The Accidental Wedding (Compl...

By bhaktib38

1.8M 77.4K 4.1K

Aarav Oberio is a tall, decent, rich and extremely handsome man. Girls drool over him but for him every othe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Not An Update

Chapter 14

32.5K 1.5K 70
By bhaktib38

Sachi's POV

I was shock to see jiju here early in the morning.

"Sachi I need to ask you something important about Naina." He asked me.

"Jiju can I talk with you alone." I said. Jiju just simply nodded. Araav and that man left us alone.

"Jiju. What do you want to ask me?" He asked me but somewhere I knew what he wanted to know.

"Can you tell me about her fear of darkness? Why was she so scared?" He asked me.

"I don't know whether I am the right person to tell you about it or not. You must ask her jiju. She will not like it if she gets to know that I have said it to you." I said in a low voice.

"I really need to know why was she so scared yesterday? Please Sachi tell me the reason. I beg you." He asked me in a pleading tone.

"Actually jiju she is scared of darkness because....." I was trying to say but words were not coming out.

"Speak up Sachi." He said in frustration.

"Her parents use to lock her in the dark store room when she was a kid on her every mistake." I said and he was looking at me in shock.

"How can her parents do that and why would they do that?" He asked me still in the state of shock.

"Actually, her parents wanted a son but they gave birth to a daughter and after that Naina's mom couldn't conceive so they didn't treat her well and after few years they left her in our hostel." I said. I was even feeling disgusted to say it.

"How did you get to know about this? When did Naina said you all this?" He asked me. He was trying his best to control his anger.

"Jiju we both were roommate in hostel. She used to have nightmare. I tried to ask her many times about it but she never said anything about it. Once there was a power cut in our hostel and the way she freaked out horrified me. After lot of pursuing she finally said me everything." I said sadly. The memories of that night started running in my mind. He stated moving towards the door.

"Jiju please don't tell her that you know about it. She may not like it." I said softly. He nodded and left the place in anger.

I saw Mr Rude looking at me with questionable look. I just went towards my room to forget about that horrible night.

My mind was flashing the image of that night. I was shock when she ended up getting that nightmare. With great difficulty I was able to calm her. Later when I asked her, she told me everything with so much hesitation.

I was shock to know about it. How can somebody do that with their own child. I don't have any memories with my parents but I have heard a lot about them from my family member. I know that they loved me the most. I hope jiju will be able to give her the love that she deserves.

I got a call from Naina informing me to attend the party that was going to happen tonight. I checked my clothes to see if I have a suitable outfit for today's party. I need to go for shopping.

I reached Naina's office. I went to her cabin and saw her talking to another girl. She greeted me. I told her that I needed an outfit or the party. She introduced me with her sister-in law. Ruhi.

"What type and in which colour do you want the dress?" Naina asked me.

"A gown in blue colour." I said. Why did I say blue?

"Why blue? I thought you would say that give me anything in white. Why sudden change?" Naina said in amazement. Even I was shock.

"I have a lot of outfits in white so thought to get a different colour this time." I said.

"Ok wait I have lovely dress for you." She said and went to bring the dress.

She came back and handed me the dress. It was a backless gown. I tried the dress. It was really gorgeous. I fitted me perfectly. I left the place.

It was evening already. Ro called me and told me that he is coming to pick me up. I wore that gown and started getting ready. I did light make up. I got a message from Ro that he has arrived. I quickly came out and sat in his car.

We reached the party venue. We entered inside the venue holding hands. We saw Naina and went towards her. We started talking with each other. Soon jiju and all his friends came and joined us. Mr Rude was just glaring me. Now what did I do to him? I must say he looked handsome in that white suit. I was staring at him when our eyes met and I diverted my face. We all introduced each other.

Jiju excused us and took Naina along with him. He was introducing her to somebody. When I saw that person's face, I was shocked. What is he doing here? Naina looked towards me in shock. Ro didn't see him as he was lost in his own world. I didn't know what to do suddenly somebody came and closed my eyes from behind.

"Who is this?" I asked in shock.

"Guess Sachi. Someone one who is close to your heart." Ro said. I touched his palm. I got to know who is he?

"Kishmish I know it's you." I said.

"I thought you would tell his name and not mine. I thought you would think that I am still in London. Stop calling me that I have a very good name." He said in a defeated tone.

"I can never get confused between you two. I know you have a name but for me you are my sweet kishmish only. When did you came back from London? I have missed you so much. What are you doing here?" I said and hugged him.

"Even I missed you. I have organized this party." He said and we broke the hug.

"Hi buddy meeting you after long time." He said and gave a manly hug to Ro.

"Yeah it's been a really long time we last met." Ro said.

Before we could talk about anything else the dance started and Ro pulled me towards the dance floor. I saw Shreya dancing with somebody and looking towards us. She looked sad.

"Somebody is getting jealous." I said to him.

"Yeah I can see that." He said but he was looking somewhere else.

"I was talking about Shreya." I said but he gave me a confused look.

"About whom are you talking?" I asked him.

"You will get to know." He said. The song changed and the partners were changed.

I was now in Mr Oberio's arms. He held me really close to him. He was moving his hand on my bare back. He was tracing his fingers on my back. I shuddered with the proximity. Our bodies were moving according to the music. He was looking at me with intense emotions.

"Mr Oberio. What are you doing?" I said in low voice.

"What am I doing? Mrs Oberio" He said in a husky voice making me go weak on my knees. Did I hear him right? Did he really call me that? My heart was beating really fast.

"Why are you calling me that?" I asked him.

"I should ask you this question. Why are you calling me Mr Oberio? I told you don't call me that still you are calling me that. If you again called me Mr Oberio, I will also call you Mrs Oberio." He said making me shock.

"You have given everyone a cute nick name but for me Mr Rude. May I know why?" He said it in my ear and kissed my ear. What is he doing to me? Why I want him to stop and not at the same time?

"Mr Ob..... Aarav please let me go." I said to him and he smiled at me and left the dance floor. Even I left the dance floor and went to the washroom to calm down my beating heart.


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