A Second Chance

By danilynn87

56.3K 3K 733

When Regina Mills finds herself struggling in the dating world, she reluctantly allows her best friend, Kathr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Three

2.6K 146 20
By danilynn87

Emma finds Regina in the morning, already dressed to impress in some pencil skirt and too high of heels as she empties the dishwasher. At a time like this and the snob is emptying the dishwasher in fuck-me-heels. She shuffles awkwardly into the kitchen, no idea what is appropriate to say, because it's not like she ever had someone to teach her the proper etiquette of death. Her bare feet pad across the polished floors, provoking the brunette to jump in her own skin.

"Sorry," she meekly murmurs, stepping beside her and reaching for the mugs hanging beneath the cabinet.

"It's fine," Regina mumbles, and then she pauses, like she forgot what the hell she was doing one single second ago.

"You're dressed...nice," she forces herself to say instead of something rude, something her tongue is accustomed to spewing so dangerously at the stuck-up princess.

"Their lawyer is on his way," their, like Regina cannot physically speak their names anymore. Emma swallows, maybe she can't either. "He suggested speaking to us before we pick up Lennox. I insisted that we pick her up first, but apparently the social worker won't be ready until ten a.m."

"Okay," is all Emma's mouth is equipped to say.

"I suggest you go change," comes the snippy tone that Emma usually associates with this woman and she sighs in relief.

"I just woke up, can't I grab a cup of coffee first?" She snarks back and she thinks this is good. Fighting with Regina is something she is familiar with, feels normal, she can do this. She pours herself a cup of coffee and feels relieved when she feels those dark eyes scrutinizing her. "Besides, what the hell am I supposed to change into? It's not like I have clothes here."

"Well, find something else," Regina huffs in annoyance, slamming the dishwasher shut. "You look like a homeless person who just rolled off a park bench," she sasses, inspecting that hideous red leather jacket to the wrinkled jeans before her.

Emma almost smirks, but her face muscles just don't have it in them to produce the action. "I'm not wearing any of her clothes. No, that's just...no. Wait, did you-"

"No," Regina actually appears appalled. "I needed to open my bakery this morning and inform my manager that I wouldn't be in today. I went home, showered and changed already."

"Oh." And then more deafening silence. "I think I left my shirt here from Lennox's party..."

"Well, at least we know it won't be full of wrinkles if Kathryn washed it...unlike last time."

Emma rolls her eyes and carries her coffee out of the kitchen to search for her shirt while Regina presses her hand to her lower abdomen and wills herself to make it through the day without killing the woman.


"I know this is a very difficult time," the lawyer begins, his eyes full of sorrow as they bounce between both women sitting across from him. "But we need to go over the will."

"I don't care about anything right now, other than Lennox, she is my main concern at the moment," Regina exasperates, pinching the bridge of her nose as she pleads with herself not to lunge across the dining room table and throttle the man for even attempting to discuss money and assets at a time like this.

No, this is where people eat, no bloodshed required.

"Well, of course," the man confidently says, flipping through some papers.

"Like...ummm...where is she going to end up?" Emma timidly stutters through her question, her curious eyes unsure if she should meet the man's gaze or sneak a peek of the will in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

Regina squeezes the bridge of her nose again, no bloodshed. "What do you mean, what does she mean? She would like to know who will be taking care of Lennox," she snaps, folding her arms angrily across her chest so her hands don't cause a crime.

"Kathryn and August didn't speak to you two about what would happen, if something should ever happen-" he doesn't finish his sentence because of the two matching scowls glaring at him. He swallows and mumbles, "well, this is awkward."

"If you do not spit it out, I swear to god, I will-" Regina seethes, but the man is quick to jump in before she finishes her threat.


"Me?" Regina gasps.

"Well, both of you," he corrects, his eyes sliding between both women. "Together," he reiterates.

Emma and Regina burst out laughing, not even hiding their amusement the slightest bit at the ridiculous claim.

"Alright, guy," Emma chuckles, leaning into the dining room table as she hooks a thumb in Regina's direction. "There must be some mistake, we aren't a couple. We aren't together-"

"Oh, no, no, no," Regina laughs along. "Never. She's quite horrible."

"I know you aren't together," the lawyer solemnly says. "And I tried to convince them otherwise when they came to me with this idea, but they both insisted."

Regina and Emma sober up immediately, their laughter fading away faster than it had arrived. Regina appears stone-cold, not revealing one damn emotion while Emma breaks out in a cold-sweat and yup, she's so disgustingly nauseous.

How high were Kathryn and August when they thought Emma was mature enough to raise their daughter? Scratch that, when they thought the combination of two people who loathe each other were stable enough to raise their daughter? They might as well have asked Michael Jordan and Bill Laimbeer to raise their baby. Regina probably wouldn't get that analogy, maybe Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding? Regina is clearly Tonya in this scenario, Emma would not put it passed the brunette to beat her with a bat and bust her leg.

She snorts, and she really didn't mean to, but her mind has wandered away from the subject because it is far too intense and serious for her brain to try and wrap around at the moment. Regina is now scowling at her and she opens her mouth to defend herself, but Regina hates when she rambles about sports, so she snaps her mouth shut.

Those dark eyes are just brewing a storm to rain down upon Emma, but instead, they slide across the table toward the man flipping their lives upside down.

"Kathryn and August named us, granting sole custody of Lennox?" She repeats, just to make sure she is hearing him right.

"Yes, not only did they want you to raise Lennox, but they also wanted her to grow up here. So, with that being said, this house would be yours as well and everything in it."

"Hu-" Emma's sure a complete word or sound was supposed to be produced from her vocal chords but nothing is making sense.

"With his finances and their insurance policies, the house will be paid for, you two would just have to pay the taxes and upkeep, obviously," the man rambles while Regina and Emma glare at him, blinking slowly while their minds try to simply process.

"It's a joke," Emma murmurs, "a joke, right? He got me good. It's a joke, right?" She repeats like a damn fool until the lawyer is shoving some documents under her nose. She attempts to swallow, her throat denies her the action until she gets her shit together.

"Now, is this an all or nothing scenario?" Regina calmly investigates, provoking Emma to snap her mouth shut and spin upon her chair to gape at her instead.

"How do you mean?"

"What if one of us decides to raise Lennox, but the other doesn't? Do we have to do this together? Or can just one of us receive custody of her?"

"You have the option to adopt Lennox on your own." Regina exhales loudly in relief. "Although, their wishes were for you two to do this together. They wanted Lennox growing up in this home with you both."

The two gulps are far too loud for anyone to ignore.


She hears the tormented cries through the closed door before she even sees Lennox and it's honestly a relief, because she's been suffocating in silence since that damn lawyer threw her a curveball. She and Emma have yet to speak to one another, the entire car ride was in complete silence.

So, the moment a woman comes waltzing through the door, bouncing the tear-soaked baby, Regina rushes forward to steal Lennox back.

"Sshhhh, it's okay, sweetie. It's alright," she softly coos into Lennox's ear while Emma runs her fingers through those thin black strands that are damp from all her crying.

"We just need you to sign a couple of forms," the social worker states.

"Right," she mutters, wondering if she can balance a baby in one arm while signing whatever paperwork they think is necessary to surrender Lennox into her temporary custody.

However, Lennox squirms, her arms flying out for the blonde and Emma happily scoops her up. Regina frowns from the loss and for a split second she thinks she should feel jealous, but then Emma is resting Lennox's blotchy face against her chest and cradling the back of her head and Regina just melts. She feels something similar to love filling her heart and suddenly the only thought she has, is contentment, knowing that Lennox is safe and sound.

"Hi, kiddo," Emma whispers into those dark tresses, placing a tiny kiss on top of her head as she sways side to side to calm the hysterical cries.

"You're good with her."

"You're surprised?" Emma fires back, slightly offended.

Regina is far too exhausted for one of their quarrels, so she just shrugs her shoulder and walks away to sign the papers.


The entire drive back to Kathryn and August's home, Lennox screamed bloody murder. Emma even unclipped her seatbelt and crawled into the backseat while Regina was flying down the highway in a race to get home and soothe her. Yet, Lennox didn't give a damn about the blonde making silly faces and clapping in a lame attempt to distract her.

The minute Regina roughly climbed the driveway, she tossed the car into park and scrambled out of the vehicle to comfort Lennox. Emma was trying to unbuckle the car seat, but Regina quickly slapped her hands away and scooped the screaming baby into her arms. She held Lennox close to her chest, bouncing her up and down and whispering all sorts of soothing words, but there was no turning back. Lennox was hysterical at this point and nothing was going to settle her.

They rushed inside and Regina immediately took Lennox upstairs to change her diaper, wondering if maybe that was a factor. She was sorely mistaken because her goddaughter was completely dry and still sobbing relentlessly. Emma quickly stole Lennox back and tried to rock her in the rocking chair, no luck though. Regina suggested that maybe she was hungry, so they ran downstairs and now Emma is staring at Regina like she has actually lost her mind.

"Can't you just give her a jar or something?" Emma yells over the blender and the shrieking still coming from Lennox.

Damn that kid has a pair of lungs on her.

"I'm a professional, and I know Kathryn always prepared her meals by hand. She would never give Lennox a jar of sweet potatoes when she could make it herself."

"Well, the kid is hungry now. We don't have time," she stresses while she bangs a rattle against Lennox's high-chair to distract her, but in reality that's only causing more mayhem.

"Trust me, she will love this and it will be worth it in the end," Regina confidently vows as she scoops the mush from the blender and Emma grimaces.

"Whatever, I know August would give her French Fries off the floor if she was this hungry and upset,"she grumbles, still banging the rattle against the plastic tray.

"Dammit, Emma, will you stop that! She clearly doesn't want the damn thing and you're just causing more of a ruckus."

Emma rolls her eyes and whispers the faintest, fuck you, under her breath, but Regina misses it all. The brunette hovers over Emma, inspiring the blonde to peek over her shoulder.


"Move," Regina orders. "I'm going to feed her."

Emma sighs in annoyance, dragging herself from the chair to stand next to Lennox. Regina gingerly slides into Emma's seat and plasters on the broadest smile for the screaming child's sake.

"Okay baby girl, Auntie Regina has some sweet potatoes for you," she coos, provoking green eyes to roll once again.

"Just give her the damn food."

"Maybe Auntie Emma needs to eat, seems someone is hangry." Regina smirks while Emma scowls at her, but she ignores the blonde and swiftly flies the spoon through the air toward Lennox. "Ready? Here comes num-nums," she coos, but Lennox vacuums her lips together. "Come on, sweetie, open up," she pleads, only encouraging Lennox to shake her head in defiance.

"The kid doesn't want it."

"She's just being stubborn. She's crabby from all her crying," she claims, before softening once again for her goddaughter. "Lennox, please take a bite for Aunt Regina."

Lennox groans, tears still pouring down her face with her lips locked and her head shaking its protest.

"She doesn't want it," Emma stresses, folding her arms across her chest to keep herself from smacking that blended baby crap across the room.

"Well, she needs to eat."

"Don't force her."

"Emma, she is one, she doesn't know what she wants, but she needs to eat and this is what's best for her," she exasperates, flying the spoon closer to Lennox's pouty lips.

That's when Lennox flings her hand forward and smacks the food away, splashing Regina's face in orange baby goop. Brown eyes flutter closed as Regina tries to remain calm and in control all while Emma snickers and Lennox just screams even louder.

"Don't," Regina coldly commands, holding up her palm toward the blonde, but Emma simply rolls her eyes again and stomps away.

Regina quickly snatches up a couple of napkins to clean her face and when she fully opens her eyes again, she finds Emma pouring something called Puffs onto Lennox's high-chair. The tears immediately stop and little baby fingers quickly steal a few pieces. Lennox hurries to shove the snack into her mouth, her head falling to the side in exhaustion as she munches along.

"You really think we are what's best for her?" Emma scoffs, tossing a handful of the Puffs into her own mouth.

Regina grimaces, glaring up at Emma in pure disgust and loathing. "Are you actually eating those?"

"Yeah," she flippantly shrugs, "Kathryn and I used to eat them all the time," Emma confesses. "Want some?" She offers the tube, but Regina just gapes at her like she's suggesting she eats a can of worms. So, Emma tosses a few at Regina's face. "Stop being such a snob."

"I am not a snob."

"Yes you are," Emma states with conviction, but her voice is soft, somewhat airy like she's not judging her at all. "Eat the damn puffs, Regina."

"No thank you," she quietly declines, her fingers moving all on their own to wipe away the tears still clinging to Lennox's cheeks. "So, no sweet potatoes? Next time we will try something else," she softly whispers, resting her forehead against Lennox's. "I will get you to like my cooking," she muses.


After an hour of filling Lennox's little tummy full of snacks, almost to exploding point, the little one finally fell asleep. Regina and Emma, of course, fought the entire time, Regina insisting that Lennox needed something healthy and substantial in her baby stomach, but Emma demanded that she was over tired and out of whack from everything and that tomorrow, after she slept in her own bed, she will eat normal again. Besides, as Emma claimed, the label said Gerber, so it has to be good for the tyke.

All because Regina knows Emma has some experience with what Lennox went through the previous night, she stopped arguing with the blonde.

"I think we should talk," Regina acknowledges, timidly stepping into the living room where Emma is clinging to her scalp and staring aimlessly at the floor with her elbows resting upon her bouncing knees.

"Yeah, sure."

She carefully crosses the room and settles down on the couch directly opposite of the tortured woman. She tucks her feet beneath her bottom and steals a throw pillow to hold close because she knows she will need something to keep her grounded during this conversation.


"Did you have any idea?" Emma explodes, releasing her hair and snapping her head to attention. "Did they ever tell you that they wanted you to take care of Lennox if something should ever happen to them?" She whisper-shouts because the last thing either of them need is for Lennox and her magical lungs to wake up.


"How could they not tell us? That is not something that you just forget to tell someone. The guy had no problem discussing his sex life in great detail or his shitting schedule, but this, this he somehow forgets to mention. What the actual-"

"Emma, I have no idea why neither one of them discussed this with us, but we have more important things to discuss."

"Right, like who are the options? If not us, who can take her?"

"Are you seriously considering bailing? Of course you are, you're nothing but a big child yourself," she scoffs.

"Regina, we are not what's best for her. We can't be in a room with each other for more than five minutes without bickering. Do you really think that's a suitable environment for her?"

"Look at you, using big girl words."

"See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Come on, seriously? Who else is on the list?"


"Nobody," Emma deadpans, eyeing the brunette skeptically.

"Nobody, Emma. You know damn well you are August's only family member and as for Kathryn, her mother passed away a few years ago and her father drags around an oxygen tank with his damn walker. She has no siblings, and all her cousins are irresponsible."

"Well, clearly, Kathryn was just as irresponsible for selecting us," Emma scoffs, slamming her back against the couch while she obnoxiously chews on her thumbnail and Regina really considers chucking her pillow at the woman's face or better yet, the heel of her pump. "We just aren't what Lennox needs."

"Then what do you propose?" Regina sneers, forcing green eyes to crawl back to resentful brown. "Put her up for adoption? Allow the system to get their hands on her," she bitterly bites out, angrily throwing the pillow across the couch and leaning forward from the agitation festering inside. "Is that really what you want for that baby? Let her grow up in the system, being shuffled from one house to the next, just like you. Because I can tell you right now, after numerous conversations with August, he wouldn't wish that type of childhood on his worst enemy. And his daughter, his baby girl-"

"Okay, okay," Emma quickly rushes out. "I know, I don't want that for Lennox either."

"Good, now stop acting like a child, grow up and get over your irrational fears and help me raise Lennox or get out. I really don't give a damn, but I'm not letting her go."

Emma's jaw juts out, like maybe she wants to cry or lash out irrationally at her sworn enemy who just put her in her place. She loathes being told what to do, she lives her life however the hell she wants. She never allowed anyone to push her around and she certainly isn't about to allow this woman with a stick shoved up her ass to start. Except, all she sees is Lennox's green eyes filled with tears and they remind her so much of Kathryn's and she can just imagine that woman pleading with her to protect her baby and...

"I'm not going to let her go either," she calmly says. "It's just, aren't you nervous? You have a business to run and I know you work a lot of hours and this house is huge, I can only imagine how much the taxes are and-"

"I do pretty well for myself, thank you. Between both our incomes, there is no way we can't afford the taxes and the upkeep. I'll sell my townhouse and we will be just fine. And as for work, I'll..." she swallows thickly just thinking about it, "I'll have to start trusting my manager and employees more."

And she can kiss the expansion on her business goodbye.

"So...we are doing this?"

"Yes, Miss Swan, it's time to grow up."

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