Pancakes and Piercings

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Castello Murcle

9:00 am  October 31, 2011

Eliza's Room

Pete's POV

I woke up with a start as someone threw back the curtains around Eliza's canopy bed. I was still in Eliza's arms and she was mostly sleeping on me. I could see someone reaching over her shoulder and I ducked under the duvet, squealing in fear. 

Cj "Eliza, wake up baby girl! It's your Birthday!" She shook her arm. Eliza just groaned and dug her head into my shoulder. "I made breakfast!"

Eliza cracked one eye open. "What type of breakfast?"

Cj "Pancakes! Come on, your Uncles are waiting. Why is your bed so lumpy?" She prodded the bed and I yelped when she pulled the blankets off of me. I hugged tight her side. "Who's this? One of your pets?"

Eliza looked up and started to play with my hair. She pulled the blanket up so that just my head was out. "They're not pets, Mother." She yawned.

"Sure. Who is this?"

Eliza "This is my Babycakes Pete. Say hi, Baby." I peeked out a little and waved.


CJ "Awe, he's adorable Baby. How many of you will be coming down for breakfast?"

Eliza "5. We'll be right down. Give me a few minutes."

CJ "Alright honey." She walked away. 

"Is that your Mom?"

Eliza stretched. "Yep. Why don't you wake up 'Trick and I'll take Joe and Andy." She walked over to them and gently brushed some of Andy's hair out of his face. "Time to get up, Angel." Andy looked up and actually let Eliza stand him up in a hug. He shook Joe. "Breakfast time!"

Suddenly Andy looked worried. "Is this a bad time to say that I'm vegan?"

Eliza's POV

"No problem. I take a month off every quarter so the chef knows how to handle that. Petey, Honey, let's get your cuts redressed and we're ready to go." He nodded and took me and Patrick's hands. I led them into the bathroom and sat Pete on the counter. I was careful to grab Patrick by the hips so that I didn't hurt his cuts. Pete looked away when I unwrapped his arms and gently wiped them with an antiseptic solution.

Patrick grabbed Pete's hand when he hissed in pain. "Almost done. So today's your birthday?" He looked at me, excited.

"Yes. I turn 18 today." I started rewrapping Pete's arms.

Pete blanched and looked right at me. "Wait, you only turned 18 today?"

"Yes, that's how birthdays work. All done." I chuckled. I lifted him down and he almost ran out of the bathroom.

Andy's POV

I was sitting in bed with Joe when Pete came running out of the bathroom. "You Ok, Pete?"

Pete "No, I'm not! She was a minor! She just turned 18 today; I just slept with a fucking minor!" He was hyperventilating now. "Oh, my gods I'm so FUCKED! I'm a pedophile!"

I pulled him into my lap. "Pete, you're not a pedophile. You didn't have sex with her, you just slept. It was perfectly innocent." He looked up at me.

Pete "But I wanted to! I still want to; I don't want to be a pedophile!"

"But you didn't, and we won't let you fornicate with the now woman who is keeping us captive." Joe nodded. "Did you sleep together? Yes. Were you almost naked? Yes. Did you kiss her? Yes. But none of that matters. I repeat: You are not a pedophile!" He looked a little less worried and I smiled at him.

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