Car Crash Hearts✔ {(COMPLETE)}

By TheRealElizaMcCall

464 25 27

I suck at descriptions.;-) For Fall Out Boy, everything seemed to be going wrong. Pete's wife had divorced hi... More

Bad Beginnings
{Buddy Holly}
The Claiming Ceremony
Pancakes and Piercings
Vampires will always hurt you
{Can't knock the hustle}-Weezer
The Party

The cutting part was easy but regretting it is so Fucked

47 1 0
By TheRealElizaMcCall

12:15 pm, October 30, 2011

Inside Castello Murcle

13 Hours 1 Minute in captivity

Pete's POV

I gripped hard to the back of Eliza's shirt and buried my face. I can't breathe when I hear his voice. 

Blake kissed Eliza's hand, and she pulled him closer so that he was no longer standing on Joe's hand. Joe shook his hand in pain. "I didn't see you there."

Before Eliza could answer Joe mumbled, "Maybe you should watch where you're going!"

Blake reacted with lightning speed and grabbed Joe by the back of the head. "What did you say to me, slut?" He yanked Joe hard enough to make him yell out and bring tears to his eyes.

Andy was fuming. "Get off of him!" He lunged at Blake before Eliza could grab him. 

Blake quickly sidestepped and grabbed Andy's arm, squeezing hard enough to bring him to his knees with a sharp groan. "My my, what unruly slaves you have, Eliza. Y'know, I could help you train them, especially my little Petey pie that you so cruelly took from me. Where is my baby boy? Come on out, Petey!"

I felt my body start to comply but Eliza pinned me in place with her elbows. "I don't think so, and you know very well that I need no help from you so if you would release them we will be on our way." She crossed her arms.

Blake let Joe drop but held onto Andy. "Fine, but I owe this one a lesson for assaulting a Master." He smiled smugly.

Eliza "Gently, and no more than 10. He's new to this." She turned Patrick's face away.

Blake "Of course." He held Andy by the waist so that he had a clear view of his backside and took a thick spiked paddle out of his coat pocket.

Andy "Wait what are you doing? OWW!!!" Blake gave him a hard whack. Joe tried to help him but Eliza had a tight grip on his collar. 

Blake "Count with me. If you miss a spank then I'll start over. Ready? One." He hit Andy, making him squeal and tears run down his face. "Let's try this again. One!" 

Andy sobbed and sputtered. "O-one!" Blake hit him harder and my knees shook at the sound of Andy's quivering voice. SMACK!"OW!-Two!" This went on until Finally, "T-t-te-ten!" Blake let go and Andy dropped to the floor, limp. Eliza let go of Joe as he ran to Andy's side.

Blake walked back over to Eliza. "Be seeing you soon, maybe you should hit the track with that one,-"He motioned to Patrick. "He looks really, puffy. See you later Petey Baby!" 

I spoke up in a little voice. "It's just Pete."

Blake looked at Eliza's waist where I was peaking out a little. "What was that? I don't speak muffled tramp." Eliza blocked him when he reached for me and suddenly seemed to grow bigger.

I swallowed hard and stuck my head out a little farther, but my voice was just a little bit of a louder whisper. "It's just P-Pete. O-only Patrick c-calls me P-Petey." Blake smirked at the stutter in my voice. I ducked behind Eliza and I heard her make a little growl in the back of her throat. Blake looked scared at this and scurried away. 

Eliza crouched beside Andy and put her hand on his cheek brushing away some of the tears. "You did so good Butterfly!" I flung myself on his shoulder in a tight hug. Eliza stroked his hair.

Andy's voice was shaky. "It hurts so much!"

Eliza "I know, Precious. Let me see." Andy blushed and very shyly turned to let her see. He slightly pulled down the hem of his gym pants. His bum was cherry red with bruises already forming, his skin was chapped, and he had many bleeding cuts. 

Joe started crying. "This is all my fault! If I hadn't been a smart ass you wouldn't have stepped in and got hurt!" Now it was Andy comforting Joe with a hug while they both sobbed.

Andy "It was my own fault! I wouldn't want you to change a thing about what you did and I would do it again in a heartbeat!"

Eliza scooped him up. "Let's go fix you up."

*     *     *     *     *


This section contains SELF HARM, NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE, and STRONG LANGUAGE. DM me and I will give you a summary. So, skip to that if this could trigger you or you just don't like it.

Eliza put Andy down on her bed and grabbed a bottle of baby oil and bandages from the bathroom cupboard. "Ok, I grabbed a pile of clothes that should fit you. Take a look and get cleaned up in the bathroom. Andykins, let's see what we can do here." She pulled him over her lap. Andy put his head down in his arms. Eliza used a soft cloth to wipe away some blood and slowly rubbed a generous amount of oil into his ruined skin. 

Andy sighed. The cool oil felt good on his hot skin. Patrick rushed to shower and change. Joe was glued to Andy's side, even helping Eliza with the bandages. I held Andy's top half, stroking his hair slowly so that he would fall asleep. Patrick came back quickly.

"I need to pee." Eliza nodded to me. I walked to the bathroom and did my business. I reached up to close the cabinet when I saw them. An unopened package of razor blades. I quickly made sure that the door was locked and sat down in the bathtub. I pulled my shirt off and took out a blade.

I shouldn't do this. But I did it anyway. I held the blade to my skin and sighed as the cool metal sliced through my skin and left behind a bubble of blood. I couldn't stop myself as I almost went into a cutting frenzy. I yelped as I made a final very deep cut. I looked at the damage that I had done. Some of the cuts were really deep. I have a ton of blood pooling at my feet. The edges of my vision went fuzzy as I heard Patrick at the door.

Oh, God! I don't want to die!

     Everything went black.

*     *     *     *     *

Patrick's POV

I sat on the bed between Eliza and Andy. Eliza had a big tv on her wall and she had given me the remote. She sat up when we heard a yelp from the bathroom.

Eliza "Honey, go check on Pete for me, please."

I knocked on the door. "Pete, you ok on there?" There was no response. I tried again a little louder. "Pete, I'm coming in if you don't answer me." Still no response. I tried the door but it was locked. That's strange, Pete never locks the bathroom door. You usually need to lock the door to keep Pete out.

Eliza was by my side now. We heard a loud thump. "Stand back." She kicked the door down with one swift stroke. I gasped at what we saw. Pete was slumped over in the bathtub. He was bleeding from the many cuts on his wrists and arms. He had cuts all the way up to his elbow and many of them were deep enough to need stitches. Eliza jumped into the tub and gripped Pete's arms, desperately trying to stem the blood. "Bring me that black box from under the sink. Hurry! Pete, can you hear me? open your eyes, lovely." Pete groaned. I ran back with the box, slipping in some of Pete's blood. Eliza pulled out a needle and thread. Pete was ghostly pale, actually, Pete was grey.

I grabbed his hand. "Petey, talk to me! Do something!" I was sobbing now. Eliza started stitching and Pete's eyes shot open. 

Pete "I'm sorry!" his voice was a broken cracked whisper. It seemed to hurt him to talk but he was still repeating that sentence like a broken record. I tried to hush him but nothing worked.

Eliza "Give him 2 of these." She gave me a little pink bottle. 

I tried to push the pills into his mouth. "Pete, I'm trying to help you!"

Pete "I don't deserve those! I don't deserve any of this! You should just let me die!"

Eliza shoved the pills into Pete's mouth and held it shut. "Don't you bloody say that. Swallow." He did as instructed. I rubbed his shoulder while Eliza kept stitching. Every so often she reached into the bag and grabbed out a handful of the green powder and rubbed it into his wounds.

Andy "What is that stuff?" He and Joe had followed me in. 

Eliza "Coagulation powder. It sorta acts like a styptic pen. It will stop the bleeding and help form a thick scab."

Eliza's POV

It took 30 minutes but I finally got the poor boy stitched up and bandaged. I wiped away the last of the blood from his little body. I scooped him up and put him back in my bed. I had already sent Patrick, Andy, and Joe there so he wouldn't be alone. He gave me a little weak smile but frowned when I didn't join them.

Pete "Where are you going?"

"I need to get changed and go to bed! I haven't been to bed yet, actually."

Pete "B-but you're coming back, right?" He was still sniffling and crying a bit. 

"I was going to sleep in the other room but I'll stay if you want really me to stay. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Pete "Please come back! I need you!" He whined and tugged at my hand.

"OK, I will be right back." I stepped into my closet to change, thinking over all that had happened today.

How could he do this? I should have known when I saw the scars, but I didn't think that he would be triggered by the mere sight of those blades.

I pulled on a soft black sports bra that showed off my back and a pair of dark blue booty shorts. I looked over at them. They looked so broken and lost! 

I have to help them. First, I need to know if this could happen again.

I walked back over. "I have a serious question for all of you: Do any of you self-harm like Pete? Or do you even just struggle with depression?"

Andy "I used to cut a little, but nothing since I was 16." He motioned to some faint lines on his ankles. I nodded.

Joe "I have clinical depression that I take meds for sometimes." He shrugged.

Patrick looked really sad and anxious, and he wouldn't meet any of our eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Patrick, Honey, what is it? You don't need to feel afraid, you can tell us anything!" He sniffled and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

Patrick "You're going to be so mad..." He very slowly lifted his shirt and Pete gasped out a sob. He had a ton of small cuts covering his belly and sides, but almost worse was how thin he was. His ribs were sticking out way too far and he looked emaciated he was so thin.

Pete "Patrick, why didn't you tell me? I-I could have helped you!"

Joe "Patrick, you're way too skinny! I can see your bones!"

Patrick looked so happy. "You think I'm skinny?"

Andy "Buddy, no, you're hurting yourself! This is killing you!"

Pete looked so heartbroken. "How long has it been? I know it's been days since you've eaten so how long has it been?" Patrick mumbled something. "Say that again, we didn't hear you."

Patrick "Almost a week." 

Pete exploded. "Patrick that's way too long! You're starving yourself to death! This will kill you! How could you do this to yourself?" He screamed.

Patrick was trembling and crying. "I j-j-just w-w-wan-te-ted to  be p-pr-pre-pretty!"

I pulled the poor boy into a hug and the others joined in. "Patrick, you are beautiful no matter what size you are because you have a beautiful soul! When I first saw you I thought that you were gorgeous, but that you could look so much better with some meat on your bones."

Andy "Yeah, you used to be warm and nice to cuddle with. Now you're just cold and bony!" He rubbed Patrick's arms, trying to warm him up a little. He was still crying a little but I slowly rocked him to sleep.

"Andy, pull back the blankets." He did and climbed in next to Joe. He snuggled in close to Joe and pulled Patrick into his arms. Pete played with Patrick's hair a little, making the younger sigh in his sleep. I got in next, giving Pete a little room. I have a very large bed so this was easy. 

Pete looked up at me shyly. "M-may I?"

I smiled down at him. "Sure." He scooted closer to me so that his back was pressed to me and he clung to my arm, using my shoulder like it was a pillow. I rolled over and wrapped my other arm around him in a hug. He let out a sigh of content and melted into my body. "Sweet dreams, Baby."

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