Return Of A Soul.. Highschool...

By ZBX6779

34.6K 441 248

This was originally going to be a sequel to my first story called The fallen Dragon king but I decided that t... More

chapter 2. hit a nerve.
chapter 3. dreams and nightmares.
part 4. nostalgia.
part 5. family & a message.
part 6. frame by frame.
part 7: breaking point.
part 8. state of emergency
part 9: new apocalypse.
part 10: STOP.
part 12: funeral
part 13: new beast.
part 14. alliance vs new beast.
part 15: the talk.
part 16. freedom
part 17. epilogue

part 11. farewell.

1.7K 23 4
By ZBX6779

Kuroka just looked on as he hit the ground.


Evelyn: PAPA!

Issei was laying on the cold ground, black veins started to slowly appear on his body, where there were black veins there was pain beyond the comprehension of any living being.

Ddraig: ISSEI!

Everyone rushed over.

Irina: Kuroka what did you do?

Kuroka: I..I.i...didn't....i didn't do this.

Cao Cao: what was that whip?

Albion: a whip coated with the blood of Samael. Any creature with dragon related features including dragons them selves will perish by even touching it. I'm sorry but there's no cure.... Death by Samael's blood is slow and the most painful way to die.

They were speechless at his words.
Asia tried to heal him, no effect, Ravel used Phoenix tears, no effect, Yasaka, Kouno, Koneko and Kuroka all tried to use saga magic but it did nothing but buy him a little more time.

Kuroka: Michael, Gabriel anyone please tell me if we can save him.

They looked away in defeat.

Michaell: I'm sorry but there truly is no cure. Forgive us. Our former brother Samael continues to be a curse upon our lives.

he cried. Evelyn held her father and as did Kuroka.

Kuroka: this...this isn't how it's supposed to end.

Even though he's in pain in every sense of the word. Issei spoke.

Issei: hey.... don't

Their gazes darted towards him.

Issei: come now, smile. I miss seeing my two favorite ladies smiling together.

They are all amazing that even in his condition he's being the Issei they know and love from the very start. No matter how much he suffers, he wants those closest to him to be happy and not cry....not even if he died.

Kuroka: Issei.... I'm sorry...

Issei: why? I'm the one who's sorry, I wasn't there for you when you needed me.

Issei found the strength to sit up.

Issei: I'm sorry but looks like this is it. I'm done for.

Evelyn: please don't talk like that.

She says while crying into his chest.

Issei looks at everyone else.

Issei: everyone, promise that you'll look after my family.

They nod. They can't stand it. Seeing him making sure that his family is safe when he's minutes away from death himself.

Kuroka: you're not going to die Issei, we'll keep trying..

Issei: you heard what Albion and Michael said, it's the end of the line for me love. I'm sorry.

Kuroka: Issei...

She asks while trying to hold back her tears.

Issei: Micheal, I have a final request. Kuroka, Evelyn, I need to speak to him alone.

They reluctantly move away.

Michael: name your favor Issei, anything.

Issei: if what Euclid said is true about him creating children having her and my DNA then please check if their souls made it into heaven. Also my parents, please make sure that they are okay and they meet my family. They always wanted to have a grandkid.

Michael: but of course. It shall be done.

Issei: thank you.

He moves away and calls for everyone.

Issei: these may be my final words and I'm not okay with that honestly, I want to thank you all for everything. Tell everyone at the Gremory household that I'll miss them all dearly. Haha I might miss Riser a bit too.

Issei then vomited a black liquid, it was his blood nearly black and very thick.

Kuroka: how? How can you still laugh at a time like this? I became the death of you.

Issei: I'm okay with that.

He laughs again.

Akeno: take it easy Issei. You're in a great deal of pain.

Issei: compared to what Kuroka went through, this isn't much. Just kick Euclid's ass for me and for my family's sake. Don't let him hurt anyone ever again. He has to pay for hurting Grayfia, my family, the millions of humans and....sigh.... Everyone in the supernatural world as well.

Evelyn: papa why aren't you fighting it? Why are you accepting your death so easily? This isn't the side of you mama told me about?

She continues to cry.

Rossweisse: please fight it. You stared death in the face many times and lived.

Issei: truth be told, I believe that this is my penance, I failed to protect her, failed to be by her side when she needed me for 15 years.

He then looks at Kuroka.

Issei: I didn't just fail you once, I failed you everyday for 15 years, I couldn't face our daughter thinking that I let you die.

He started to cry.

Issei: it is unforgivable and now this is the price I pay, I'm happy fate gave me one last chance to make it right and I'm okay with that. Evelyn, you still have more family, Micheal, Gabriel, lady Yasaka and Kouno here are some of them. You have a big family by your side, you'll be happy with them.

Issei slowly closed his eyes and the last thing he saw was everyone rushing to him, crying, calling out to him but... He couldn't hear them yet he couldn't help but smile. Everyone saw Issei take his last breath, he closed his eyes and the sacred gear on his arm disappeared but he died smiling. Kuroka and Evelyn just broke down completely and almost everyone else did as well. Those who held on called everyone at the Gremory household. They broke the news. If all the death and destruction wasn't grim enough then it is now.

Kuroka held her daughter tightly, their cries were heard by everyone there, Azazel, Ajuka, Serafall, Rias's parents, Riser and his team, Sona and her peerage, Sairorg and his peerage all came as soon as they heard, none could believe that he was gone. He beat Loki, helped take down Rizvim Lucifer and stop an evil dragon army, they all became one force that beat the could he be killed just like that?

Azazel: ISSEI!!

Saji: no...not him. WHY HIM?

Vali was shaking, he lost his rival turned brother, Albion lost his friend, his one true equal. Rias lost her saviour, Koneko lost her brother, Kiba, Xenovia, Asia, Rossweisse, Irina, Gasper, Akeno, everyone cried. After all the chaos stopped, the underworld media sent drones everywhere to get answers, one of the drones stumbled upon them. Everyone mourning the loss of the red dragon emperor. The news spread everywhere, in all factions and all mythologies. Gabriel, Michael and Irina truly prayed that Issei's and Ddraig's souls would appear in heaven but it never happened, Issei was a devil and Ddraig was a sacred gear. They know that Issei can't enter heaven while Ddraig will move on to the next host.

No one payed attention to the drones, all the screens everywhere were broadcasting it live.

Announcer: everyone, today is a dark day for us all.....not only were there casualties everywhere but millions dead in the human world due to the attack by a currently unknown group but that's not we mourn the loss of a true hero, an icon, the one soul that helped stop the apocalypse....

His voice was trembling.

Announcer: I...I..regret to inform you that......the red dragon emperor has died in battle.

Those who arrived later saw Evelyn and Kuroka.....she's back. She's still alive.

Arthur: one of us...should...inform his parents..... Sniff.

Serafall: we will, we just need a minute to compose ourselves but...sniff....what do we tell them?

Sirzechs: I..i don't know. I just don't.

Michael: I'll first make sure if his parents survived the attack in Kouh.
I'll be back soon.

He leaves in a flash of light.

Everyone else mourns Issei, Milicus and Kouno cried their hearts out. He was their big brother.

Just before Issei lost consciousness and taking his last breaths, he entered into the sacred gear.

Issei: Ddraig...

Ddraig: I'm here Issei.

Issei: our time has come. I'm sorry partner, because of me.....our souls are facing oblivion...

Ddraig: do not apologize, it is alright. I didn't see that attack coming, like you I though the whips were no longer there once she turned back to normal.

Issei: long do we have?

Ddraig: not long.

Issei: shall we bid farewell to the past hosts?

Ddraig: yes.

Both looked to see all the past hosts approach them.

Host 1: one hell of a way to go.

Host 2: I agree, the most painful way.

Host 3: but the best in a way..... despite the losses.

Host 4: agreed, we saved Issei's family, saw Loki get his ass handed to him, Issei being worth of Mjolnir, stopping trihexa, an evil dragon army, created a universal alliance, none of us past red dragon emperors could even achieve even one of those.

Host 5: fate has saved the best host for last. Issei Hyoudo, thank you.

Issei: thanking me for what?

Host 6: for helping us overcome the darkness, all of us were consumed by the juggernaut drive but you saved us like those around you. So thank you...just wish we could have helped you when you needed help.

Issei: thank you, my family is safe now, they can handle Euclid now. I have faith in them.

Ddraig: if only we could be there to see and also take part in it.

Issei: that's the only thing I regret....that and making you go through the oppai dragon thing.

Ddraig: it's alright. I'm over it......... I....I don't want to die.

Host 4: none of us do Ddraig.

Issei: I wish that everyone here could spend time with my family, it would have been amazing.

Elsha ( former host): I saw her through the gear, she's a pure soul. She reminds me of my daughter many years ago.....I miss Mia so much.

Issei: I would have loved that.....fuck....I'm scared.

Ddraig: we all are partner.

Just then everyone started to feel weaker and weaker.

Elsha: it really does kill the soul too. The rumours of Samael's blood are true.

Issei: everyone, thank you for everything. I just don't have the words to repay you all.

Host 3: no. Thank you, you saved us from the darkness, compared to that... oblivion is nothing.

Ddraig: I often wonder what it would be like with everyone here becoming members of Issei's family.

Elsha: since everyone here is a part of the boosted gear, I think we were.

Issei smiled.

Issei: are.

Ddraig: our time has come, farewell everyone.

And with Ddraig's parting words, they all had a group hug and then darkness........................................

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