The Alpha's Hybrid, Lovely Ma...

Από trigonalpyramidal

76.6K 2.5K 223

Before: Be Mine, Mate My name is Aphrodite, name of the Goddess of Love. How ironic is it? For I am the... Περισσότερα

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Twelve

4.1K 153 20
Από trigonalpyramidal

Picture of Luke^

From the sparks that ran through my body, I knew exactly what wall I crashed.

"I didn't know you are in this class" he said while still holding my waist and looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, I didn't know either" i mutter but I know he heard me.

"Mine" a voice came like a growl, I know I shouldn't hear this but fuck my senses. I face where the sound came from. There is a guy with copper colored hair, olive skin and stood about 6'0, his back towards me and he is pinning Anouchka on the wall. So he's her mate?

My eyes turn darker as I spoke "Get. Off. Her" I threaten with my deep, dangerous voice.

"Aphrodite! No! Stop!" Anouchka argued. I don't know why but I feel like protecting her. He may be her mate, but he's hurting her.

"Aphrodite, love" a soothing deep voice ran through my ear and send shivers up and down my spine.

I close my eyes and take a huge amout of air in. When I open my eyes, I see Anouchka out of the guy's grasp and now looking at me with worry.


After the accident, Mr. Demarco told us to have a seat and decided to teach theory today. Thank God! I'm not prepared for what is to happen yet. And now I know Anouchka's mate's name is Luke, and he's Ares' beta, ohh how great is that?! *inserts middle finger*

The class went off awkwardly, I'm not even sure I could stay here any longer. The girls are twitching in their seats, changing legs to cover while the guys have bulges. I swear to god imma puke. What is wrong with these people and self control?

"Alright, I now want you to pair up. Boys, if you don't get a girl to pair up with, you'll be pairing with the other classes" he said, then everyone looks at us. Us means, me, Ares, Anouchka and Luke. I mentally growl trying to control my self, I can't let any of theses filth animals touch my mate, my first actual female bestfriend and her mate. Okay I'm don't really care for Luke, but if he makes her happy, then I'm happy.

"No" Anouchka said simply and look away.

"MINE" Ares growled and everyone backed off and went to find a parter.

"Okay, that's good. I'm just going to list you and your partner's name. Josh and Felicity. Cody and Shellie. Luke and Anouchka. James and Rylie. Weston and Clary. Chad and Lily. And the last, Ares and Aphrodite" he finished scribbling on the white board.

God please help me I mutter.

Oh but you like it don't you she said.

You're back?! I don't know wether to be happy or I just wanna kill my self I said to her.

Why because with me here you'll be all over him? She asked and I could imagine a certain wolf rolling her wolfie eyes.

I smile to myself and cut her off. Just as the teacher is explaining how to keep your stamina. Okay, I really need to get out of this class once and for all. But the thought of my mate having another parter other than me for this 'subject' angered me. Okay maybe I'll stay but keep quiet. Just as he finished explaining and was asking who else have any question, the bell rang. So I quickly grab my stuff and scramble out of the dammed place with Feral behind me and Anouchka trying to walk along.


We got to the cafeteria and settle on the table alone only the both of us. We like our privacy, both Anouchka and I.

"So where do you think he is?" She asked me after we settle back from taking our lunch.

"Duno" I said while shrugging my shoulder and pat the spot beside me for Feral. She hopped on the spot, circle it for 4 rounds then settle down.

"Do you think he's alive?" With that question out, I growl, too loud that probably a werewolf or a vampire within one meter radius heard me.

"He is alive" I said shortly, she said something alongside "chill woman" as my phone went off and Ares and Luke with a bunch of other guys came at us and sat on our table. Ares next to me and Luke next to Anouchka which she is opposite of me.

I look at the ID and saw nothing, I don't know this number.

"Who's it?" Anouchka asked while looking over to my phone and shrugging of Luke's arm that went around her shoulder.

"Don't know. Doesn't say" I said while taking the phone in my hand.

"Aphrodite, don't!" She snapped. I look at her and rise an eyebrow.

"And why not?"

"It could be a bad guy, or-or a-a psychopath killer or or even worse a rapist!" As she said the word rape, Ares growl beside my ear and I need to bite down my lips from doing anything stupid.

"Ah well" I shrug and press the green button. Anouchka gave me a terrified look and try to snatch my phone from across the table but she was held down by Luke and I was just waving her frantic moving hands away from the phone.

"Hello? Is this Aphrodite Silver?" A guy's voice said from the line.

"Yeah this is Aphrodite Silver" I said calmly knowing that the whole table can hear me.

"I-I'm Greyson, I'm here to inform you about your friend ... Ryder" he said, as the mention of his name, my eyes went huge and I froze, my face become emotionless, my heart pounding in my head and I began to sweat. "Last night, we had a rogue attack. We succeed on killing most but he said he found him" Greyson paused. "He said that he's going away and is giving his title to you as a trusted bestfriend for life' as he like to put it that way" he finishes.

"WHO DID HE WENT WITH?!" I said with authority in my voice more than ever. I saw most of the crowd wince.

"He-a he went with his mate, his mate was one of the rogue but he didn't want to be in the pack. He did not want to leave his mate so he left.. With him" he explained. I never thought Ryder is gay.. I mean I'm okay with it, but c'mon, giving your title that your ancestors have tried to maintain for you to another person is not a good idea.

"Well who is this 'mate' of his? I never knew he has another friend?" I said acting stupid while emphasizing the word mate. Ares and the guys stiffens and stop talking while listening to our conversation and Anouchka is grinning at me. I throw her a wink and went back to talking to this Greyson guy.

"Yeah, I never thought he was gay either." He mutter.

"So he went off with his 'mate' and he's a 'guy' and he didn't want his family's dignity to fall?! Is that all?!" I ask furious, how is he so stupid?! Does he know he has me already on his side?

"Um yeah, oh btw he's giving his title to you" he said slowly. My right hand that is not holding my phone turned into fists. So white that I couldn't feel anything.

"He gave me his tittle? What does that mean? Is he like a leader of a group or something?! I don't even know these people!" I fake argued. Everybody's head and when I said everybody I meant everyone, snap to my direction.

"To lead his people, he trusted you and so will we" he said with actual peace in his voice like Ryder just did the right thing.

"And who am I talking to? His what?" I sksd while opening my laptop from my backpack and type down the numbers.

"I'm his beta, Beta Greyson" he said. I mentally sigh at his title. Good, so he can still help me.

"Well, beta Greyson or whatever the hell you call yourself. I have tracked you down and now I know your location. STAND YOUR GROUND AND YOU WILL LIVE. I will have my conversation before I let you go" I said while pausing. I stand up and gesture Anouchka and Feral to follow me while pointing back at my laptop screen. "Oh and WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST?!! HOW DO YOU EVEN GET A SIGNAL THERE?!!" I said with frustration while walking away from the pack of wolves.

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