Frostcup One shots ❄️

By smolgaybean_

16.3K 409 497

Hiccup X Jack frost one shots. I am keeping the freaky Friday one before I changed the book, but now it is pu... More

Flying High (Hiccup x Jack Frost)
Flying higher
The boy from Berk
Dragon-shifter #1
Dragon-shifter #2
Dragon-shifter #3
Dragon-shifter #4
dragon-shifter #5

The boy from the mountains

2.1K 42 40
By smolgaybean_

Imagine Race to the Edge era riders.

I threw in a massive plot twist...ehehehehehe


A sea of green blurred underneath the night fury, who was moving a mile a minute through the  winter air. His rider wore his signature dragon scale armour and a mask shielding him from the bite of the cold months to come. The two landed on a small sea stack a little way out from the coastline and took in the beauty of their new home.

Huge mountain ranges peaked in he centre of the island, capped with snow that glistened in the snow. Below was a blanket of trees and various rocky coves or small streams woven into the earth. It's pure, natural beauty was breath taking. A true gem hidden from the rest of the archipelago.

"Well bud I think we have found our new home." The rider whispered leaning against the body of his dragon. The night fury gargled in agreement, resting his head on the moss covered rock. The young man felt so at peace among nature. He felt sights like this were a gift worth cherishing. so for the next hour that's exactly what he did.

Until a flash of blue and white coming from the centre of the island drew him from his thought. He watched as the blast shot into the sky and exploded, creating a snowflake that stretched to the edge of the island.

"Come on bud. Lets go check it out."

The two bounded of the edge of the sea stack, connecting mid jump. Toothless sped of towards the epicentre of the blast whilst Hiccup held on for dear life. On their way they met up with the other riders from Berk, joining their leader in his quest to find new life.

"What was that?" A young girl riding a beautiful blue and yellow Nadder asked. Her blonde hair whipped around in the breeze, only just staying in the loose braid.

"I don't know Astrid." Fishlegs answered, a hint of worry evident in his voice. Hiccup stayed silent, to full of curiosity to voice his opinions. This only gave the groups mutton-head fuel for taunts.

"Scared Haddock?"

"What? No!" Hiccup responded. If it wasn't for Toothless's warning growl Snotlout would have continued on until he received a punch to the nose.

A few short minutes later they had landed at the base of the mountain scanning for any signs of life. A muffled cry alerted the riders and they flew back up above the trees to get a better look. Hiccup's grip on his saddle tightened making his knuckles grow white. A second cry reverberated through the forest, holding so much agony it felt like a thousand daggers piercing his chest. Hiccup didn't wait for the other riders. He and toothless flew off at light speed, using the dragon's amazing senses to track down the victim.

Another flash of blue appeared, significantly weaker but enough to pin point their location. Toothless landed and Hiccup ran around frantically trying to find any sign of life.

"Hello?" Hiccup yelled.

"Help!" Came a strained reply from a small crack in the earth, large enough to fit a single body. Hiccup dropped to his knees, straining his eyes to see through the darkness. He could just about make out the trembling form of a boy not much older than himself.

"Toothless light." An electric blue light was cast into the crevice revealing a silver haired boy with snow white skin and icy blue eyes. His blue cloak was ripped, providing little to no warmth. The rest of his clothes were blood stained and dirty. 

"Please help me." The boy whispered holding out his hand but dropping it instantly.

"I'm going to get you out. Shield your eyes." The boy did as he was told and covered his face. Hiccup signalled for toothless to blast the very edge of the crevice, which opened it up further without causing it to collapse. Toothless lowered his tail into the hole and pulled out the boy. As soon as his body touched the grass he broke into sobs, curling into himself.

"It's okay. You're okay." Hiccup said calmly, stroking the hair of his sweat soaked forehead. The boy looked up to him through glassy eyes that held such sorrow and...fear.

"Who are you?"

It was then Hiccup realised in his haste he didn't remove his mask. He felt like such an idiot. This boy is clearly frightened beyond belief and being rescued by a mysterious masked dragon rider with a night fury will clearly not help.

"My name is Hiccup." He said whilst removing his mask. His brown curls fell across his face, sticking out wildly after being trapped in the helmet for so long. The injured boy stared up in slight shock, captured by his rescuer's kaleidoscope eyes. 

"Thank you Hiccup. I thought I was going- I didn't think anyone would find me in time."

"Really it's no trouble at all. May I ask how you ended up down there..." Hiccup trailed of giving the boy an expectant look.

"J-Jack. And to be honest I don't really no. One minute I was flying to my hut and the next I was in the cave with a broken leg and fractured wrist. I could barely move so I used my magic, yes magic don't look at me like that, I used my magic to create the snowflake flare in hopes someone would find me. And you did."

"I'm sorry magic? There's no such thing as magic." Hiccup exclaimed. Jack raised his eyebrow and eyed up the dozing dragon next to him.

"Weren't dragons a thing of legend before your ancestors discovered them all those centuries ago."

"Touche." Hiccup chuckled, but his immense curiosity still remained. Jack seemed to catch on as he opened his palm, albeit it very shakily, to reveal a tiny snowflake floating above his skin. Hiccup's jaw dropped open in amazement as he watched the snowflake dance through the air then land on his nose. He giggled as it melted into his skin sending a shiver down his spine.

"Wow. That is!" The dragon rider breathed staring into Jack's icy blue orbs.

"Really?" Jack seemed unsure, confused almost. Hiccup couldn't fathom how the boy failed to see how amazing his gift was.

"Of course it is." Jack smiled shuffling around to sit in a comfier position. Only he caught his leg on a rock making him hiss in pain. "Shit I completely forgot. Lets get you back to the edge and don't you dare protest." Jack closed his move and trained his eyes to his hands as Hiccup helped him up onto Toothless.


"Jesus Hiccup you can't just speed of like- who is this?" Astrid glared at Jack, holding her axe dangerously close to his neck.

"Chill Astrid, he is no enemy. This is Jack, the person who created the snowflake." Clearly the introduction didn't help as the riders still wore confused expressions. Hiccup sighed and helped Jack onto a stool before explaining further. "He must have been shot down and hit his head as he doesn't remember much. All he can tell me is that the impact broke his wrist and leg, so he created a flare with his magic."

"Ha! Magic, yeah right." Snotlout exclaimed receiving a smack from Hiccup.

" Shut it Snotlout." He turned round to face Jack, who was looking very uncomfortable, and gave him a warm smile. "Show them."

Once again Jack created a small snowflake that glided gracefully around the room, eventually melting from the heat of the fire. The twins started to laugh, scaring Jack.

"That was awesome! Oh the havoc we will reek with you on our side!" Tuffnut cried out. The boy flinched at the noise, wanting to curl into himself and disappear. If only he had the strength to fly.

"Guys shut it, you're scaring him." Fishlegs scolded, pushing them out of the common room, dragging Snotlout with him. Astrid seated herself across from Jack, disregarding her axe all together.

"Where are you from?"


"But there is no tribe on this island. You mean to tell us you have been living alone." Jack nodded solemly, feeling the tears prick at his eyes. He hated living alone, truly he did. But everywhere he went, death followed like a shadow. It was better he stayed alone, living a life of solitude.

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore." Hiccup sat next to the boy and took his hand, an action that shocked all three. "Welcome to the dragon riders."

"No you don't understand. I can't stay with you, I'm dangerous." Jack whimpered, feeling his hands grow colder by the minute. Hiccups grip remained firm, un-moving.

"Nothing we can't handle." Astrid stated.

"I really shouldn't."

"At least stay here until you are healed. Please, Jack." Jack shook his head defiantly, his magic clawing at his skin begging to be released. He tried to stand, to run but fell to the floor with a scream. The movement caused the bone to pierce the skin. In a panic Jack shuffled across the floor to the door, desperate to get away before he hurt anyone. The temptation of his magic was becoming to much to resist. A thin sheet of ice already covered the floor making it harder for the vikings to reach him.

"Jack stop, please. You can't go out there like this."

"No!" With a sweep of his hand stalactites of ice shot through the floor sending splinters of wood everywhere. Astrid was sent flying into the wall, Hiccup into the table circling the fire pit. He landed on top of the table dangerously close to the flames. Jack raised his hand once more creating daggers of ice. The boy watched in horror at the chaos he was causing, none of which he could control. his magic has a mind of its own, so when it takes the wheel bad things happen. The daggers hurtled through the air aimed at the future chief. In an attempt to block them, Hiccup raised his hands to shield his face.

No one could have predicted what happened next. A wall of fire sprang up between hiccup and the daggers, melting each one on impact. Jack froze, ironically, in fear dropping his hands to his sides. Hiccup yelped as the fire wrapped around his hands and seemingly seeped into his skin. Yet he felt no burn, no pain. Just a spreading warmth and a distinct thrumming sensation.

"Hiccup..." Asrid's voice wavered in fright, eyes blown wide.

"I don't know what that was." Hiccup whispered before rounding on Jack. "what was that? What did you do to me?"

"I did nothing. I knew I wasn't the only one. You have magic Hiccup, elemental magic just like mine. I envy you that it has only chosen to awaken now." Hiccup stared at his hands in disbelief. Magic? The future chief of Berk and the first (and most skilled) dragon rider also possesses elemental magic? The very thought of it terrified him. That inner fear manifested in the form of a flame that bit clawed at everything around him.

Acting out of instinct, Jack created a tiny flurry of snow that put the fire out with a hiss. With a small smile he looked up at Hiccup. "Looks like I need to stay. Don't want you burning down the island."

"Guess I'm lucky I found you." Hiccup said with humour laced in his voice. Astrid peeled herself away from the wall and approached Jack. She tried not to throw upon examining the break.

"I doubt this will heal quickly, or at all, with our knowledge of medicine. We should send for Gothi and Gobber." She announced, turning to Hiccup for his approval.

"You take the the riders back to Berk. I think Jack and I need to talk." Astrid nodded and left the common room. Hiccup sighed at the mess of the place before sitting next to Jack. He clenched his hands in an attempt to stop the beating of magic and failed

"Do you ever get used to it?"

"No, but you learn to live with it." Jack supplied knowing exactly what he means.

"When did you find out about your magic?"

"I was ten. My sister and I were playing by the lake next to our village when I tripped. The lake froze over, ice encasing all the surrounding trees. My sister was terrified, called me a monster and ran back home. I went back only to be banished. everyone hated me, including my family. So I ran and never looked back. When I was twelve I discovered I could fly by summoning wind, so I left the island for good and came here. Been here ever since."

"I'm sorry Jack. No one should be treated like that. You're not a monster."

"And neither are you." Hiccup scoffed and looked at the scorch marks tracking up the walls.

"Yes I am. Jack I can spontaneously create fire." Jack tilted Hiccup's head so their eyes locked gaze.

"Well as long as I am with you, no one will ever get hurt. We need each other, Hiccup." He let his hand trace Hiccup's jawline, then fall to capture Hiccup's burning hand. The gesture made Hiccup's heart flutter, causing a small wreathe of fire to form around his hair, resembling a crown of sorts. Jack giggled, waving his free hand to put out the flames.

The two sat and talked for hours, only realising the time when the riders returned with Berks healers, plus the Chief. Hiccup gave Astrid a look that screamed How could you do this to me? To which she smiled and walked away.

"Astrid tells me you have news son." Stoik says in his naturally booming voice. Hiccup avoids eye contact at all costs, focusing on stopping his magic lashing out.

"Um yeah I guess I do. But before I tell you I need you to promise you won't do anything rash." Stoik laughed heartily and clapped Hiccup on the shoulder.

"I promise son, now please spit it out."

"Ihavemagic." He blurted out. Stoik stared blankly at his son, his stone faced expression giving nothing away. 


"I have magic." Hiccup stuttered. Everyone, excluding Jack and Astrid, stared slack jawed at the Viking as if he grew another head.

"Are you feeling okay Hiccup. You know such hinges do not exist." Stoik queried, brows knitting together in concern.

"It does. Astrid has seen it, tell them." All Stoik needed was a slight nod from Astrid to completely explode.

"I always knew you were a freak Hiccup. You're a burden I could never rid myself of."

"Wh-what?" Hiccup's magic seethed with rage and he could barely contain it. The only thing stronger than his magic was his grief.

"You heard me. A fucking freak of nature is what you are. Disgusting."

Against his wishes his eyes flickered with flames and his hair set itself alight. Stoik and the other riders reeled back in fear. One look at their faces caused Hiccup to bolt.

He ran to the deck and launched himself of, trusting that Toothless will be there to catch him as always. Luckily he was and they flew into the night.

"Get him." Stoik ordered. "Capture or kill. I don't care."

"No!" Jack screamed causing a shard of glass like ice to plunge into the chiefs shoulder.

"Another one! You did this to my son. You tainted him with evil!" Stoik roared pulling the now red ice from his shoulder, letting it clatter to the floor.

Jack watched as most of the riders followed hiccup. Only Astrid and Fishlegs remained, both shaking with fear.

"I did no such thing. You are the only evil here. Killing your son because he is different, that is not the act of a father. That is the act of a man blinded by power and fear."

"Who are you to tell me who I am."

Jack's eyes glowed silver and he rose from the floor surrounded by a flurry of snow. His hair whipped furiously in the breeze, only making the sight more threatening.

"You have no idea." A blast of ice fixed the chief's feet to the ground. The boy turned to Fishlegs and pointed back at the man. "Stay here and make sure he doesn't leave. Astrid come with me. We need to help Hiccup."

Just as Jack was about to leave and large hand tugged him back. He was faced by a stern looking Gobber, sending the occasional glare at his former friend.

"Keep him safe."

"I will. Trust me."


OOF that was long. There will be a part two otherwise this part would end up being like 4K words lmao

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