Drunken Accident [boyxboy]

By acidcandyflxss

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What happens when you suddenly wake up one morning with an arrogant little jack as your one night stand? Well... More

Drunken Accident [boyxboy]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17

4.6K 167 50
By acidcandyflxss

Song of the chapter: Ariana Grande - Baby I

Cameron in jail lol >>>>>>


  I walked with Christian up the stairs to my apartment. We came back from the park, and it was about 5 in the evening. I Insisted on going to McDonalds before coming back here. He gave me a lecture about how fattening Micky D is and said, and I quote “I don’t want your cute ass to die from high cholesterol too soon. I still have a lot of things to do with you’. I shut up after that. But then he mistook my silence for anger and went to McDonalds. I was happy, but I mean, when I’m quiet I don’t sulk, do I?

  Okay, maybe a little.

  But still not enough to make him feel guilty and rethink his decision. Sigh.

  “But Batman is like the best superhero ever. I like that he uses his intelligence and money for the greater good wasn’t magically born with or given powers,” I stated. We were arguing about who’s the best superhero of all time ever since we left the park. It was obviously Batman. The doofus just couldn’t see it yet.

  “But Superman is the best one out of all of them, though. He’s so much more versatile and has like a GAZILLION abilities.”

  “Yeah, but he depends on those abilities way too much. I’ve never seen him actually thoroughly think out a way to save people with as little damage to property as possible. He always lets his powers think for him,” I said, getting nearer to my apartment. Christian only smiled.

  “But he’s too arrogant. Clarke Kent is the most humble one out of the two though,” he said, smirking. He thinks he has won.

  “But arrogance is sexy,” I said, looking at him dead in the eye while smiling. His smirk dropped and I burst out laughing. He only scratched the back of his head and looked down to his sneakers in embarrassment.

  “Uh, hi. Max,” I heard my name being called out. Christian and I both turned to the source of the voice. It was Cameron, and he was leaning on my door. He had a smug look on his face, as if he knew about the childish banter between Christian and I.

  “H-hey, Cameron.” I said, walking up to him. Christian raised his hand and smiled at Cameron.

  “Cameron,” he said in greeting. Cameron smiled back to him and greeted him with a wave.

  “How are you, Christian?” Cameron asked him. Christian only shrugged.

  “I’m alright, and you?” he asked casually.

  He smirked, “I’m cool. So I see you were taking Max here on a date?” he said, looking at me smugly. I so wanted to slap the smugness off his face.

  “It was kind of random, really,” he said. Cameron’s eyes only widened in surprise.

  “Spontaneous, hmm. I like,” he said. Christian only smiled wider. Why is Cameron flirting with my man? IN FRONT OF ME?!

  “OKAY,” I sighed loudly. “Cameron, can we talk in private please?” I asked but grabbed him anyway and pulled him to the far end of the hallway. I turned to him once I thought we were far enough from Christian to not hear us.

  “What are you doing here?” I whisper-yelled. He only quirked his eyebrow.

  “I wanted to talk about that thing,” he said quietly. I scrunched my face in confusion.

  “What ‘thing’?” I asked. He only rolled his eyes before leaning close to me.

  “The kiss,” he said. His breath smelled minty. It was hypnotizing, really. It only made me want to kiss him right then and there.

  No, Max. Focus. On Christian.

  “Uhm, okay,” I said once I was out of my stupor. My Cameron- triggered stupor. “What about that, there’s nothing to talk about,” I pointed out. His smile grew wider.

  “Well, I just have a few questions for you. Requests, really,” he said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. I shook my head profusely.

  “No, no and hell no,” I said. His smile dropped.

  “But you didn’t even hear me out,” he said innocently. I shook my head more.

  “Cameron, I don’t trust you. And nothing you can do can make me trust you. So you’re only wasting your time,” I said. He scoffed.

  “I’m a very trustworthy and reliable guy, you know,” he said. I smirked.

  “Prove it.” I said. He looked at me perplexedly.

  “How?” he raised his hands in question.

  “Never mind,” I said. There was no way he could prove it right now. Maybe if we were out in public, he could actually convince me that he’s reliable.

  “Okay, I think we’re done here,” I said, turning on my heel and walking towards Christian. Christian looked up at me and smiled. Then he looked behind me towards Cameron.

  “Hey, Cameron, you wanna stay over?” he asked. I looked at him with wide eyes. ‘Of course’ and ‘hell no’ were said simultaneously. The ‘of course’ coming from Cameron and the ‘hell no’ coming from me. I looked back at Cameron and saw him looking at me with a smug smile. I groaned. Way to go, Christian.

  Christian looked at me confusedly again. “But I thought you were friends with him?”

  I faked a smile. “Yeah, we are,” I said, trying to convince him of the lie. We were anything but.

  “So?” he questioned.

  “I’m sure Liz is waiting at home for him, right?” I said and turned to Cameron, expecting an answer.

  “No, actually. She went to Paris. A work trip. She got on her flight this morning,” he said. Might I add, smugly. That was like a default emotion for him. Smugness. I glared at him for saying that. He looked at me and raised his hand in surrender.

  “It’s settled then. We don’t want the guy to be home alone for a whole weekend now, don’t we,” Christian said happily, trying to convince me that he should stay over. I groaned loudly.

  “Fine,” I said, unlocking the door and walking in. They followed me in and Christian sat on the couch. I switched on the TV while Cameron sat on the opposite side of the sofa. The last channel I was on came back on and  the SpongeBob marathon was still playing. Cameron raised an eyebrow at me.

  “SpongeBob, seriously?” he questioned incredulously. I sighed.

  “Fuck you,” I said. He raised his hands again and I walked to my kitchen. I poured a glass of water and chugged it down, leaning against the counter. How the hell did Cameron end up here, in my apartment? IN THE SAME ROOM WITH MY BOYFRIEND? He was so annoying and I had the constant urge to give him a couple of hundred slaps.

  I walked back to the living room and asked Christian what he wanted to drink.

  “Water, please. The ice cream made me so thirsty,” he said. I walked back to the kitchen, but not before Cameron opened his big mouth.

  “What about me?” he asked. I turned to him and gave him a fake smile.

  “You can die of thirst,” I said in a sickly sweet tone. Christian snickered beside him and Cameron punched him on the shoulder.

  I rolled my eyes. “What would you like, Cameron?” I asked him.

  “A Bloody Mary,” he said while smirking. I glared at him and went to kitchen for two glasses of water. Nice to know that Cameron was an alcoholic. Maybe he was drunk yesterday night.

  Hell, we had both been drunk when we first encountered each other.

  I came back with the glasses of water to find Cameron and Christian watching soccer. They really looked like two best friends watching their favourite sport. They were looking at the TV expectantly, as if someone was going to score any minute now. I looked at the opponents and the score. Liverpool vs Manchester United. 0 – 0.

  Christian did seem like the kind to watch soccer. But Cameron didn’t strike me as an avid fan too. In fact, I didn’t even think Cameron was a fan of anything but sex.

  I gave them their glasses of water and sat down lazily on the couch. After watching the match for 15 minutes with a few close calls as to scoring, I took out my phone and started texting Ash.

Me : Hey. Guess what?

Ash : What?

Me : Christian’s at my place


Me : With Cameron.

Ash : Oh no. Shit. How did that happen?

Me : I was out with Christian and when I came back, Cameron was waiting for me at my doorstep.

Ash : LMAO what did he want?

Me : To pester me as always. But then Christian invited him in and that’s how they ended up watching a soccer match together like best friends.


Me : Yeah, they are.

  Just as I said that, Christian and Cameron both jumped from the couch and cheered just as someone scored a goal. I looked up at them, a little frightened by the sudden commotion. Then I rolled my eyes at them.

  “Damn, will you keep it down? I’m trying to have a conversation here,” I scolded. They looked at me and then they suddenly laughed. What the hell was happening? What has Cameron done to Christian? HE JUST STOLE MY BOYFRIEND AWAY FROM ME!!

  Even if it was just the past hour, but yeah.

  I went back to texting Ash, and I learnt that she had a great time with Chris at the ball. But then he dropped her off straight after that. The guys were talking about the match. It was finished already. They were talking way too ecstatically about it, and I felt like a third wheel.

  “Hey, let’s watch a movie and order pizza, yeah?” I suggested. Christian nodded I called the pizza parlour. After I ordered four boxes of pizza, I turned to Christian.

  “So, what do you wanna watch?” I asked. He shook his head at me.

  “No, you pick,” he suggested. I smiled at him.

  “No you pick,” I countered like an annoying child.

  “Hey, I know what to watch,” Cameron said out if no-fucking –where. “Let’s watch The Conjuring.”

  “Cameron, nobody asked you and there is no way in hell that I’m watching that movie.”

  “Let’s watch it. I mean, if I were to pick I would say The Conjuring too,” Christian said. I groaned. Since when was he on Cameron’s side?

  “Plus, you’re outnumbered,” Cameron chimed in. I glared at him to see that he was giving me a mischievous smirk.

  “Fine,” I sighed. I switched on the movie and I heard a knock on the door. I went to it and paid the delivery guy for the pizzas. I then sat down with these two nerds, and started watching the movie.

  “This is like the best movie ever,” Cameron said.

  “Stop spoiling the fun for us,” Christian retorted.

  We started watching the movie, and it was terrifying, to say the least. I kept jumping in my seat whenever something frightening came on, which was literally every two minutes. I kept moving closer to Christian during the whole time. But when Cameron saw us getting close, he would reach out for my slice of pizza, which would cause Christian and I to move some space apart. He kept doing that, more than fifteen times actually, and I could tell that he was definitely doing it on purpose.

  When the movie ended, I got up slowly from the couch. I suddenly felt cold from pulling away from Christian. His warmth was kept me going the whole time. I could also see the regret in his eyes when I looked down on him. I looked at the clock. 00: 16. Wow.

  “Christian, wanna stay over?” I offered, seeing that it was too late to go drive back to his apartment. And I’m sure he was tired.

  “Of course, babe,” he said, smiling. I saw that it was sincere, and that made me smile too.

  I turned to Cameron, who was looking at us with an unreadable expression.

  “You can see yourself out,” I said to him. He looked at me incredulously.

  “Seriously? It’s too late to drive out and I’m too tired to. Can I just please stay over, please?” he pleaded while giving me puppy eyes. I hate to say it, but it was way too adorable. I just couldn’t say no to that face, even if I wanted to.

  “Fine,” I said exasperatedly. “You can sleep in the spare bedroom.”

  “Okay, I’m beat,” I said and walked to my bedroom with Christian. I fell asleep as soon as my body hit the bed.



So, chapter 17 is up. Thank you all for reading, and please vote and comment. Even if it's just something small and simple.Thank you again and I love you.



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