The Commonwealth Ball - The L...

By bookishnxrd

5.3K 367 139

[Under Editing] The First Annual Commonwealth Ball was a calamity for Cinder. Starting the night with a plan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.5
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 9

244 18 1
By bookishnxrd

Cinder and Iko were waiting on the landing spot along with Kai and Torin and several other royal guards. Today Jacin and Winter were going to arrive. Their Lunar spacecraft arrived at the landing dock and Jacin and WInter stepped outside. Cinder embraced her cousin sister and smiled at Jacin and they went back into the palace.

"Cinder come on lets go outside for a walk, I have so much to tell you," Winter said to Cinder. Cinder glanced towards Kai and Jacin who were discussing something about the palace in one corner of the room.

"Sure lets go!"

"Wait" moaned Iko. "I want to come too,"

"Okay, fine Iko you can join us," and they quickly went out to the gardens.

"So what do you want to talk about?" asked Cinder.

"Listen, I've been meaning to comn you for days, but haven't been able to just incase the comn gets hacked"

"Oh!" CInder said confused.

"Recently there has been a Lunar uprising in Africa!" Cinder gasped

"Where in Africa?" Iko asked

"Farafrah!" exclaimed Winter.

"What Farafrah, but how is that possible? Farafrah is the most peaceful place where both Earthens and Lunars live. How could someone protest there?"

"I don't know. However, Jacin and I made our most recent trip to Farafrah to help deliver some of the leutmosis antidotes, and over there we discovered a group of rebels. We're not precisely sure but we think that the people of Farafrah themselves have started the uprising." Winter said positively.

Cinder panicked, "Aces, if the entire planet finds out that the most civilized city has started an uprising against us, Earth will become a turmoil."

"Yeah, we have to stop them. That is why I wanted to intimate you immediately on arriving to The Commonwealth."

The Lunar Queen smiled, "Thanks Winter you are a lifesaver."

"Yeah I know, I am." Winter smiled back and then suddenly snapped back into the situation, "Now forget about this we have to go to Farafrah and stop them."

"Okay, just one question, why are the citizens of Farafrah doing this?" asked Iko joining the conversation.

"We don't know anything for sure, but rumors have spread that they want something from the Lunar Queen." Cinder gasped again.

"Does President Vargas know anything about this?" asked Cinder.

"He knows about the uprising but is trying to keep it cool. He doesn't want the citizens to panic anymore than we do. The President completely trusts us to sort out matters."

"Oh" Cinder stared at the window thinking. "What about Kai does he know about any of this."

"No, President Vargas hasn't shared this information with the rest of the members of the Earthen Union.

I asked, "Oh, so are we going to tell him?"

"We're going to have to or otherwise he will become furious with us."

"Alright then, when are we leaving?" said Cinder energetically.

"As soon as your ready!" replied Winter and CInder just stared. "Okay-" WInter started to panic. "Right now would probably be a good time."


The two girls quickly rushed back inside the palace. They had finally concluded that only Winter, Cinder, and Iko would go. When they came inside they spotted Kai and Jacin talking about the Annual Ball. Just as the girls entered the room, Jacin and Kai glanced towards them, acknowledging them.

"Your finally back, where were you guys?" asked Kai.

"We were just chatting a little in the gardens!" replied Cinder and Jacin frowned.

WInter looked at Jacin, "Did you till him yet?" staring at Kai.

"Tell me what?" Kai asked furiously.

"No I haven't," replied Jacin. "Your majesty, a mysterious situation has started in Africa, in the village of Farafrah...." Jacin continued sharing all the details with Kai.

"Oh stars!" Kai frowned "We should leave for Farafrah instantly."

"Actually you're not coming Kai," said Cinder.

"What why?" Kai questioned.

"Well, your majesty, you have a kingdom to rule and a ball to conduct in your country, stated Winter

"What! This is rubbish. The country will do just fine without me, and the ball is tomorrow night not today."

"Actually it can't." Cinder added. "The entire purpose of the ball is to maintain peace throughout your country. You have to be there. Also, we might not return by tomorrow night."

"What you won't make it in time for the ball?" infuriated Kai.

"We can't make any promises. The time will completely depend on the situation," replied Jacin.

"You're not going either," said Winter making Jacin go into shock. "Only Iko, Cinder, and I will be going."

"What, why though?" integrated Jacin. "You're going to need someone to fly the spacecraft and I can come really handy during a battle."

"You're needed over here in Commonwealth as a Lunar diplomat. Also, we're going to peacefully resolve the matter. There will be no battle." said Winter

"Yeah," added Iko. "Instead we could take Kinley with us, he knows how to fly just fine. There will be no battle and also Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne, and Cress will be meeting us there directly to help out." The other four friends were originally going to be arriving tomorrow but due to the crisis, Iko had commed them informing them to meet at Farafrah.

"Alright, you guys have the permission to go," replied Jacin unsure.

"We weren't asking for your permission, but thanks anyway." Iko rolled her eyes. "Now common we have an uprising to stop!"

Hi guys! Firstly I would like to apologize to my fellow readers because lately I have been an awful person and didn't update for so long. It's mainly because I was going through writer's block, but now I have some ideas so I will be updating sooner. ALSO 300 VIEWS! YAY!!!

P.S: Please vote for this chapter and comment. 


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