A Vampire's Pet #1

By JatsuChan

5.7M 171K 42K

Gwen's just waiting in disgust for the day she'll get bought by a vampire. The day she'll get a master of her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Heyo !
A Vampires Child

Chapter 31

149K 3.5K 2.2K
By JatsuChan

Now here's the chapter I didn't update last year.. (Bad joke -.-) And promised you a few days ago!

Hah, I even made time to make a tiny edit or something about their dresses, or I just had a lot of time on my hands at 3:30am...

( this chapter is not edited, so I'm sorry if there are any misspellings.. )

Enjoy my lovelies <3


"Colt, you ass! Give me that, it's mine!"

He stood in the middle of the room, twirling my panties on his finger and my bra over his shoulder.

"You're 23 years old, behave like it!"

I was clutching the bedsheets tightly around my body to avoid him seeing me.

"I'm serious, give me back my underwear," I said in a dead serious voice.

He stopped twirling and laughing, just looking at me. His lips slightly quivering because he was holding back his laugh.

"Colt - fucking - Bloodworth, give me my underwear, right now!"

That did it.

He bursted out laughing at me again.

"You didn't say that last night, love," he smirked wickedly and wiggled his eyebrows.

I blushed deep crimson at his words. Considering he was right about last night.

Yup, I'm not a virgin anymore.

Should I be happy or sad about that?

I did lose it to him though. Something after about ten minutes into our little intimate act I didn't regret at all.

It felt amazing!

Even though it was weird knowing how experienced he was compared to me.

I mean he's lived for over a hundred years and most likely had his fair share of women in bed.

Now I bet he's just satisfied about his work. Because I'm honestly sore.

I'll be honest and tell you it's not exactly a Colt Jr we're talking about.

"Why would I? I love seeing you like that," he smiled honestly and tilted his head slightly to the side.

Looking at me from a different angle.

His eyes scanned my sitting position on his bed and my probably messed up bedhead.

Slowly he walked over to me and put my underwear beside me on the bed, leaning down to level his face with mine.

"You look beautiful," he complimented and pecked my lips.

"You're just saying that because I'm naked underneath these sheets," I smirked lightly up at him and pecked his lips back.

He chuckled happily and crawled on top of me, forcing me to lie back down.

On clear reflex I clutched the sheets tighter to cover my body.

Dude, he's already seen you naked. What're you trying to hide? Did you grow a third boob during the night?

Sometimes I hate the voice in my head.

"I'm simply telling the truth, love," he murmured against my cheek.

He started leaving open mouth kisses from my jaw and down to my collarbone, making sure to leave another hickey on it.

By my count I have hickeys on my hipbone, underneath my right breast, the back of my neck, the inside of my thigh and now on my collarbone.

"Colt, we need to get dressed an-" I was cut of by his lips.

They moved perfectly with mine and left me breathless as always, he didn't deepen it though. It was just that teasing, to show me what he was capable of.

Which I know very well!

"What?" he asked suddenly sleepily.

"I'm not in the mood," I concluded and rolled over onto my stomach.

Do you think that stopped him?

God, no.

His mouth quickly found my shoulder and caressed my skin softly. Sending a shiver down my spine and causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

"You do know," he mumbled against my skin, kissing his way up to the back of my neck. "That it's your 19th birthday tomorrow right?"

I groaned and smashed my face down into his pillows.

I don't like celebrating my birthday. Because the last three years I've been celebrating it the way I wouldn't dream of it to ever happen.

On my birthday, every year, I was the main course. When I turned 17, they shared me and almost drained me.

Think about it, 7 grown vampire men drinking blood from 1 young and already pretty weak girl.

I was stuck in my room for three days with only water and a piece of fresh bread. You know, since it was my birthday.

Yeah, it hasn't really been my greatest birthdays if I have to say so myself.

A light pinch on my shoulder made me flinch a little, then I realized Colt had just nipped my skin.

"You're overthinking again, I don't like that," he slightly pouted adorably.

I rolled over onto my back again, the sheets sliding down to barely covering my nipples, but surprisingly I didn't care.

"I should make another mark on you," he smirked while examining my chest.

Of all things I wanted it. Wanted one more of his marks on my body, his lips on my skin.

Colt slowly lowered his lips to my falling and rising chest, his lips made contact with my skin and I felt the spark.

His traveling lips came to stop at the top of my cleavage, at the edge of my collarbones mostly.

As he made his mark on me I couldn't help the pull in the lower part of my belly.

The same little pull I had last night, when we finally did it and I lost my virginity.

But this isn't right. He could get in so much trouble for this, sleeping with a human.

As long as nobody gets to know about it and I don't get pregnant, it'll be fine!


In the distance and the back of my head I heard a door getting slammed shut.

Colt groaned and rested his forehead against my chest, sighing in defeat.

He did get to finish the hickey though!

"What?" I mumbled and combed my fingers through his soft, bedhead.

Slowly and teasingly he kissed his way back up to my lips, letting them linger above mine.

"The monsters are here," he muttered and lightly kissed my lips.

"Sorry, morning breath, you'll get a real kiss later," he chuckled and rolled off of me.

"Monsters? Who?"

He wasn't even in the room with me, he'd locked himself in the bathroom. Seconds later the door burst open and Nick came in, standing right in front of the bed.

"Get up Co- oh my god, sorry Gwen!" he covered his eyes and looked away.

I realized then that my upper body was on full display for him because I was now sitting again.

Quickly I wrapped the sheets around me and blushed deep. Now I defiantly must look like a tomato!

"I-I-It's okey, I'm covered now," I stuttered as I stood up from the bed. Dragging the satin and cotton sheets with me.

He was still covering his eyes with one hand and the other on his hip. I could see from my angle that his cheeks were pink.

That's so adorable, he's blushing!

"Maybe I should leave," I said just as Colt stepped back into the room.

There was a towel hanging on his hips and a smaller one over his hair.

Those devilishly good looking abs of his teasing me from a distance, wanting me to run my hands up and down them.

Trace my fingers with every visibly, defined line of his pale stomach.

Mind reading vampires presence!

Colt's eyes darted between us, Nick'd "manned up" and removed the hand from his eyes.

Colt's jaw clenched and he locked his gaze to Nick, slowly speaking;

"How much did you see?"

You better lie with me now, Nicklas!

Nick and I gave each other a quick glance before answering him in unison.


Colt glared in my direction and arched his brow at me, silently telling me he didn't believe us one bit.

I could feel Nick inching closer to me, hiding behind me in case Colt would get mad.

"Only my upper body," I mumbled in a low voice, clutching the sheets tighter.

I think I'm gonna squeeze the life out of myself soon...

Before Colt could get close to us, I for once thanked god that he sent me Amber at this moment.

"Gwen! Where are you?" I heard her voice from downstairs.

We all froze for a second before their eyes landed on me.

"You can not let Amber know about this, she'll never leave the poor girl alone," Nick pointed at me. "And Cana's too young to get her heart broken," he added.

I heard the slight teasing in his voice though and the way the corners of his lips twitched into a smile.

Just less than a second later I was in my own room, Colt in front of me with his hands on my hips.

"You're mine and mine only," he whispered before planting a kiss on my pulse.

I slightly tilted my head at his action.

Suddenly he yanked the sheets out of my hands, looked me up and down, then kissed my lips quickly.

"Sorry, sweetie, kinda need this," then he was gone.

Nick showed up a few seconds later, his hand over his eyes again and my clothes under his arm.

"I think you need this, especially the underwear," he smirked.

I grabbed my clothes from him and turned him around so that he wouldn't bump into something on his way out.

"Thanks, now go," I lightly shoved his back.

When I heard footsteps coming upstairs I quickly slipped on my underwear, jumped to bed and pretended to be asleep.

"Gwenny! Wake up, wake up, wake up! Gwen!"

I felt my bed dip twice of their weight as they both crawled over to me.

"Dude! We're going shopping!"

God no!

"One, two,"

Why are they counting?


At their last count I felt myself get tossed slightly into the air and I squealed, letting them know I was awake.

"Good, you're awake!" Cana beamed happily.

I glared at them both, but saw no other opinion than to get up.

"Take a quick shower and put on something light," Amber smirked.

I noticed that none of them were wearing any make nor their expensive, good looking clothes.

Cana had her hair in a messy bun with a pink bow, matching her adorable white and pink striped onesie.

Amber wore a pair of black tights and a huge sweatshirt on top, most likely her boyfriend's. Her hair was down in her natural waves as always, I've noticed that she rarely wears it up.

After a quick shower I decided on grey tight fitting sweatpants and a shaggy tank top, which I found out later belonged to Colt.

I set my hair up in a high ponytail and walked back into my room, greeted by two sad smiles.

Without asking why the sad faces, I took the collar Amber held in her hand and looked at it.

It's still a struggle to put this on after being so free to do whatever. It feels heavy in my hand and I unwillingly put it on loosely.

Cana sighed and got up from my bed, glanced at the collar and then at my face.

"It's okey, it won't be on for long," I smiled reassuringly. Mostly to myself.

I hate wearing it.

"Let's go and have some fun now, shall we ladies?" Amber smiled cheerfully, lightening up the mood with her smile only.

When we got down into the kitchen, breakfast stood ready for all three of us while the guys had a cup each.

"I hope you made tea for me too," I said as I walked passed Colt to get to my seat.

"Already in your cup," he chuckled into his own.

"Morning Nick," I casually greeted Nick, who'd gotten into mind that I was still naked.

As if I was he stuck his nose into his cup and turned his attention to his sister who were trailing behind me.

It looked like Colt was trying to glare a hole into the back of Nick's head.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, when I got it I blew him a kiss and sat down on my seat.

30 minutes later we'd eaten, done the dishes and stood in front of the door ready to go.

"Now we're taking this one and her good looking ass in those sweatpants with us for some fun," Amber said with a wide smirk and lightly smacked my ass.

Colt coughed lightly and rubbed his chin with his hand, his bottom lip clenched between his teeth.

I tried as hard as I could not to laugh at him, luckily I succeeded at keeping my laugh to myself.

"Bye guys," the three of us smiled and left out the door.


We've been shopping for three hours already and they still haven't told me why we're even here.

They both know I hate shopping. And I'm very tired, and sore.

That's his damn fault!

His fault. His and his damn "Jr".

You're blushing.


I need to sit down. Now.

"Please, Starbucks first, pretty please," Cana pleaded and dragged us towards Starbucks.

"You're such a typical white girl," Amber teased and followed her little sister into Starbucks.

Ten minutes later we had our Starbucks cups to go in hand and headed for Maggie's dress shop.

Why? I don't know.

Amber was sipping her caffè latte when we entered the humongous shop.

"Girls! I've missed you all!" Maggie came running on her six inch heels.

I respect that woman!

"Hey Maggie, we're here for our appointment," Amber smiled brightly and winked at her.

I'm confused as to why they're looking at each other like that. Even Cana's in on whatever they're in on!

"If you'll follow me and we'll get started!" Maggie cheered.

We followed her to a part of the store where the dresses were less glitzy and diamond covered.

These were simple and most likely for a night out, or parties.

Maggie left us for a couple of minutes then we heard Taylor Swift on the speakers in her store blast loud.

That woman's not quite right in the head I think.

When she came back to her hands were occupied by dresses in all different shapes and colors.

They all seemed to be short though, not floor length like the other dress I bought here.

"Let's get this party started!" Amber and Cana yelled.


I sunk further down into my chair and held onto it, making myself as tiny as possible.

A good thing now though is that I can show my back without being scared Colt will see my scars.

Of course he did see them when we were both naked and I was dumb enough to turn my back on him.

He was furious.

Yes he knew about the pet shop, but he had no idea that humans were treated that way.

When I told him the scars were from a whip, he almost punched a hole in the wall.

Seriously, the wall cracked and dipped where he hit. I made him place a lamp in front to hide it.

Earlier when we woke up and turn onto my stomach, I made sure to cover up my scars for him.

"Gwen, you should try some too! Have fun, and shake off the stress you're having!" Cana smiled and shook her whole body in a blue, puffy dress.

It was cute, but I'm too used to seeing her in pink.

Amber was wearing a similar one, but it didn't do her justice.

To be honest she looked kinda chubby in it.

"Shake if off, shake if off!" All thee of them sang along and danced around my chair.

"Leave me alone!" I laughed when they started tossing dresses all over me.

I'm sore. Leave me alone!

Mind readers!


"Try this one, and this one, oh this one would look cute too, what about this one, and this!"

"I'll try them on! Now get out of my face, this is my bubble," I gestured around me. "My bubble, get out of it."

They laughed and rushed me into the changing room.

"I let my girls have the day off today so that I could be alone with my favorites," Maggie smiled at us before pulling the curtain.

Once inside and alone in the changing room I sighed heavily.

The only dress that caught my eye in the pile was a red one, ruby red.

Or maybe a shade lighter than ruby, but I still loved the color.

I pulled it out of the pile and examined it.

It had spaghetti straps, the bust area was tight and the rest of it went down in a flowy torn fabric like skirt.

So I decided to slip it on and look myself in the mirror.

I liked it.

I like the way it flew around my legs, how it covered most of my legs considering it went down just beneath my knees.

Why do I need a dress again?

"I've chosen mine!" I heard Cana declare from the other side.

"Me too!"

"You both you pretty," Maggie said. "I'll check on Gwen."

The curtain got slightly pulled aside and Maggie carefully peeked her head in. "Found anything?"

Even though I heard she was checking on me, I still jumped when she talked to me.

"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you," she laughed lightly.

"It's okey," I smiled at her. "I like this one, I'll take it."

She nodded, but held her arm out in front of me.

"You might want to cover that one up with something," she glanced down at my chest, smirking like the Cherisher cat.

I looked down at my chest to see Colt's hickey peeking up from the heart neckline of my dress. I cleared my throat awkwardly and yanked it up a bit, covering up.

She winked at me and let me out to see the others.

My jaw dropped when I saw Amber's dress.

How could they let her wear something like that?

It barely covered her ass and it was skin tight with a neck line cut down to her navel.

"You're not serious are you? It barely covers your ass!"

Cana held her mask for a few more seconds before she bursted out into a fit of laughter along with her sister.

"I hate you," I stated in all seriousness, making them stop.

"No no no, I'm not serious about this one! Of course not! I've already chosen that one," she giggled and pointed at a dress.

That one looked much better.

The skirt was a turquoise type of color and the top was black with tiny holes forming patterns.

Most of her skin would show in it too, both on the front and back. The strap were slightly thick and looked more comfortable than mine.

Cana had on a light pink strapless dress, a casual birthday party or Christmas kind of dress.

"I think we're done and this shopping didn't even take that long," Cana said as she walked back into the changing room.

"Not that long? We've been shopping for five hours!"

They just laughed at me.


They shooed me into the garden and down into the basement when we got back.

I got strict orders not to go upstairs or anywhere near the front entrance.

So now here I am.

With a large pizza in the middle and Magic Mike on the flat screen.

"Channing! Channing! Channing!" Amber and Cana chanted as he started doing one of his solos.

"Guys! Help me out here!" I shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

Yes, Channing Tatum is hot as hell, but I'm kinda bored of the same movie. Every damn time the three of us watch a movie.

Nick and Colt were at my side only a few seconds later, both of them having a hand on my hip.

Colt glared at Nick's hand and he removed it as if I'd just burnt it.

Oh Colt..

"Magic Mike?" both of them asked in unison.

I just nodded and wrapped my arms around Colt's waist, making him put his arm around my shoulders to hold me close.

"Gwen! You're missing the best part! Who am I kidding? The whole movie is the best!"

I looked at the guys pleadingly and clung onto Colt's shirt, giving him the cutest look I could dig up.

He chuckled at me and dragged me along to the sunken part, glancing up at the screen.

"You guys jealous of his moves?" Amber teased and took a bite of her slice of pizza.

"What's there to be jealous about? Yes, the guy can move his hips. So can I," Nick said and casually moved his hips.

Damn sexy too!

"Do that again," I said and pointed at his hips.

Nick chuckled and slowly moved his hips again, causing me to bite my lip.

That's hot! That's sexy!

"Did you know he could do that?" I said in slight shock.

Both Cana and Amber shook their heads.

"Lose the shirt, put on some music and you could be a full time stripper!" I laughed.

"Can you move like Channing?" Cana suddenly piped in.

She laughed herself when we gave he baffled looks.

Colt slid his hand from my shoulder to my waist and subtly poked me, a little harder than necessary.

I reached up on my tip toes and put my mouth near his neck; "You jealous?"

While Nick showed off his - damn good looking - moves to Channing's music Colt pulled me aside.

"You already know I can move," he murmured into the crook of my neck.

I found myself hidden by one of the bookshelves when he pushed me against the wall.

He placed a kiss on my pulse before lightly sucking on it, making sure to leave his hickey there.

"Colt, not here," I whispered, lightly pushing his face away from my neck.

He groaned slightly and slid his hands down my sides, stopping them at my hips.

"You know Amber was right, your ass looks incredible in these pants," he tugged at the straps at the front of my sweatpants.

"They would look so much better on the floor though," he smirked wickedly and kissed my lips, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

"N-not here," I moaned into his mouth and pushed him.

Surprisingly he budged and chuckled at me, drawing his thumb over his bottom lip.

He's such a tease!

"We're gonna watch Annabelle, get your asses over here!" Nick shouted.

Colt walked over first, letting me catch my breath.

Is it weird that I want him to take me up against the wall?

So inappropriate!

But true...

Voice in my head, shut up please!


"We'll be leaving now, bye" Cana hugged me bye and left out the door with some of her bags in hand.

Nick - poor thing - had the rest of them.

"See ya later," Amber hugged me cheek to cheek and smacked my ass again.

I laughed at her and waved as she got out and into the car.

Nick leaned over and kissed my cheek lightly, earning a slight growl from the back of Colt's throat.

"Make sure you're dressed when we get back later," Nick smirked and kissed my other cheek.

"Since when did you become so brave, Nicky?" Colt asked with a smirk.

The slight tension was there and I could feel it. Thickening the air around us.

"Since she got you wrapped around her little finger," Nick smirked back and winked at me.

I smirked back and positioned myself in front of Colt, wrapping my arms around him to effectively holding him behind me.

"See you both later."

"Bye," Colt and I said, while I slowly shut the door.

Colt's lips found the soft spot on my neck and started to lightly suck on it.

I tilted my head back to lean it on his shoulder, giving him more access.

"Now you're a good girl," he muttered under his breath and sunk his teeth into my neck.

I gasped in surprise, but forgot all about the slightly pain when pleasure took over.

He unwrapped my arms from his waist and made me hug myself while still holding tightly onto me.

The knot in my lower belly was tightening with every little drop of blood he sucked out of me.

Why was this suddenly turning me on?

He retreated his fangs and licked my neck, nuzzling it with his nose. Caressing my skin with his lips.

"Colt, stop," I whined lazily.

In just the blink of an eye he had me pinned against the front door, my arms stretched up above my head.

"You were saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm afraid of the demon thingy from Annabelle, I'm afraid it'll come and get us," I said as a joke and slightly seriously too.

He chuckled and slid his hands down to my thighs, gripped them and hoisted me up.

"No carrying, I don't like that," I said sternly as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Then why are you holding on for dear life?" he asked and lightly pinched my thigh.

I carefully smacked the back of his head and combed my fingers through his soft, unruly hair.

"Because I'm afraid you'll drop me," I whispered and brought my lips down to his.

When our lips parted I rested my forehead against his, my breath fanning across his face.

"I won't drop you, love," he pecked my lips and walked us downstairs.

I felt the pillows and duvets welcome me in a hug as Colt laid me down, still remaining between my legs.

"Let's go to bed, alright?" he said as crawls up beside me and wrapped me tightly in his arms.

Tangling his legs with mine and pulling a blanket over us. I snuggled close to him and hide my face against his chest.

Breathing in melted chocolate and roses.

"Sleep tight, cupcake," he kissed my head and nuzzles his nose into my hair.

"You too," I smiled and pecked his chest.


Now you're done with this chapter too! I really hope it was worth waiting months for!

I know this was chapter was boring, but the next one will be better! :3

And seriously 214,57K ?! That's insane!! I didn't even think I would get 1K to be honest ><
Thank you thank you thank you!! *-*

Any questions you'd like to ask me? Feel free :3

Please comment, vote and share <3

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