By LauraCorrea798

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By LauraCorrea798


When we were doing our rounds around that pack lands I saw Alex with Aly in his arms while she slept, they were stopped by her friends and a few words were exchanged and you could tell that Alex was mad. As they continued to walk they ended up in front of us and right away my wolf started to whine in sadness for the way Aly looked in her brothers arms, I could tell that she had been crying since her eyes were some what swollen and red.

"What is wrong with your sister Alex, why are you caring her in your arms. Is she hurt, did something happened to her" Angelo asked

"We found her by the lake asleep after she called us and asked us to go get her" Eleonora said

"What was she doing there" Edmundo asked

"She said that she was with her mate but he rejected her after mating with her, I just hope she didn't end up pregnant" Alex answered and just at that one single sentence I went in to a state of shock

"Please excuse us we want to take her home and let her rest so we don't know what all happened or was said we just got the short version of it so we want to get home and let her rest and allow her to process everything that happened to her before we ask any questions or she decides to tell us by herself" Elonora said

When they walked away Angelo and Edmundo both grabbed me by my arms and we all started to walk away, we ended up in my office which to be honest I didn't know how we got here since I was still shock thinking about what Alex had said. There was a chance that Aly did end up pregnant and I had rejected her, since I didn't use any kind of protection or pull out of her during the whole time we had been together.

"What did you do Domenico, she is your mate who you have been looking for all these years. The luna of this pack and most likely the mother of your pup, why would you reject her what were you thinking" Angelo said

"What did you just say Angelo" my dad asked as both him and mom walk in closing the door and activating the sound proof

"Angelo repeat what you just said right now" my mom said in her Luna voice as she looks straight at me

"Domenico found his mate last night and it seems that after spending the night with her he rejected her" Angelo said as he lowered his head

"Why would you do such a thing Domenico, what if she ended up pregnant. We raise you better than that, where did everything we taught you go" my dad said as he looked at me really angry and disappointed of me

"She hasn't shifted yet and most likely she will not shift, how can she stand by me and help protect our pack" I said without any emotions

"I thought I taught you better, just hope she didn't end up pregnant and if she decides to leave we will support her just so you know" my mom said as she looked at me

"And why would you do that" I asked as I looked at her

"Who is your mate" my father asked

"Alessandra Mendez" I said

"How could you do that to her, do you have any idea what she has gone through for the pass six years. Its most likely that she hasn't shifted because of all the stress and difficult things that she's been through, its normal for our wolfs to not show up do to the stress their human has or had gone through" my dad said

"What are you talking about" I asked trying to understand what he was saying

"She is the daughter of Mike and Estela Mendez the best fighters we had, they were killed six years ago during the rouge attack as they gave their lives to safe ours. Before her mother died she made us promise that if she found her mate and he rejected her or hurt her in any way we would help her brother and his mate to either stay here if he was from another pack or leave if it he was from this pack, that's why we will help her leave even though it may mean that we will not see our grandpup grow up if she is pregnant" my mother said as she got up and walked out of the door almost in tears

"You better do something before Aly decides to do something that you may regret later on" my father said as he left following my mother

After that we staid in my office for a few hours until Angelo got a call from his sister, he looked at me and I nodded so he could answer the call.

"Hey Angelica what's up" Angelo asked

"Where are you" she asked and you can tell that she was or had been crying

"I'm with the alpha in his office, are you okay why crying" he asked and by this time we were all paying attention to the conversation

"Its Aly" she said as she started to cry

"What happened with Aly" Angelo asked as he looked straight towards me

"Where are you Angelica" he added

"We are outside of Aly's house, her brother says that she hasn't come out of her room and they are afraid that she did something to herself" she said

"Keep trying to get her to open up the door, we are on our way" Angelo said

We ran all the way to her house following Angelo and when we got there we could hear her brother trying to get her to open the door but got nothing back, when he saw me you could tell that he was mad at me.

"Have you heard anything from inside the room" I asked

"No alpha nothing, we saw her come up stairs when she woke up and haven't heard anything from her" Eleonora said

"Do you have an extra key to the room" I asked

"Yes, let me go get it" Eleonora said

We waited for Eleonora to get back with the key and when we opened the door, Aly was no where to be found. We looked everywhere in the room but didn't find them at all, when Eleonora opened the closet door she gasped and turned to look at Alex who walked to the closet and then pulled Eleonora into his arms.

"What is going on" Angelo asked

"Aly left" Alex asked

"How do you know" Edmundo asked as he got closer

"Because there is clothing missing and the money she had is missing including a duffle bag" he said

"How much money does she have on her" I asked

"Enough to hid for at least ten years give or take" Eleonora said

"Where did she get all that money" Gavino asked

"My parents left some money and she earned some money during vacation doing odd things here and there" Alex said

When we turned around Angelica was holding a piece of paper in her hand, she walked towards us and gives it to me before she bowed her head and took several steps away.


I knew that by the time you found out of me being gone you would come and that's why I left this letter for you, I also know that the true reason that caused you to reject me was because you think I didn't shift on my sixteenth birthday, well let me tell you that its true. I didn't shift on my sixteenth birthday but I did shift six years ago during the rouge attack, I was only ten at that time and on that same day I lost both my parents and a lot of other pack members so we never said anything about me shifting. It didn't feel right to stay where I am not wanted so I asked my brother and his mate to take me as far away from here as possible but decided that I couldn't make my brother go with me and leave the pack without the person who is responsible of its accounts, I don't know where I am going but I hope that where ever I go I can forget everything that happened last night. Don't look for me, most likely you will not find me and if you try to use my phone to locate me, well let me tell you that it will not work since I made sure that the signal on my phones bounces from one tower to another so fast that it will never give you enough time to get the right location.

Good Bye And Hopefully For Ever,

Alessandra Mendez

I took my phone out and called my parents to see if they had helped Aly leave but they said that they did not do it, that they were just thinking of coming to their house and offer their help to get them out and go where ever they wanted to go. When I told them that they wouldn't have to do that since she had left and we didn't even know when or where she had gone my mother started to cry, dad said that he had to go and calm down my mother before hanging up the call. I looked at the guys and everybody that was in the room and you could tell that they were not happy, I then start to walk down and out of the house when I saw Angelica and Arianna calm I asked them if they know where she might have gone and they said that Aly always wanted to see the world so it would be difficult to say where she could have gone too. We started to walk back to the pack house and I called Victor, if there was anybody that could find her it would be him and no one else he was the best PI that we had and would always find who ever we needed to find in just days.

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