused, live, I wish to di... More

Meeting You
Chapter 1 "Once Upon a MIDNIGHT"
Chapter 2 "My Life LEAVES Me In Trouble"
Chapter 3 "Me AND a Friend? IT Was Something"
Chapter 4 "The Cylce GOES ON AND ON"
Chapter 5 "LEAVING Suspicions"
Chapter 6 "ME And The Devil Go Toe To Toe"
Chapter 7 "Once Again ALONE"
Chapter 9 "COLD Days To Come" Part 1
Ch. 9 Part 2
Chapter 10 "BUT Nobody Will Understand"
Chapter 11 "I'LL Meet You Again" Part 1
Ch.11 Part 2
Chapter 12 "MAKE It Stop!"
Chapter 13 "IT Matters And It's The Truth"
Chapter 14 "It's Not Over, BUT It's STILL Tuesday"
Chapter 15 "DREAMING Nightmares"
Chapter 16 "It DOESN'T Ease The Pain"
Chapter 17 "GET Help, Have Hope"
Chapter 18 "ME and You"
Chapter 19 "ANYWHERE You Go, I Go"
Chapter 20 "RECEIVING a Gift"
Chapter 21 "PAIN"
Chapter 22 "IS This It?"

Chapter 8 "AND We're Friends Once Again"

14K 295 19
By Chocolat13angel



~All rights reserved Copyright in this story belong to and only ©Chocolat13angel. Do not copy, paste, or claim rights for the chapters in this book without given permission from the owner.

Thank You

                             CHAPTER 8 "AND WE'RE FRIENDS ONCE AGAIN"


"Raven, Raven".


"Raven, Raven wake up, wake up Raven".

    I slowly creeped open my eyes to see a single black eyeball staring at me. I slowly closed my eyes back ignoring Velvet poking her beak in my face.

"You need to wake up for school", she scowled.

    I groaned rolling over onto my side.

"Come on! Come on!"

    I don't wanna.

"Well you must, before your father wakes up at least", she panicked.

    Ok, ok. I got up feeling a little better than yesterday. I looked down surprised the bruises on my legs were completely gone, but I still felt a slight sting. Kinda forgot I heal sorta fast, another weird thing about me. I dragged myself to my closet and quickly picked out the first set of clothes that caught my eye. I got dressed in my "LOL" shirt, blue skinny jeans, my of course black hoodie, and my old black boots. Examining my shoes, I hadn't realized how old these things looked. They have holes and the heels feel like they're gonna give out, but I know it's cold today.

   Oh well; I grabbed up my backpack and Velvet flew onto my shoulder. Bracing myself for the worst, I quietly opened my door out to the hallway and the first thing I see is beer cans and bottles everywhere. Everything smelled of alcohol and smoke making it a little hard for me to breath. I tiptoed through my living room and there I saw I guess a couple of my dad's friends layed out drunk everywhere; it was a horrid sight. My dad was in the couch snoring as loud as a bear with a beer bottle in his hand. I grabbed my house keys and rushed out of the disgusting sight of the place. Taking in the morning breeze I immediately felt relieved that I could breath some fresh air.

"That place was atrocious!", Velvet cawed.

    I know and we all know who's gonna have to clean that up. 








    Mr. V dropped me off at the school and heaved a heavy sigh as I stepped out the bus. I kept my head down and started to speed walk towards the entrance.

"Good luck, my Raven", Velvet chirped flying away.

    I quickly walked forward and everybody was acting a bit... weird. People were staring at me, not with disgust, hatred, or for intimidation. Just with a blank stare, almost confused. The atmosphere even seemed kind of nostalgic and airy, but very quiet. I heard snickering now and then, and some talking, but I still felt very suspicious about the whole thing. People started pointing at me and it confused me so much. As soon as I reached my locker I almost slipped from the water on the ground, wait water? I followed the trail and my locker was leaking water from the inside. Oh no.

    I put in my combination and stepped to the side preparing myself for the flood. I opened it and a full load of water came out spilling out notes of threats in different handwriting like, "DIE", "Kill yourself already", "Your mom and dad don't like you either", "Lose a couple pounds or I could help by slicing you up"; you know, the usual. But one caught my eye and I just knew it was from Luca.

"This is war".

    I was in so much shock that I didn't realize a whole group of people cornered around me. They were all laughing, pointing, yelling, threatening me, insulting me, throwing vulgar comments at me, but it kind of helped me come back to reality realizing that none of the stuff in my locker was there. So I stood there pondering on where they could be, and I thought they would probably want them almost destroyed but not completely so they couldn't get in trouble, so........ The trash cans!

    Ignoring the crowd, I pushed through and the first place I ran to was the cafeteria. I check every single trash can and finally found my books in the very last one and thank god someone only threw salad in here. From behind I could here people calling me trash picker and crap, But I really didn't care. Despite the students stupidity I put my trashed books into my bag and walked out.

    Things were getting thrown at me, people were trying to trip me, and somebody full on pushed me to the mother flippin ground! Like what the fuck! I mess one popular kid, ONE! And no the whole school goes all WW3 on me?! Now everybody's raging like I just offended the president, bunch of bullshit!!!!

"Oh look who it is", someone sneered.

    I know who this is and I really don't wanna look up, but I just know I have to.

"Why if it isn't little old Raven", Lila smiled.

"Long time no see", Gina laughed.

    I stared at them for a minute and then walked the fuck around.

"Hey, stop!", Gina yelled.

    I stopped and turned around even though I really should've just kept going.

"We heard what happened and we are here to warn you that this whole school including us is gonna make your life a fucking hell storm", Gina smirked.

"Watch your back".

"Because you guys haven't accomplished that already", I sighed.

    They started annoyingly giggling and walked away towards the girls bathroom. I hate those too so damn much. They've tortured me since Elementary and now that the whole school is after me, so are they. Great just great could life get any worse! I heard the bell chime and took out my phone looking the time. And now I'm late, fuck my life. I ran down the hall hoping my first period didn't start yet. Mom, school sucks and so do people. 








    Oh no! It won't come out! I just might have to cut my hair off! I hate my life! I hate my life! I'm literally right now in the bathroom, crying my eyes out from someone literally smearing a cheeseburger onto my head during Lunch. I could even from a distance see Luca hysterically laughing at me as well as the whole room. So you know what I did, I kicked the same guy who did it in the balls and walked out. I'm kind of thank full this cheese is stale but still, I'm pissed.

    I washed my hair out once more and put it into a bun. I looked up and you could just see my puffy red eyes and the stress written all over my face. Today has just gone down to hell. This morning somebody put tacs in my seat, but Katerina warned me about that one, my library period was boring because Jake wasn't there, my free period in P.E. I got pelted with basketballs and Jason wasn't there to stop them, and we all know how Lunch ended. 

    My life just sucks and it's all that damn Luca's fault. Someone should punch him not only in the face but the like... EVERYWHERE ELSE!! Like for real make this shit happen because I can't fucking take this anymore! I heard the bell from outside the door and quickly picked up my stuff running into the music room.

"Hey Raven", Mr. Mike waved.

"Hey", I sighed.

"What has got you down?"

"The whole school freaking hates me".

"I heard. They are coming up with all these plans to get rid of you", he heaved.

"C-Can you stop them?! Please?!"

"I-I'm afraid not", he said quietly.

"Why! You're a teacher, you have some authority right?! At least tell me... why everybody listens to whatever Luca has to say?!! Why is he so special?!"

"Well", he said leaning on a bar. "I-It's complicated".

"How?! This isn't normal! You gotta tell me Mr. Mike because I can't take it!"

"Well... They think of Luca kind of like their leader".


"Yeah, everybody looks up to him for guidance".

"Even the adults?!"

"S-Sometimes", he said nervously.

"That's bull! It doesn't make sense! Who would up to an idiot like that?! Are you all brain washed?! This school, the students, everyone! Even you! You all are insane and you're all making me insane! I come here everyday not knowing if someone is gonna take this too far and kill me! But everybody looks up to the one with the power right? The one who has the authority right? The stupid fucktard kid not the fucking adults in this school RIGHT?! Bunch of bull! Shit!

"Raven I-I'm sorry, but the students... they mean well and---"

"BULL! SHIT! You don't know me! None of you k-know me, none of you get me. You don't know what I've been through, the tears and pain that I've shed. You or the teachers don't give a fuck about me! You're as bad as everybody else!", I screamed walking into the locker room.

    I came back out with my bass guitar and sat down angrily in my usual chair.

"Raven, I'm really sorry", Mr. Mike said sincerely.

"Nah, it's ok. I'll just reliving the same nightmare day... and night. And I'll try to forget, but I know I won't so I'll be even more scarred than before", I said sarcastically.

    I eventually heard him walk away which is what I expected anyways. Not even the damn teachers will help me. I thought for a second for a song to play to calm my nerves and I brought up the perfect one.

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me

Well I guess I'll make my own way

It's a circle

A mean cycle

I can't excite you anymore

Where's your gavel? Your jury?

What's my offense this time?

You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me

Well sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

Cause you know we're not the same (no)

We're not the same (no)

Oh we're not the same

Yeah the friends who stuck together

We wrote our names in blood

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)

It's good (hey)

It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened

Any longer and I wouldn't have made it

It's not a war no, it's not a rapture

I'm just a person but you can't take it

The same tricks that, that once fooled me

They won't get you anywhere

I'm not the same kid from your memory

Well now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

Cause you know we're not the same (no)

We're not the same (no)

Oh we're not the same

Yeah we used to stick together

We wrote our names in blood

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)

It's good (hey)

It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Well you treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir

I guess I'll go

I best be on my way out .

"Again, wow", Mr. Mike admired.

"Yeah well the song kinda mathced how I felt so", I sighed.

"Again I'm sorry I can't do anything abou--- You know what, there is someone who can help you. Do you know Mrs. Carry?"


"Go to her. Crazy as it sounds, I think she could help you... a lot", he emphasized.

    The bell rang and I packed back my guitar and put all my stuff that used to be in my hall locker in my music locker for safe keeping. I thanked Mr. Mike for the information and again rushed to P.E. before anybody came in. Today's conversation in the girls locker room cleared up who tripped me, put the tacs in my seat, who helped put the water and notes in my locker, and so much more. Bitches these days. When they all walked out, I put on my hoodie and snuck walking behind them. I stood in the very back of everyone and from a distance could see Katerina and the others, but I was a little embarrassed to say hi to them. They probably think I'm a loser by now, I man today kinda proves that. I had potential friends and lost them in one day; can we say pathetic as fuck.

"Okay! Today is really a free day so you can basically do almost whatever the hell you want as long as you're doing something physical, so either walk or play a game. Dissmissed!", Coach Lang yelled.

    Everyone dispersed and I unnoticingly went to a corner and sat down there. I learned clearly from my free period for P.E. that when people have basketballs, footballs, or any kind of sport balls in your hands, you don't stand out in the open. A hand grabbed onto my shoulder and I jumped up from the shock.

"Hey", Kat waved.

"Oh hey", I coughed.

"Raven, I'm so sorry this is all my fault".


    She sat down next to me and pulled out her phone to check the time.

"Luca says I'm not allowed to talk to you or he'll make your punishment worse. And he has you know, his little minions watching me, Matt Vin, Jake, and Jason. We're afraid he'll hurt you".

"He's already done enough of that and that son of a bitch! I thought you guys hated me".

"I tried to put a note in your locker this morning, but I found it opened with water dripping out of it".

"It was Luca", I sighed.

"Figured and I'm terribly sorry my brother is making your life hell".

"Trust me, he's only adding kindle to the fire".

"It's not fair or right though, oh what's your number so I can text you and call", she cheered.

    She recorded my number as I told her it.

"Ok, I sent you a text so you have my number now", she smiled.

"Katerina!", Luca called.

"Ok the devil calls. I'm not letting you fight this alone. Neither of us are. We will help you the best we can ok?", she whispered.

"Ok", I laughed.

    She waved goodbye and got up running to Luca who wanted her to play basketball with them. I stayed in the corner not knowing what to do with myself and started thinking about random stuff, but still pissed at today. Well at least I got my new friends back, I guess.









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