By simplyflaw

1.7M 51.4K 72.7K

❝ why are you throwing bonemeal at me?!" ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"so you grow the fuck up. ❞ 𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 [𝘢𝘮... More

000. prologue
001. the portmanteau's legacy
002. everyone meet god
003. drawing trees on paper
004. appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak
005. i solemnly swear that i am up to no good
006. the war to end all wars but not quite
008. may the 4th be with you
009. i was having a good sleep
010. get out, i need to go to my mind palace
011. gay dinosaur
012. they're just besties
013. shut up, george
014. I think you cracked the case, steve
015. always the goddamn babysitter
016. only in florida
017. the only straight I am is a straight-up bitch
018. act fool
019. shut up emily
020. ten minutes and thirty-nine seconds
021. we had some laughs, it was fun
022. I don't even know a samantha
023. I think there's been some confusion, I'm not the one in trouble here
024. it's the confidence for me
025. are you happy to be in paris?
026. you don't have a TV?
027. it's definitely not excité
028. I say more dumb shit before 9am than most people do all day
029. love or host
030. cereal killer
031. the turning point
032. mother knows best
033. cooties
034. abort mission
035. is there something you want to hear?
036. muffin
037. flatty patty
038. barbie says you're a piece of shit
039. achievement unlocked: the end?
040. achievement unlocked: the end.

007. someone dictate my will, i'm giving it all to waddles

41.2K 1.5K 1.6K
By simplyflaw


chapter seven
· ━━━━━━ ୨💌୧ ━━━━━━ ·
❝ someone dictate my will, i'm giving it all to waddles ❞

-ˋˏ irl! ˎˊ-

"You ready boys?" Tommy asked his chat as he logged into the Dream SMP server.

"Welcome," he boasted, spawning in his base. "Welcome, welcome― What the fuck."

Tommy spawned in his base, however, it didn't look much like it always has been.

The dirt had been changed to netherack, some had been set ablaze, and the trees looked similar to those crimson ones you see in the nether.

Who the hell brought the Crimson biome back with them to the overworld?

"What the fuck, man?!" Tommy repeated, looking around his whole property.

He opened the discord server and joined Tubbo and Fundy's voice call.

"―just doing act one," came Fundy's voice. "Tommy!" He exclaimed after he noticed that the other young brit joined the call. "We're doing Shakespeare!"

"Yeah, no―"

"Yeah, we're doing Shakespeare!" Tubbo cheered.

"No, where are―"

"We're doing Shakespeare!" repeated Fundy excitedly, interrupting Tommy again. "Oh, no. Tommy, no, no, no."

"This is more important," Tubbo stated.

The blonde boy grumbled. "Why is my entire base the nether?" he asked.

Fundy paused. "Um, I dunno," he said.

"I dunno," Tubbo shrugged.

"Why are you both trying to― was it you Fundy?" Tommy pointed his crossbow at him. "Why is my base the nether? Hm?"

"I don't know! We're just doing a play," Fundy replied.

"Relax," Tubbo complained.

"Tubbo," Tommy walked over to him, his crossbow still charged. "Have you seen my base?"


"And you didn't even try and alert me?!"

"No, I did!" Tubbo quickly interjected when Skeppy suddenly joined the discord call.

Fundy gasped. "We're gonna do a play!" he explained to Skeppy. "We're gonna do Shakespeare. Do you wanna reenact act one with us, Skeppy?" he then asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely," responded Skeppy. "Okay, what are we doing?"

"Yes!" Fundy cheered and Tommy sighed.

What about his base!

"Wait," Tubbo haulted. "Does everyone have their Minecraft language set to Shakespearean?"

Tommy grimaced and opened his settings. He scrolled down until he reached the language setting, and surely, he found it. He raised his eyebrows and clicked on it.

"My knife's still called knife," Tommy noted, looking through his inventory for any changes.

He moved his mouse to his carrots and snorted, "Caret."

Tommy zoomed in on Tubbo while Fundy laughed in the background.

Dream can be spotted walking past them on the wooden path, it looked like he was quite in a rush.

Tommy laughed loudly as Tubbo insisted that they start acting.

Dream then turned around and walked up to them and stood by Fundy and Skeppy, who were watching Tommy and Tubbo miserably failing at starting the show.

Although he wasn't in their call, Dream enjoyed watching their ridiculous acting from Tommy's stream. He placed down a boat and sat in it, enjoying the show.

Sometime in between the teens' antics, Tommy had accidentally pressed tab and spotted Phe0niX amongst the online players.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Tommy Ordered. "Malak is here," he said. "She's on the server! Let's add her to the VC."

Malak's player suddenly teleported in front of Tommy's and he jumped away.

"What's up," she greeted and Tommy screamed.

"OH MY GOD!" he shrieked, shocked, and Skeppy snickered.

"Hello, Phe0niX," the latter punched her character as she tried climbing up onto the railings.

"Hello, Skeppy," she returned the punch.

Skeppy fell off from his chair and she took his seat. "Oops?" she giggled and Skeppy scowled.

"Hey," He pouted and Malak jumped onto the next one, giving his seat back to him.

"Malak!" Tubbo grinned and crouched happily once in front of her. "You haven't been on for a week."

"I was a bit busy," Malak informed him. "I had to help record a video for each of my friends," she explained. "Why, what could have I possibly missed?"

"Nothing," Blurted Tommy and Malak sighed.

"Tubbo," she called and Tommy mumbled a couple of curses under his breath.

"Uh," the other teen chuckled nervously. "Tommy's right, nothing really happened apart from that one stream where Tommy accidentally ran over Dream using a― a minecart? I think."

Malak blinked. "Tommy ran over Dream using a minecart?" she repeated.

"Yes," Tubbo confirmed. "Tommy ran over Dream using a minecart."

"And Dream died?"

"And Dream died."

"Is that― is that even possible?" Fundy spluttered, confused.

Tubbo laughed, "I think so?"

"Fucking loser," Skeppy cackled.

<Dream> that is so rude

<Skeppy> ok

"But now we got Leverage!" Tommy told her. "He lost most, if not all, of his stuff."

"We're going to trade some of them for Tommy's discs," Tubbo informed her. "Some, because I'm sure we can spare a few things."

Tommy gasped. "Tubbo," he said. "You are so smart."

"Tommy," Tubbo responded. "Yes."

"Malak," Tommy grinned. "Do you want Dream's armour?"

"What?" Malak chortled.

"No, his crossbow," Tubbo cut in. "Malak, you would have definitely wanted to have his crossbow."

"Tubbo, you are so so smart," Tommy praised. "Malak, do you want Dream's crossbow?"

Malak hummed thoughtfully. "You two can keep that, it's important and I think you'll need it," she chuckled. "I'm going to leave now."

"Okay," Tubbo said. "Bye!"

Tommy furrowed his brows, "What do you mean by 'it's important'? Also, where are you going?"

"To my house."

"Can we come?"

"No, you cannot," Malak replied, already on her way towards her small station right outside L'manburg, and Tommy huffed.

She left their VC and rushed towards the lighted railway. She placed down a Minecart, hopped on, and was on her way to her base. It usually took her a good minute to arrive.

Much like Tommy, Malak was currently streaming on her twitch account with a good amount of viewers.

She looked over to her other screen, where she could see her live chat and adjust the stream's settings, to see how many were currently watching her.

"Thirty-seven thousand? That's crazy!" She chuckled. "I haven't streamed for years. Can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Zayn was right. I did miss this."

It was true, Malak used to be a popular streamer a few years back. At the age of seventeen, to be precise.

She used to stream with Zayn, whom she's known for years now.

They took a break to focus on their senior and final year in high school, but Zayn was the only one who got back to streaming. Malak occasionally popped up in his videos. That's how she met Nolan and Ryan, the twins.

- ', [ user 1 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $10
haha I may or may not remember back when you were streaming when you were only seventeen

"Really?" Malak lifted a brow. "I mean― wow. Okay, that's awesome!"

She finally arrived at her base, a simple cottage in the middle of a thick, spruce forest, and proceeded to enter her house.

She hasn't farmed or fed her animals in a week, where she had last streamed only for a few minutes, so she might as well finish the job whilst talking to her chat.

Malak opened the door to her house and entered, heading straight for the storage room located under the kitchen.

She picked up some wheat, seeds, and carrots from the numerous chests and climbed back up.

She then clicked on each of her furnaces to see what she had left on to cook.

From the corner of her screen, however, Malak spotted something bright green trying to hide behind a faraway tree. You could barely see it, but Malak had caught it pretty quickly.

She closed her furnaces and walked out from the back door of her house.

A few blocks away was a small clearing she had made and transformed into her small yet effective farm.

She first headed to remove the fully grown plants and then proceeded to use the seeds to replant. Malak then fed her chickens, pigs, and Clarice, her single cow.

She did all of the above while pressing her F5 key repeatedly, hoping to catch that green bastard once again (she did catch him following her in a few shots).

- ', [ user 2 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5
My friend is an old fan of yours and told me that you used to stream with a webcam. What's changed your mind?

She hummed. "I actually don't mind you guys knowing what I look like," admitted Malak, moving Clarice around with a lead. "But, it's been a long ass time since I last streamed and I would like to adjust first, y'know? Get comfortable and all that."

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $10
Don't worry! We understand that you're not comfortable enough to show your face :D You streaming is the best thing that has happened in a 'long ass time'!

"Thank you," she smiled, toggling her F5 key. "This means a lot."

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5
also, i am not OLD! im an OG.

Malak laughed and placed down a fence in another small clearing, attaching Clarice's lead to it.

"There," she beamed, feeding the cow some wheat and walking back to her house, where she placed everything back in the storage room.

She walked back up and out of her house, clicking F5 yet again.

"Okay," she turned around abruptly, spotting Dream's nametag.

He immediately sneaked.

"I'm getting tired of this," she pulled out her enchanted bow and shot at him using her Harming II arrows.

It hit Dream right in his arm and he immediately ran away.

"Fucking Loser," Malak quoted Skeppy.

<Dream> that's not very nice of you

<Tubbo_> ?

<Tommyinnit> die.

"Let's call him, Chat," Malak suggested.

Dream beat her to it and called her first.

Malak chuckled. "Dream!" She yelled at him as soon she answered. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Just leave me alone!" He pleaded.

Malak squawked. "Says the one who's been following me!" she retorted, shaking her head in disbelief. "Now, what do you want?" she demanded.

"Fine," Dream huffed. "I was looking for something to use against you," he walked up to her. "As far as I know, you've shown no sign of upholding any attachments. I'm starting to think you don't actually have feelings, or emotions, or valuables."

"So you're implying that I'm supposed to cherish some random disc or― or yet the leftovers of my dead animal?"

"Don't bring Spirit into this."

"I'll bring whatever and whomever the fuck I want into this conversation, Dream," she spat. "Maybe I should've taken Tommy and Tubbo up on their offer. I might have been able to burn your horse's leather."

Dream gasped, "Take that back."

"Make me."

"I'll kill you."

"No, you won't."

"Oh yeah? Try me."

"Okay," shrugged Malak, pulling out her netherite sword and knocking him a few blocks back.

"WHAT THE HELL," Dream shrieked. "How did you do so much damage?"

Malak giggled. "Oh, Dreamm," she called.

"No, no," Dream replied, laughing. "You don't―  don't say that! You don't get to do that, you don't!"

"Dreamm," Malak continued, giggling. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

"Okay, stop," Dream snorted. "I won't kill you, I promise. Just― just put your sword away and I'll come back."

"I don't trust you," Malak narrowed her eyes.

"Neither do I," said Dream, but he still walked out from the forest and kept his distance from her.

Swiftly, he pulled out his crossbow and shot at her.

Phe0niX was shot by Dream using [DEFINITELY NOT PENIS]

"WHAT," Boomed Malak, slamming her fists on her desk. "BUT I THOUGHT―"

Dream erupted into a fit of loud laughs.

"What," She mumbled, respwaning in her hut and heading back out to pick up her stuff. "When did you manage to get your crossbow back? I literally― I just― what the fuck just happened?"

Malak faltered and Dream laughed even harder.

Oh, how much he would've payed to have seen her face.

"I― Dream, where is my sword?" She punched him and he wheezed.

Dream opened his inventory and checked the enchantments on the sword he had picked up.

"Holy shit," he gasped. "No wonder that sword deals too much damage! Look at how many enchantments you've placed on it."

"Give it back."

"I don't think so," he grinned.

"Oh my God― you know what, fine," she said, walking into her house and climbing up the stairs. "Keep it."

Dream stopped laughing. "Wait― what?" He hesitated. "No― no, come back," He pouted, entering her house and following her to the second story.

Malak had decided it would be a good idea to reorganise her chests.

"Fuck off," she ordered, descending the stairs.

Dream trailed after her.

- ', [ user 2 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5

"I agree," Malak nodded, enetering her storage room.

Dream frowned, "What?"


"What do you agree with?" He insisted and hit her.

Phe0niX was slain by Dream using [Run <3]

"Oh―" Dream laughed, he hit her with her own sword.

"I hate you," Malak grumbled and proceeded to end the call. She then blocked him on discord.

"Just blocked a green man, feeling good," she sang, swaying her head from side to side. "I'm swaying my head, by the way, chat."

Dream hit her with his bare hand this time, but Malak ignored him.

"I might as well go mining," she said. "Don't be shy! Ask me questions, guys."

- ', [ user 4 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5
I'm bored so here goes nothing. I actually like your voice. Can/Do you sing?

"I can sing," Malak answered. "But I don't have the best singing voice," she warned her viewers. "What do you guys want me to sing? Chat?"

She looked at her other monitor and chuckled, "Someone really said WAP."

"No, no, no!" She squealed, laughing and realising her mistake. "I am not singing that."

- ', [ user 6 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $9

"I can't sing WAP, I do know how to dance to it though," she shook her head. "and NO, I will not dance to it on stream!"

- ', [ user 5 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $20
You can dance?

"Yes," Malak beamed. "Yes, I can. I've been dancing for years; started at the age of thirteen."

She grabbed her diamond pickaxe, a couple of torches and food, and walked out of her hut.

It was nighttime. She walked to the back of her house and stalked towards a cave; Dream still chased after her and punched her from time to time in an attempt to grab her attention.

She had obviously already been in this cave before, there were several torches placed around, but she headed into a dark path and dropped down into an underground ravine.

Dream followed suit and put down a number of torches around the both of them.

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $30
You once said you've read all the Harry Potter books, what's your favourite and what house are you in?

"I love this question!" Exclaimed Malak, mining the iron she had landed on. "My favourite book and movie is certainly the prisoner of Azkaban. The third book was the one who really got me hooked up with the series. No spoilers for those who haven't watched/read. Also, I'm a fellow Slytherin, what are you guys' houses?"

Malak stopped mining and looked at her chat. Most of them were spamming Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but she did spot a few Hufflepuffs in there too.

Dream killing a zombie brought her attention back to her Minecraft screen and she continued where she stopped.

"Diamonds!" She quietly cheered, mining the blocks surrounding the diamond ores to make sure there was no lava, when Dream proceeded to steal said diamonds from her.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She groaned, punching him with her pickaxe. "Whatever," she huffed, "I need gold to be able to trade in the nether."

- ', [ user 7 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $11
Thoughts on the next MCC?

"Yep," Malak remembered. "I'm looking forward to the upcoming one! I've been helping out Zayn train for this MCC. You know, giving him quick, effective tips and all. He's also teamed up with Sapnap, George, and Eret! So I'm obviously going to be rooting for them."

Dream hit Malak repeatedly, seemingly angrily, and she hummed disapprovingly.

"Dream," Malak sighed. "You're watching my stream, aren't you?"

Dream nodded his head and punched her one last time before turning his back and running the opposite way.

"Anyway," Malak rolled her eyes and searched around the ravine's walls. "Oh! I see some gold over there― Dream!"

Dream deciced to mine the gold she was pointing at and turned and walked away, again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

<Dream> :(

<Dream> unblock me

"I most certainly will not― STOP!" She shrieked, hitting him back. "Just leave me alone, please."

Dream swiveled around and stalked towards Malak so close that his minecraft skin took most of her screen.

"And get out of my fucking face―"

Phe0niX was slain by Dream using [Run <3]

"Motherfucker," she cursed, respawning by her bed. Malak walked down the stairs and out of her home to where Dream stood outside her door.

He dropped her stuff. Everything (including the diamonds and gold ores he stole) except for her sword. He then grabbed a minecart and left.

Malak stared at his retreating figure. "I'm literally so confused."

Malak watched Dream's nametag slowly disappear as he travelled along her railway, her sword still in his inventory.

She didn't know whether he was pissed or just butt-hurt about the whole situation and, honestly, Malak couldn't care less.

What did matter was that he had her sword, and she knew that he'll attempt to use it against her.

Malak won't let that happen, however. She had a few other enchanted swords, and her beloved axe still lay silent in her ender chest.

The truth is, Malak's stuff had a lot of meaning to her, especially her weapons, but she wouldn't die for them. No, not to that extent.

She shrugged and turned around, heading back into her base.

Malak walked down to her storage room and opened her ore chest, grabbing half a stack of gold.

"Let's go trade with some piglins," she said. She put her netherite armour on and walked back up and out of her house from the back door.

Right under the kitchen window was the entrance to her basement, where all the brewing and magic took place. And in the far end of said basement stood her nether portal. She walked through the portal and into the nether.

"There's a crimson forest nearby," she informed her viewers. "There," she jumped, pointing far ahead. "Let's go."

Malak used a proper bridge she had built over the massive lava lake connecting the crimson forest to the nether wastes.

It didn't take her long to arrive to the other side, where she found a pair of adult piglins and a youngling. She handed the latter a single piece of gold and it ran far away.

"It'll no longer bother us," she stated and dropped gold at each of the piglins' feet.

As Malak waited for them to trade back, She took the opportunity to look at her chat. She grinned at a few comments and then looked back at her Minecraft game.

- ', [ user 8 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $3
Do you have any pets irl?

"Technically, no," Malak smiled sadly. "I used to have a dog, but it passed away a long time ago. Zayn does own a cat, however, and it likes me better! The cat's name is Leo."

One of the piglins had dropped her some pearls. "Sweet!"

- ', [ user 9 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just  donated $10
I'm sorry for ur loss!! Clearly sounded like the dog meant a lot to you. What abt your favourite minecraft animal?

"I love foxes," Answered Malak. "They're just so cute and fluffy looking, especially those snow ones!"

The second piglin dropped some obsidian and she groaned. She hands them each another piece of gold and patiently waits.

"I would've tamed a fox, but I haven't spotted a single one nearby," she explained. "Do you guys think I should get a Minecraft pet or something?"

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5
you should get a baby pig!

"A piglet?" chuckled Malak while both piglins dropped her some magma cream. "I mean, okay. Why not?"

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $5
omg― name it waddles.
I am begging you.

"Oh my god― wait―" Malak gasped, eyes growing wider as she reread the donation. "That's genius! I'm so getting a piglet and naming it Waddles. Where are my Gravity Falls stans at?"

Malak picked up the obsidian and blaze rods the piglins gave her and dropped some more gold. "User three, I fucking love you," she smiled, watching her chat go crazy.

- ', [ user 3 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $10
I fucking love you too <3

Malak laughed and picked up the ghast tears and spider eyes. "I think that's enough trading for today," she turned around, deciding it was time she head back to her portal.

She stopped suddenly and zoomed in at the nearby fortress. A nametag was moving around. She frowned.

Malak hummed as she entered the fortress and walked towards the nametag, spotting Wilbur.

"Oh," she watched him struggle against a hoard of zombie pigmen and stifled a laugh. "Yeah. Nevermind, guys."

She turned around, leaving Wilbur to fend for himself, and walked back to her portal where she was teleported back to the overworld.

She set up some potions to brew in the meantime and got out of her basement, only to be met with a little pig.

Malak stared down at it for a while before placing a lead on it and dragging it into her house.

"Okay," she closed her door. "Stay," she then ordered and went to grab a nametag from the storage, rushed back up to the little pig, and proceeded to name it Waddles.

"Chat," she started. "Chat, I'd like you to meet our pig, Waddles. Yes, our pig."

username1: but why waddles?

username2: ah, yes. communism 👍

username3: i am crying /pos

username4: im gonna have to rewatch gravity falls for the fifth time now haven't i?

username5: Waddles has currently thirty-nine thousand parents ヽ(´▽')/

username6: you just HAD to get us all get attached to it, huh?

username7: thank you so much what

username8: waddles is perfect

username9: POGCHAMP!!!

username10: @ItsJustZayn you forgot to mention you had a fucking cat named leo.


username12: i love that show so much

username13: can we please see what leo looks like?

username14: malak you cannot keep doing this to us

username15: im actually scared of pigs

"Waddles loves carrots," Malak fed him one and green sparkles enveloped the baby pig. "If I keep feeding him, he'll grow up faster. We don't want that now, don't we?"

Waddles followed her around as she held a carrot in her hand. He even walked up the stairs and stood on her bed.

"Regardez-moi ce visage!" Malak gushed. "Il est adorable, n'est-ce pas?"

Waddles wandered around her room, but he seemed to find Malak's bed especially comfortable. So, he settled there.

"Alright, Waddles. You stay here while I go back mining, d'accord?" The pig looked at her and squealed and Malak smiled back, "Okay then."

She then heard her phone buzz and glanced at the notification; It was a message from an unknown number.

Malak ignored it and continued streaming, but her phone kept on buzzing and she grumbled, "excuse me while I put my phone on silent."

- ', [ GeorgeNotFound ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $1
answer your phone

"George, you cheap ass bitch," joked Malak. Her smirk soon faltered and was replaced by a frown. "How'd you get my number?"

- ', [ GeorgeNotFound ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just donated $4

Malak sighed. "Give me a second," she told him, turning her phone on and skimming through the texts. He had asked her if he could join her stream. "Yeah. Of course, George," she smiled and instantly, the former joined the voice channel she sat in.

"Hello, Malak!" He greeted while Malak decided to travel deeper into the cave she had just walked into.

"Hi, George!" she responded as cheerfully. "How did you get Wilbur to give you my number?"

George laughed. "I just asked him and he gave it to me," he said.

"I thought I told him not to go sharing my number with people," Malak scowled. "That's fine, I suppose. Are you on the server?"

"Yes," he replied. "I'm actually on my way over to your house."

"Really?" Malak asked. "I'm currently mining in a cave, though. I'll meet you in a moment."

"No, that's fine. Take your time!" George insisted. "Wow," he then gasped. "You clean up really well. Your place looks awesome, Malak."

"Thank you, George," Malak smiled. "I'm on my way."

"Then I hope you don't mind if I entered your house."

"No, I don't. Just don't take anything."

"Okay," George agreed and looked around the place. He must have entered her room because he pointed out that "There's a baby pig on your bed."

"That must be Waddles."

"Waddles?" He repeated, staring it dead in its eyes. "Oh my God, Malak. Your Pig's so cute."

"Thank you! My stream and I appreciate that. He's our pet," Malak explained and George awed.

"Can he be my pet too?" he asked as she joined his side.

"Of course," she laughed. "The more the better."

"He's got so many parents," George giggled and Malak joined in.

"Anyways," she remarked. "Why'd you want to join my stream?"

"I saw that you were live and wanted to see what you were up to," George answered. "Also, Dream says he'll give you your sword back if you unblock him on discord."

"He can keep my sword, I don't care."

"Yes, you do. Just― will you please unblock him so he'd stop pestering me?" George pleaded. "He just won't stop whining!"

Malak laughed as he continued complaining, "Malak, Please."

"Alright," she rolled her eyes and complied. "But he still owes me an apology for killing me twice with no reason."

"Well, the first time was a mistake and the second time, I believe, has something to do with you... betraying him?"

Malak narrowed her eyes, "How is helping my friend with the next MCC betrayal?"

"He's probably just jealous―"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"―You've been giving him a lot of attention these past few days and now he's clingy."

"And he calls Tommy a child," Malak shook her head. "Why does he care, anyway! Aren't we 'sworn enemies'?"

"You know about that?" George chuckled.

"How could I not? The guy hates me!"

"No, he doesn't," George countered. "As I previously mentioned, he's probably just jealous."

"Unblocked," Malak informed him. "You owe me now, Mr NotFound. Also, stop saying that."

"That I do," he laughed. "Thank you."


"Mhm," George snickered and Malak punched him. "Hey―?!"

"You literally asked for it," she retorted.

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Shut up," George huffed playfully and crossed his arms.

The call grew quiet for a while; A good type of quiet, George decided, before he spoke again.

"When are you flying out to London?" he asked.

Malak hummed. "We haven't thoroughly discussed it, the boys and I," she replied.
"Besides, we've known each other for barely a few days."

"No, it's definitely been two weeks."


"Yeah! And that's after you officially joined the SMP too," George stated. "I would also like to meet you in person, and before 'the boys' do too. Why else would I ask?" he chuckled, feeding Waddles some carrots.

The pig paced around Malak's room before settling on her bed again.

"I remember you saying something about you currently visiting your friends. When is your flight back?"

"Ah, I see where this is going," Malak grinned. "Okay, Mr NotFound. My flight back to France is a few days after MCC."

"Could you change your flight back and fly out to London, instead? I'm serious," George asked of her.

Malak furrowed her brows, thinking. "I could do that, actually," she said. "I mean― Okay, sure. Why the fuck not?"

"Seriously?" George gasped happily.

"YES!" he chortled. "GUYS, IT WORKED!"

"What worked?" she tilted her head.


"Was that Sapnap?" Malak squawked at her screen. "Is Dream in here too?" she scowled as they continued cheering. "George, explain. Now."

"Hi!" Sapnap exclaimed, laughing.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Cried Malak and she hid her face in the palm of her hands.

"Long story short; after you said you were gonna fly out to London, George invited us over too!" Dream began explaining and Malak peered at her screen. "We just weren't sure when you'd be coming so we asked Wilbur and the rest, but they told us that you guys hadn't talked about it yet because the lot of you were busy."

Malak hummed and gestured for him to go on.

Dream chuckled nervously but continued nonetheless, "So we all agreed to have our schedule cleared the week after MCC for us all to meet up."

"We couldn't let TommyInnit meet you before we did," Sapnap added as a matter of fact. "Also, can you please promise me that you'll teach me how to dance to WAP."

"I promise I'll teach you how to dance to WAP, Sapnap," Malak rolled her eyes. "By the way, how'd you guys know I'd agree?" she squinted at her discord tab.

"Well, you did say you wanted to book a flight! So, I'd say it was a sixty percent chance that you actually went through with that," Sapnap said. "Oh! And we had George suggest the idea because he's currently the closest to you."

"How could you?" Malak grimaced and took control of her game again. She turned to George and started to hit him.

"Oh, shut up," George chuckled. "You know you love me."

Malak hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe," she smirked and did not add anything.

George's eyes widened and he sputtered in disbelief, "W―what?"

For the second time this day, the call grew quiet; The bad type of quiet, George decided this time too.

"Oh my God," Malak cackled. "I'm just kidding. You guys are awkward as fuck."

"You scared me!" George argued. "I thought you meant it and I panicked! I didn't know what to say!"

"The thing is, we never really know when your joking or not," Sapnap admitted.

"Jesus," Malak snorted. "Am I actually that good?"

"No," Dream shrugged. "Sapnap's just dumb."

"Dream, have you heard yourself?"

- ', [ user 6 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just
donated $10
dream team meetup!! it's happening!!

"I completely forgot I was live!" Malak gasped. "I'm so sorry I left you guys hanging."

- ', [ user 10 ] ꒱ ↷🖇 just
donated $15
Hello Malak :D No need to apologise! It's always fun watching you interact with the members of the SMP. Also, wishing the guys good luck in the upcoming MCC!

"Thank you, user ten!" Beamed George and Dream chuckled.

"Maybe we should talk more about this off-stream," Malak suggested. "I've been live for a while anyway."

"I agree," Sapnap said. "Does this mean you're ending?"

Malak nodded, "Mhm! If you want you can bid the viewers goodbye."

"Oh, I will," Sapnap spoke. "I stan your chat, they're so cool."

"Bye, Malak's stream!" George smiled.

"Bye, guys!" Sapnap then cheered.

"Okay," chirped Malak. "Thank you for watching my stream, chat! I appreciate you all."

"You're going to make them cry, again," Dream teased. "Look at the sobbing emojis."

Malak glanced at her chat and laughed. "Chat," she called fondly. "Don't cry, we're raiding Tubbo today! Why don't you guys keep an eye on our beloved bee boy for me and tell him that I say hi."

The sobbing emojis stopped rolling in, replaced instead by her viewers bidding her a good night and promising they'd relay the message.

"Sapnap's right, your chat is awesome," Dream noticed. "I hope you guys have a good day!"

Sapnap and George murmured in agreement while Malak sent her couple thousand viewers to Tubbo, who shrieked in delight once the notification was sent in.

"Oh my god!" Tubbo expressed joyfully. "Thank you, Malak!" he smiled at the camera and waved (chat had kept their promise). "I appreciate that. Thank you, again!"

Malak then made sure that she had ended her stream and left the game when, suddenly, it sounded like someone was knocking on the door of her room.

Sapnap and George instantly fell quiet, curiosity piqued.

A lock clicked open and the sound of a door creaking open reached the boys' ears before someone gently shook a paper bag.

"Mon ange," a gruff voice called. "T'es encore occupé?

"Non, 'pa," Malak replied . "Give me a moment! Je te rejoins dans une minute."

"On diffuse aussi Star Wars à la télé," her father (the boys deduced) laughed before the door clicked back shut.

"WHICH ONE?" Malak yelled after him. "Holy shit― okay," rushed Malak.

"What happened?" George asked. "Was that your father, Malak?"

"It was," she nodded. "He ordered sushi, so I'm gonna go and eat dinner with him."

"Malak watches Star Wars confirmed?" Sapnap questioned, nodding in approval.

"How could I not? I bet you they're playing revenge of the sith too," she enthused. "I'll text you guys later."

"Have fun, Malak!" George said right before she disconnected and Sapnap sighed.

"She ditched us for sushi, ew," Dream gagged and they laughed together.

-ˋˏ 💌 ˎˊ-

author's note

malak: *not giving dream attention*
clingywastaken: well i'll be a bitch

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