Finer Things // h.s.

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My friendship for Harry is laying on green grass on a hazy summer afternoon, hot chocolate in winter and swin... Daha Fazla

The Audition
A New Beginning
I'm sorry I missed Your Call
Merry Fucking Christmas
Whisky On The Rocks
Flashing Lights
Sweet Creature
New Ways Meets Old Habits
Movie Premiere
Paris or Bust
Meetings, Fittings and Old Friends
Rainbow Paradise
New York City With Him
New York City With Her
Temporary Love
From The Dining Table
'I miss you'
I Know I'm Not Your Only
New Years Eve, 2016
Pinkie Fingers
Goodbye once more, my love
Seventy-Four Roses
The Day I Signed My Name Away
I Love You
I surrender
Happy Birthday
Canyon Moon
Treat People With Kindness
Vera Wang
Life Is Funny Like That
The Fish & The Boy
Fine Line: Part 1
Fine Line: Part 2
Through The Backfields
Take On The World, Together
The Real Deal
The Oscars
When All Is Said And Done
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
The Photo Album #1

'One Way Ticket'

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A/N: I just wanna mention 

There are three new characters here so for those who have trouble picturing people, these are the characters! 

Also: TW: Mention of substance abuse and addiction as Halle's character, Scout, in the movie abuses substance. I thought to mention this before you read ahead. There is only one line of it, other than that there are no other mentions of abuse. 

Halle Scott

Angus Day

Rufus Stewart

August 12th, 2019

We pull up outside the venue for the screening of 'One Way Ticket' where Harry has to change into another car because we haven't publicly announced our relationship yet and I suppose arriving together is suspicious. The sounds of screaming fans and the music playing inside makes me slightly nervous, but this isn't my first time doing this and I've got the feel for what I'm doing this time around.

"Hey." Harry says softly and I look up at him to meet with his glistening eyes. His suit a dark velvet red colour with a black undershirt undone to show off the silver cross necklace that dangles from his neck. I swoon so hard over this man every time I see him I think it's insane.

"Hey." I whisper back and press my lips to his.

"You'll be fine. I promise." He says after we break the kiss and he presses his forehead to my temple and I place my hand on his cheek, scratching gently and I look down to his lips that have curled into a soft smile.

"I hope so." I say and he says goodbye, exiting the car to get into another behind us. I turn around in the backseat and wave to him as he walks to the other car, but he doesn't look back at me. I suppose he's used to secret relationships; he knows how they work.

The car drives through to the venue and I take a deep breath as I glide my fingers across my glass-covered chest. Vera glued the glass to my chest and around my collar bones and shoulders which isn't uncomfortable as much as it is out of my comfort zone. Chris opens the door to the car and offers his hand to mine and I take it shakily. I mouth a thank you to him and he nods his head with a warm smile. I look out onto the crowd and the cameras go wild, bright flashes illuminating the dress, setting it afire with a rainbow glow.

I stand up tall and try not to make it obvious I'm searching for Harry. The woman in my earpiece instructs me to make my way along the red carpet where I'll meet my co-stars. I begin the walk, trying to sign every autograph and take as many selfies as I possibly can whilst being watched and protected by the two security guards behind me. The flashes run wild and they seem brighter this time around.

I walk over to my co-stars, Halle Scott, Rufus Stewart and Angus Day. Halle approaches me with open arms as she glides down the carpet in a floor-length black off the shoulder dress with long flared sleeves, her blonde hair slicked into a high ponytail. She takes me in her arms, and we kiss one another's cheeks. Halle plays my on-screen roommate, Scout, who battles her own demons of addiction and substance abuse. This is her first movie premiere and you can tell by her shaking hands. Rufus and Angus, who play my on-screen lovers, Jerry and Ben, however, have been doing this longer than either of us so they muck around laughing and pulling stupid faces at one another. I take Halle's hand and give her a smile, assuring that it's okay.

"Mr. Stewart and Mr. Day... sounds about right that you've both already mucked up your hair." I say acting all high and mighty just as my character, Naomi does when she sees both of them.

"Oh, but Miss Jackson I assure you, we're very bored right now and our hair is fine." Rufus says and Angus laughs at him.

"How you 'goin Matilda? You look fantastic." Angus says as he comes over to kiss my cheek.

"I'm alright." I say and he goes over to Halle, I'm about a hundred percent sure he's completely in love with her and I'm positive she has the biggest crush on him too. I watch them as they laugh and smile together, posing for photos. His hand snakes around her waist and the way she looks up at him makes me feel giddy, she really does like him.

I stand with Rufus and we pose for photos, joking about how extreme this can all get sometimes. Halle and Angus join us and the four of us stand together posing, waiting for our older cast members to join us. The crowd cheers, Halle and I in the middle with the boys either side of us. I look out to the crowd and see one girl holding a cardboard sign with 'Core Four' written on it in black sharpie, another reads 'Dream Team'. I stare into the crowd, smiling and waving, making jokes with my newfound friends. For a second I forget about Harry. And then I see him. Standing there, in all his glory, looking effortlessly cool. He approaches us and I swear Rufus nearly passes out when he shakes Harry's hand.

"Halle Scott, my god I never thought I'd see the day. You we're wonderfully moving as Emma Bennet in 'God's Humour'." He says calmly with a huge smile as he shakes Halle's hand and she blushes. Harry never has and I doubt he ever will have any idea of the utter power he has over people. That's one of the many things I love about him. He's also done his research on my cast members and watched all their movies and TV shows. 

"And Rufus Stewart... I binge-watched 'Men into Boys' within two days when the series first came out on Netflix and I'm not gonna lie to you, mate, your character Dixon had me in proper frights when he turned sinister." Harry says and Rufus thanks him, congratulating him on his sold-out world tour which Harry mentions is very kind of him to acknowledge his successions.

"Harry Styles, I never in a million years thought I'd see the man in the flesh." Angus says loudly and Harry chuckles, a dimple raising on his cheek.

"Oh please, you're kidding! Angus your role in 'Cashier' had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!" He says and Angus plays it cool, running his hand through his dark hair and giving him a kind smile. Harry walks over to me and takes my hand gently, pulling me into a cheek kiss the way he did, Halle.

"And of course, I know you Miss Jackson." He whispers in my ear and I feel my skin burn hot.

"Of course, Mr. Styles." I say back.

I watch as Halle goes off to meet with Christine Baranski and Jason Isaacs, Angus and Rufus posing for photos. A cameraman wearing an olive-green sweater calls out Harry's name and he stands to the camera, offering his hand to me and I step forward, my dress glistening with every camera flash. Harry holds his hand around my hip, and I stretch my leg out through the slit to show off my shoes.

"That dress looks fantastic, I really appreciate Vera's creative perspective." He says smiling at me.

"Thank you, I absolutely adore it."

"I absolutely adore you, baby." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear and I pinch at his waist playfully.

"But as much as I love the way the dress looks on your body, I think it would look better in a pile on the corner of my bedroom floor..." He says and I feel my cheeks blush at his flirtatious comment. I look down to the ground smirking and trying to conceal my hot flush but it's no use.

"But before that happens that dress deserves to be shown off. Ready?" Harry says and as I open my mouth to speak out Harry pushes me forward gently and I stand in the centre of the carpet and he stands behind me with his hands ushering me to pose and I look back to the crowd, smiling at the cameras, throwing my hand on my hip and turning to look over my shoulder, showing off every inch of Vera's wonderful dress. Harry stands behind me clapping and smiling. The cameras go wild as we look at one another. I wonder what the headlines will be this time...

I make my way into the screening room where the very large movie screen sits with red curtains concealing it. No matter how many times I attend a screening, my own or someone else's, I'll never get used to how huge it is. I take my seat in the front where the rest of my cast sits making quiet conversation before the curtain is removed. I sit next to Halle who quickly removes her hand from Angus's own to avoid me seeing their affectionate gesture and I smile at their failed attempt to keep their crushes on one another a secret from everyone else, but I respect it, so I don't say anything. I look around the room trying to find Harry and I see him on his phone, the soft blue glow of the screen illuminating his skin. He looks up at me and waves his phone in the air with a gentle smirk and I shake my head at him. I pull my phone from my clutch, the same colour as my dress, which is entirely uncomfortable to sit in and turn on my phone.

8:27 pm:

Harry Styles: Your Dad would be so fucking proud of you for not giving up. I love you. - H

Tilly Jackson: We've both lost so many people... I'm forever grateful I'll never lose you. - T

Harry Styles: I promise to never leave you, Tilly. P.S. I'm excited to see you in this one, I think it'll be my favourite. P.P.S, you did my sign off, I like it.

Tilly Jackson: Even if I'm in multiple sex scenes? P.S. you look great, not sure if I've said that yet.

Harry Styles: I know they're developmental to your character and I know you were thinking of me the entire time to give an authentic state of pleasure... LOL.

I look up at him and shake my head smiling at him.

Tilly Jackson: Enjoy the movie, dickhead. I love you.

I turn the phone off and place it into my purse and Halle nudges me and winks at me.

"I won't tell anyone about you and Angus as long as you don't tell anyone about Harry and I." I say and she nods, smiling.

"Scout's honour." She says, making a reference to her character, Scout, in 'One Way Ticket', and she jokingly salutes me.

"Ha ha... very funny." I say and the curtains open, the crowd erupting into cheers and clapping and I smile, looking at Halle and I watch as her breathing becomes noticeably rapid. I take her hand in mine and give it a squeeze.

"Thank you." She whispers.

The screening finishes with me taking a deep breath as Rufus' character, Ben, asks me to marry him – which gives room for speculation of a sequel and although it hasn't been announced to the general public, I know the script is already in the works for a second movie. This cast truly gave me my light back and made me realise why I act. I act because it ignites the fire in my chest, burns the embers and never goes out. My scripts are the gasoline, my cast and crew members my lighters, the cameras my flint, the promotional tours are my wood and acting for others is the fire that refuses to go out. This is what I'm meant to do. The audience bursts into clapping and cheering, a standing ovation for my cast and I as we stand to our feet. I look around the room at the familiar faces of movie stars, singers and directors as well as influencers such as Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian. The dimly lit room glows and I look at Harry who stands slowly clapping and nodding at me, wiping away at a tear. Is it a tear? I'd never want to make him cry, but if my acting does then I have nothing left to prove concerning my talent... although Harry is a sap for romantic dramas. The audience continues their clapping for my cast members and I usher Halle forward as we all approach the stage to thank everyone for coming.

"I just want to say, on behalf of my cast members and I this movie wouldn't have happened without the crew, without the costume designers and without our second mother, Jane Campion." Angus says and we all take a bow but Christina moves me forward and I look into the crowd as they cheer louder, I don't see anything because of the bright spotlight and the glistening dress but the cheers drown out my thoughts and I close my eyes, letting the sound of applause intoxicate me, filling every vein and getting me drunk on approval of the academy, this movie was a risk but it was a risk worth taking. This is it. I've found it. Home.

I enjoy the afterparty a lot more than the last one I attended. This is different, I'm surrounded by people who are genuinely interested in me. Harry stands with a few old friends and I see the way he smiles with them, laughing and joking about what he calls the 'old' days despite it only being a few years ago. Niall is shorter than what I thought. I look at Angus who dances with Halle and Rufus, the three of them mucking around and laughing, throwing their heads back. Rufus spots me and throws his arm over and I scull the remains of my vodka soda and run over to them. Thank fully I had some time to change before the party into something I can easily dance in. The four of us laugh and make jokes, drinking from Rufus' silver flask and dance to the music the DJ plays.

It's taken me a little while, but these people have become friends. I trust them, Halle showed me that not everyone is out to get you in this industry – most want to learn from you. Angus showed me to be strong in the face of creative disapproval, to speak your mind because a lot of the time when respectful the director will listen to you and hear you out. Rufus taught me to connect with your characters as if they're your best friend, acknowledge their shitty behaviour and their tiny details. But as much as I have to believe my best friend is my character, my best friend stands in a pair of velvet maroon trousers and a white button up, running his hand through his hair as he drinks a Bloody Mary of all things. I dance around the dance floor with my new friends, laughing and feeling happy. Dad would be so fucking proud. Hell, I'm proud of myself. 

A/N: I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and welcome to my new readers! On my last update, three days ago, I was thanking everyone for 8,000 reads... I now thank you for 9.4k reads... I am so mind blown in three days there we're over 1.4k reads and so so many people adding this beautiful book to their reading lists. Continue to vote, comment and enjoy! Thank you x 

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