Back To You | Ricky Garcia

By loveknots-

150K 3.5K 2K

"You'll be my Princess." "You'll be my Prince Charming." "We'll live happily ever after." "And if things go w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Seventeen

4.5K 118 31
By loveknots-

Charlene's POV

Life has a crazy way of throwing extraordinary moments at you when you least expect it. You think you'll have a horrible, no good day, when in reality, you're actually going to experience something unforgettable. Last night threw me off into a completely different path. I'm no longer the confused, delusional girl who was too busy doubting her feelings to realize what was right in front of her. I no longer have brick walls shielding myself from the one person I want most. And it feels great to finally know that I'm not afraid of liking Ricky anymore. Falling for him and his strangely captivating self was something I would'nt mind doing. The idea of him and I spending all this time together during Winter Break flusters me because, with Ricky, you never know what'll happen. The guy could possibly be the most unpredictable human being alive.

As of now, I was just eating a carton of ice cream watching re-runs of Red Band Society. Being a couch potato was the best way to start my break. I've literally been moping around for an hour because Leo gives me too many feels. As I scooped up a bit of my ice cream, I felt my phone vibrate next to me. I picked it up to find 3 new messages. I scrolled the screen, and opened up our group chat.

Come over and help Ricky and I put up the Christmas tree? We're late as usual :) - Franny

I'm on my way, chipmunk ;) - Mr. Klaasen

They're so sweet together, I don't know whether to fangirl or to go to the dentist to check for any cavities.

I'm feeling sick, guys. Maybe next year :( - Little Evan

Huh, I could've sworn I saw him with his skateboard through the window a few hours ago, and he definitely not sick then. What's going on with him? I better go find out.

I'll come in a little bit, I need to do something real quick. I replied.

Okay, come quick! We all know Jon's gonna screw things up ;) And feel better Evan! - Franny

I got up from the couch, and headed into the kitchen. I placed my unfinished ice cream in the fridge, and ran back to the living room to grab my phone to text Ricky.

Meet me at my house as soon as possible. Something's wrong with Evan, but don't tell the others. I pressed the send button.

Okay, I'll be there in 5.- Spider Man <3

I chuckled at Ricky's contact name. He put that name on my phone himself, and of course, the idiot had to add a flirty little heart. Then again, I thought it was too adorable to change, so I just left it like that. I smiled at my phone, and shoved in my pocket. I ran upstairs and into my room, slipping on a pair of boots and tugging on my jacket. I walked back downstairs and sat back down on the couch. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the front door. I got up, and opened it, revealing Ricky leaning on the door, his cheeks rosy from the cold air. My stomach turned in knots at the sight of him.

Why did he have to be so gorgeous?

Thoughts of last night flooded my mind, but I quickly shook them off, trying to focus on Evan's problem. He sent me a smile and straightened himself. I returned the gesture, and walked out the door, wind causing my hair to fly in different directions. Ricky laughed at the tornado of hair on my head, and I smacked his shoulder playfully.

"Hello to you too." He chuckled, trying to brush the hair away from my face.

"Hi, now, if you would just stop mocking the mess I call my hair, we have a friend to cheer up." I said, walking along the pavement. Ricky caught up to me, eventually walking by my side,

"Wait, what's wrong with him? I thought he was just sick. That's what Francesca told me." He asked, confusion appearing in his voice.

"He's lying, I saw him skateboarding from my window a few hours ago. He looked fine. I don't know why he's lying, which is what we intend to figure out. I figured the both of us could figure him out, since you're a guy, and we all know the male species is a foreign and confusing subject for me. " I explained. As we walked across the street to Evan's house, Ricky turned to me and raised his eyebrow.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't diss us, okay? Girls are twice as confusing." He said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes, and continued walking towards the house.

"Whatever you say." I said, walking up the steps of Evan's front porch.

Ricky rung the door bell. We waited for a few moments, but there was no answer. Ricky grunted, and pressed the bell rapidly, more than enough times.

"Oh, would you just be patient?" I whacked his hand, causing his arm to fall to his side. He winced, rubbing his hand. I heard thumps coming from inside the house, and suddenly the door swung open. Evan's eyes traveled from me to Ricky, now opening wide in surprise. He fidgeted in his place for a few moments before opening his mouth to speak.

"Oh, uh, hi guys." He croaked out, pretending to be sick. He pretended to clearing his throat, and if I didn't know better, I probably would've thought he was actually sick. "Listen, I don't want to get you guys sick, so-"

"We know you're lying, dude." Ricky cut him off. I nodded my head, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I saw you skateboarding this morning, and you were perfectly okay. What's going on, Ev?" I said, my eyebrows raising.

"It's nothing." Evan replied, shrugging.

"Oh come on, something's up. Just tell us, man." Ricky grunted. Evan sighed, and gestured for us to enter his house.

We both went in, the warm air hitting us. We walked upstairs, and headed to his room. He twisted the door open, revealing the same old room from when we were little. It had the same blue walls, some posters of planets and other science related things on them. Although he also liked sports, Evan has always been interested in science. He was pretty much a genius at any science subject; Astronomy, Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, you name it. The guy mastered it all. He was basically our personal teacher, as he knew more about the subject than any of the ones at school.

"Sit down, guys." He commanded the both of us. We did as we were told, and Evan sat down as well, facing us.

"So? What's wrong?" I asked, looking at him concerned. Evan ran a hand through his light brown hair.

"I just- I don't know. I'm just jealous." He sighed, rolling around a basketball on his bed. Ricky and I looked at each other, confused.

"Jealous of what?" Ricky asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"All four of you are all paired up, and i'm just here, lonely as hell. It gets awkward and sad sometimes, you know?" He continued smacking around the ball.

"You have us, Evan. The only ones paired off are Francesca and Jon. We're still with you." I reassured him. I couldn't believe he felt lonely all this time. I didn't even realize it. Evan's head shot up at us, rolling his eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" He said, eyeing us both.

"You guys are too busy flirting with each other to even notice what's going on most of the time." He chuckled. My cheeks flushed bright red and as I glanced towards Ricky, I could see his were too.

"And Francesca? Well, she's too busy making out with my other best friend to even notice I exist anymore. I miss hanging out with her without Jon interrupting us by kissing her and hugging her and sometimes I just wish that I could be the one to- " he rambled. My eyes went wide as I realized what was going on. All the pieces finally fit together.

"You have a crush on Francesca!" I screamed, undergoing an epiphany.

"What?" Evan and Ricky both shouted at the same time. I got up from the bed, and re-established my thoughts.

"It all makes sense now! That's why you were glaring at them at the dance yesterday. You not jealous of all of us, you're just mad because Jon's dating Francesca, and you're not!" I said, pacing around the room like a detective.

Evan sighed and looked down sadly. My hand flew over my mouth in shock.

"It's true! Oh my gosh, you actually like her!" I screamed. Ricky smacked his forehead lightly.

"Why does everyone like my sister?" He said, repeatedly smacking his forehead again. His head jolted up.

"Well, she is my sister. It must run in the genes." Ricky said to himself, smirking. I rolled my eyes and flicked his head.

"This isn't the time for your big ego, you idiot." I said, glaring at him. He stuck his tongue out at me, just as Evan groaned.

"Guys..." He whined. I rushed over to sit next to him, and placed my arm over him. I lay my head on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Oh Evan..." I whispered.

"I just- I wish that was me doing all those things with her, and I know Jon's like a brother to me and all, but I just wish I was him." He sighed and rested his head on top of mine. Ricky got up and placed a hand in between Evan and I, pushing me away from him. I fell to the corner of the bed, and Ricky took my spot next to Evan, smirking at me in the process. I sat up and glared at him, wanting so badly to wipe that smirk of his beautiful face.

"It's okay, man." Ricky said, patting Evan on the back. I continued to glare at him as I grimaced. He extended his other hand to push me off the small part of the bed I was sitting on. I fell to my knees on the floor, my eyes wide in shock.

Did he really just do that?

Ricky and Evan laughed at my misfortune. I got up and brushed my jeans off. I clenched my fists and slowly headed towards Ricky.

When I'm done with him, his face isn't gonna be so beautiful anymore.

Ricky looked at me with wide eyes, and Evan scooted away from him, enjoying the show.

Just as I was about to attack him, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I grunted, and Ricky collapsed on the bed, dying of laughter. I'm such an unlucky person. I pulled out the phone from my pocket, and found that it was Francesca calling. I glanced at Evan, who still had a grin on his face, and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said. I heard heavy breathing from the other line, and I squished my face in confusion.

"I-help!- Jon just dropped the- Christmas tree on me- He's not- helping- Hurry up- I need you guys!" She yelled into the phone. I laughed at her situation, and shook my head.

"No." I said, a smirk forming on my face.

"C'mon-I'm-dying!-Jon!" I heard hysterical laughing through the other side of the call.

"You know we love you right?" I laughed.


"Bye!" I hung up, still laughing. I looked up to see that Evan's grin had fallen from his face. My smile immediately fell from my face as well. I looked at him with sorry eyes, and sat next to him on the bed.

"That was her, wasn't it?" He sighed again. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off.

"No, it was Obama." Ricky joked, finding himself so funny. I smacked his arm again, and sent him a death glare. Evan lied down, slammed his head into his pillow and groaned. Ricky slammed his hands on the bed like a little kid.

"Oh, c'mon, Evan! What do we have to do to cheer you up? I could push Charlene down again, see?" He said in the process of grabbing me. I swatted his arms away, and used all my strength to push him down. Ricky fell with a loud thud on the carpeted floor. He looked up at me, flabbergasted.

"You've gotten stronger, haven't you, babe?" He said, smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and turned back to Evan. I lifted the pillow off his head, and examined him. His eyes were shut tight, and he looked like he was about to pass out. He looked restless even if he was relaxed.

"Evan, you can't do this to yourself. You can't continue to mope about something you can't change." I said. His eyes stay closed, but I could tell he wasn't as tense.

"I don't know what to do, she's so special. I've liked other girls, but they never made me feel like she does." He said before pausing.

"She's special." He finished. I glanced over to Ricky, who sat behind me. He stared at me deeply, almost as if his green eyes were piercing into me. I felt my stomach fluster, and I diverted my gaze back to Evan.

"You really care about her, don't you?" I asked. He gently nodded. He stayed silent, and with how he was feeling right now, I didn't even try to make him talk.

"And you want her to be happy?" I received another nod from him.

"Then, the best thing you could do is let her go. Leave her where you know she'll be her happiest, even if you're not a part of the picture, because trust me, letting her go is much easier than hurting her and losing her." Ricky said, still looking at me. I looked into his eyes, amazed by his wise words. I gave him a small smile, and turned back to Evan.

You always surprise me, Garcia.

"Listen, Evan. You're an amazing guy. You're handsome, smart, funny, quirky, and any girl in this planet would be lucky to have someone like you. I know you think that Francesca's the one that you want to spend forever with, but you need to know that she's not meant to be yours. She's already someone else's. You have the rest of your life to find the person that's yours. The girl you're meant to end up won't belong to anyone else; it'll only be you and her and no one could ever come between that. And I hope that girl loves every single fragment of you just as much as you love hers." I comforted him.

"You think i'll find her?" He mumbled.

"I know so." Ricky and I said at the same time.

His eyes opened gently, and he got up to look at us with a small smile. He sat in between us, and placed his around our shoulders.

"Thanks guys." He said, turning back into the same old Evan.

Ricky and I both hugged his side, squishing him to death. We all laughed, and Evan turned his head to look at both of us, smirking.

"You two are going to be great parents together one day." He teased.

Ricky and I both looked at each other as our faces flushed, and we nodded in unison. We both knew what had to be done. I grabbed one of Evan's arms and Ricky grabbed the other, and together we both pushed the dimwit to the ground, laughing our butts off.

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