Grindelwald's heir(Incomplete)

By Noobysir

73.3K 1.2K 275

Harry go through a inheritance test and finds out that he isn't a half-blood, he is a pureblood wizard. Also... More

Ch.1 Gellert Grindelwald
Ch.3 The Inheritance
Ch.4 Meeting the Malfoys
Ch5. Hogwarts Express
Ch.6 Sorting Ceremony
Ch.7 Lessons with Gryffindor
Ch.8 Seeker
Ch.9 Polyjuice Potion
Ch.10 Weasley got detention
Ch.11 Troll Attack
Ch.12 The Broomstick race
Ch.13 Detention with Mcgonagall

Ch.2 Going To Gringotts

7.5K 134 11
By Noobysir

This is the second chapter of this fanfiction and I hope you like it.

1992, Privet Drive 4, Surrey

Like everyday, Harry woke up with the sound of Aunt Petunia banging on his cupboard door. "WAKE UP BOY!" 

Harry woke up, found a T-shirt with a spider inside and wore it on, then went to the kitchen. And Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon started ordering Harry to cook the breakfast. While Dudley is watching television. "Are you daydreaming, boy!?"Uncle Vernon shouted. Harry immediately looked at the bacon he is frying and figured out it is all black, he got a punch and a kick from his uncle and he was called to do it again. The dream Harry had dreamed yesterday is such a nice dream, a white haired man holding him and stroking his head, no one has ever do this to him.

After eating breakfast, the post arrived and uncle Vernon ordered harry to get the post. Harry found out there is two letters addressed to him, he has never got sent by a letter before. He figured he would go back to his cupboard to read it.

Harry handed the other letters to uncle Vernon and went straight to his cupboard. The letters said:

Harry Potter:

You have been invited by us to come to the Gringotts Bank because you are now 11 years old so you can claim your inheritance. This letter is a portkey and will transfer you to the bank at 1:30p.m. sharp. We await your arrival.

Gringotts Manager                                                                                                                                                      Griphook

Harry decided to go to the gringotts bank first(Which he never know what bank it is)then open the next letter. 

At 1:30p.m. Harry touched the letter with trembling hands and he immediately teleported to a large looking hall with flaming torches. Harry saw funny looking people wearing cloaks following a creature to a mine. Harry walked to the edge of the room and see a goblin(WHAT) writing some letters.

"A! You must be Harry Potter, Is it?" The goblin writing letters said without looking at him.

"Eh...Yes I am." Harry replied.

The goblin leaded him to another room and saw another goblin inside.

"Harry Potter! finally you're here. I am called Griphook, I think you may know me in the letter."The goblin named Griphook said.

The goblin saw harry with a confused look and ask him do he know about the wizarding world. Harry shook his head, Griphook shouted"WHAT! I think I will told you about it later after doing the inheritance test."

Griphook handed harry a parchment and a small knife and told him to cut a few blood onto the parchment to prove he is Harry Potter and another parchment is a inheritance test.

After ten minutes waiting for the blood to dry, words began to appear on both parchment.

Griphook started reading the first parchment and nearly fainted after reading the first line.

"This...This....This thing is just impossible." Griphook said.

"What do you mean?" Harry said confused.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but it will be more interesting for the chapter.HEHE😅

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