
By GottaSmile1516

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Live always seems perfect for the upper class, for Sophia, nothing is perfect. When things start appearing th... More

Chapter Two~ Broken.
Chapter Three~ Accident
Chapter Four~Still
Chapter Five~Seeing
Chapter Six~Scared
Chapter Seven~Smile
Chapter Eight~ Hallucinations
Chapter Nine~ Birthday
Chapter Ten~ Love

Chapter One~ Luck.

18 1 0
By GottaSmile1516


Luck. Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions. Chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen.

May 10, 2010----

“You’re so lucky!” Lucky. Lucky is when your fortunate in things you do or have. People are always telling me that I’m lucky. Friends, parents, teachers, everyone.

“You have everything! A huge house! The best of everything! Mr. Perfectly Popular for a boyfriend! All of the right people as friends! Model like features! Your totally lucky!”

Lucky..... Sure... I guess.... On the outside I guess I am lucky, I mean I have everything everyone says I have. But there’s a nightmare behind the dream-like state of everything in my life.

The nightmares I never tell anyone. Anyone. I don’t quite understand how I could. Walk up to someone and tell them, “My dad is never home, and Mom thinks he is having an affair with another women. When  he is home, they fight and I cry myself to sleep, hating the way they scream at each other. So my life isn’t so perfect  as you all think.” They would stare at me and think I’ve gone mad.

Maybe I have gone totally crazy, who knows....

Sophia closed the purple diary and thought of that day so long ago. If only she had know that she was lucky. Lucky to live. I’m still lucky to  be alive. After what I went through..... She have so much to be thankful for and I never thought of them.

When Sophia wrote in this diary she had no clue.... No idea what life had plan to have me face.

I didn’t have the slightest idea. Till I started seeing things that aren’t there.

*~Two years before~*

“Sophia! Are you listening to me?” Amy shakes my shoulders till I blink back to her. 

“What?” Amy rolls her eyes and turns back to her apple, “I was telling you about what happened last night with Kevin. You were zone out to la la land over there.”

I shake my head and sigh, “Sorry, tell me what happened.” Amy ran a hand over her straight dirty-blonde hair and started to answer but was stopped when her cell rang out. Her eyes widen, she snatched the devise off the table between us. She read the message and shrieks in glee, jumping up and down in her seat. 

Saying something along the line of “He text me!!” Amy shoved her papers back into the bag and ran out the cafe’s main door. Sophia didn’t even say good-bye, but that probably didn’t matter to Amy, I turned to the homework we were doing.

Amy is my most-resent-best-friend, a thin heart shaped face, slightly large brown eyes followed by a thin nose. A long neck and sharp shoulders, she thinks that she’s to0 fat, so she goes for a being a vegetarian. I don’t say anything out loud but I always think that her entire body is flatted like a peace of paper. Just a bunch of thin lines shaping her.

My cell rings beside me, the name Kevin flashes on the screen. Sophia sighs again and lies her pen down on the table. ‘R u busy 2night?’ I think about it, Mom wanted me to eat with her tonight since Dad was working tonight.

‘Sorry I have plans, maybe tomorrow?’ The second after it sent I get one back from him.

‘Plans? with who?’ 

‘My mom. I got to go bye.’ I click off my iPhone and shove it to the bottom of my bag. Sitting in the cafe with the smell of coffees and muffins, Sophia tried to finish my Chemistry work. When I’m done I put it all togeather, pay the bill, and leave the cafe.

My porsche is waiting for me in the parking lot, she turned the ignition and drives home like ever normal wednesday. The way home is a normal one, I drive myself home every day. Looking at the seasons change when they do and wave to the people I know past by.

Parking in the double garage and reach for my bag then getting out. The huge door closed behind me and I walk up the front sidewalk to reach the glass doors. Plants grow on both sides, it’s well into spring and the flowers are in full bloom of colors. 

She reached the doors, opens them and stepped into my castle of a home. “Mom, I’m home!” She yells up to the second stair as I open the door, because I know she will be in her woman-cave, she calls it that- not me. Trust me. She calls down for me to hold on a minute, she’s probably finishing some last minuet things for her project.

Mom works for herself, she’s an artist in words, she does sell her work, but not a lot. She says that she use her hands to get out of her head for a while. Some times she doesn’t even finish something, she just forgets and moves on. 

I walk into the ocean blue living room, throwing my bags onto one of the white sofas. Then walk out and find my way to the kitchen, filling myself a glass of water.

“Hello, my dear,” Mom saunters in next to me and side hugs me with a smile. 

“Hey, how was your project?”

  She nodes and sits at the table, “It’s getting on just fine. What do you want for supper tonight?”

We have lasagna and talked about our days at work, just the two of us tonight. Dads at a business meeting, and both of my brothers’ were at practices. I have twin brothers who are five years older then me, they are total opposites of each other. 

David and Josh, bright green eyes like Mom and I, and light brown hair. They are both taller then me by a foot and brawny. Josh was in football, and David is into theater. I loved them both to death, even if they got on my last nerves sometimes.

“Well, thank you, Sophia, for keeping me company tonight, now it’s time for you to get to bed.” I kiss her good night on her dry forehead, leaving her in the light of the fading sun. Stoping by the living room to get my bags, the time was well past 10 and I was glad that I had finished my work at the cafe.

I climbed the stairs, to my room at the end of the hall of the right side. My room consist of purple and blue colors with a big wight bed and a huge window on the opposite wall.

Throwing my stuff on the bed and dress into my zebra striped tank top and sport shorts. My cell rings, Dad. I dig it out of the depths of the back pack. “Hello, Dad.”

“Hey, sweetie, I just wanted to tell you good night.” I freeze, that only means one thing. 

“Your not coming home tonight.” It’s not a question, and I’m not surprised either. His work meetings usually end late most night taking up much of his time from home.

Everyone knows him, Mr. Ryan, the main boss of the R’s Com. I don’t know  quite what he does there, but it’s not like it bothers much to me. And of course they know my mom, if not because of her art work then it’s because of the fact she married to my dad. 

Everyone knows my brother, Josh, for being the lead running back and David for being in every male-lead in the school plays. And then there’s me. Don’t get me wrong I’m very well known, its just... they don’t know me by own actions, but by my parents or my brothers.

I’m the student body president, in debate team, as well as track, not to mention I have straight A’s in all my class. “Sophia, are you there?” I race back to reality, “Ya, sorry, I’m just really tired right now, could you call me tomorrow?” The bag falls to the floor where I push it with my leg, pulling the sheets back.

“Sure honey, good night.” Sophia wished him well, turn my phone off and slide into bed. Sophia reached into my night stand drawer and pull out my dairy. I know it’s kind of childish that I still keep a diary. 

Sophia didn’t want to trouble any one with her problems. And she had a lot of them, just because my life seems so perfect like glass on the outside. Doesn’t mean it’s the same in the inside. I have cracks like everyone else.

May 11, 2010----

I’m having troubles, Dad is going away to much, Mom doesn’t like it one bit. And I rarely see my brothers anymore, I guess the reason is that they want to get away from Mom and Dad’s fighting. I wish for nothing else then our family to get back togeather.

I’m not doing all that well with Daniel, he never listens to my ideas or whenever I talk. I think he wants it to be all him. I would talk to Amy, but I doubt she would listen to me as well and that she would even care.

Plus Amy is driving me crazy with her new ‘off-on’ boyfriend, she doesn’t understand anything I tell her. Why do I have friends like them. The only sane one I enjoy talking to is Kathleen, everyone thinks she weird, but they are the ones that are odd. Kathleen is the only one that doesn’t care about my money....

I’m so confused, Amy’s not that bad right???? Maybe I’m just judging them be how they were raised. I mean that’s how I was raised. But I didn’t keep going the same way. I might talk to one of the boys next time I see them. But for now I’m going to bed, sleep on things, tomorrow is a new day.

I hope you like this chapter is new to me too, and most like update more on this one becasue it is new. Caught my writing attention :) but I will update other. Thank you for reading and it will get better I promise  I hope you understand when she writes her diary :DD I'm going to see if I can fix it :P Have an awesome day:P ~GottaSmile1516

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