Car Crash Hearts✔ {(COMPLETE)}

By TheRealElizaMcCall

464 25 27

I suck at descriptions.;-) For Fall Out Boy, everything seemed to be going wrong. Pete's wife had divorced hi... More

Bad Beginnings
{Buddy Holly}
The Claiming Ceremony
The cutting part was easy but regretting it is so Fucked
Vampires will always hurt you
{Can't knock the hustle}-Weezer
The Party

Pancakes and Piercings

38 2 1
By TheRealElizaMcCall

Castello Murcle

9:00 am  October 31, 2011

Eliza's Room

Pete's POV

I woke up with a start as someone threw back the curtains around Eliza's canopy bed. I was still in Eliza's arms and she was mostly sleeping on me. I could see someone reaching over her shoulder and I ducked under the duvet, squealing in fear. 

Cj "Eliza, wake up baby girl! It's your Birthday!" She shook her arm. Eliza just groaned and dug her head into my shoulder. "I made breakfast!"

Eliza cracked one eye open. "What type of breakfast?"

Cj "Pancakes! Come on, your Uncles are waiting. Why is your bed so lumpy?" She prodded the bed and I yelped when she pulled the blankets off of me. I hugged tight her side. "Who's this? One of your pets?"

Eliza looked up and started to play with my hair. She pulled the blanket up so that just my head was out. "They're not pets, Mother." She yawned.

"Sure. Who is this?"

Eliza "This is my Babycakes Pete. Say hi, Baby." I peeked out a little and waved.


CJ "Awe, he's adorable Baby. How many of you will be coming down for breakfast?"

Eliza "5. We'll be right down. Give me a few minutes."

CJ "Alright honey." She walked away. 

"Is that your Mom?"

Eliza stretched. "Yep. Why don't you wake up 'Trick and I'll take Joe and Andy." She walked over to them and gently brushed some of Andy's hair out of his face. "Time to get up, Angel." Andy looked up and actually let Eliza stand him up in a hug. He shook Joe. "Breakfast time!"

Suddenly Andy looked worried. "Is this a bad time to say that I'm vegan?"

Eliza's POV

"No problem. I take a month off every quarter so the chef knows how to handle that. Petey, Honey, let's get your cuts redressed and we're ready to go." He nodded and took me and Patrick's hands. I led them into the bathroom and sat Pete on the counter. I was careful to grab Patrick by the hips so that I didn't hurt his cuts. Pete looked away when I unwrapped his arms and gently wiped them with an antiseptic solution.

Patrick grabbed Pete's hand when he hissed in pain. "Almost done. So today's your birthday?" He looked at me, excited.

"Yes. I turn 18 today." I started rewrapping Pete's arms.

Pete blanched and looked right at me. "Wait, you only turned 18 today?"

"Yes, that's how birthdays work. All done." I chuckled. I lifted him down and he almost ran out of the bathroom.

Andy's POV

I was sitting in bed with Joe when Pete came running out of the bathroom. "You Ok, Pete?"

Pete "No, I'm not! She was a minor! She just turned 18 today; I just slept with a fucking minor!" He was hyperventilating now. "Oh, my gods I'm so FUCKED! I'm a pedophile!"

I pulled him into my lap. "Pete, you're not a pedophile. You didn't have sex with her, you just slept. It was perfectly innocent." He looked up at me.

Pete "But I wanted to! I still want to; I don't want to be a pedophile!"

"But you didn't, and we won't let you fornicate with the now woman who is keeping us captive." Joe nodded. "Did you sleep together? Yes. Were you almost naked? Yes. Did you kiss her? Yes. But none of that matters. I repeat: You are not a pedophile!" He looked a little less worried and I smiled at him.

Pete "But what if they consider that some form of sex?"

Patrick "Petey, you are a lot more naive than I thought if you don't know that last night was just an innocent night between friends."

Eliza sat on his other side. "Among my people, you're considered an adult when you turn 10 or have your first menstrual cycle. This is just the American date of my adulthood. Now,-" She threw each of us new clothes. "-Get dressed and let's eat!"

*     *     *     *     *

Pete's POV

When we walked into the breakfast room, it actually just looked like a normal big family. People were bustling around the table, speaking quite loudly. I inched a little closer to Eliza because the volume made me nervous. Eliza put her arm around my shoulders and tugged me over to a seat on the right side. "Stay here for a moment." She got up and walked to the head of the table where Big Papa sat.

"There's my birthday girl! How you doin' today little girl?"

Eliza "Great Canacan!" He laughed even louder at the strange name and continued to talk in a loud voice. Patrick was trembling in fear now. I understood. Patrick had been branded by Big Papa, and his hand had to be stitched up. Eliza's brand was just deep enough to leave a deep scar but only required a wrapping. Andy and I sat as close as possible on either side of him and he felt a little better.

"Freeze!" I tensed as I felt a cold object press into my neck. I swallowed hard as the voice continued. "Sit on your hands and turn around." I did and saw a kid with a large caliber gun. He smiled evilly at me. "So you're Eliza's new bitch? I thought you'd be taller." He looked me up and down.

"New? I thought that I was her-her first?" I felt my heart break a bit more.

"No, you're not her first, just her first since Jakob." 

"Who's Jakob? Can I talk to him?"

The boy laughed at me. "'Course you can't! Jakob's dead!" I thought my heart was about to explode.

"How did he die?" Before the boy could answer me a tall man walked towards us and the boy put the gun in my face. I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered out of fear.

"BOOM! You're dead!" He pulled the trigger and shot me with some sort of sticky red substance.

The man laughed. "Jj, stop bothering them and find your seat. I take it you're Eliza's boys? I'm her Father, Fd Murcle." He tipped my head back and started wiping away the mess.

"I'm Pete. That's Joe, Andy, and Patrick."

Fd "Well, if you ever need anything you boys just come and find me; and no I can't let you go." 

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "What happened to Jakob?"

Fd "I wondered how long it would be until someone mentioned him, I was hoping that it would be Eliza. Come with me real quick, the rest of you stay here." He led me around the corner because I wasn't seeing very well. "Eliza has always been one of our best Dominatrix. She specializes in those who come to us because they are trying to forget some sort of trauma. She can mend all broken hearts. You may have noticed that Eliza is very quiet and shy sometimes and then when she's on stage she seems to grow and take all of the air out of a room. When she was 10, Eliza was kidnapped and tortured every day for 3 years. She was 13 when we got her back and it took us months before we heard her make a sound, but we realized that she had formed a very close bond to a young submissive named Jakob who was stationed in the infirmary. He helped her get her mojo back. About a year ago he died and she went into a deep depression. Then, she saw you guys." He pulled out a handful of photos.

"She used to look so happy!" She was even wearing bright colors and had flowers in her hair, which was dyed in a rainbow. The next picture showed Eliza wearing a dark sweater with even darker baggy jeans. Her face was a rainbow of dark bruises with tons of cuts. her hair was dull, jagged, and missing in places, and some of her teeth were gone. She looked broken. She was tiny and shrank away from the people around her.

Fd "That was taken in the hospital when we were finally allowed to see her. If we spoke to her in more than a whisper she would fall apart. Then she launched into her work, working in the shadows. We hardly ever saw her, but she looked a little better." In that photo, she was wearing a fitted black and blue suit of lean body armor with a long cape that shrouded her body. Her hair hung down obscuring her face, but she held an almost smile on her dark lips.

Fd "We tried to leave her alone so that she could heal, though we found out that she cuts. She still does sometimes. The next photo is from when she started seeing Jakob. He would bring her flowers that she would wear in her hair. We noticed then that she would start showing her arms again and she was making music." This pic showed Eliza wearing a dark blue skater top that was sleeveless and a pair of navy blue skinny jeans. She was smiling and had a flower tucked behind her ear that was almost black. 

"Is that a forget-me-not?"

Fd "Yep, It's her sign. We found out that Jakob made her happy and they were joined at the hip. She was back to a scarred, darker version of herself. Everything was great until Jakob died from cancer. He died in her arms. She really went back into her shell after that. Well, you see how she is now. She hasn't really taken a shine to anyone since. Well, except some of her regular customers. You'll meet some of them later. Don't tell her I told you this; she doesn't handle pity well." He started walking me around the corner.

"Wait, one more thing, why is Eliza so protective of us?"

Fd "Because she likes you." He walked me back to my spot.

Eliza was next to me. "There you are! I heard you got spritzed." She giggled and wiped at some of the remaining goo that was under my chin. She placed a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. "Dig in!" She handed me a pitcher of syrup and a canister of whipped cream.

"Thank you!" I spooned a generous amount of whipped cream on top and took a big bite. "Mhm!" Andy looked over at me.

Andy "Hey Pete?" I raised an eyebrow. "Feel whipped yet?"

I stuck my tongue out at him and chuckled. This almost felt like a normal breakfast at a friend's house.

*      *      *     *     *

After breakfast, Eliza took us down to another social room that had doors along one wall leading to other rooms and a wall of windows on the other. Eliza "So like I said, we want you to be at least semi-comfortable so I want you to try some stuff out. Many people don't even come here to have sex, they just come to have a need fulfilled. I only have 5 of my regulars coming in today so maybe you can talk to them a little. Feel this out."  

A man walked up to her. "Mistress Eliza, I have a walk-in who says he's one of your regulars."

Eliza "Let him in." The man returned with a shorter, chipper man. Eliza put her arm around his shoulders. "Guys, this is-"

"Brendon? What the fuck man?" I grabbed him in a hug.

Eliza "I take it you know each other?"

Brendon "Hel- Fuck yeah!" He started hugging each of us. He half-whispered "She doesn't like religious exclamations." He put his arm around Eliza's waist. "What are you doing here?"

"We got,-" I looked at Eliza for the word.

Eliza "Collared."

"-Collared, by mistake and Eliza is our Mistress. She's trying to show us some kinks that we might like."

Brendon squealed like a girl. "Ooh! She's my Mistress too! Can I help? Please, Mistress?" He gave her big puppy dog eyes and got on his knees. 

Eliza rolled her eyes. "It's your money, we can do whatever you want."

Brendon "Whatever I want?" He gave her a cheeky grin.

Eliza smacked his arm. "Not that you little wanker! Now about them, they need something simple to start with." 

Brendon thought for a second. "What about piercings?" Patrick shot him a dirty look.

Eliza "I guess that's alright. Have any of you gotten anything pierced before?" She questioned as we started walking.

Andy "I just took the stud out of my lip, and I still have one in my ear."

"I've done my ears."

Brendon "Have I ever showed you my Prince Albert?"

Joe paled. "You want us to get one of those?" He looked like he was going to faint.

Eliza "Not unless you really want to. I would start with something simple." We walked into a small room with lots of pictures on the wall. I grimaced at one where a man's ball sack had been stretched and nailed to a board.

"Psst, Brendon; what is that?"

Brendon looked at what I was pointing at. "That's called getting butterflied. Quite pleasurable." He pushed me down into the chair. "Take your shirt off." I did uneasily. A man came out of the backroom. He had more piercings than I ever thought possible. 

Eliza extended her hand. "Hey, Bob! How ya doin'?"

Bob "Very well, Mistress. What can I help you with today? Ready for some new ink?"

Eliza "Not this time. I have a batch of newbies that need some piercings."

Bob "Ah, very good. Don't worry kid, this only hurts for a moment." He wiped a cool cloth over my nipples and tweaked them to get them hard, which made me squeak.

Brendon rubbed my arm "I love how sensitive you are!" 

I glared at him. "Shut up Bren." He rolled his eyes and held my hand. Eliza held my other hand and gently turned my head away.

Eliza "Hey, look at me. On the count of three. One, two,-" Bob stuck the needle in on three.

"HOLY SHIT! FUCK! FUCK!" I screamed. That hurt like hell! I was breathing great heaving breaths and my eyes stung with tears. 

Eliza was rubbing my shoulders now. "Just one more Babycakes. One-" She was interrupted by my scream as Bob did the other side.

Bob "All done. Now, keep this gauze on for a couple of days and keep twisting the studs so that the skin doesn't grow into the stud. Next!" Eliza helped me stand up and moved me over to the couch. Andy was next. He barely squeaked. Joe fainted into Eliza's arms. Patrick was last. He looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

Eliza wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Patrick closed his eyes and seemed to relax slightly. "Honey, why don't you just start with your ears? Then we can come back another day. Does that sound good?" He nodded. Eliza sat him down and he squeezed his eyes shut. Eliza hugged him from behind. Before Patrick realized it, it was done.

Patrick "Did you do it?" 

Eliza held up a mirror. "Yep. It looks great!" He opened his eyes and delicately fiddled with his earrings. He smiled.

"I actually like these!" Eliza had given us earrings that complemented our eyes. Mine was a sparkly amber-colored gem.

Eliza "So Bren, what did you come out here for anyway?"

Brendon "I wanted to see you on your birthday and give you a gift!" He handed her a box. "This is the demo of my new album. I want you to sing on it. Has she sung for you guys yet?"

Patrick "No, you sing? That's awesome!"

Eliza "Well, I'm not really that good, but I do play almost any instrument that you can think of."

Brendon "Don't let her fool you, Eliza is the best singer I've ever heard, heck, she's better than me. I swear she cured my depression! But, I wouldn't mind a pick me up. Maybe Pete could try that next! You look like you've been crying your eyes out!" He hugged me and wiped away some of the tears that had regathered.

"Yeah, I have." Brendon was one of my best friends, and he could always read me like a book.

Eliza "I was thinking the same thing. I think that he might have a chemical imbalance so I was going to do that later anyway." 

Brendon grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Great! But you guys really need to try suspension first! Eliza is the master at suspension. But you'll always be a mistress to me!" He smiled up at her."

Eliza "Ok. I have a scheduled session that should only take an hour or so. Brendon can take you on a tour while I'm gone and meet me in room 173. Sound good?"

Joe "Sounds great!"

A/N Thank you to everyone who has read this far! I can't believe I have a hundred reads on my first Wattpad story! I promise it will keep getting better as we go along. Please comment! I love comments, even the negative ones!

Have a Rock Awesome night everybody!

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