before you / jung jaehyun

By lambskwer

379K 18.1K 19K

to all the boys ive loved before jung jaehyun, thank you. © lambskwer More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five

twenty three

6.1K 341 520
By lambskwer

[ 5th May, 2018, 5:12PM ]

i know u like jaehyun btw HEHE


i figured


when jae said he didnt get closure

bro u were like. as transparent as the
windows at the cafe

i saw right through u

well. i cant lie

u caught me


i thought it was just a gut feeling

yeah. thank god u were smart to figure it out

cuz rn im having the worst time of my life

i have to constantly hear him talk about his ex


i feel so bad bruh

but its about time somebody fell in love oh my god

i waited for this for so long

nothing is gonna happen woo

shut up ill MAKE something happen

shut up

omg also i think jaehyun is gonna tell u this soon or sumn but

theres a party this sat

dont worry that mf eunsang in jail

im jk

he got expelled cause he vandalised the principal's office LOL

plus soomin and minsu are gonna be there


u up? it's just like a small party

im up


we promise we wont leave u again omg

u better omg it was terrifying talking to a guy


we didnt think one of them would get drunk and WALK OFF

but yea dont worry we would be there

plus its a small get together

no harmful guys okay

is it just gonna be u me and jae?

should be.... i mean who else would he bring



i dont think he would stoop THAT LOW

youll never know

we do stupid shit when we're in love

i'll literally give him the cold shoulder if he brings her no joke


[ 7:12PM ]

"did jungwoo tell you yet?" jaehyun asked, bowing to the old man behind the cash register. he took his groceries that he just bought and stuffed it in his bag. jaehyun was at the supermarket with aeri. he said he needed to run some errands cause it's been long since the last time he did.

aeri hummed a soft, hm? then jaehyun looked over at her, "a party," he said. suddenly, she remembered. "oh yeah, sorry. he did," she voiced out. jaehyun finally zipped his bag, before fishing out a can of chocolate milk and handed it over to the girl next to him. "what's this?" she asked.

"i bought it for you, of course," he sheepishly smiled. "so you coming?" he continued on. aeri nodded her head, "i dont know why you would even think of asking me. it's weird, dont you think?" but jaehyun just furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled. "why would it be weird? you're like my bestfriend. you invite me to your highschool parties and i'll invite you to my college parties,"

you're like my bestfriend.

"come on, the food's gonna get cold. we're having dinner at my place," jaehyun exclaimed and then ruffled her hair. "i ordered in, duh," he rolled her eyes, then he put her arms around her shoulder, dragging her out of the supermarket and having a long walk home over to his house.

they arrived over to his house at about 7:50pm, food was on the table. aeri just kept quiet, she was getting kind of awkward around jaehyun ever since that night they almost kissed.

i mean what was that? they were literally about to kiss. maybe it was all part of god's plan. maybe they would've fought and argued about it after. maybe they would've been awkward around each other or even avoid each other. but you still cant deny that not only aeri leaned in, jaehyun did too.

and why would he do that if he didnt have any feelings, right?

"this is to make up for what happened the other day. we would've probably had a blast if chungha didn't interrupt us," he sheepishly smiled, handing aeri her takeout food, and beckoning her over to the couch to watch netflix.

aeri just went with the flow. should she bring up about what almost happened the other night? no, it would only be awkward. right? why would jaehyun bring that up knowing that they almost kissed? maybe he doesnt care. he doesnt, aeri. he does not care about the almost-kiss.

"yeah, well. maybe it was good that she did interrupt us," she softly blurted out, hoping that he wouldnt hear but he eventually did. his eyebrows raised, and his stance changed. he knew what aeri was talking about. he just softly chuckled, "about that," he trailed off.

aeri knew he was about to say something that would break her heart. so she prepared for the worst thing he could say possible. "i just woke up and i probably couldnt think straight," was his excuse. "i dont want to lead you on or anything," was his other excuse. "but it's good, right? that we didnt. we wouldve probably ruined our friendship later," was his last excuse.

"yeah," i knew it. was all she could say, smiling and then her attention went back to her food. of course, it was a mistake. it's unfair how aeri's feelings for jaehyun only grew bigger by each minute, but not jaehyun. it's unfair that only aeri was feeling that way. it's unfair that it's unrequited.

"if we kissed, goddamn. imagine what would happen," he kept saying. on and on and on, non-stop. "i mean we kissed twice," aeri said. jaehyun stopped for awhile to think, "oh yeah. but we did it because we were forced to, you know?"

"if we did kiss in our own will, it would be weird for both of us! i mean, we're bestfriends, we can't be more than that," jaehyun rambled on. which not only made aeri uncomfortable but also annoyed. she went on to interrupt him in the middle of his talk.

"-yeah, okay, jae. i get it. it's weird, we're friends! we will never be more than that. you dont like me, and i definitely dont like you. it cant work!" she raised her voice, she was so frustrated about it all. jaehyun was taken aback. he just kept quiet. he knew he fucked up, but he didnt want to say anything else cause he was afraid of her, despite her being younger than him.

so the room just fell with silence. nobody talked, they just munched on their food. aeri didnt actually have the appetite, but she ate anyway because she would feel bad if she stormed out, which was what she wanted to do earlier on.

jaehyun was not even aware that he kept hurting her. first, with the chungha situation. secondly, with the mark situation when he asked, 'have you completely moved on from mark?' and thirdly, this one. and aeri wouldnt blame him. she didnt tell him her feelings, and it's good.

save her the heartbreak. she thought maybe, just maybe. something would happen, something would work, something would spark between them. but in the end, she got her answer. not only does he still have feelings for his ex-girlfriend, but he would never see her in any way more than just friends.

she felt like the worst person in the world, and who could blame her? any girl in that position would feel like trash too. she just wanted to go somewhere quiet, stare at the stars and cry at the sound of nothing. she just wanted to let it all out.

"i have to go," she said. jaehyun knew it was his fault but he still kept quiet. "thanks for the food. i'll see you tomorrow?" she faked a smile and then headed out of his house.


she walked over to the park, she was alone. a few others were there, doing their own business. but she eventually walked over to her favourite park bench and sat down, closing her eyes. listening to the sound of nothing, it made her heart be at ease.

but that soon took a quick turn because she felt a tear fall down her face. eventually, the sound of nothing made her cry. she was all alone.

"aeri?" a familiar voice sounded right behind her. she was a mess and she didnt want anyone to see her in that state. she quickly wiped her tears and looked behind to see who it was. it wasnt mark, nor was it jaehyun or jungwoo or anyone else she knew. in reality, it was -

"jaemin?" her first love. well, first ever puppy love. she stood up, adjusted her outfit and wiped her tears again. jaemin looked at her and let out such a huge smile. "it's been so long," he said, opening his arms, clearly for a hug. but she didnt want to get the wrong idea, it would be awkward if she went for a hug when he was just stretching.

"what are you waiting for? hug me!" he giggled, pulling her into a hug. it's been so long, jaemin. she thought to herself. it's been so long since they saw each other, despite them being in the same school and knowing mostly the same people. fate was just never on their side i guess. in school and the same for their relationship.

jaemin, her first ever good kind of love. they did everything together, they got close so quick and they were mostly each other's firsts on some occasions. but like she said, fate wasnt by their side. jaemin left before she could even tell him how she felt. they both grew up. but there was never a day that jaemin failed to bring happiness to aeri.

she enjoyed herself with him, and he enjoyed himself with her. he left, but she would still not regret the time spent with him.

"how have you been?" he asked, sitting down on the park bench that once sat jaehyun. "uh, im doing fine, you?" she turned the question back over to him. "you're fine? you're literally crying right now. dont worry about me," he laughed, she just rolled her eyes.

she refused to tell jaemin what happened in her life. maybe if it was two years ago, she would willingly tell him everything. but it wasnt two years ago. instead, it was now two years after. they were practically strangers with memories of each other and that's it. it was weird for her to tell jaemin stuff.

"i get it, you're mad at me for before," he admitted. she just kept quiet. looking at jaemin, all she thought of were the good times. she tried so hard to forget about the last time they talked because it hurt her, two years ago. she didnt want to be placed in that position ever again.

"well, if you wanna know. things with jisol didnt go well," he confessed. "at least, it wasnt as good as things were with you," he continued. "i was mad at myself because i let you go so easily like that, aeri. i spent weeks thinking of you," aeri just looked away, in the direction of the pond with ducks, listening to what jaemin had to say,

"and weeks turned into months and i found out you were dating mark. so i never bothered to text you or contact you in any way. i saw you happy so i figured i should move on too," he said. "it lasted about a year, and then i called it off. i'm single now as we speak. i realized i needed time for myself before i could give time to others, you know?"

"and i know things would be awkward with us by now. and i know this doesnt justify why i left you two years ago. but what are the chances of us bumping into each other after two years of nothing? the chances were low but we still met today,"

aeri turned over to look at him, "what are you trying to say jaemin?" she asked. he turned to face her, and said - "but it would be nice for us to catch up. plus, it looks like you really need someone to talk to right now. but if you dont want to, it's fine, i get it. considering our past but-" he got interrupted by aeri.

"-it's fine. we grew up and out of each other. things like that happen. what we had was good and i would never change it. we were so good for each other, what harm would it do if we just catch up, right?" she smiled. jaemin's expressionless face quickly turned into a smile. he was so happy that aeri agreed to catch up.

it may seem suspicious that jaemin would say these things. but in reality, he really did miss her and was sorry for what he did to her years ago. and everyday he thought about apologizing. and now he has the chance, so he went for it. aeri and jaemin were good friends. nothing could go wrong. they were just reuniting after a very long hiatus.

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