The Royal Affair

By kateyplant

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LOVE AFFAIR An affair of love. A love story. A study of romance. A matter of the heart. A constant temptation... More

Part One: Red Silk Slip Dress
Part Two: Perfume Memories
Part Three: The Morning
Part Four: No Surprises
Part Five: Cinnamon Girl
Part Six: Happiness is a Butterfly
Part Eight: Sundown

Part Seven: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

727 15 9
By kateyplant

Author's note:
Hi guys. Hope ya'll have been safe and healthy. This one is scandalous! Sorry for it being so late, but hope you guys like! Lemme know what ya'll think.

Rayna had went for a walk around London as lowkey as she could. She needed some air and some time to herself, admittedly so she entered a sweets shop. Hoping that chocolate could ease her mind.

The man at the counter, rang her up, and she kept her hat on her head. It was Harry's.

"Thank you," she said lowly as she unwrapped her chocolate in the street as she ate. Her headphones on, she had her grey fitted trench coat on, paired with some comfy walking ankle boots.

She wanted to feel normal again. She had wished for things to feel the way they used to. She munched on the chocolate as she sat on a bench, and watched the birds in the sky. The sun began to come out in the sky, and she noticed a man with his cellphone trying to be clever in his positioning of his phone.
Rayna sighed, and said fuck under her breath before stuffing her chocolate in her pocket and pulling out a cigarette instead.
Her sunglasses covered her eyes so she was thankful that he wouldn't get that great of a photo. But still, it frustrated her. When she would tell Harry this story, he had gotten very upset that she hadn't told him where she had gone to. And that right now it wasn't such a good idea to go out particularly alone at the moment.

She got up abruptly not wanting anyone to catch on too soon, so she walked the couple of blocks to her condo.

She draped her coat off, and hung it up along with her brain right now. She was so tired of thinking all the damn time. With the media on her ass, the potential of her and William's fling coming out in the media, Meghan bugging Harry, her unresolved feelings for Will. It got to be too much, and she poured herself some wine, and turned a record on.

She ignored her phone. Not wanting to see any notifications of the news. Not today, Satan.

That was thinking too soon, though. Because her phone rang. She didn't answer for a moment and just gazed upon it as if it were a foreign object to her.

"Oh, for christ's sake!" She huffed and answered her phone.

"Hello!" She ran her hair through her hand, and took another sip of wine.
"Hello?" She said once more.

Fucking hell.

She hung up, and was wondering if she was losing her damn mind.
I need more wine, she thought as she poured another glass.
Everything is too much, so what?
She began proofreading some of her poems that have built up over the past month or so. She noticed the stark difference between when William had entered her life again. And when he hadn't been in her life. They were warmer somehow, less icy. She saw a difference when she had got together with Harry. They were somehow more sweet and gentle. How he made her felt.

She began adding things here and there. It was almost ready to be published but she hadn't told anyone yet. Not even Harry. Things have been so weird lately energetically that she didn't feel the need to do so.

She was in the middle of doing her thing, when her phone rang. A restricted number. She rolled her eyes and let it ring, until she decided to answer it.


"Is this Rayna? Hi, please don't hang up, it's Meghan,"

Rayna instantly closed her laptop, and paid attention.

"What do you want?" Rayna already asked defensively.

Meghan chuckled devilishly,
"I just want to talk, that's all. We've never gotten the chance to speak one on one,"

Rayna pinched the bridge of her nose, already regretting her answering it.

"How about let's not beat around the bush, and just get on with it, huh?" She cut to the chase.

"I like that," she could hear a grin in her voice.

"I need one thing from you, and that is your utmost word in confidence about what I'm about to tell you. Harry and I are meant to be, Rayna. I know we are, and I want you to know that I will do nothing but be there whenever you decide to leave,"

Rayna couldn't believe her ears.

"Meghan, I didn't know you were the threatening kind," She quipped.

"It's a promise," She hissed a bit coyly, but soon switched.
"I hope you enjoy the tabloids, because I know they will favor me,"

She looked at the phone for a second before hanging it up.

She instantly texted Harry.

Call me asap.

He responded within seconds.

"Hey, I'm in a meeting, babe," He answered his voice a bit low.

"I'm sorry, I'll make this quick. Meghan called me,"

"What?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I don't know how she got my number, but she said she's going to make the press favor her, whatever that means," She sighed, sitting across legged on her couch, fidgeting her necklace in her hand.

"Well, one of the benefits of this is fighting this, please try not to worry, I'll call you soon as I'm out of here. Alright?" He gently reassured her, which somehow comforted her.

"Okay," she nodded looking out of her window. It was a cloudy day. Fitting.

"Alright, I love you," she felt her warm tingly feeling in her stomach over those words coming out of his mouth.

"I love you too," she said back, she heard a smile in his voice before he hung up.


Nothing would prepare her for what was to happen. But Rayna began doubting Harry. She didn't know why, but she didn't feel as protected as she should. She decided to phone William. It was a rash decision, that she didn't know at the time but would come back and bite her in the ass.

"Hello?" Will had already sounded like he was in the middle of something.

"Hi, its me," she sighed, running her hand through her hair,
"Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if we could talk for a sec?"

She heard William on the other end seemingly excusing himself from whatever he was in the middle of. Ah, the difference between the brothers, she noted.

"Of course, gimme one second," she heard his recipients in the background in low conversation and then a sound of a door closing.


"Meghan called," she shook her head, and he sighed in annoyance on the other line.

"Continue," he said.

"And basically she's gonna be on my ass until Harry can't take it anymore. And I think she's planning to spill something to the media," she bit her lip and realized how ridiculous this all sounded.

"Okay, I'll check in with my people about it and see what I can do," He confidently countered.

"So, I shouldn't worry?"

"I suppose not, she will be a problem for a while, I think, there must be something about you she doesn't particularly like," he chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"Must be,"

Their conversation was soon cut short by the beep of Harry on the other line.

"That's Harry," she said.

"Better take that,"


There was a moment of silence between the pair, until Will broke it. There was longing there and Rayna could feel it.

"I'll call you later, and check in,"

"Okay," she twinged her hair between her fingers before switching to Harry's call.

"Is everything fine?" Harry asked already suspicious of the fact that she didn't answer right away like she always did.

She cleared her throat,
"Yeah, yeah, fine," she sniffled realizing the stark contrast between William and Harry's voices and cadence. Both she adored so much. God, she was in a pickle she noted in her head.

"Good, everything should be. I'll let you know when I talk to someone about it, so don't fret your pretty head," he poked. That made her smile.

She wished she had kept her mouth shut and never even called William. Either way, her conscience was telling her that she could use all the help she could get with this Meghan thing.

"Dinner tonight?" He asked getting her out of her guilty thoughts.

"That sounds great," she answered, what she really wanted was more wine and, well, sex.
Things have been so tough lately for her that she could use a little letting out steam.

"I'll have them pick you up, soon,"
And with that, there went their conversation.

Next thing Rayna did was what any grown woman did with sex on her mind. Put on a little black dress, red lipstick and her handy black pumps.
She wanted to feel domesticated, but she knew she would be able to read Harry's mind. She didn't plan on staying too long with him that night. She wanted to revert back to her old careless ways of partying.

She sprayed her perfume, and grabbed some condoms. It was one of those nights, she threw a couple of mollies in her clutch just in case. Though, she had no plans of using them.

She sprayed some extra salt water in her waves to keep them that way. It was only 5 o'clock but she knew she wanted more to drink.

She heard the car to chauffeur her to Harry like clockwork.

In an instant she was at Harry's. She didn't want to talk, or think. She popped the molly for the hell of it. Something that the Rayna now would never do. Something was in the air tonight that made her reckless. It was the stress, of Will, Meghan, Harry, the media. Everything. She wanted to forget even for an hour or two.

Harry didn't know what he was in for when he greeted her, she threw her up in a ponytail, and in an instant took her dress off.

"I fucking need you, Har,"

His eyes almost fell out of his head to the amusement of her.

He seemingly gulped,
"So, it's like that, to the point," he stammered, and began unbuttoning his shirt. She smiled, breaking her careless character. Harry hadn't been with the reckless side of her before, if he had they would have slept together a long while ago.

"Come here," he lifted her up, his hands cupping her ass.

She giggled into his lips, and went to town on her neck, with a slam to the wall.

"Did that hurt?" He let out a chuckle, his hands on the back of her head, his eyes boring into hers with concern.

"A little," she laughed as their lips met again.
She was loving the dynamic of them. It was different from William, their was cutesy little moments like these with Harry. With William it was hot, passionate. With Harry it was sweet, loving. She couldn't help but compare, she knew it was wrong. But how could she not?

"My baby, I'm so sorry," he moaned into her ear.

"Would you mind and take care of me tonight?" She perked as he made his way over to the bed, him still carrying her.

"Of course," he didn't hesitate with her proposal, and he did take care of her in exactly the way that she needed. He hit every spot imaginable. And she was fully satisfied by the end of it.

She huffed beside him, and gazed at the clock. 8pm it read.

"Three hours?" She said more as a statement than a question.

He smirked and took a gulp of water from his bed stand.

"I don't know what in the hell got into you, but I'm not complaining," he quipped before wrapping an arm around her.

She chuckled, as she slipped her panties back on.

Harry watched her every move, he was curious what had gotten into her. But she was already out of bed, putting her clothes back on.

"Leaving so soon? Am I just a booty call now, Rayn?" He joked as she looked behind at him, as she slipped her dress back on.

"You're funny," she brushed off his booty call comment.

Harry was starting to get the point that she was not in any mood to talk about anything. He got the message. Rayna was stressed.

"Hey," he said sitting up resting his chin on her shoulder,
"I'm here, whenever you need to talk. Anything I can do to help," he comforted her, or at least he hoped.

She stared at him for a second, and nodded with a peck to his lips.

"I know," she murmured, before grazing another peck to his lips.

She breathed in,
"I was invited to a party," she suddenly said.
"You coming?"

Harry almost let a ridiculous laugh, but then realized she was serious. She definitely wanted to distract something that was going on in her head.

"Which pub?" He asked not really answering her question.

"Same one we went to that night," she shrugged, slipping her pumps back on.

Ah, that one. The same one they got drunk at and slow danced. The same pub that made them realize their feelings for one another. Well, at least hers, he thought.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna let you go by yourself," he said, getting himself out of bed. He knew he had to watch out for her, she was in a particularly rare mood tonight. He hadn't seen her this reckless for years. Not since her time with William.

Rayna had this knowing smile on her face that Harry had seen before long ago. And it reminded him why he was with her. He loved seeing her smile, no matter what. And in the moment of him dressing himself, he realized he didn't want to be without her. The thought of her in a wedding gown almost made him stop in his tracks as he readjusted his belt. He watched her every move of touching up her makeup in the mirror and couldn't help but think of her as his wife, even for a second.

The thought vanished as Rayna smiled over her shoulder, with her hand in his stepping outside in the chauffeur.

The night passed by in a flash, karaoke, wild darts, shots, and dancing. It felt like they had just met for the first time. Times were hard, but things weren't so bad when she had Harry.

She wiped the liquor from her lips as she made her way to the restroom.

Harry was sociable when he wanted to be. He was a goddamn prince whether he liked it or not, it's all he knew.

As she entered the restroom a couple of girls gazed at her, surely knowing she was with Harry. She gave them a friendly smile before entering a stall.

After, the same girls gazed at her as she washed her hands.

"You're Rayna Miredo, right?" The blonde said, as Rayna in fact perked up at her as she dried her hands.

"Yeah, don't tell no one," she fake whispered making both of the women snicker.

"I love your work. I read all of your blog posts," The red head quipped, beside the blonde.

"Thank you both, what's your names?" She asked as she held out her hand for both of them to shake kindly.

"Michelle," the blonde obliged with an excited smile,
"Nice to meet you, Michelle," she looked straight in her eyes, pretty green ones, Rayna noted. She liked remembering certain things about people so it was easier for her to remember names.

"Courtney," the red head with big curly locks, murmured with a shy smile.
"Courtney, nice to meet you also," Rayna greeted her.

"Not to pry, but how is Harry?" Michelle asked carefully.

"Oh, he's fine, would you two like to meet him?" Rayna was happily buzzed and normally didn't use the "oh, I'm dating a prince" card ever, but what the hell, right?

"Are you kidding?!" Both of the girls gasped.

"Yeah, no worries, just remember Harry loves hugs," Rayna winked, wanting to mess with Harry was always a thing the two had done even back then.

Rayna grabbed both of their hands, as they giggled excitedly looking for Harry through the now packed pub.

The typical Brit style pub music played loudly as drinks were everywhere. As it smelt of liquor and dancing.

Rayna easily spotted Harry laughing along with a couple of guys. He looked so happy, she observed as she approached with both of the girls.

Without warning they both rather obnoxiously pounced on Harry, wrapping him in their arms. Rayna couldn't help but just laugh as Harry's expression went from confused, to looking at Rayna with a "you asshole" look that somehow made her laugh harder.

"They love you, Harry!" Rayna said in between her breathless laughter, even his newfound friends from the pub were guffawing at the prince. The girls continued to giggle as he gave in, giving them both a hug and a picture that Rayna personally took.

"I'm gonna get you for that one, ya bugger," he whispered in her ear after the whole debacle ended.

"I'm sure you will, Har, but that was too good," she giggled lightly as he smiled ear to ear.

"I never met anyone quite like you before, y'know that?" He said, his arms wrapping around her waist, hers draped around his neck.

"And I'm quite sure, that's the truth," she nodded, as she grabbed his beer, chugging it along onto her lips.

"How many have you had?" He murmured in her ear over the music.

"Too many," she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well, what would you say if I cut you off?" Harry's eyebrows raised already, awaiting her response.

"I would say, I don't want to until after we dance," she said, as a Clash song came on. "Lost In The Supermarket" played on, as couples began dancing as well.

"Deal," Harry laughed as she already led him to the dancefloor, she moved her head to the beat. Her hair seemingly following it as well. Her hoops sparkled as Harry laughed, singing along.

Their hands were wrapped around one another's as he twirled her, her little black dress swaying to the music.

"I'm all lost!" Both Harry and Rayna sang as he twirled her back into his arms.

She moved her hips to the music, getting lost in a drunken haze, as she saw how beautiful Harry looked as he let loose with her meant everything to her in that moment.

Her hands moved through her own hair as her arms seemed to find a world of it's own as she danced away. She felt a couple of people with their phones recording her and Harry along with the other couples on the floor. She didn't care, and this is exactly what she needed she realized.

Her hands found Harry once more, this time, one enveloping her hand, the other on his shoulder, his on her waist. Just like the night where they reconnected and made the rather rash decision to act upon their feelings.

"I'm getting DeJa-Vu Har!" She exclaimed in his ear.

"Me too!" He smiled looking back at her.

"Kiss me!" She said as he did, the music seemed to fade away and it really did.
Harry understood her. That this is what she needed, something as simple as her going to a pub to forget the media. Even though she knew there was photos or videos taken of them just being on the dance floor. She didn't care, not tonight. She wanted to live, thrive, with someone she adored. And that was enough for her tonight. She didn't want to think about tomorrow.
She wanted to feel lost, if anything.
And in between Harry's lips on hers, that's what she got, lost.

Rayna awoke with not much of a headache but buzzing with dehydration and coffee on her mind right when she opened her eyes.

As expected she was asleep right next to Harry, his arms wrapped around her snug.

She appreciated that her phone was right on the nightstand predictably Harry put it there.

She wiggled her way carefully out of Harry's arms, careful not to wake him.

She opened her phone up to messages and emails up the wazoo.

Oh god, she tried remembering if she did anything too embarrassing last night. Then she remembered all she had was a fun night with Harry, so she set her phone down without looking at the headlines. It was unhealthy for her to look at them anyways.

She poured herself a heaping glass of water while she made some coffee for her and Harry.

She sniffled to herself as she felt a weird weight off of her shoulders. She needed to blow off some steam, to not care about all of the things that troubled her. The temptation of the party life began to shed its wings and she realized all she needed was Harry as she carried a hot cup of coffee to him in bed.

He was still sleeping, so she tickled his feet to wake him.
He literally jumped awake which made her giggle lightly.

"Jesus, Rayna," He said groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," she winked as she set his coffee on the nightstand beside him.
He yawned to himself, and stretched his arms out.

"You were out when we came home," he said with his crackly morning voice.

"Mm, was I?" She quipped, putting her messy hair in a side bun.

"Mhm," he blew on the steamy coffee before resting his lips on it, drinking it in.

She shook her head,
"It was fun, wasn't it?" She squeezed his cheek playfully.

"Of course, think you needed it," he shrugged rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he responded.

She drank her own coffee, cross legged, the pair had a comfortable silence taking in last night.

"Yeah, yeah I did," she grazed his fingertips thoughtfully wondering what Harry really thought of what had occurred last night and if he had enjoyed it as much as she had.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Might as well be honest, she noted in her head.

He shrugged a little rather nonchalantly, she couldn't lie it did take her back, his reaction.

"I'm glad you had your time like you needed, and I always enjoy our time, no matter where we are," she knew what he meant by it, that they should have been more responsible. With spending time with anyone from the royal family comes responsibility for the lenses of the media.

"Always so careful, I remember the pantsless Harry," she prodded his arm lightly with a giggle.

"Don't remind me," he groaned, with a sigh.

She didn't want to hear a lecture. That was the whole point of last night, to be carefree. But she knew it was only because Harry was rather protective of her.

He was about to say something, but she beat him to it by putting a finger to his lips,
"I know, Har," She murmured,
"I know it was irresponsible, doing molly, being carefree, but can you blame me? With everything going on?" She finished.

He gently took a hold of her hand that was on his lips, and enveloped his hands on hers.

"I'm just worried, I would do anything to protect you from the media, I'm not going to have anything happen to you, not like my mother," he sniffled, and his words left her puzzled.

How did he find the resemblance between him and his mother? It couldn't be possible it was as bad as she had it, could it? No way.

"Har, you're being dram-"
He cut her off.

"Dramatic could be something that I am, but I know how it started with Mum, like you. She thought she could handle it, pretty soon she was crying in public, panic attacks, eating disorder, the media would not let up on her. And over my dead body will that happen to you," his eyes looked a certain way that she had never seen before. They were a mix of passion, pain, and ... love?

She couldn't help but melt as she stared into his eyes with the sudden outpouring of concern for her.

All she could do was nod, and wrap her arms around him, her head on his chest.

"I'd give anything to make sure you were alright, if this is what you really want," He leaned down to face her,
"Then I give you my word, as my mother's son, that you," He cupped her cheek and his eyes spoke volumes.
"Will never have to suffer as she did," he seemingly finished and she responded with the only thing she could do, a kiss.

Little did Rayna know, but at that moment Harry had already decided she was going to be his wife.

Harry went on his way for a couple of errands while Rayna decided to stay in at Harry's behest.

Not a smart move.
As soon as Rayna checked her phone she was bombarded with texts, emails, you name it.

"Harry and Rayna spotted out in a night of fun"
"Meghan Markle, spotted in UK,"
"Who is Rayna Miredo? Prince Harry and his mysterious lady, Rayna's history"
"Prince William and Prince Harry's Love Triangle"

The last headline made her eyebrow rise, so she clicked on it admittedly. The Sun.

At one point, Rayna Miredo was courted by Prince William?
According to a source close to the royal family, a feud is underway for Prince Harry and Prince William.
"A meeting was called between the brothers and William walked out ten minutes before because he knew Harry was arriving,"

She shut off her phone, and decided to call William to see if there was any truth to the article. The fact that it was even being written about was ridiculous to her. The palace was usually quiet as far as spies, but ever since Meghan came into the picture.

"Hello?" William answered on the second tone.


"Rayna," He sounded as if he was in the middle of something and seemed surprised to hear from her at this particular moment.

"Am I interrupting something? I can call you later," she quipped, biting her lip.

"One second," He said and the line grew silent.

Rayna thought of the last thing he said to her in her ear. She smiled to herself as she began biting her nails. She didn't know why he made her so nervous.

"Okay, think we can speak privately now," he murmured on the other end.

"Did you read the Sun article Will?" She cleared her throat.

"I haven't, I try not to pay attention," he coyly answered.

"Will, it mentions you and me," She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair.

He sighed,
"What does it say?" He sounded annoyed.

"It said something about our history together and also about a feud between you and Harry?" She left the last part up to William to interpret for her.

"Well, the UK are going to know our history Rayn, there's nothing we can quite do about that, and me and my brother have our wits about us to not be feuding in public,"

He still didn't answer her question.

"Harry hasn't told me anything..." she trailed off. And he hasn't. And maybe he didn't because he wanted to keep her out of it.

"'Course he didn't," he sighed.

"Meghan is running a muck, and I wouldn't doubt it if she was the one who leaked some things in the first place,"

"So, what does that have to do with me?" She asked.

"I'm trying to protect you, by completely cutting this woman off, her intentions were always questionable. Harry wants to go the diplomatic route," She could tell he strongly disagreed with the way Harry was handling it. If that was such the case why hasn't Harry told her?

"I don't think there's any diplomatic way with her," She shook her head.

"Precisely, its preposterous to think that she will quiet down when Harry is still speaking to her,"
She knew William added that in, because Rayna didn't know. She didn't mind though, and brushed it off.

"I'll try to figure it out, I don't want anything to leak to the press, Will," She said worried. She was ready to move on with her life, with or without Will. But she knew speaking to him, there would always be a temptation.

"Nothing's gonna leak, Rayn, as long as you stick by me in this, you'll be just fine," He said gently.
And she believed him. William was the most protected. It was amazing to her after all this time that he still had this care in his voice for her.

She sniffled,

"I don't know how many times you're going to phone me over this, but I'm not particularly complaining," he said trying to lighten the mood.

She giggled lightly,
"Me neither, I promise I'll narrow down the phone calls to once a week for now on,"

"I'll always take your call," he reassured her, as Harry made his way through the door.

"Thank you," she changed her tone a bit, before bidding farewell to Will.

Harry gazed at her for a second before setting two newspapers down in front of her. It was about her and Harry.

"Wild Rayna bringing back the wild side of Harry!"
"Will Rayna be the downfall of Harry?"

Rayna instantly rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, because last I checked dancing is such a wild thing to do,"

Harry muttered something before turning the page for her, there in the newspaper was a full spread on Meghan with the same hateful barrage.
Except they were making fun of her clothing.

"Who wrote all of this?" She perked up at Harry.

"I dunno, Daily Mail, The Sun, they're all responsible for this. As far as the sources, someone within the firm, I'm sure of it," He shook his head with this irritated look on his face. It wasn't like Harry to read headlines, people usually brought it to him. But apparently when it came to Rayna, he did indeed pay attention.

"Who brought this to you?"

"Courtesy of palace aides, since when do I need to worry for the headlines?" He pinched the bridge of his nose and sat beside her, clearly aghast.

She rubbed his back soothingly,

"I know," she rested her head on his shoulder,

"I know what I signed up for, Har," she murmured softly into his neck.

He peered at the mirror in front of them, gazing in her eyes,

"Seems William is good at keeping you two's fling under wraps, though," he coldly said. She knew he was just venting, but it still stung for him to say it, so she tried not to take it personal for the sake of him.

"We can't control anything the media says, but I still feel protected by you," She reassured him as he stood up, hands tossing the newspapers to the side. She didn't know why he was so irritated suddenly.

"And Will," He bit his lip, looking at her for some sort of explanation that he didn't ask for.

"What are you getting at?" She questioned him, confused.

"I'm trying to be a good guy, Rayn, I really am, but I just need honesty," He looked at her with hopefulness in his eyes.

"How am I not honest with you?" She grew more confused by the second. The Meghan thing registered in her head at this point, what William had told her. Her attitude and tone changed quickly.

"Have you been honest with me?" She countered before even giving him the chance to answer her previous question.

"I'm honest with you, yes,"
She shook her head with a slight disbelief smirk on her face.

"Really? As if you're not still speaking to Meghan?" She dropped her bomb.

Harry blinked for a couple of seconds, shock grew and grew on his face before hiding it. He didn't expect for her to say that.

"And yes, I call Will, Har, but only for the media stuff. But I don't go behind your back with a person who spills things to the media!" She couldn't help but be passionate about this.

"I speak to her, for you!" He raised his voice, explaining. She forgot how heated her and Harry could get.

"Me? Oh, my hero!" She laughed, she hated this, but maybe this argument needed to happen.

"Yes, I do, because she needs to know that I love you, regardless of your history or she and I's! She's convinced that her and I will be together, for some unknown reason to me, so yes, I think of you and my brother, whom I know you have been phoning," His face grew sad.
This. This is what she never wanted. Harry speaking of his brother with pain in his eyes. What had she done? She wanted to turn into the carpet on the ground.

"I'm-I'm," she stammered,
"sorry," she sniffled and felt tears brim on her eyes, before abruptly, grabbing her purse near, ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" He quickly followed her.

"I obviously need to go, Harry, I can't do this right now,"

"Please, Rayn," He said holding her shoulders.

She was silent, gazing in his eyes.

She knew she loved him so very much. Even without the money, even without being a prince. She adored him for who he was. But in love? She fought herself.

"I'll call you, okay?" She said kissing him on the lips a couple seconds longer than she had hoped.

"Okay," he sighed as she made her way out the door.


She took another shot. The burn from it matched exactly what she felt.

She asked for another, before Harry sat beside her.

She sighed,
"How did you find me?"

"You think I wouldn't know where you would go?" He perked.

She bit her lip as he ordered her a water instead. She wondered why he had even come to see her.

She chugged the water, without another word to Harry.

"Why are you still speaking to her?" She cut to the chase.

"Because I need to know what she's up to,"

She scoffed,
"Does William keep in contact with her?" She regretted saying this the moment the words impulsively came out of her mouth.

He looked at her, in disbelief,
"I'm afraid not," His face became made of stone.

"I'm just saying, Harry, I don't see any need for you to speak to her at all, if there's nothing left between the two of you,"

"I can say the same about you and my brother,"

She rolled her eyes,
"I'm with you, Har, I've only seen him once since we've been together, other than that, it's just been about media. I don't know if you can say the same about Meghan," she countered.

He stayed quiet for a second before opening his mouth, and nothing came out. He knew she was right.
And that pained her. The fact he couldn't have at least been honest with her is what hurt. Then again, did she really have any room to talk with Will in the back of her mind?

She sniffed, and they stayed silent as the music and people overtook the ambiance.

"What can I do?" He asked in her ear.

She gazed in his eyes. He loved her.
He already looked at her as his wife, so what could he do but do what he wanted to do?

"You can-" before the words escaped her lips, he was on his knee.

Her eyes grew wide,

"I love you. I'll treat you so kind. I'll fight a war for you, I made up my mind, and you are my future," His eyes looked glassy, like something she's never seen before.

Her hand absentmindedly found her lips.

"Will you, Rayna Miredo, please give me the honor of being my wife," he pulled out the ring, it glistened under the bar lights. She didn't feel anyone near, just Harry perking up at her, awaiting her answer.

"Yes," she nodded with a shaky voice that was instant.

He took a noticeable breath out before beaming the biggest smile.


"Yes!" She laughed as he stayed on his knee.

"Har, get up!" She snickered as he funnily got up to her level as he enveloped her in his arms.

"Are we crazy?" She asked into his neck.

"Possibly," He said kissing her forehead.

Without noticing. The bar collapsed in applause.

"Oh god," the couple smiled as she felt pictures going off.

"Put the ring on!" Someone chattered.

"Oh right, yes the ring," they both said out loud to one another as he took the ring out and slid it on her finger. It was beautiful.

Applause erupted again, as they held hands, and smiled at the people.

She looked at Harry, completely shocked at what just happened.

"Did you just propose to me?"

"I think I did," he had this boyish smile on his face as if he knew the whole time he was going to propose.

"When? ... How?" She asked with a disbelieving smile.

"In France," he clarified for her.

"That's when you decided..?" She asked again.

He nodded, with another smile.

"You said yes," He said as people tried buying them a shot.

They shrugged and obliged. They somehow felt like a normal couple.

She thanked the kind strangers for their welcome attitudes.

They took the shots and bid their farewells, hand in hand.
Before going out the door, she turned to Harry,
"Should I wear this now?" She asked looking down at the ring.

"Of course," he said confidently, not wanting Rayna to worry. Truth be told, he didn't care, he wanted everyone to know Rayna was his. And he meant everyone.

When they stepped outside, someone must have called the paps because all they heard was flashes of light which Harry shielded her from.

"Harry, Rayna do you think its wise to be at a bar when you're in the monarchy?!" One shouted.

What she really wanted to do was flip them off, instead Harry positioned her left hand so everyone could see the ring without Rayna even realizing.

Once in the car, they were all over each other. Harry enjoyed her so much, that he could marry her at a random church right now if he wanted to.

"Wanna go get married now? We need two witnesses," he said in between kisses.

"Har, I haven't even called my Mom!" She giggled as he nipped at her neck.

He agreed with her to wait, and the couple recklessly made their way in his flat and made love for hours.

Soon after, tangled up in a mess of the sheets, Rayna came down from her experience and gandered at the shiny thing now on her finger.

"Do you like it?" Harry said in her ear, his arms wrapped around hers.

"Of course,"

He played with her fingers,
"These two," he gently rested his finger on the two diamonds resting perfectly on each side of the main diamond,
"Were my mother's, and I wanted them to be on here, for you," he sweetly said.

Rayna was overwhelmed by his love for her that all she could do was tear up.

"Oh, sweetheart," He said with a slight chuckle,
"Didn't mean to make you cry," he said kissing her forehead.

"I know, it's just so overwhelming," she sniffled,
"I'm not perfect, by any means, but I promise I'll be the best wife," she joked a little.

Harry smiled,
"And this is from France," he pointed at the sparkler.

She grinned at it and raised her arm up in the air to see the ring in the moonlight.

"It's beautiful," she said as she sighed in his shoulder.

"Like you," he commented.

She thoughtfully looked at it and realized that she was now engaged. To Harry. How the world works is so strange sometimes, she thought. She was on a high, and she never wanted to come down from it. She felt elated.

She rested her arm back down and fell asleep in her fiance's arms.


She awoke to the sound of a kettle whistling. She moaned awake, to the empty space beside her where Harry was, she couldn't help but gaze at the ring on her finger. It's what she first saw when she woke up. Checking if Harry was in bed.

Would she tell anyone? When will they announce it? Suddenly all of these questions started popping up and she didn't like it. What was to be an exciting thing, became an anxiety thing. It still really hasn't sunk in what really happened.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes as Harry entered the room.

"Our first morning as an engaged couple," he happily said, carrying a tray of tea for them.

She mustered up a smile for him. Pushing aside her anxiety.

"Morning," she muttered as his lips met hers.

"Cream and sugar as you like it," he said as he sat beside her.

"Mm," she said breathing in the divine tea, before sipping it in.

"So, I figured we would go to Grandmother with the news first, and the rest will fall in place," he said.

Rayna just nodded, and took another sip in. She didn't want to rain on his parade. She knew he was excited and she was as well.

"And it will be amazing, I promise," he assured her as he took his own sip.

"Will she be happy?" She asked.

"Well, of course, she knows how fond I am of you, she would want me to be happy, and you will be amazing," he reassured her by rubbing her knee.
It's as if he read her mind.

"Look, I know this can and will be a lot for you, but you need to trust me. I will do everything in my power to make this transition for you as smooth as possible. With the media, the family, the monarchy, everything. I swear to you," he said now holding her hand. The look in his eye told her he was genuine.

She nodded,
"Thank you," before sealing it with a kiss.


She held his hand as she waited for the Queen with Harry.

"Remember to curtsey, darling," he murmured.

"Right," she thanked him for the reminder.

He pecked her on the cheek as they were let in.

She curtsied before they sat down and greeted her.

"Well, we have exciting news, Grandmother," He beamed.

"And what is that?" The queen was always so poised and effortless to Rayna.

"I have asked Rayna to marry me," he looked at Rayna and squeezed her hand.

"And I just wanted, we just wanted to come to you for your blessing," he looked at her back to his grandmother who had on a blue popping outfit.

"I see," she smiled.
"Congratulations, you two,"
She seemed genuinely happy for the two of them.

"My grandson has always spoke highly of you," she now spoke to Rayna. Harry squeezed her hand once more for comfort. He knew how big of a deal this was.

Rayna smiled at her,
"And I'm so very proud of him to have found someone that has made him happy as you do, and I think you would be a wonderful addition to our family," she nodded as she asked to see the ring.

"Oh! Of course," she arose and gently leaned down to get to her level still sitting.

"Wonderful," she said,

"The two diamonds were Mum's," Harry added.

Rayna smiled as the queen nodded in approval.

"Wonderful," she said once more as Rayna took a seat beside Harry again.

"We will make the announcement at once," she nodded and congratulated them again.

"I wanted to tell William as well," Harry commented.

Rayna got a pit in her stomach almost all at once.

The queen simply nodded,
"I will phone you as soon as I can for arrangements of the announcement," She said as she buzzed them out.

They bid farewell to the queen as Harry kissed her cheek.

She took an audible breath out as they made their way back to Harry's.
Her palms were a bit clammy. Ever since he mentioned Will.

"You alright?" Harry popped her out of her thought of him.

She nodded,
"Just so glad that it went well with your grandmother," she brushed it off as that.

"Told you it would go well," he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Once they returned she called Bea. She needed advice. and now.
She let Harry know that she was visiting her for the engagement and he smiled at her as he agreed, before heading to a meeting of his own.

She called her and Beatrice was awfully curious as to what was going on with the tone of Rayna's voice. As she met at their favorite cafe as usual there was already wine ready for her.

The women hugged before sitting down across from one another.

"What is going on, love?" She asked.

Her hands were on her lap, before she set her hand on the table with her ring on her finger.

"No," Bea's mouth grew agape before cheering a little loudly.

"Heavens, Rayn!" She examined the ring.

"When did he-?"

"Last night," she smiled as Bea's eyes began to water.

She arose as she hugged Rayna tight.
"I'm so happy for you,"

"Me too," she said as they sat down again.

"Tell me how he proposed,"

"Well, I took off to a pub, out of all places and that's where,"

"At a bloody pub? So fitting for you two," she smiled.

"You think?"

"Might as well be at a pub," she giggled,
"Go on,"

"And he just did it, in front of everyone, but I didn't even notice them. The palace must have tipped them off to not say anything yet, because the media hasn't said anything," she quipped.

She smiled,
"And he got down on one knee and I was just shocked, I'm still in shock,"

She said looking down at her finger.

"He put Diana's diamonds on it,"

"That's why its bloody well gorgeous, everyone in the UK are going to want replicas of that ring!"

"It's so overwhelming, Bee. I mean, I'm wearing this ring and I'm going to be married," she shook her head in amazement.
"It's all so fast," she sighed with a rather glum look on her face.

Bea cleared her throat,

"William?" she said as a fact more than a question.
Rayna looked up at her from the ring and stayed quiet before nodding. Her attitude became conflicted and Beatrice noticed.

"I didn't think at all, I just said yes, because obviously that is what was my instant reaction was, to say yes," she murmured taking a long sip of her wine.

"Well, that's a good sign," Beatrice hopefully said. In reality, Bea knew that she loved Harry, but in love? She didn't know.

"Who knows?" She asked.

"The queen and you," She bit her lip,

"Will doesn't know?"

Rayna simply shook her head, holding in her thoughts on it.

"Who's going to tell him?"


Beatrice's eyes grew wide,
"Hells," she took her own long sip of wine.
"When's that sposed to happen?" She added.

"Dunno," she crossed her arms across her chest as some sort of comfort for herself.

"You can talk to me, Rayn, I understand everything is blurry right now, but maybe if you let those feelings out, we can get you sorted," Beatrice mused.

Rayna nodded, appreciating her sentiment. But did she really feel like letting all of her doubts and feelings out just... like that?

"Thank you," she genuinely said,
"But I just would like to be with you right now, away from that stuff," she smiled.

Beatrice, nodded understanding what Rayna wanted.

The women remained at their favorite cafe table, speaking of the fun times they had clubbing and began to be happily wine buzzed.

For a time, she had forgotten everything that was going on in her life. Until their time was interrupted by a phone call that she didn't expect to hear from.

It read, William.

She showed Bea the screen before answering it.

"Hello?" She said.

"Rayn, can we meet soon?" He said lowly.

"Uh, yeah, yeah where?" She answered him.

"Your place?"
That request seemed to be strange to her, but she was curious.

"Uh, yeah I'm actually having lunch with Bea, so just meet me there? My key is under my mat," she murmured.

"See you soon,"


Beatrice looked on in disbelief.

"You think he knows?"

"I mean, what else would it be about?" She asked.

"You better tell me afterwards," Beatrice said, standing up before cheersing their last sip of wine together before Rayna headed home.

What Rayna would do in this apartment with William, she did not intend. She slid off her engagement ring, and set it in her pocket before taking a deep breath and stepping inside.

There was William in her apartment, handsome as ever to her.

He stood as she walked through her door.

"Hey," she greeted him,
"Sorry if I took a bit long, traffic was crazy," she said.

"Nonsense," he smiled at her, as he signaled for her to sit beside him.

She nodded at him as she sat down.

"I wanted to see you personally, just the two of us, alone, I thought we could speak privately, for once," he glimmered.

She nodded, and didn't know what to do with her hands, so she fiddled with them, before William set his hand on hers. She was calmed almost instantaneously.

They locked eyes and his eyes went to her lips up back to her eyes. They hadn't been alone in she didn't know how long and this is why. Every single time it was fireworks.

"Will-" she murmured as their foreheads touched, she didn't realize how close they were sitting together until now.

"I know," he cooed back at her,
"I have missed you," he sighed, as he set a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Butterflies in her stomach began to form as she said she had missed him too.

She got away from him by setting her face down in her own hand.

"The engagement I presume is what you want to talk to me about?" He asked cutting to the chase.

She bit her lip and ran her hand through her hair.

"Will, that's a loaded question," she giggled lightly, covering up her uncomfortable attitude towards this whole situation.

"I apologize, I just want to know where your head is at, I don't mean to pry on you, ever," he said, rubbing her back soothingly. He seemed to want to touch her, whenever he could. He had missed their closeness.

"I know, Will, everything is just so overwhelming I couldn't even speak to Bea about all of this," she sniffled, shaking her head before gazing in his eyes.

"I understand," he eloquently said,
"Just know, I'm here, through anything, okay?"

"Thank you," was all she could muster out, before he comforted her in his arms. His warmth encapsulated her and she felt safe with him on her sofa. She was surprised that he hadn't even noticed the absence of her engagement ring and she was glad that he hadn't.

She breathed in his scent and never wanted to let go.
"I know what's going on, lovely," he murmured on her head, his chin resting on it.

"Do you?" She asked.

"Mm, remember what I told you? That I shouldn't have, but I said it, anyway?"

"I do, Will," she murmured in his chest.

"I meant it, I didn't get to marry the woman I love," those words have been stuck in her head ever since he whispered them in her ear. She didn't know what to say anymore. And that was dangerous for her.
She gazed in his eyes, and their lips were close to touching, she felt his breath that smelled of spearmint, their foreheads touching as he rested his hand behind her head.

"I loved you, so much, Will," she began to get teary eyed.

"I know you did, and on my part, I am so very sorry that it didn't work," he sighed as he began to kiss her tears that were now forming. Everything was so much, that when she saw Will everything poured out all at once.

She sniffled and audibly weeped, all of her sadness began to come out tenfold. Everything she had been holding in. The stress of absolutely everything.

William began shushing her, and cradling her like she was a child. She didn't realize how much she was holding in until she could let it out. She didn't know why William was the one she could let it out with, but she knew right then in there she would always love him. And that pained her.

"Look at me," he said, both of his hands cupping her cheeks,
Before kissing the tears away, she sniffled,
"I'm a mess," she said out loud.

"We all are, baby," he answered her, kissing her forehead tenderly.
She exhaled as somehow those words comforted her. She began to stop crying, and apologized.

That bugged William.
"Never apologize for that, ya hear me?" He said firmly, his finger holding her chin.

She nodded as he gazed in her eyes,
He looked like he wanted to say something, and he did,
"I told Harry he was moving too quickly with you," he confessed as he held her hand on her lap.

"What?" She asked, still composing herself as Will handed her a tissue.

"He told me about the engagement and I told him that it was too fast and he should at least wait for you to get used to things around here first, to transition, everything is already overwhelming for you, don't wanna make it worse," he said, shaking his head in disappointment at his brother.

She nodded and sniffled, asking him if he would like some coffee, needing a much needed break from this conversation for a second.

"Please," he said understanding, as he followed behind her as she prepared them some coffee.

As she was preparing, he came behind her, his hands rested on her hips, his head resting nicely on her shoulder.

It brought shivers to her back, his touch was still electric to her, even now.

"Cream?" She asked as she poured cream in hers, the clouds in her coffee reflecting from the rain outside her window.

"Please," he murmured, as she added cream to his as well.

She turned around to face him. The tension was becoming almost unbearable, but she thought of Harry and came back down to earth a bit.

She cleared her throat, and handed him his coffee.

"Just like you like it," she murmured as he smirked, taking a sip of the warm sweet liquid.

She sipped hers as well, and realized how quiet it was in her condo, so she turned a record on. She wanted to try to keep a level head whilst he was here, but it seemed to be quite the challenge.

As William set his coffee down on her coffee table, he took her hand gently, and began swaying with her to the music playing softly.
She smiled and asked him what he was doing.

"Dancing with an incredibly beautiful woman," he said matter of factly. She knew he was doing this to cheer her up. It reminded her of old times.

She grinned, and felt his hand on the small of her back and her head rested on his shoulder. He smelt just like she remembered. It brought her some sort of homesickness that she didn't recognize.

"I said yes, Will," she murmured referring to the proposal.

"I know," he said.

"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, as long as you are with me, you'll be just fine," the cigarettes after sex tune played on, and it somehow was fitting for the pair.

William was so warm with her, and she was so grateful. He wanted to comfort her, and he must have put some of his duties aside for the day just to spend some time with her.

"Have you accepted it?" She lowly asked, still on his shoulder, not wanting to see the look on his face as she asked.

"I'm not sure," he answered.
Obviously not, her conscience said. He told Harry that he thought it was too fast for him to do.

"What did Harry say?" She prodded.

"He didn't appreciate my concern," he said shortly, still gently swaying her around her living room.

She had wondered why Harry hadn't called her to let her know what was going on. But she drew it to him being busy. Whether that was the truth or not, she didn't know.

"I want to protect you," he said, breathing in her scent as well.

"If that means from my brother, then so be it," he added.
His protectiveness of her all these years later, surprised her a bit.

"You have to protect me from Harry?" She asked, now looking up at him.

"Afraid so," he answered her.


"My brother has always been impulsive, I love my brother, but I don't think he knows quite the degree of what is he going to put you through," he quipped, as their fingers interlocked.

"And that is?"

"The media, in particular, if we had-" he stammered a bit, choosing his words carefully,
"If we had married, it would have been different, I could ensure that you were protected from, everything," he said.

"And with Harry you don't think that would be?"

"I'm not sure," he murmured, with a shake of the head,
"Nevertheless, I know I will be there for you, if you ever need anything, absolutely anything," he said more to himself than her,

"You'll be there," she finished his sentence.

"Yes," he put it rather plainly.

"Mm," she said between her lips, her arms wrapping around him, as he enveloped her in response. She felt him kiss the top of her head before being interrupted by his cellphone.

"Suppose I have to take this," he said with a sigh.

"Alright," she said letting him go, as she picked her coffee back up, sipping on it, as he answered the phone.

"Yes, she's fine, I paid her a visit to check on her,"

Must be Harry.

Why hadn't he called her?

William shook his head as he hung up.

"What did he say?"

"He's bothered I'm here," he piqued his brows a bit.

"Oh," she sighed.

"I suppose I should leave you then," he gave her a sad grin.

"Okay," she nodded, her body language knew it told him that she didn't want him to leave. She adored his presence, his energy.

He kissed her forehead tenderly, without another word, and went to the door.

She let out a breath, before calling out his name, facing his back before he turned around as well to look at her.

"Thank you," she said.

"Don't thank me," he countered.
"I do it, because I love you," her breath caught in her throat as he said it.
"Always will," he said it, rather quickly, before Rayna made her way to him in a quick stride to his lips.

The kiss was tender and longing. He made her not think, the attraction was palpable. She lead with her heart, not her head and she knew it got her in trouble. William's hands cupped her face as the kiss began to turn deeper as his tongue found hers. It quickly became more urgent, as William shut the door behind him that he had planned to leave out of. The music still rang in the air, and time stopped for Rayna. She was lost in his lips. All that rang in her head was that he loved her. But it wasn't meant to be. And it was hard to let go. Before she knew it, they were leaning on the wall, still interlocking lips. She knew she initiated this, and William would have to be the one to stop it. He took a breath out, as he separated their lips.

She sighed with their foreheads touching,
"We have to stop, Rayn, I won't be able to say no," he warned her.
She knew what he referred to, and she knew well that he was telling the truth. He was good enough to stop this before it got too far and she respected him for it.

"Okay," she said letting a breath out, touching her lips,
"I'm sorry, I um, I shouldn't have," she stammered.

"No need for apologies, I just know my limits with you," he said kissing her temple before making his way out the door before giving her a last longing look.

"I-" he was trying to find the words before he said them,
"I love you," and he was gone.

He left her with the shock of his words, though should she be shocked? Not really. But just to hear him say those words so honestly was something she didn't think she could get used to.

Soon enough her phone rang.

She cleared her throat trying to clear Will from her mind,

"I was worried about you," his voice rang through.

"Mm, I'm fine, Har, Will just stopped by to talk,"

"Anything interesting?" He said a bit cold.

"Told me about his concerns about us moving fast,"

"What a joke," he said, irritated.

"I have Meghan under control, everything will be fine,"

"You have her under control? What does that mean?"

"It means things will be okay, I can guarantee that, and I don't think my brother out of all people should try to tell me what I can and cannot do when I love my fiance," he sounded territorial. And she didn't blame him. She wanted to remain neutral, so she told him she loved him. And that seemed to break the ice of irritation from Harry's side.

He sighed of relief and said it back to her.

"Does that mean I have to move in with you now?" Rayna half joked.

"I'm thinking, probably, you already have the key," he chuckled.

"I'll come pick you up soon, I miss you," he murmured.

"Okay, I miss you too, I'm gonna go freshen up," she clarified before hanging up the phone.

She stared at her cellphone for a second soaking in what had just happened with William, and how smoothly she transitioned from him to Harry. She felt like a horrible person as she got ready for Harry.

Was Meghan really out of the picture? She didn't know. She knew as long as William had any say in it, she would be fine. She thought of his lips on hers, and she began to feel beyond guilty. From that day forward she promised herself to never open herself like that up again with anyone but Harry. Should she tell Harry what just transpired?
She didn't know, she thought as she put a low cut black dress on that fit her perfectly. She sprayed her perfume on, and put some nude lipstick on.
She looked at herself in the mirror and believed every word that William said.

Nothing was going to hurt her, as long as he was around.

She picked up her jeans, realizing she left her engagement ring in it.

"Keep on loving you" by cigarettes after sex played on as she looked at the beautiful ring now in her hand. Guilt, love, and all of the above played in her head.

What had she gotten herself into?

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