The Nerd's Secret Life

By CandySweat_13

1.8M 49K 7.2K

Ashleyah Fox is that quite nerdy girl none notices. The one who's always wearing the long sleeved shirts and... More

Nerd at Day Badass by Night
Intro to my life
Nightfall calls for Badass
My Fucked up drunk self
Im like Klark Kent who's secretly Superman
Good news? Or bad news?
It's not fucking funny
I'm the new student
Fuck, this is going to be a long day
How's Kasey?
He fucking threw the cheese at me.
I know the nerd's secret
I didn't notice
cuore infronto (broken heart)
Minney? Like Minney Mouse?
Wrong move, Sweetheart.
Fuck you.
Kiss my chest, and jaw, and everything else.
Wow, the nerd's late
I hate school.
And you're apart of me.
We didn't have conversations
Then they get a show


37.5K 998 172
By CandySweat_13

*chasing cars* Snow patrol


I'm in shock.

I have nothing to say. She- she... whoa.

I always knew she was the care free girl. The one who was always bubbly and can brighten your mood. She would become all wise and all fortune cookie on me when I needed advice.

I mentally smile but it drops as her gazes locks mine.

She ponders and I see something flash into her eyes. The Jules I knew.

But then her eyes harden and her eyebrow forms in her familiar raise as she turns back to the teacher.

"Julia Jezebel Lunes?"

I smirk knowing she hated her full first name, let alone whole name.

She grits her teeth. "Just Jules."

She snatched her schedule from him and he looks shock as she walks all the way to the back and settles in her seat. Putting both feet up on the desk and shoving her headphones in her ears, she blocks out the entire earth around her.

At least her love for music hasn't change. The music's loud you could her the buzzing and some words.

We'll do it all...
On our own...

And its like she knows that I'm looking at her. And it looks like she's saying those words to me. Her eyes fall between the old her and now.

We don't need...
Anything ...
Or any one...

If I lay here...
If i just lay here...
Will you lie with me and...
Just forget the world?

Her green eyes flicker back and forth between multiple emotions. Emotions I've never seen on her. She's changed, even her hair. It's no longer the chocolatey chestnut brown, its deep red into a fiery one and bright yellow at the end.

I don't quite know ...
How to say...
How I feel...
The those three words...
Are said too much...
But not enough...

She turns her head straight ahead again, and that's when I see the tattoos.

The black boots, jeans, leather jacket, and the black band tee of a band I didn't know, of course.

The thick black eyeliner and dark red lipstick. She never makeup before, ever, have I seen her wear makeup. She's still beautiful though.

But, what happened to the laughing, happy, go lucky, carefree, smart ass I knew?

What happened to the girl with bright, sun shining green eyes, while she played her guitar?

What happened to the girl with the beautiful smile with the little crinkles by her eyes?

What happened?

If I lay here...
If I just lay here...
Would you lie with me and...
Just forget the world?

Forget what were told...
Before we get too old...
Show me a garden that's bursting into life...

She slips out her phone with multiple stickers if rock bands and mindless other shit on it an unlocks the code.

A little smile forms in my lips when I see a pic of her without makeup and smiling, her hair still dyed the red though.

Then I see who's next to her, kissing her cheek while his arm are wrapped around her shoulders. Nathan.

I knew he knew Jules but, I hoped it was a different girl. But it was then he started saying details and all I saw was red. He couldn't get her. He couldn't have her. She was mine.


I sigh, looking away as she started texting.

He couldn't have her. No one could. Nathan could get any one else, even Ash. Just not her.

But it wasn't my decision, it was hers. And when I left she replaced me.

Let's waste time...
Chasing cars...
Around our heads...
I need you're grace...
To read my need...
To find my own...

I looked ahead sulking.

I need to bring her back.

I need to know why she changed.

I need her to be happy again.

I need her.

All that I am...
All that I ever was...
Is here in you're perfect eyes...
They're all I can see...

I don't know where...
Confused about how as well...
Just know that these things will never change for us at all...

I'm getting her back to her old self if its the last thing I do.

The bell rang.

   The rest of lunch was such a faze, all I kept staring was her.

My friends and I sat outside at one of the tables and she sat with Nathan on the grass on the otherwise of the court, her back was to me facing him while he was across from her.

I gritted my teeth, not at the fact she was with him, my fists were already clenched. No, it was the fact I couldn't see her since back was facing me, and all I could see was him, looking at her how she used to look at me.

A look of understanding, happiness, amusement, and something that made a twinkle in her eyes. Whatever it was, I loved it, because it made her green eyes turn a light gold around the pupil.

I almost saw red when he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I heard her laugh.

Oh, that's it, don't worry, he'll get it soon. Again.

"Loo, baby? Are you okay?"

I snap my head towards Cecilia.

I managed to smile through gritted teeth, "fine, babe."

She smiled sweetly- or well tried.

Seriously, I've been around bullshit so long that I label it with pretty much everything.

I could tell that she was ticked off right now, she gets... touchy.

She stroked my thigh under the table and brushed her lips against my ear.

"If you need to relax, just tell me. I know the game is stressing you out, right?"

I wanted to cringe and shove her away from me from her disgusting feel of her breath in my ear and touch on my thigh and pinch of stupid plain manicured nails.

She was talking to me in a threatening tone, as if it better be the game I was stressing about, not some other chick.

But she wasn't a chick, if anything, she was a dove.

I wanted to laugh harshly in her face and spit that I wasn't hers or never will be; vice versa and that it will never be happening. This was just fucking. Plain. Fucking. Not like all those fucking cheesy, stupid stories where just that and then become more.

No. She was my last resort, a moment of desperation. She was my plan b, not even, Z.

But I didn't want to ruin her so I simply smirked.

"Yeah, the game," I winked at her to confirm that she wasn't even close.

"Maybe if all my remedies and traditions don't work," I started.

She blinked because she knew what I was talking about and narrowed her eyes.

I sat up straight and started to smile wickedly as I felt her hand cripple away from my thigh.

"Then maybe you could help me relax," I leaned close to her ear and whispered, "because we all know, that's what you're here for."

I leaned back and took my phone out of my pocket.

"I'll right back you guys." I stood.

Jason and Giana gave me a dismissive glances and wave before starting to talk to each other again.

A fucking, stupid corny story they have.

Cecelia didnt even say her usual 'hurry back, baby' finally! I finally put her in her place. I want to drop to my knees and raise my hand on the sky to dramatically thank the gods.

I typed the number in my phone and pressed it to my ear as it was ringing.

It was only me, I always got what I wanted in the end, but not what I needed. Maybe because I never wanted what I needed.

"Hello?" Her voice seeped through the speaker.

"I need a favor nerd, and you're gonna help me."

I was an asshole, but that's the only way to survive around here.

(Double update for you guys since I feel guilty for not updating for so long. Just a filler and intro hope you guys love and comment. I fucking love you guys comment, really funny and you get my hints.)

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