Music Lovers~ (A Jailey Fan...

By Fimadabunny

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Jake and the rest of the club are doing fine, until a new member joins in, putting Jake off the edge. New mem... More

Chapter 1: Average Day.
Chapter 2: New Member
Chapter 3: Practise Makes Perfect
Chapter 4: Evening
Chapter 5: Schemes And Dreams
Chapter 6: Growing Together
Chapter 7: Warriors Of Love
Chapter 8: Back To School
Chapter 9: Forgive Or Forget
Chapter 10: Music competition

Chapter 11: Friends Forever

1.9K 53 133
By Fimadabunny

Sorry this took so long to write, I've been caught up by Japanese studying stuff... Aha... and life... And my mom :/

♡Hailey's Pov♡

Me and Jake have been dating for about a month now. Obviously the best time I've ever had in my life...

We were all having a sleepover at me and Zander's house.

I can hear Jake crunching on his popcorn.

I lean onto his chest to hug him.

"What?" He asks, with mouthfuls of popcorn. "This movie too scary for you?"

"Don't be stupid... The main antagonist walks slower than a snail..." I reply.

He nods and smiles at me.

"You are scared... You look cute when you're scared..."

"Jake, I'm not scared!" I huff.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Hey, you two shut up! We're trying to watch!" Zander grumbled.

"Oh please..." I scoff.

I peer over to see Zander holding onto Luke... He was scared too.

"Dude you're not even watching!" Milly laughs. "You're just holding onto Luke!"

Zander shakes his head. "I'm much braver than anyone else here!"

"Oh please."

Sean wakes up from his nap and rubs his eyes a bit.

"When did we start watching a movie?" He asked.

"An hour ago... How long were you sleeping?" Milly asked.

"Um... Maybe two hours...? I dunno..."

"Wow, Sean... Either way... How did it go with Daisy?" Milly asked.

"Oh, right." He says, thoughtfully, then smiles.

"I asked her out... And she said yes... That's a good sign, right?"

"Heck yeah it is."

"How about Elliott?" Jake asked.

"Oh... Yeah... He realized I liked him after the post drop... Soooo... He asked me out and stuff."

"So now we're gonna go watch a movie on Saturday..."

"Sweet... Good job!" Luke says.

"Thanks, Luke! You should've saw it, he gave me a rose and everything!"

"Romantic." I respond.

"Sure was... Not gonna lie, you're guy's was pretty cute too!" She smugly replied.

"You think so? I mean, I am pretty romantic..." Jake boasts, getting all up in my face.

"Yeah yeah, sure..." I reply, pushing it away.

Zander evily watches us.

"If you break her heart, I'm gonna to crush you..." He grumbled.

Milly jumped up. "I second that! When Hailey is upset, she gets all moody and eats chocolate and watches those sad, romantic movies... It's atrocious!"

"No I do not!" I yell, peeping at Jake, who was chuckling a bit.

"Uh... Okay... I'd never do that anyways..." He chuckles, patting my head.

Right about then, the power went out.

"Oh no, the powers out!" Milly yelled.

"Beware! The creatures of the night will grab us!" Sean Laughed.

Zander screams.

"Damn it! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I hate the dark!"

"Zander calm down. There are no creatures of the night." Luke cooed, soothing him.

"Don't worry Zander, I think I have a pocket flashlight..." Sean murmured, digging through his pocket.


He flashes it in our faces.


"Ugh, You guys come with me..." Zander calls. "Let's go see if we can work the breaker."

Then he stops.

"Jake, Hailey... You guys stay here to see if it starts working, and don't you dare do anything bad!" He grumbles.

"You know... Dirty, dirty stuff!" Milly laughs.

Luke scoffs.

"Gross Milly." He says, probably following Zander.

Milly and Sean laugh.

"Alright... Fine..." I shrug.

"Good. Let's go guys..." He responds.

They left, leaving me and Jake.

"So..." He starts.

"Yeah... Uh..."

It's kind of silent, usually it isn't... So I kind of just look into the dark.

I can hear Zander yell.

"Hey, Hailey! Is it working!?"

"No!" Jake yells for me.

"I didn't ask you, Jake!" He yelled back.

Jake is silent, taken back a bit. "Oh please!"

I giggle a bit.

Then he grabs my hands, which surprises me a bit.

"Hey Hailey... I love you." He laughs cheekily.

"You're saying this now?" I ask. Even though I couldn't see him, I feel like he was grinning mischievously.

I snap back. "Yeah sure, I love you too."

"You don't sound like you mean it."

"It's dark."


"I dunno, it's not romantic."

"Because blinding lights makes it better."

"Shut up."

The lights turn back on. So I turn to him and smile.

I meet his face and peck his lips, causing him to blush.

Zander and the rest of the music club show back up.

"Oh, gross." Zander scoffs, shaking his head.

"But Zander, it's just a kiss, it's likes touching hands, or foreheads..." Milly explains.

"What kind of logic is that?" Sean asked.


Luke covers Zander's mouth, causing Jake to laugh.

"Let's just calm down and get back to what we were doing." Luke says.

I look back at Jake.

"That sounds like a good idea."


Oml, this sucked💀 anyways, I hope you kinda liked it, this was the only fanfiction I've ever published and finished... So maybe I can make another one, just ask :)

I love you guys so much, thank you for all the support. <3

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